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Little is known about the materials that university departments purchase for their own use. This study examines materials purchased for other departments at the University of Michigan, whether these materials were also held in the University of Michigan Libraries' collections, and the subjects of the materials purchased. Titles purchased for departmental collections were searched in the libraries' online public catalog to determine whether they were held by the University Libraries, and if so, their subject. The majority of titles purchased for departmental libraries were held in the University Libraries collection. As a whole, the purchases were concentrated in science, technical, and medical fields; moreover, titles in these fields were more likely than others to be duplicated in the University Libraries. This study provides initial insight into the relation of independent departmental collections and raises many questions about the relation of such collections to central university libraries.  相似文献   

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was a major public health emergency on a global scale. The literature regarding the pandemic and its impact on academic libraries is still rising. This article examines the two-year process of developing a flexible service scenario and the broader picture by analyzing data on Chinese top university libraries' programmes and outreach initiatives prior to, during, and the normal COVID-19 pandemic (Sept. 2019–Sept. 2021). COVID-19 is found to have a significant impact on the physical space, collection development, and service of the library, demonstrating the characteristics of space access restricted by security measures, collection digitization, and online service. This research also examines the previous year's initiatives and programmes and discusses the next phase of “new normal” procedures. Hopefully, this study will give insight on how Chinese libraries responded to the recent pandemic, informing libraries' outreach and efforts to be better prepared to take imperative, swift, and decisive action in the post-COVID-19 era and beyond.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges students faced in accessing the information from academic libraries during COVID and factors that contributed to stress among students during the pandemic. Another purpose of the study was to know the expectations of the students regarding libraries' services and library professionals' competencies in the post-COVID era. A quantitative research approach and survey method was employed to conduct this study. The population of the study was students of public and private sector universities in Pakistan. Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the collected data. Results revealed that lack of digital resources (limited access to the internet and digital devices such as smartphones) and limited information skills found the highest mean score (3.92 and 3.90 respectively) regarding contributing to stress among the students. Similarly, findings confirmed that lack of access to printed material and printers, scanners, recorders, and websites with limited guidelines were the major challenges students faced while accessing the information from academic libraries during the period of a pandemic. Students agreed and expected remote access to information sources, availability of more electronic content, presence of online tutorials regarding the use of information sources and access to institutional repositories from libraries after the COVID era. Respondents also agreed that post-COVID librarians should be good information managers, communicators, problem solvers and internet librarians. The study also shares the implications for practitioners and polisymakers and future research directions for academics and researchers.  相似文献   

The means through which the university libraries provide access to electronic resources (e-resources) for their patrons and the way they operate could be enhanced through an authentication system. Such a system can help address the challenges of seamless access to e-resources for patrons, and can also provide information for university librarians to further understand and explore patrons' demands. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception gap (i.e., importance and satisfaction) of university librarians regarding authentication services, and their attitudes towards the visualization of online libraries' usage logs. Moreover, this study developed a dashboard platform to visualize readers' behavior when using online resources and to understand university librarians' attitudes towards the library statistics dashboard. As a result, it was found that one system quality attribute and two information quality attributes were identified as high priorities for the intervention. University librarians gave positive feedback on the library statistics dashboard that can present visualizations of the authentication logs to further explore patron behavior of using e-resources. This also shows that the results can help identify strategic focus areas to evaluate authentication systems and library statistics dashboard as alternative technologies to assist university librarians in exploring patrons' e-resource usage behaviors.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 探究疫情防控期间的线上服务创新探索,可为高校图书馆线上服务的完善与不断创新提供参考。[方法/过程] 通过调研吉林省高校图书馆疫情防控期间线上服务的内容、形式、实践数据,总结当前高校图书馆区域性线上服务特点和问题,剖析高校图书馆线上服务现状。[结果/结论] 实践表明,高校图书馆在线上服务创新实践中具备较为专业的服务能力和快速的应对效率,展现了线上服务的巨大作用和效果,但在资源保障体系、服务平台、队伍建设等方面仍存在问题,需在推进智慧图书馆建设、提高数字资源保障力、建设线上服务平台、健全馆员队伍、推进服务转型等方面积极努力。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对成都地区高校图书馆在面对2020年1月"新型冠状病毒感染肺炎"这场突如其来的疫情期间的服务举措及对其他地区高校图书馆借鉴作用进行研究。[方法/过程] 以成都理工大学图书馆在疫情期间所采取的应急措施为主,收集整理成都地区主要高校图书馆在疫情期间采取的应急服务举措、服务效果等资料,对成都地区高校图书馆疫情期间实施的创新性举措进行梳理、总结。[结果/结论] 成都地区高校图书馆在做好疫情防控和消毒工作的基础上,积极发挥高校图书馆在数字资源和网络服务技术的优势,利用新媒体、电子邮件、QQ群等线上服务,推出"新冠病毒肺炎"防疫专题、线上数字资源指引、搭建在线课程资源平台,开展系列云讲座、"信息素养"在线课程、"书送达"无接触借还书等特色资源服务,做到了在疫情期间"停课不停教""停课不停学""停课不停研",实现了疫情期间闭馆不停阅,全力保障了校内外师生学习、教学和科研的资源需求。  相似文献   

