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In Taiwan, the historical development of traditional Chinese martial arts, or kuoshu and wushu as they are called today, has been quite diverse. This paper examines the development of Chinese martial arts from 1949 to 2017 in the context of Taiwan based on available historical evidence and in-depth interviews. The results show that there were three major historical periods in the development of Chinese martial arts. The foundation period was inaugurated when Chinese martial artists fled to Taiwan with the Nationalists. During this period, martial arts studios spread throughout the country and people began learning the traditional Chinese martial arts skills together with the national physical education curriculum incorporated martial arts in schools. Chinese martial arts in Taiwan then entered the competitive sports period when the Chinese government to promote competitive martial arts internationally and to standardize the practice and grading system required for competitions. During this period, standardized rules for nationwide competition were established, and sports instructors and athletes were trained to participate in international wushu competitions. Currently, the Chinese martial arts have been modernized and being practised to build confidence, mental discipline, and physical strength as well as for self-defence, recreational pursuits, and competition.  相似文献   


The renaissance of Asian martial arts is a conspicuous example of cultural hybridity in a global setting. Globalization brings these arts under the dual sway of cinema and sport to a degree unprecedented in their history. This pull, which I describe in terms from Deleuze and Guattari as deterritorialization, creates new challenges for Asian martial arts practice. To explore these challenges and their stakes, I demonstrate the relevance of the concept of the war machine from Deleuze and Guattari, and discuss their distinction between weapons and tools as it bears on Asian martial arts history and practice.  相似文献   

在全球背景下对传统武术和现代武术进行文化解读,不但有助于提高对其概念的理解,而且更能提高我们对两者的认识,传统武术是建立在我国传统文化基础之上的一种武术文化,而现代武术则是在西方体育文化影响下,在传统武术的基础上发展起来的一种竞技性体育文化。对两者的深入研究有利于武术事业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

采用逻辑分析法,以发展的哲学含义为理论基础,通过对起点、终点、发展三者关系及其哲学意蕴深入分析,认为:武术是中华民族在哲学指导下对技击认知并实践后经验累积的系统化知识;武术发展是指其从产生到灭亡的"过程",并且在这个过程中,武术的"质"具有同一性,其差异仅仅是质在量上的不同;拳种是这个过程中的"阶段性"产物,是武术从历史发展到现在可见、可感的有形表象;现代竞技武术或现代武术是拳种在时代中"用"发展的结果;当下时代对技击认知后形成的经验知识补入到拳种中,不仅是武术产生之初内在规定的延续,而且是武术"体"未来走向的必然;武术的起点与终点因知识而贯通。  相似文献   


Contemporary Asia is in the process of not only developing industrialization and democratization, but also establishing Asian homogeneity and intercommunity through the universal cultural phenomenon of sports originating from the West. This paper considers the future of traditional Asian martial arts through Allen Guttmann’s seven characteristics of modern sport. In future, Asia, especially Northeast Asia; South Korea, China, and Japan are likely to become the world’s leading powerhouses based on their infinite potential in human, material and ideological resources. The Olympics will be hosted by three Asian countries in four years: in 2018, the PyeongChang Winter Olympics in South Korea, in 2020 the Tokyo Summer Olympics in Japan, and in 2022 the Beijing Winter Olympics in China, respectively. This paper examines the development of traditional Asian martial arts in China, Japan and South Korea against the background of modernization and globalization. Also, discussions regarding impediments to the efforts and measures for improvement are provided. Asian martial arts have been transformed in both nature and content and the notion of the characteristics of modern sports Guttmann proposes is prominent.  相似文献   

Udo Moenig  Minho Kim 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(15-16):1531-1554

The popular discourse about Asian martial arts has often been surrounded by an aura of esotericism, so pervasive that it even influenced the academic discussion to some degree. Moreover, nationalistic motives to promote certain martial arts narratives often prevail. This article focuses on the frequently flawed philosophical and historical discourse surrounding the Asian martial arts. In particular, this study concentrates on the academic discussions of the Japanese and Korean martial arts, and the search for a philosophical framework compatible with historical narratives. The Japanese created a romantic but also nationalistic martial arts narrative that aligned with the ideals of the Meiji Restoration. This romanticized image was naively accepted in the West, often imported along with esoteric ideas of the East. And, as most modern Korean martial arts originated in Japan, the Korean martial arts discussion aligns with that of Japanese martial arts, and this alignment has been a point of heated dispute. Discussions of Korean martial arts reflect a search for a definitive identity of the Korean martial arts community as well as the desire to establish a martial arts tradition independent of those of Japan as well as China. However, the discourse has often been influenced by western, albeit biased and perhaps faulty, historical views, and ideas about martial arts traditions.  相似文献   

