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学习型示范和熟练型示范对运动技能观察学习的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨学习型示范和熟练型示范对运动技能观察学习的影响.36名被试随机分为学习型示范观察学习组、熟练型示范观察学习组和对照组.采用计算机追踪任务,以RMSE为评价指标,对三组被试分别进行了10 min后保持测试、24 h后保持测试和迁移测试.结果显示:在保持测试和迁移测试中,学习型示范观察学习组和熟练型示范观察学习组绩效均显著好于控制组;在10 min后和24 h后保持测试中,学习型示范观察学习组和熟练型示范观察学习组之间没有显著性差异;在迁移测试中,学习型示范观察学习组绩效显著好于熟练型示范观察学习组.  相似文献   

以篮球运球技能为试验任务,探讨运动技能两侧性迁移的方向问题以及不同练习方案对两侧同利性运动技能学习效果的影响.40名被试随机分为左手练习组、右手练习组、先左后右手练习组和先右后左手练习组学习篮球运球技能,通过练习前测试、练习后10 min保持测试、练习后24h保持测试和迁移测试综合评价4种练习方式的学习效果.结果显示:(1)与练习前测试相比,练习后4组被试运球技能均显著提高;(2) 10min保持测试、练习后24h保持测试和迁移测试中,右手操作绩效显著好于左手;(3)10min后保持测试和24h后保持测试中,先左后右手练习组操作绩效显著好于另外3组,左手练习组显著好于右手练习组和先右后左手练习组;(4)迁移测试中,先左后右手练习组操作绩效显著好于另外3组,先右后左手练习组和左手练习组显著好于右手练习组.研究结果表明:篮球运球技能存在两侧性迁移,迁移的方向是由非优势手向优势手迁移;左右手不同的练习方案对篮球运球技能的学习有影响,先左后右手交替练习的学习方式有利于篮球运球技能的掌握.  相似文献   

以篮球项目中的基础技术原地单手肩上投篮为测试技能,探讨不同相对频率操作反馈(以下简称KP)对该技能学习绩效的影响。将56名体育学院右利手大学一年级男生随机分配到33%KP组、100%KP组、渐减KP组和控制组当中,每组14人。分别在4种不同的KP控制条件下练习投篮技能,每天练习30次。在练习期间教师按照实验控制条件,并依据原地单手肩上投篮动作的易犯错误分别为各组被试提供恰当的言语反馈。在第3天全部练习结束后休息3 min,进行无KP学习阶段测试,24 h之后再进行无KP保持阶段测试。实验结果显示:(1)学习阶段100%KP组的绩效明显优于33%KP组和渐减KP组;而在24 h保持阶段这种趋势发生了逆转,即33%KP组和渐减KP组的绩效明显优于100%KP组;(2)渐减KP组与33%KP组绩效未出现显著性差异;(3)不同相对频率KP组绩效优于控制组。  相似文献   

目的:探讨优势侧肢体动作技能水平与示范模式对非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能学习的影响.方法:首先,以足球正脚背踢球为载体,8名优秀运动员为研究对象,采用运动生物力学方法对非优势侧肢体动作与优势侧肢体动作的差异特征进行研究,提取能够反映双侧动作技能差异的指标;然后,将48名被试分为低水平十学习型示范组、低水平十熟练型示范组、高水平十学习型示范组、高水平十熟练型示范组,共计4组,以学习非优势侧正脚背踢球为任务,对4组被试分别进行了学习后即刻、24 h保持测试以及迁移测试.结果表明:在学习、保持/迁移测试中,具有优势侧学习经验者,无论采用何种示范模式,其非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能的学习绩效均优于无优势侧学习经验者;在保持/迁移测试中,具有优势侧学习经验者,其非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能的学习绩效,采用学习型示范优于熟练型示范;无优势侧学习经验者适宜采用熟练型示范;具有优势侧学习经验者适宜采用学习型示范.  相似文献   

