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In this study a two-sample, pre/posttest, quasi-experimental design was used to investigate the effect of explicit problem-solving instruction on high school students' conceptual understanding of physics. Eight physics classes, with a total of 145 students, were randomly assigned to either a treatment or comparison group. The four treatment classes were taught how to use an explicit problem-solving strategy, while the four comparison classes were taught how to use a textbook problem-solving strategy. Students' problem-solving performance and conceptual understanding were assessed both before and after instruction. The results indicated that the explicit strategy improved the quality and completeness of students' physics representations more than the textbook strategy, but there was no difference between the two strategies on match of equations with representations, organization, or mathematical execution. In terms of conceptual understanding, there was no overall difference between the two groups; however, there was a significant interaction between the sex of the students and group. The explicit strategy appeared to benefit female students, while the textbook strategy appeared to benefit male students. The implications of these results for physics instruction are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 551–570, 1997.  相似文献   

随着学制的缩短,非物理类理工学科《普通物理》课程亟待改革,改革的主要任务是编写一套适用于我校的非物理类《普通物理》教材,研制一套与教材配套的多媒体光盘,编写一套与教材配套的试题库,总结出一套旨在培养学生创新精神的课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

针对一些学生在高考复习中,忽视教材、忽视基础知识,特别是重要的概念和规律,只满足于简单地记忆、背诵、会代公式等现象,而强调重视教材、重视基础,准确地理解基本概念、熟练掌握基本定律、公式,并学会在正确的条件下灵活应用,学会一些处理物理问题的基本方法,使学生达到“掌握知识、培养能力”的教学目标.  相似文献   

Teaching and Learning Physics in a 1:1 Laptop School   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1:1 laptop programs, in which every student is provided with a personal computer to use during the school year, permit increased and routine use of powerful, user-friendly computer-based tools. Growing numbers of 1:1 programs are reshaping the roles of teachers and learners in science classrooms. At the Denver School of Science and Technology, a public charter high school where a large percentage of students come from low-income families, 1:1 laptops are used often by teachers and students. This article describes the school’s use of laptops, the Internet, and related digital tools, especially for teaching and learning physics. The data are from teacher and student surveys, interviews, classroom observations, and document analyses. Physics students and teachers use an interactive digital textbook; Internet-based simulations (some developed by a Nobel Prize winner); word processors; digital drop boxes; email; formative electronic assessments; computer-based and stand-alone graphing calculators; probes and associated software; and digital video cameras to explore hypotheses, collaborate, engage in scientific inquiry, and to identify strengths and weaknesses of students’ understanding of physics. Technology provides students at DSST with high-quality tools to explore scientific concepts and the experiences of teachers and students illustrate effective uses of digital technology for high school physics.  相似文献   

eTextbooks are both texts and tools. They provide opportunities for textbook companies to expand their services. Some large textbook companies are offering extensive educational technology products and services along with texts. These etexts, integrated into the Learning Management System (LMS), give instructors opportunities to use integrated assessments, data collection tools with in-depth usage statistics, and social networking features that allow instructors and students to interact within the publisher's material. News stories often discuss problems with blended and online learning and contentious relationships between faculty and vendors; etexts are part of the discussion. This paper describes findings from narrative interviews with instructors who have used etexts, focusing on affordability, access, privacy, and outsourcing. The goal is to inform instructors and administrators of some pros and cons of etexts.  相似文献   

A single science textbook often provides the syllabus for courses at upper secondary and tertiary levels, and may be used as a principal source of information or explanation. The research reported in this article challenges such practices. The ways in which the concept, acceleration, is treated in physics textbooks is compared with understandings of the concept demonstrated by final-year secondary (Year 12) and first-year university students. Some students' understandings are shown to be incomplete in ways that parallel misleading or inaccurate textbook treatments of the concept. In addition to misleading or inaccurate statements, the limitations of some textbook treatments of acceleration were found to include: lack of attempts to make explicit relationships with other concepts, failure to point out when it is appropriate to use particular definitions or that an alternative definition might be more appropriate in specific situations, inclusion of operational definitions without conceptual explanations, and a focus on quantitative treatments while overlooking the development of qualitative understanding. Two principal aspects that distinguished the ways in which the students understood acceleration were identified: (a) the relation between acceleration and velocity; and (b) the relation between acceleration and force(s). The results of the study have implications for teaching and, in particular, for the use of textbooks in teaching. These implications are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

