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张钢  熊立 《科研管理》2009,30(1):71-80
摘要:关于成员异质性如何影响团队绩效的问题,已有研究存在争议。本研究以高技术企业中的65个工作团队为样本,将交互记忆系统作为中介变量,构建并验证了成员异质性与团队绩效的关系。将成员异质性分为一般异质性(人口统计学特征)和专长异质性(专业背景、学历和职业经验),路径分析结果显示,交互记忆系统在成员专长异质性与团队绩效关系中发挥中介作用,而成员一般异质性对团队绩效产生直接影响。交互记忆系统对团队绩效有显著正效应。  相似文献   

刘宁  张正堂  张子源 《科研管理》2012,33(12):135-141
团队行为整合是描述团队运作的整体性变量,反映了团体成员倾向相互交流与合作的程度。基于研发团队的特性,本研究构建了团队多元性、行为整合与创新绩效的关系模型,分析了任务复杂性的调节效应。论文基于62家高科技企业中71个研发团队的调查数据对研究假说进行了实证检验。研究结果发现,研发团队多元性对创新绩效有显著的正向影响,行为整合在其中起到了部分的中介效应,而任务复杂性调节了行为整合与创新绩效之间的关系。论文最后对研究结论进行了讨论。  相似文献   

As a core organizational resource, business processes are vital for organizational teams. To deal with today’s volatile business environment, organizations need to be ambidextrous in terms of process capabilities. However, little is known about how process ambidexterity, process standardization, and process agility, are enabled by information technology (IT) and related to team-level activities. To fill this gap in the literature, we conducted a field study based on 160 teams of 1081 individuals from seven companies in South Korea. Our results show that IT enables both process standardization and agility, and that a team’s process ambidexterity has a positive effect on inter-team coordination and team innovation, which in turn have a direct impact on team performance. Our findings highlight the importance of process ambidexterity by investigating the enabling role of IT and its outcomes in a team. Our results offer theoretical and practical implications from the perspective of team process ambidexterity.  相似文献   

虚拟化、综合化、多元化趋势是科研团队在新一轮科技革命中的重要特征,研究新趋势下影响科研团队绩效的因素对科技工作者的未来发展以及国家科技创新实力的提升具有重大意义。在广泛的文献调研基础上,探讨团队规模、团队成员机构多样性、国别多样性、跨学科性、资金来源丰富性以及团队不稳定性六个因素对科研团队绩效(学术论文产出数量与产出质量)的影响,并通过实证分析予以验证。研究表明:科研团队产出数量与团队规模、机构多样性、资金来源丰富性正相关,与国别多样性、跨学科性和团队不稳定性负相关;产出质量与资金来源的丰富性正相关,与机构多样性负相关。  相似文献   

根据科技创新团队绩效评价因素的复杂性和不确定性,构建多输入、多输出的DEA-FCA科技创新团队绩效评价模型及其评价指标体系,并利用该模型对5个团队的科技创新绩效进行实证分析。研究结果表明,该方法能够有效评价科技创新团队绩效,可为企业从事科技创新活动提供决策借鉴和理论参考依据。  相似文献   

个体创新是组织创新的源动力,既往研究着重分析人员配置对团队创新的影响,而没有特别分析对个体创新的作用,尤其忽视团队多样性排列所引致的团队断层对个体创新的影响。本研究建构了团队断层对个体创新的影响模型,采用ASW指标对30个项目团队的断层情况进行了测算,并对175名领导-成员进行了配对调查,利用分层线性模型考察了团队断层对个体创新的影响,从授权型领导和冲突管理策略两个视角探讨了情境条件。结果显示:(1)团队断层对个体创新有消极影响;(2)授权型领导会削弱团队断层的消极影响;(3)回避型冲突管理策略会削弱团队断层的消极影响,合作型、竞争型策略的调节效应并不显著;(4)团队断层作为情境因素会直接削弱个体层次观点采择对创新的积极影响。研究对深化有关人员构成多样化的认识,指导团队人力资源配置从而激发创新有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Effective teamwork and knowledge coordination are becoming increasingly important for all kinds of organizations given the growing use of teams to tackle competitive challenges and sustain competitive advantage. In this study, we develop and validate a model of how two types of social network ties – expressive and instrumental – contribute to team efficacy and performance, mediated by three dimensions of a transactive memory system (TMS) – specialization, credibility and coordination within teams. We test the model in an empirical study drawing on data from 66 teams in a variety of organizations. The results suggest that both instrumental and expressive ties within teams can facilitate the formation of TMS and the three dimensions of TMS are all, even though to different extents, positively related to team efficacy. Team efficacy is also a powerful predictor of team performance. The findings in our study bridge the literature gap about social networks and TMS and explain the underlying process and mechanisms by which social network ties exert their influence on team outcomes. The results have implications for organizations that wish to leverage teams to take advantage of team members’ differentiated expertise and coordinate their work more effectively and efficiently.  相似文献   