观察使用计算机追踪任务探讨任务性质、观察学习和身体练习比例对运动技能学习的影响。72名受试划分为开放性任务学习组和封闭性任务学习组,然后再根据观察学习+身体练习比例将受试随机分为25%观察学习+75%身体练习组、50%观察学习+50%身体练习组、以及75%观察学习+25%身体练习组,进行为期3 d的计算机追踪任务学习。第3 d学习结束后,对所有受试进行即刻测试2、4 h后保持测试和迁移测试。结果显示:对于封闭性任务技能学习而言,50%观察学习+50%身体练习的比例所获得的学习效果好于25%观察学习+75%身体练习的比例和75%观察学习+25%身体练习的比例;对于开放性任务技能学习而言,25%观察学习+75%身体练习的比例所获得的学习效果好于75%观察学习+25%身体练习的比例;使用相同比例条件下,封闭性任务技能的学习效果好于开放性任务技能。  相似文献   

探讨不同的观察学习和身体练习比例对不同年龄者追踪任务技能学习的影响.将受试(小学生、高中生、大学生各36名)随机分为25%观察学习+75%身体练习组、50%观察学习+50%身体练习组、75%观察学习+25%身体练习组,进行为期3天的计算机追踪任务学习.第3天学习结束后,对所有受试进行了即刻测试、24 h后保持测试和迁移测试.结果显示:1)高中生和大学生使用50%观察学习+50%身体练习的比例所获得的追踪任务技能学习效果好于25%观察学习+75%身体练习的比例和75%观察学习+25%身体练习的比例;2)小学生使用25%观察学习+75%身体练习的比例所获得的追踪任务技能学习效果好于50%观察学习+50%身体练习的比例和75%观察学习+25%身体练习的比例;3)在同一种观察学习和身体练习比例条件下,高中生和大学生追踪任务技能学习效果相同,但都好于小学生.  相似文献   

采用两维电脑追踪任务,探讨个体技能熟练程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响作用.96名右利手在校大学生随机分为低练组和高练组(每组男、女各24名).首先,高练组受试者在100%反馈频率条件下练习2天,每天练习36次;同期,低练组受试者不进行练习,2天练习结束后,结果表明,经过不同练习量的练习,高练组受试者和低练组受试者之间形成了动作技能熟练程度的差异.此后,两组受试者分别在25%反馈频率、50%反馈频率、75%反馈频率、100%反馈频率条件下,连续2天练习两维复杂电脑追踪任务,每天练习36次.第2天练习结束后休息10 min,两组受试者进行无反馈保持测试.24 h后,再进行无反馈的保持测试.研究结果显示,获得阶段,两组受试者的操作绩效随反馈频率增加呈提高趋势;50%反馈频率有利于高练组受试的动作技能学习,75%反馈频率有利于低练组受试的动作技能学习;个体技能熟练程度与反馈频率适宜值存在交互作用,与低练组受试者相比,高练组学习动作技能时应适当减少反馈频率.提示,个体技能熟练程度影响反馈频率适宜值;技能熟练程度较高的个体学习动作技能时,应适当减少反馈频率.  相似文献   

任务性质、结果反馈时机与运动技能的学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用键盘敲击任务探讨任务性质、结果反馈时机对运动技能学习的影响.将100名右优势手大学生随机分为开放性和封闭性任务组(男女各25名),两组分别在5种KR条件下,练习开放或封闭任务3天,每天练习108次.第3天练习结束后休息10min,进行不提供KR的保持测试10次.24 h后,进行无KR保持测试10次.结果显示:(1)在封闭性运动技能学习中延迟KR更有利,而即刻KR促进开放性运动技能的学习;(2)提供KR的适宜时机受任务性质影响.与开放性技能相比,操作封闭性技能时,提供KR的适宜时机应延迟.  相似文献   