The world over, secondary school science is viewed mainly as a practical subject. This may be one reason why effectiveness of teaching approaches in science education has often been judged on the kinds of practical activity with which teachers and students engage. In addition to practical work, language??often written (as in science texts) or oral (as in the form of teacher and student talk)??is unavoidable in effective teaching and learning of science. Generally however, the role of (instructional) language in quality of learning of school science has remained out of focus in science education research. This has been in spite of findings in empirical research on difficulties science students encounter with words of the instructional language used in science. The findings have suggested that use of (instructional) language in science texts and classrooms can be a major influence on the level of students?? understandings and retention of science concepts. This article reports and discusses findings in an investigation of physics teachers?? approaches to use of and their beliefs about classroom instructional language. Direct classroom observations of, interviews with, as well as content analyses of the participant teachers?? verbatim classroom talk, were used as the methods of data collection. Evidence is presented of participant physics teachers?? lack of explicit awareness of the difficulty, nature, and functional value of different categories of words in the instructional language. In conclusion, the implications of this lack of explicit awareness on the general education (initial and in-service) of school physics teachers are considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the content of textbooks used in the Victorian Physics course between 1967 and 1997 for curriculum balance and emphasis on the following aspects of scientific literacy: (a) science as a body of knowledge, (b) science as a way of investigating, (c) science as a way of thinking, and (d) the interaction between science, technology and society. These themes were chosen because they are reflected in the aims of the current Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Physics course. The textbook is an important teaching aid in senior school physics in Victoria since it conveys some of the information that students receive and influences how students perceive the subject. The majority of the textbooks analysed stress science as a body of knowledge, place some emphasis on science as a way of investigating, and have little emphasis on science as a way of thinking. Texts produced for the new VCE Physics course (post 1990) were found to place more emphasis on the theme science, technology and society than texts produced prior to 1990.  相似文献   

通过文献计量法和内容分析法,以CSSCI来源期刊20年来发表的学术论文为研究对象,探究2001年以来我国物理教科书研究的热点与发展趋势,分析发现:师范院校教师和相关学术期刊引领物理教科书研究的发展;历史发展和学习活动是物理教科书研究的热点;中等教育成为重点关注的学段;研究方法以内容分析法为主;高被引文献数量不足。未来的物理教科书研究应注意以下几点:挖掘教科书使用与评价等接受导向的研究以拓展研究领域;开展深层的话语分析以提升教科书研究的深层意义;激活学术共同体的研究生命力以开展持续深入研究;建立系统的教科书研究方法论以提升研究的规范性。  相似文献   

Ten experienced science teachers were interviewed about their understandings of the analogical models they use to explain science to their students. The aim was to investigate the notion that teaching pedagogy is influenced by the textbooks commonly used in class. A previously developed typology of analogical models was used to classify each teacher's repertoire of models and the models found in the prescribed science textbooks. The classifications of teacher and textbook models were then compared to identify patterns, similarities and differences. In their interviews, eight of the 10 teachers volunteered that they regularly used models in their lessons. The claimed model use was least for chemistry teachers and highest for physics teachers. Textbook analysis showed that chemistry textbooks used the most models and physics textbooks the least with biology in between. Five teachers saw a need to negotiate with their students the shared and unshared attributes of teaching models and two consistently discussed the limitations of their models. Vignettes and extracts are used throughout the paper to explain how teachers and textbooks use and discuss models.  相似文献   

Analysing the paradigmatic shift from Peripatetic to Galilean physics can help to understand students' difficulties in learning Newtonian mechanics. This article promotes the use of historical texts in physics teaching as a means to support students in becoming aware of the structural differences between everyday life and scientific views of the world. The question is: Does conceptual change require paradigmatic change?  相似文献   