文章对美国大学图书馆在信息资源组织与利用方面的创新与实践进行梳理总结,以期为国内图书馆的资源建设提供借鉴。选取美国顶尖的11所大学图书馆作为考察对象,重点介绍它们在馆藏特色文献数据化、资源多样化收集与元数据整合、数字资源全生命周期管理方面的特色和进展。图书馆在资源服务方面所扮演的角色在不断演变,美国大学图书馆正借助先进的信息生产、存储和传递技术,向着实现信息资源共建、共知和共享的目标迈进。国内图书馆需要关注新兴技术,加强特藏资源开发,促进纸质与数字资源融合,优化数字资源业务流程。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 新型冠状病毒的出现给各行各业都带来了重大影响,也考验着高校图书馆的应急服务能力。以新冠肺炎疫情为例,探讨非常态化情境下的图书馆新型服务能力,以期为高校图书馆今后提升应急服务能力提供参考。[方法/过程] 通过网络调研法、在线访谈法与实例分析法,梳理武汉地区"双一流"建设高校图书馆在疫情期间开展应急服务的情况,分析存在的问题并探索相应的解决策略。[结果/结论] 高校图书馆应急服务能力面临着对于电子教参建设的关注度不高、体现图情优势的专业性特色不多、线上培训和咨询反馈的渠道有限、馆员能力和资源远程访问系统不足等问题。提高应急服务与管理的认识和规划、提升数字资源远程获取能力、提供全方位的分层服务保障、搭建基于用户需求的咨询平台、加强馆员的新型服务能力建设,将成为改善高校图书馆应急服务能力的重要举措。  相似文献   


The tremendous expansion of online information sources has prompted academic librarians to increase their outreach to undergraduates of the “Net Generation” in an effort to more effectively promote their libraries' resources to these students. Such outreach programs involve identifying library resources that support the information-seeking behaviors of Net Generation undergraduates, as well as establishing collaborative relationships with the individuals and groups affiliated with these students. This article describes an outreach initiative conducted by the Reference Department at the Mississippi State University Libraries, in which the Department worked with staff in residence halls to target undergraduates living on campus.  相似文献   


Mounting digital images of art objects on a Web site is only the first step in providing patron access to such materials. Libraries and museums have a responsibility to provide not only high-quality digital reproductions but also high-quality access from an integrated library catalog with controlled vocabulary and consistent access points. While some digital collections may have excellent internal searchability and require no more than collection level cataloging in a library's OPAC, others may demand cataloging of individual components of the collection. A particular collection's significance, its potential audience, the types of access required, as well as factors such as its size and cohesiveness need to be considered before becoming locked into a specific Web designespecially when it is that of another institution.

This paper examines several online library catalogs in which records for art objects as well as historical objects and natural history specimens have been merged, with varying degrees of success, and briefly addresses a modest proposal to catalog ceramic objects at the Ohio State University Libraries. The importance of consistent subject access in a merged catalog, regardless of the thesaurus or thesauri used, is stressed. Library consortia and bibliographic utilities may offer an economically appealing alternative for libraries that cannot design and construct their own digital libraries but these external organizations often have limited capability for-or interest in-modifying the design for a particular library and even less interest in cataloging the collections. Libraries, too, must be faulted for simply listing available electronic resources, either alphabetically or in broad subject categories, on a separate portion of their Web page and failing to provide full catalog records in their catalog. Finally, it is emphasized that the current debate over the viability of MARC 21 versus other metadata standards remains largely irrelevant to the importance of continuing to cultivate a monolithic online catalog, maintaining cataloging standards, and not mindlessly developing what amounts to a separate, rudimentary catalog solely for electronic resources.  相似文献   

海峡两岸高校图书馆数字资源联盟采购各自都经历了十几年的发展,然而两地高校图书馆在联盟采购方面的交互合作仍然空白。鉴于海峡两岸高校图书馆在数字资源联盟采购上有着合作诉求,笔者对海峡两岸高校图书馆数字资源联盟采购进行比较研究,归纳出两地联盟采购存在的一些相同点,并分析两地联盟采购在发展的程度、运作流程、采购侧重点、资料的开放程度、组团偏好、联盟认知度上存在的差异,最后提出几点建议以促进海峡两岸高校图书馆数字资源联盟采购合作。  相似文献   


This article is based upon a decade of experience as the director of a merged organization. It includes the author's insights he has gained while working as Dean of the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Academic Libraries and as a founding member of the CLIR/CIOs group. The article suggests ways to think about the ecology of higher education in a digital age and what role libraries and allied departments in a college or university might play. It proposes that useful steps forward include inviting differently positioned and credentialed individuals into the world of libraries and working together with computing organizations to create temporary structures within which to revise ideas and approaches to our work.  相似文献   