目的:研究24周不同方式的规律运动对肥胖绝经妇女(52.5±3.10岁,BMI:27.65±1.45)血清瘦素的影响,及其与体成分、脂代谢变化的关系。方法:46名受试者随机分成3组[有氧练习组(AER),有氧加抗阻练习组(AER RES),控制组(CON)]进行24周的训练。AER组每周3次,每次70 min,60%~70%HRmax强度,AER RES组运动方案与AER组基本相似,只是在基本部分进行20min抗阻练习。实验前、后测量形态学指标、血脂、胰岛素、瘦素等。结果:实验后两个运动组的体脂百分比、BMI、体脂含量、体重、WHR显著下降,甘油三酯显著下降,而HDL-C显著上升;胰岛素水平出现非常显著的下降,AER组下降10.63%(P<0.05),AER RES组下降19.90%(P<0.01);AER组瘦素水平显著下降,而AER RES组则没有显著变化;CON组所有指标都没有良性的变化。运动后瘦素水平的变化量与体脂百分比、WHR及体重的变化量显著相关;运动后体重下降大的(≥3 kg)受试对象与体重未下降者相比,瘦素水平有非常显著性的下降。结论:24周运动改善了肥胖妇女的体成分和血脂,而瘦素水平的变化与体重变化密切相关。  相似文献   

采用键盘敲击任务探讨学习者主观估计错误活动、结果反馈时机(knowledge of results,简称KR)对运动技能学习的影响.抽取90名右利手的在校大学生,随机分为:主观估计无KR组、主观估计及时KR组、主观估计延迟KR组,算术活动无KR组,算术活动及时KR组,算术活动延迟KR组(组间性别均衡设计).主观估计错误活动组在练习间以口头报告的形式评估自己刚才操作总时间的误差,算术活动组按照实验员的要求进行数字算术口头运算.无KR组不提供KR,及时KR组在主观估计错误活动或算术活动后即刻获得KR,延迟KR组则延迟4s获得KR.第1-2天,6组受试者在各自的条件下分别练习,每天练习108次.第3天,练习后,休息10min,使用原任务进行保持测试10次,要求受试者每次测试后口头报告自己操作的总时间.第4天,使用原任务进行保持测试10次,要求受试者每次测试后口头报告自己操作的总时间.结果显示:(1)练习后从事主观估计错误活动,并能及时获得KR的学习者,保持测试的绩效最好;(2)主观估计错误活动影响提供KR的适宜时机.  相似文献   

观察和练习比例、任务复杂程度对运动技能学习的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验法,探讨不同的观察学习和身体练习比例及任务复杂程度对追踪任务技能学习的影响.将受试分为简单任务学习组和复杂任务学习组,然后再根据比例将受试随机分为25%观察学习+75%身体练习组、50%观察学习+50%身体练习组及75%观察学习+25%身体练习组,进行为期3 d的计算机追踪任务学习.结果显示:对复杂任务学习而言,50%观察学习+50%身体练习比例的学习效果较好;对于简单任务学习而言,3种观察学习和身体练习比例的学习效果相同.  相似文献   


