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“档案数据”是当今档案学研究中的重要概念,对“档案数据”概念的源起及演变路径进行梳理,有利于概念基本含义的界定,规范概念的应用形式及情境。本研究在描述“档案数据”领域文献分布规律的前提下,以技术背景为依据,分“档案工作自动化时代”“档案信息化时代”及“大数据时代”三个研究阶段对“档案数据”领域文献的研究主题及内容进行了梳理与总结,并对相关研究的特征及不足进行了评述。最后,本文对“档案数据”的概念含义与研究价值进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

唐启 《档案学研究》2021,35(1):12-17
基于习近平总书记对中国哲学社会科学研究的总体布局,揭示了话语体系的核心内涵,并将档案学术话语体系进行了揭示。从自在与自为的视角,对当前档案学术研究中存在的“‘西方中心主义’下‘中国’话语的逆差”“‘信息技术革命’下‘档案’定位的迷失”及“‘三大支柱理论’下‘学术’厚度的不足”三大矛盾进行了总结及分析,阐释了中国档案学术话语体系建构的必要性。最后,从“中国特色”“中国风格”“中国气派”三个角度提出档案学术话语体系建构中坚持马克思主义及习近平新思想的指导;实现中国传统文化及现代中国档案实践的统一及吸收外来话语及回归汉语表达兼顾的原则。  相似文献   

社会记忆档案化是将社会记忆以档案的方式加以留存,档案记忆社会化则是将档案留存的记忆重新转化为社会共享的记忆。两者是一种双向转化的行为、过程和结果,需要我们超越单向度的思维,在社会记忆再生产的统一性中把握双方的互化融合,认识到它们是“良药”,而非“毒药”。  相似文献   

行政效率运动为中国近代档案学的产生提供了理论土壤与实践根基,文书档案改革作为行政效率的“突破口”,不仅推动了行政效率运动的深化,而且促进了档案学理论和实践的发展。作为行政效率运动的倡议者和组织者以及文书档案改革的推行者,甘乃光对于档案学成为一门独立学科居功至伟。研究甘乃光的档案思想不仅可以厘清档案学科的源流,而且对于档案学科的创新和持久发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

数据时代到来后,“档案数据”一词的使用频率逐年攀升,但因内涵不明,存在误用和乱用现象。通过对国内外“档案数据”一词使用语境与学科内涵的深入分析,本文认为正确理解和规范使用该词,首先,应准确把握“档案数据”的术语结构以及“档案”一词的限定意涵;其次,应明确档案学与其他学科使用“档案数据”的语境区别与内涵差异;此外,要清晰界定档案学科内“档案数据”的内涵并规范对其的使用。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国31部省级“十四五”档案事业发展规划的分析,解读“十四五”时期我国档案事业发展任务与重点,为未来五年我国档案事业的发展提供参考。利用文献调研与文本分析法对“十四五”档案事业发展规划文本中主要任务进行研读与总结,划分出七个重要主题,并借助数据分析软件搭建主题关键词的共现网络,从而思考我国“十四五”时期档案事业的建设重点,并提出未来主要从服务中心大局与民生、加强数字转型、推进档案文化建设、确保档案安全、助力区域协同发展等方面促进我国档案事业的高质量发展。  相似文献   

肖鹏  陈苗 《档案学研究》2022,36(4):130-139
为助力2035年我国档案事业走向“世界前列”,建立一套具有中国特点、契合国际水平的评估指标体系是档案研究的重要任务之一。本文瞄准这一问题意识,研究ICA的《档案共同宣言:评估工具》和英、美、澳等发达国家的档案馆评估标准文本和绩效报告文本。在这一基础上,笔者提出“明确定位,坚持有中国特色的档案馆”“立足国情,围绕档案事业发展新需要”“守正创新,批判性借鉴国际评估指标”三个吸纳国际经验的本土指标构建原则,形成了“引入”“调整”和“保留”三种借鉴策略,并探索性地对部分国际指标进行了本土化改进,以为相关的实践提供参考。  相似文献   

作为国家档案事业发展的顶层设计,《中华人民共和国档案法》(2020修订版)和《“十四五”全国档案事业发展规划》发挥了重要的引领作用,探寻其协同关系不但有助于档案工作者准确把握新时代国家档案工作总体设计方向,还能使地方政府正确贯彻执行国家档案工作的方针政策。因此本文以《中华人民共和国档案法》(2020修订版)法律文本和《“十四五”全国档案事业发展规划》政策文本为研究对象,利用LDA主题聚类及相似度计算方法对其主题和内容协同关系进行研究。结果表明:两部政策法律在档案信息化建设、档案人才培养方面具有较强的协同性,这为促进我国档案事业高质量发展及地区档案政策法律制定提供决策参考。  相似文献   