成员多样性是知识团队的一个重要特征.在已有西方理论研究基础上,结合中国文化及国情提出了对知识团队成员多样性的管理策略,即选择和培训适合在中国文化背景下进行合作的团队成员、考虑中国式公平的薪酬体系、通过降低权力距离和强化集体主义文化倾向来培养团队的情绪智力,以及塑造积极的多样性范式.  相似文献   

This study adds to the literature on household sector (HHS) innovation by investigating how user and professional designer teams differ in their ability to translate knowledge diversity into collective creative output. We test our hypotheses on a unique data set of more than 5,000 board game design projects conducted by either teams of professional game designers or by hobbyist (user) designers. Our study lends support for the notion that knowledge diversity is a double-edged sword that has opposing effects on the two dimensions of team creativity, novelty and usefulness. We argue and find that teams composed of self-rewarded users in the household sector are better able than teams of professionals to translate the informational benefits of knowledge diversity into novel concepts and game designs. Finally, we find that user teams are in general more likely to create truly creative (i.e. novel and useful) game designs. This particular result emphasizes the relevance of research on HHS innovation and shows that user designers from the HHS are able to conduct collective development work more effectively than teams of professional designers.  相似文献   

本文从目前我国高校科研创新团队发展现状及存在的问题入手,分析了创新团队建设所面临的问题,并从注重学科交叉融合和集成发展、加强团队人才队伍建设、建立健全科学、合理的绩效考评体系和激励机制、加强团队内外部制度建设、加强团队文化建设等几个方面提出了加强高校科研创新团队建设及管理对策。  相似文献   

整合团队任务、情感自反性与产品创新理论,探索团队任务自反性对产品创新绩效的影响,团队情感自反性对任务自反性与产品创新绩效之间关系的调节作用,以及贫缺、凝固、失谐和适配四种团队状态产品创新绩效的差异性。利用长三角地区76个研发团队的实证数据表明:团队任务自反性与产品创新绩效显著正相关;团队情感自反性对任务自反性与产品创新绩效之间的关系具有显著调节作用;适配状态产品创新绩效明显高于贫缺、凝固和失谐状态产品创新绩效,而贫缺、凝固和失谐状态产品创新绩效并无显著差异。  相似文献   

基于资源保存理论,探究"以团队成员为领导来源"的共享型领导和"组织正式任命"的服务型领导如何共同助推团队创新.采用"多来源和多时点"的数据收集方式,获得88个知识团队的配对数据(n=418).研究结果表明,共享型领导正向影响团队创新绩效,服务型领导在二者之间发挥有中介的调节作用;当服务型领导水平高时,共享型领导通过减少团队知识隐藏进而提升团队创新绩效的作用更强.上述结果有助于深入认识共享型领导与团队创新绩效之间的潜在中介机制和边界条件,并为团队领导模式变革与创新管理提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

How team composition exactly influences innovation outcomes remains a complex and unsolved puzzle in the literature on creativity and innovation. Our study differentiates two types of team technology-related diversity—technological dissimilarity and technological variety, and investigates their influences on the impact of an invention created by a team. Analyses of over half million U.S. utility patents in the 1991–2005 period invented by teams reveal that technological variety of team inventors has a positive effect on invention impact, and that technological dissimilarity between team inventors plays both positive and negative roles, eliciting an inverted U-shaped effect. In addition, we find that the positive effect of dissimilarity is significantly reduced after controlling for variety. Theoretical and practical implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

如何提高多学科专业研究生协同创新能力已成为当前研究生教育发展的热点问题。从团队视角出发,通过对294个在校跨学科创新团队的问卷调查,运用回归分析方法,对知识共享多样性和复杂性在团队特征与协同创新之间的中介效应以及团队学习能力的调节效应进行研究。实证研究发现:知识共享多样性和复杂性在团队特征与协同创新的关系中具有中介效应;团队学习能力在知识共享多样性与协同创新之间起到正向调节作用,在知识共享复杂性与协同创新之间不具有调节作用。  相似文献   

The paper examines the relationship between gamification – the use of game elements in non-gaming contexts – and innovation teams’ outcomes. It builds on psychological and teamwork theories, arguing that gamification overcomes collaboration issues and generates multiple positive outcomes, particularly in coordination, alignment, engagement, and teams’ motivation. The research follows a qualitative theory-driven using a case study of an innovation project. The conceptual model built through the findings offers valuable insights about applying gamification in innovation teams, namely: i) surprising teams with such a new and playful approach reduces stress among team members; ii) rules and time constraints play a crucial role in teams’ coordination by avoiding dispersion and enhancing focused efforts. The paper provides a set of testable theoretical propositions derived from the conceptualization of gamification in the context of innovation teams. It supports innovation managers interested in measuring gamification outcomes in teams.  相似文献   