徐龙年 《丽水学院学报》2006,28(6):97-99,123
我国现代著名教育家叶圣陶极其重视语文教材建设,他编写的语文教材数量多、质量高,深受广大师生的欢迎。他主张语文教学要以教材为凭借和例子,精心挑选文质兼美的文章,并经过科学合理的安排,真正提高学生的听说读写能力,培养他们成为合格的、健全的、善于处理工作和生活的普通公民。国家教育部颁布的《语文课程标准(实验稿)》继承和发展了叶圣陶的语文教材观,使语文教材建设呈现出百花齐放的新景象。  相似文献   

In this study, undertaken in an attempt to expand our understanding of science learning by deaf students, five teachers are interviewed about their views, based on their own experiences as Deaf students. They are all my former students and were among the first to successfully complete the upper secondary school with a university entrance certificate from a Norwegian school for deaf students. Physics was their major subject. These teachers see the systematic work in class discussions, especially on the concepts of physics, as a major contributor to their success, and they try to use similar methods in their own teaching. They believe that a thorough discussion of a topic using sign language prior to the reading of the textbook is crucial.  相似文献   

High school students with high ability were enrolled in a standard college physics course for each of two summers with the same professor, same course outline, same textbook, same laboratories, and the same examinations. Half of each group had completed a high school physics course; half had not. Dormitory counselors were available for assistance and support. In addition, tutors were available in the laboratories to provide any help necessary with interpretation of lectures and performances in the laboratory, and with mathematical computation. Pre- and posttest measures concerning course content and attitude were given. After the eight-week summer instruction, the students who had not completed high school physics performed as well on the final course examination; there were no differences with respect to course grade or attitude toward physics. The group that had not completed high school physics used the tutors provided far more frequently than did students who had completed the high school course. When high-ability students are enrolled in college physics with tutors made available for needed assistance, there appears to be no advantage for students to complete the standard high school physics course.  相似文献   

在传统的语文教育视野中,教科书编者作为学科知识的供给者和语文技能的言说者,居高临下,远离阅读教学的视野。进入新世纪,在新课程的话语情境中,教科书编者继学生、教师、文本之后成为阅读教学多重对话主体的重要组成部分。在阅读教学中,教科书编者如何进行多重对话,成为教科书编者、教师、学生以及其他所有语文教育工作者所必须面对的一个新的课题。  相似文献   

理解与背诵是语文学习的基石。利用循思路、设情景、抓关键的方法帮助学生在课堂上加深对文章的理解,并在理解和掌握课本知识的基础上,结合一些适合学生特点的背诵技巧,进行科学有效的"死记硬背",让学生在课堂上快速地背出相关的内容,对于激发学生的学习热情,增强学生的学习自信,提高课堂效率,会起到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

中学语文教材的选文多为文学类文本,这类文本不但表现手法丰富,而且蕴涵着丰富的思想哲理、深厚情感。教师可通过引导学生细读课文题目、关键字词、段落结构和助读材料这四个抓手,引领学生深度触摸文本,真正去读懂和欣赏文学类文本,提高阅读教学质量。  相似文献   

教科书是向学生传播知识的重要工具之一,应该是传达最真实、最准确知识的载体,具有极强的经典性。目前,我国通用的中小学教材中还存在着许多错误,如人教版《语文》九年级上册就存在课文文字误引、地名注释不合于当代行政区划等问题。教材质量的高低,直接关系到教学质量的高低和人才培养的成败。因此,必须注重教材编写队伍的建设和教材编写的质量审定。  相似文献   

This textbook survey analyzes the construction and use of analogies in social science texts and compares the results to an earlier analysis of physical science texts. Although the results indicate that the categories in the Curtis and Reigeluth classification system for analogy construction were consistent across disciplines, several differences were revealed related to how and when the analogy is used as an instructional design strategy.  相似文献   

物理新课程的实施,要求物理教师改变传统课堂教学中那种单一的信息传递模式,探索适合新课程内容的教学方式。有价值的学习应该是有意义的学习,这是教育活动的一个基本理念。将奥苏贝尔的有意义接受学习理论和布鲁纳的发现学习理论综合起来运用于物理课堂教学中,能调动学生自主学习的积极性,促进学生主动钻研教材内容,深入探究生活中的物理知识,使物理课堂焕发出生命活力,从而提高物理教学效率。  相似文献   

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