文章主要采用文献资料法、实践观察法、归纳总结法和综合分析法,对传统武术发展问题进行研究。研究认为:传统武术发展到今天,已处于尴尬的境地;只有改造和创新才是传统武术发展的必由之路;现代意义的传统武术将是一个兼容并包、充满活力的结构,并与社会的需求相和谐发展。  相似文献   


This paper examines key ways in which ideas such as ‘tradition’, ‘authenticity’, and ‘history’ are deployed in discourses around Asian martial arts. First introducing how such concepts are used in national contexts such as Korea and elsewhere in East Asia it then examines the case of a dispute between two English language writers on martial arts. It examines these different cases to illustrate the ways that ‘tradition’, ‘authenticity’, and ‘history’ can be deployed for different ideological ends, from nationalism to personal self-advancement, in different contexts. In doing so, the paper theorizes the consequences of antagonisms that have recently arisen between common beliefs about certain Asian martial arts and historical studies that challenge such beliefs. It concludes that the discursive status of ‘history’ is not fixed or permanent, but varies depending on context. This is the case to such an extent that the status of ‘history’ can be said to have changed decisively. Ultimately, the paper argues for the value of rigorous scholarship even when it runs counter to cultural beliefs, and highlights the significance of such scholarship for showing the ways in which martial arts history matters in more contexts and registers than martial arts alone.  相似文献   

求解“何为武术,武术何为”的元问题,需在文化自觉语境中,由中国文化轴心时代的文武分途而教出发,发现当代武术发展的历史根源以及武术人“锻炼行道,练以成人”的文化实践。研究认为,武术人将动作作为求道对象,不仅将拳区分为4种类型,并探索“改变常人拳,三节四梢微观化透视,时空之练”的求道路径,而且在改造身体时变化了气质,终以“武德和功夫”作为“练以成人”的体现。武术人的“锻炼行道,练以成人”不仅完成其“由社会人而武术人”的成人,而且还以其区别于常人、军人、文人的动作方式,作为文化标识之所在、文化认同之基础。  相似文献   

文章通过阅读文献资料并结合多年的武术学习和实践,对现代武术的表演艺术性进行了分析和总结,认为武术表演中的艺术性主要体现在三个方面,即武术运动自身具有可欣赏的艺术价值、武术表演中的服装和器械可增加其艺术性以及表演中音乐的运用提高了其表演艺术。  相似文献   

武术在现代发展中借助了包括电影在内的现代传媒技术,而电影等也造就了众多耀眼的武术影星。在分析当代武术影星存在的客观必然性和合理性基础上,论述了武术影星与中华武术互动发展的积极作用。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、访谈法,提出了在武术教学过程中,借助传统武术文化来帮助学生实现身心的和谐良性发展;武术教学可以为学生的健康发展、为和谐校园的建设增添了一份活力;在现代武术教学中加大对传统武术文化的渗透与创新,具有多重深远的意义。  相似文献   

为理顺武术理论与实践的关系,确立与“大武术观”相适应的广义武术概念,首先剖析了狭义的“体育武术”概念存在的问题,在回顾武术的体育化进程的基础上,剖析了“坚持武术属于体育范畴”的几个典型观点分别存在的问题,指出并不是所有的武术内容都属于体育,无论是古代,还是现在,或是将来,体育都不能涵盖整个武术。基于以上讨论,遵循形式逻辑界定概念的原则,提出广义武术的概念:武术是源于中国的围绕技击而拓展的徒手或持械的人体运动文化。  相似文献   