Effective teamwork, knowledge coordination, and knowledge creation are recognized as essential sources of team effectiveness and creativity in modern organizations. Nowadays, social media is significantly modifying the patterns in the use of technology to support knowledge management practices in teams. At the same time, the literature shows that transactive memory system (TMS), which refers to how team members share their distributed knowledge and expertise, is an important factor affecting team performance. However, minimal effort has been made to elaborate on the precise role of social media in supporting TMS for enhancing absorptive capacity (ACAP) and knowledge creation capability (KCC) of the team, which in turn might influence team creative performance (TCP). Therefore, to address this gap in the literature, a theoretical model is developed and validated. Survey data collected from 334 members of 68 knowledge work teams indicated that social media use at work has a positive relationship with TMS and both social media use at work and TMS are positively related to ACAP and KCC of the team. Results further indicated that ACAP positively influenced KCC, and both have a direct relationship with TCP. This study shows that careful investment in social media by an organization can enhance meta-knowledge of “who knows what” within teams. Finally, exploring external knowledge alone is not enough. Instead, organizations must ensure external knowledge is utilized to create new knowledge to improve TCP.  相似文献   

不同于以往研究,从团队层面对科研团队稳定性进行测度,同时聚焦学科多样性在其中的调节作用。以2009年和2010年的69个美国国家科学院生物学领域院士科研团队为研究对象,在通过作者共现网络和聚类分析方法识别主要成员和团队的基础上,以团队生产力和团队影响力衡量团队绩效,运用负二项回归模型对团队稳定性与团队绩效的关系以及学科多样性的调节作用进行分析。研究发现:团队稳定性对团队绩效呈倒“U”型影响,表明团队并非越稳定越好,适当的团队成员流动更有利于团队绩效的提高;团队的学科多样性对团队稳定性和生产力关系有正向调节作用,因为学科多样性可以降低团队成员流动带来的学习成本和磨合时间成本,使成员流动对团队绩效的影响更显著;而学科多样性因容易造成团队的知识冲突以及团队资源分配分散等问题,导致对团队稳定性和影响力关系的调节作用不显著。为提高科研团队绩效,要关注团队成员的流动情况,优化团队进入和退出机制,同时开展更多的跨学科人才合作。  相似文献   

针对科技创新团队成员个性、价值观差异、沟通不良和竞争等冲突表现形式,基于因组织结构功能缺陷,团队价值观差异,沟通不畅,个人目标与团队目标、个人与团队文化、个人利益与团队利益等差异引起的冲突以及建设性冲突,围绕团队成员、团队构造和团队的内外部环境三方面改进创新最佳状态,从而促进科技创新团队创新,构建基于冲突机理的创新最佳状态,为科技创新团队的创新发展提供可行性对策。  相似文献   

刘云  王刚波  白旭 《科研管理》2018,39(6):159-168
科研创新团队是国家创新体系的核心组织单元,是构成国家创新能力的微观基础。本文以我国1352个科研创新团队为研究对象,采用循证式评估方法针对团队负责人及团队骨干成员设计问卷调查,从基本情况、组成结构、运行机制、产出绩效、政策支持作用等方面系统评估了我国科研创新团队的发展状况,总结了团队发展的经验。结合对143个团队的深度访谈,本文发现,在长期合作的基础上自然形成,拥有出色的学术带头人并形成结构合理的学术梯队,具备较强的研究能力和较好的研发条件,孕育形成优良的科研文化,构建了健全的规章制度和高效的运行机制,是优秀团队形成的重要条件。针对存在的突出问题,本文提出了进一步改进和完善我国科研创新团队支持政策的若干建议,包括加快落实中央财政科技计划的人才基地专项、加强对科研创新团队建设的引导、改进团队支持计划的经费管理、优化组织与运行机制等,为国家改进对科研创新团队的支持政策和计划提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

在经济转型与技术创新改革发展新阶段,构建跨功能团队成为组织获得持续竞争优势的关键路径,开发与培养跨功能团队创造力也因此受到学术界与企业界的广泛关注。通过对西安高新技术开发区软件园内27家中小科技型企业的75个跨功能团队的深入调研,将内隐协调引入个体—组织匹配与跨功能团队创造力关系中,探讨个体—组织匹配对跨功能团队创造力的影响机制,并将内部人身份感知作为调节变量进行实证分析。结果表明:个体—组织匹配度越好、内隐协调水平越高,越容易激发跨功能团队创造力;个体—组织匹配通过内隐协调对跨功能团队创造力的影响效果显著;成员内部人身份感知程度越高,内隐协调在个体—组织匹配与跨功能团队创造力之间的中介作用越强。据此,提出了跨功能团队创造力提升的针对性建议。  相似文献   

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