齐继伟 《档案学研究》2021,35(3):127-134
秦代“徒作簿”作为官府劳力管理的簿籍文书,政府对其制作、审核、校对、存档等细节有着严格管理。本文通过对里耶秦简所见诸多“徒作簿”的考察,结合岳麓简“内史仓曹令甲 ”,可知秦代“徒作簿”至少分为“日簿”和“ 簿”(或“月簿”)两类。县属机构是“徒作簿”的制作部门,县廷负责“徒作簿”的审计。“徒作簿”以“疏书”的格式记录,以“牒”的形式呈送及存档。“徒作簿”的呈送方式依据县属机构距离县廷的远近,所需呈送的日期、频率、地点各有不同。但在实际呈送过程中,如遇特殊情况,也可灵活处理,显示出秦代政务运作的适度灵活。  相似文献   

借鉴外国档案法律法规对“公共档案”定义的经验,总结外国法定“公共档案”定义的共性和差异,分析各国在定义“公共档案”的所有权归属倾向、立法定位、保存与管理主体的确立,以及保存时间和公开利用限制的规定等五个方面产生差异的原因,在此基础上,从形成者与形成过程、价值、特点、属概念以及与其他法律法规协调等五个方面对定义我国“公共档案”的方法提出建议。  相似文献   

档案外展是兴起于欧美国家的一项档案服务活动,具有外展主体与对象广泛、外展形式多样、外展组织过程有针对性等特点。自20世纪50年代至今,国外档案外展的探索与实践经历了孕育萌芽、奠定基础、拥抱网络、日新月异四个发展阶段,并逐渐形成教育导向的档案外展服务、面向社群的档案外展服务和基于社交媒体的档案外展服务三大核心议题。文章认为,在后机构改革时代,我国档案机构可以吸收国外档案外展服务的经验,从外展意识、外展内容、外展方式等方面着手,确定档案外展的基本实践要点,做到意识先行,重视受众需求导向;内容为本,深挖档案机构馆藏;技术为路,推广拉近公众距离。  相似文献   

程长源是我国早期档案学家,他参与了20世纪30年代民国地方政府的档案工作改革,首次提出了档案十进分类法,并在档案编目、档案行政、档案保管、档案人员等方面提出了独到的见解。程长源的档案学思想是近代中国档案学思想体系的一个重要组成部分,对当前的档案学理论研究和实践工作仍具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to investigate whether public archives in South Africa’s educational programs serve as an interactive tool for public engagement. The study adopted a quantitative research approach involving all 10 public archival institutions in South Africa. Data was collected using survey questionnaires, analysis of the legislation on archives, and the national Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) and relevant provincial departments’ annual reports from the 2012–13 to 2014–15 financial years according to the relevant themes of the study. In South Africa, public archival institutions fall under and report to the DAC. The purpose of data triangulation was to collect as much, and as diverse, data as possible to help generate the best possible insight. The study revealed that the public archives’ educational activities were not effectively designed and implemented to bring potential users to archives. The study recommends that public archives engage with educators and curriculum developers to support the South African Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). This will enable archivists and public archival institutions to identify and incorporate developmental and topically relevant archival material into CAPS for use by educators and learners in a classroom environment.  相似文献   

The quantity of government records has grown dramatically since the rapid development of information technology starting in the mid-twentieth century. This ever-expanding body of records has challenged the limited resources of government archives. Though U.S. government archivists constantly try to identify valuable government records among the geometrically increasing total, in order to justify spending public money on their preservation, little is known about how U.S. state archives and records management programs go about the process. The study discussed in this paper is the first to empirically investigate nationwide archival appraisal practice in U.S. state archives and records management programs. The study answered two research questions: How do U.S. state archivists and records managers conceptually define archival appraisal? How do U.S. state archivists and records managers practice archival appraisal of state government records? The study used an online survey and interviews for data collection and SPSS software and NVivo8 software for data analysis. This paper discusses the research topic and concludes with recommendations for practitioners and further studies.  相似文献   

The concept of “collective” or “social” memory has assumed increasing prominence in the discourse of archivists over the past few decades. Archives are frequently characterized as crucial institutions of social memory, and many professional activities are considered forms of memory preservation. We present a systematic examination of the relationships between archives and collective memory as articulated in the English-language archival literature. We first identify the major themes regarding collective memory and categorize archival writings into four major threads. We then analyze citations extracted from 165 articles about collective memory published between 1980 and 2010 in four leading English-language archival studies journals. We identify the most influential scholars and publications and trace the evolution of the collective memory concept in that literature. By comparing the archival literature on collective memory to that indexed in Thomson’s Web of Science and in Google Scholar, we identify specific disciplines, authors, and works that archivists working on collective memory may find useful. We find that in general the archival literature on collective memory is fairly insular and self-referential and call on archivists to actively engage other disciplines when carrying out collective memory research.  相似文献   