Academic libraries enable a wide range of digital scholarship activities, increasingly as a partner rather than as a service provider. Communicating that shift in role is challenging, not least as digital scholarship is a new field with many players whose activities on campus can be disjointed. The library's actual and potential contributions need to be broadcast to a diverse range of internal and external constituencies, primarily academic staff, university management, library colleagues and related project teams, often with different perspectives. Libraries have significant contributions to offer and a focused communications strategy is needed to embed libraries in digital scholarship and to create new perceptions of their role as enabling partners.  相似文献   

Libraries are in an unprecedented period of change. The predominant publishing model is moving from print to digital. Libraries seek to strike the right balance between providing information that today's researcher needs just in time and preserving materials in print for tomorrow's researcher just in case. Legal resources present even greater challenges. This article will reflect how two organizations, the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) and NELLCO, an international consortium of law libraries, are currently working together toward a collaborative solution.  相似文献   

This study explores how libraries can enhance information literacy in online undergraduate courses at Purdue University, a large Midwestern research university. The article investigates undergraduate students’ perception of the importance and their awareness of libraries’ services for online learning, challenges of using information to complete course assignments, and the ability to gather and evaluate information to complete online coursework. The findings contribute to four aspects of the Libraries’ programmatic efforts to support undergraduate students taking online courses. These include showing a need for IL, helping students stay connected to resources and support, pedagogic strategies, and strategically targeting courses.  相似文献   

During the COVID-19 pandemic, libraries had little opportunity to gather data on what resources were needed or valued by families during this unprecedented crisis. To understand how caregivers perceived the value of learning resources provided by public libraries, interviews with 26 caregivers were conducted. To analyze the interviews, Sørensen's (2021) framework was adopted and three recurring types of value were examined: provision of resources, role of libraries in communities, and promotion of social capital. Findings indicated that caregivers valued the provision of resources such as book bundles and online programming. Further, caregivers had new appreciation for the community aspect of libraries and for libraries as providers of social resources. In addition, caregivers valued the sense of trust they felt towards libraries and librarians. Findings have potential to inform future decision-making processes concerning learning resource provision, particularly during times of crisis.  相似文献   


Digital collections of full-text e-books are proliferating on the Web and provide a wealth of open content for students. To examine whether academic libraries are providing a digital gateway to these resources, ten e-book titles from open digital collections were searched in the online catalogs and Web pages of ten academic libraries serving distance learners. Only three of the digital collection e-books were available from any of the library catalogs, and none were found on library Web pages. Availability of the ten e-book titles through Google and other digital discovery tools also had mixed results. Continued projects for improved delivery of open online content are necessary. In order to fulfill their role as digital gateways for their academic communities, libraries must pursue metadata standards to support cross-searching, collaborative projects, and development of e-resource search software, which integrates with the library catalog.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study analyze academic library services during Covid-19 pandemic (2020 and 2021), as well as the challenges they face, emerging library roles, and the most effective communication tools.MethodA systematic review of the relevant literature was undertaken following PRISMA guidelines. The relevant literature was retrieved from four major scholarly databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), and Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA)). The relevant 23 studies were included fulfilling inclusion criteria. A quality assessment of the included studies was also performed.FindingsThe findings revealed that Covid-19 pandemic is certainly effecting and transforming libraries, their services and management. The library services during Covid-19 pandemic, their fundamental challenges, emerging roles, and available preferable communications tools are the categories in this study to better understand the pandemic-transformation.ImplicationsThe practical and policy implications are that libraries must establish infrastructure and improve accessibility in order to provide the best possible support to modern library users who access resources remotely in this rapidly evolving digital environment. Organizational policymakers and library directors should prepare emergency and disaster management plans. The libraries should ensure their presence on social media and make use of their library websites.  相似文献   


One of the big challenges facing academic libraries today is to increase the relevance of the libraries to their user communities. If the libraries can increase the visibility of their resources on the open web, it will increase the chances of the libraries to reach to their user communities via the user's first search experience. BIBFRAME and library Linked Data will enable libraries to publish their resources in a way that the Web understands, consume Linked Data to enrich their resources relevant to the libraries' user communities, and visualize networks across collections. However, one of the important steps for transitioning to BIBFRAME and library Linked Data involves crosswalks, mapping MARC fields and subfields across data models and performing necessary data reformatting to be in compliance with the specifications of the new model, which is currently BIBFRAME 2.0. This article looks into how the Library of Congress has mapped library bibliographic data from the MARC format to the BIBFRAME 2.0 model and vocabulary published and updated since April 2016, available from http://www.loc.gov/bibframe/docs/index.html based on the recently released conversion specifications and converter, developed by the Library of Congress with input from many community members. The BIBFRAME 2.0 standard and conversion tools will enable libraries to transform bibliographic data from MARC into BIBFRAME 2.0, which introduces a Linked Data model as the improved method of bibliographic control for the future, and make bibliographic information more useful within and beyond library communities.  相似文献   

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