时至今日,武术仍未能很好地进入校园,其原因何在,如何从柔道、跆拳道、空手道的成功现代化和国际化当中寻求启发,成为紧迫论题。主要运用文献资料法,基于对学校武术历史、现状的反思和日韩武技现代化的启示,对我国学校武术的根本问题和根本方略做出探讨。研究认为,学校武术开展的现状不能实现中华民族赋予它的文化使命,日韩武技现代化的经验可为我们提供启示——将传统意义上的搏杀武技改造为一项现代文明搏击项目,该项目需满足几个趋势保证安全文明化、保持技击本质性、具有游戏趣味性、彰显民族独特性。在此基础上,做出武术以太极推手形式进入校园的提案。  相似文献   

从文化学视角,运用社会学、文化学相关理论及文献资料、逻辑推理、专家访谈等研究方法,以中小学武术段位制推广模式与策略为研究对象,对中国武术段位制概述及发展因子,中小学武术段位制开展的必要性,以及中小学武术段位制的推广模式进行全面系统的研究。旨在对中国武术段位制在中小学的广泛开展与推广提供理论与实践参考价值。  相似文献   

未来几年是落实教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央《关于开展全国亿万学生阳光体育运动的通知》(教体艺[2006]6号)精神的关键几年,也是国家体育总局武术管理中心在全国推行武术操、实行武术段位制、加强武术的科学化标准化建设的的关键几年,更是科学传承中华武术、全面提升青少年体质健康水平、落实素质教育的关键期。文章运用文献资料法、现场调查法、访谈法、逻辑分析等方法分析了校园武术发展的困境与机遇;力求厘清阳光体育与武术运动的关系;提出以阳光体育运动的开展为契机,在各级各类学校实施阳光武术活动具有的可行性,从而构建校园阳光武术活动开展的理论体系与实践模式;进而探讨了其具体实施与推广方案。由此,为未来阳光体育运动的开展及中华武术的传承提供了新的思路,也为政府部门的宏观管理与决策提供参考意见。  相似文献   

高校大学生武术价值观对武术教学的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国武术是有着悠久的发展历史,而且有着博大的文化内涵。大学生作为祖国未来的希望,面对社会文化环境多方面的影响,如何能更好地传承中华武术,极大发挥其价值,是摆在我们每个武术研究人员面前的重要课题。在多种影响因素中价值观作为决定人类行为的心理基础,无疑是最重要的一环。本文旨在探讨何种武术价值观最有利于引导大学生对武术的学习、研究,进而促进大学武术课的教与学。  相似文献   

当前人们对武术人口、武术爱好者以及武术习练者的关系把握不准。对武术爱好者和武术习练者理解比较容易,但是对武术人口的认识可能存在片面性,同时当前缺少对武术人口注解的文献资料。为此,本文重点对武术人口进行了探析。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法,通过对沧州市回族武术传承人、回族资深老拳师及其学徒的访问与调查,得出了外来文化冲击;传播者经济状况落后、保守意识浓重;学校回族武术教育开展状况相对落后;回族武术套路周期长,难度大;受众择师受到民族限制等影响沧州市回族武术传播的若干问题,并对此提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

峨嵋派武术有着辉煌的过去,是中华武术三大流派之一,而今昔日的辉煌已失。如何重拯救雄风,开创峨嵋派武术的新局面,已成为我们当前工作的重点。本文运用文献资料法、调查分析法、资料统计法等多种研究方法,从社会学、历史学、经济管理学、市场营销学的角度出发,结合峨嵋派武术实际的情况,对制约其发展的主要因素加以研究和总结,提出,在中国社会经济体制改革与武术走向世界的时代背景下,决定了峨嵋派武术越须走国际化、市场化、产业化发展的道路,峨嵋武术,要想得到振兴和发展就越须彻底地、大胆的进行改革.首先:是观念的更新,要建立与之相适应的市场观念、竞争观念、创新观念、服务观念、信息观念和人才观念,它是实现峨嵋武术做大做强的目标前提:其次:深化改革是峨嵋武术发展的关键,应建立峨嵋武术的经济实体,实行专业化的统一管理,应采用联盟制的集团化经营模式;第三,拓展市场是峨嵋武术产业化发展的核心,这就要求我们必须认真做好调查研究,充分了解市场,做好宣传工作,不断开拓创新,挖掘潜在的市场,扩大峨嵋武术在市场的占有份额,这样才能加快峨嵋武术发展的步伐。  相似文献   

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