Namibians often find themselves in situations of litigation where they need person-related records to defend their rights and privileges. Such person-related records include birth, adoption, marriage, or divorce or deceased estates. It has been observed that the institution where such records should be expected, the National Archives of Namibia often cannot retrieve person-related records of persons previously classified as non-whites under colonial and apartheid laws. Many native Namibians end up losing property or have problems claiming their constitutional rights due to lack of evidence. The purpose of this paper was to explore whether the existing archival literature can guide National Archives of new and emerging African nations on how to handle challenges brought about by gaps in inherited colonial archives. Using a literature survey to explore the state of what is written on the content and usage of colonial archives in post-colonial era, this article argues that the content and use of colonial archives in Africa do not feature prominently in the literature of archival science. Although there has been a rising interest on the subject during the last decade, none of this emerging literature has systematically studied archives in depth with a view on what these archives contain for the non-academic user, what they neglect and what they lack altogether in serving the needs of all citizens in post-colonial states. It recommends that archival scholars as well as archival institutions increase research into this neglected area. Raising awareness may produce academic discourse to help archivists in newly decolonised countries to competently support users whose inquiries currently cannot be answered by the inherited colonial archives collections.  相似文献   

本文对澳大利亚、爱尔兰、比利时和法国档案法律中涉及档案工作人员的规定进行总结和分析,提出明确档案工作人员的实际指向与法律身份、夯实档案机构领导人或责任人的主体责任、充实有关档案工作人员的法规内容等三点启示,为学术界开展相关研究和立法者制定档案工作人员法律规定提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

聂勇浩  郑俭 《档案学研究》2021,35(1):96-103
作为突发的重大公共卫生事件,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情以其全面、深刻的社会影响,注定成为社会记忆中不可忽视的部分。在“人人都是记录者”的数字时代,档案部门应当积极作为,通过与社会力量的协同,共建重大突发事件数字档案资源,以记录这一历史。在建设主体层面,档案部门可以发挥政策指导、平台建设和质量控制的主导作用,协同相关部门、研究机构、高等院校、企业、社会组织、志愿者和普通民众等多元力量共同记录这一重大事件。在档案收集层面,既要丰富收集方式,做到主动收集和社会收集相结合,又要整合收集范围,做到全面收集与重点收集相结合。在开发利用层面,需要以社会需求为导向,提供涵盖资政参考、社会利用、宣传教育和历史纪念等功能的档案公共服务。  相似文献   


This article explores the uses, practicality, and problems involved in creating online finding aids by state-funded university archivists across the nation. It examines various aspects of online finding aids such as financial considerations, its importance as a research tool, timelines, demographics, and use. The more technical side is also explored by inquiring how finding aids are created (e.g., EAD/XML, HTML), whether they have been reformatted before appearing on the web, and what archivists believe are the best methods for their creation. Finally, problems that the participants have encountered along the way are reviewed as well as how archivists dealt with them. The study involved 16 university archivists from state-supported institutions and one from a private university. The research for this article is based on the responses to a 20-question survey that was administered by the author by telephone or e-mail. The research was further supported by an examination of the recent literature that has appeared in archival journals as well as contacting archivists who are working on large online projects. The goal of this article is to assist archivists in identifying potential problems in the development of online finding aids while promoting their presence on the Internet as an important research tool.  相似文献   

赵跃  乔健 《档案学研究》2019,33(3):44-54
本文基于研究主题的挖掘与演化分析,对改革开放以来我国档案学研究的主题结构、演化规律、热点变迁与研究前沿进行了透视。发现:①“档案资源建设与服务”是改革开放以来我国档案学领域形成的规模最大且最具发展潜力的核心主题社区;②“档案资源&档案信息资源”主题形成前后,我国档案学领域出现改革开放以来最为明显的主题分化与融合现象;③改革开放以来我国档案学研究热点有很明显的“世纪分割”现象,“互联网+”“大数据”等成为学科研究的前沿。同时指出,档案学研究中存在如下问题:①思维保守以致超前研究较匮乏;②盲目追求热度而研究深度不足;③国外经验与国内实践间的冲突。面对问题,档案界应:①做好规划,树立自信;②稳中求进,逆向思维;③正视差别,回归理性。  相似文献   

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