Two studies investigated the effects of delayed visual feedback on manual tracking. In Experiment 1, individuals practiced with visual feedback provided either immediately (0 delay) or with a 333-ms delay. During acquisition, the 0 delay group performed with less error than the 333-ms delay group. A retention test with 0 delay feedback was performed with the least error by the 0 delay group. A transfer test using a different 0 delay tracking pattern, was performed with the least error by the 333-ms delay group. In Experiment 2, individuals practiced at six different delays. Error increased as training feedback delay increased. For retention there were no differences between the delay groups during the 0 delay retention. At a 417-ms retention, test error decreased as training feedback delay increased. Results indicate that error during acquisition does not necessarily impair learning and that feedback delays can be beneficial for learning.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the visual search strategies used during observation of video and point-light display models. We also assessed the relative effectiveness of video and point-light models in facilitating the learning of task outcomes and movement patterns. Twenty-one female novice soccer players were divided equally into video, point-light display and no-model (control) groups. Participants chipped a soccer ball onto a target area from which radial and variable error scores were taken. Kinematic data were also recorded using an opto-electrical system. Both a pre- and post-test were performed, interspersed with three periods of acquisition and observation of the model. A retention test was completed 2 days after the post-test. There was a significant main effect for test period for outcome accuracy and variability, but observation of a model did not facilitate outcome-based learning. Participants observing the models acquired a global movement pattern that was closer to that of the model than the controls, although they did not acquire the local relations in the movement pattern, evidenced by joint range of motion and angle-angle plots. There were no significant differences in learning between the point-light display and video groups. The point-light display model group used a more selective visual search pattern than the video model group, while both groups became more selective with successive trials and observation periods. The results are discussed in the context of Newell's hierarchy of coordination and control and Scully and Newell's visual perception perspective.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of different cueing conditions during observational learning of a soccer accuracy pass. Sixty participants (30 males, 30 females) were randomly assigned and stratified by sex into one of six groups: discovery learning, verbal instruction, video model with visual cues, video model with verbal cues, video model with visual and verbal cues, and video model only. Each participant completed eight blocks of 10 trials each, with trial blocks 1 and 2 representing the practice phase (no manipulation), trial blocks 3, 4, 5 and 6 the acquisition phase (manipulation administered) and trial blocks 7 and 8 the retention phase (24 h after acquisition, with no manipulation). Absolute error, variable error and kicking form were recorded. The results indicated that those who used video modelling with visual and verbal cues collectively displayed less error and more appropriate form across acquisition and retention trial blocks compared with other groups. Our findings suggest that verbal information in addition to visual cues enhances perceptual representation and retention of modelled activities to improve task reproduction capabilities. Future research directions are proposed with implications for both direct and indirect perception accounts of skill acquisition through observed behaviours.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the visual search strategies used during observation of video and point-light display models. We also assessed the relative effectiveness of video and point-light models in facilitating the learning of task outcomes and movement patterns. Twenty-one female novice soccer players were divided equally into video, point-light display and no-model (control) groups. Participants chipped a soccer ball onto a target area from which radial and variable error scores were taken. Kinematic data were also recorded using an opto-electrical system. Both a pre- and post-test were performed, interspersed with three periods of acquisition and observation of the model. A retention test was completed 2 days after the post-test. There was a significant main effect for test period for outcome accuracy and variability, but observation of a model did not facilitate outcome-based learning. Participants observing the models acquired a global movement pattern that was closer to that of the model than the controls, although they did not acquire the local relations in the movement pattern, evidenced by joint range of motion and angle-angle plots. There were no significant differences in learning between the pointlight display and video groups. The point-light display model group used a more selective visual search pattern than the video model group, while both groups became more selective with successive trials and observation periods. The results are discussed in the context of Newell's hierarchy of coordination and control and Scully and Newell's visual perception perspective.  相似文献   

任务复杂程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用单维简单和两维复杂电脑追踪任务,探讨任务复杂程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响.96名右利手的在校大学生随机分为简单任务和复杂任务组(每组男、女各24名).两组受试者分别在25%相对频率(提供反馈的练习次数占总练习次数的25%,简称反馈频率,下同)、50%反馈频率、75%反馈频率、100%反馈频率条件下,连续两天练习简单或复杂任务,每天练习36次.第2天练习结束后休息10min,2组受试者进行无反馈保持测试.一天后,再进行无反馈的保持测试.结果显示:(1)练习阶段,两组受试者的操作绩效随反馈频率增加呈提高趋势;(2)50%反馈频率利于简单任务的技能学习,75%反馈频率利于复杂任务的技能学习;(3)任务复杂程度与反馈频率适宜值存在交互作用,与简单任务相比,操作复杂任务时,应增加反馈的频率.以上结果提示:当信息加工负荷较小(如操作任务较简单)时,减少反馈频率利于技能学习;而当信息加工负荷较大(操作任务较复杂)时,频繁反馈利于技能学习.  相似文献   

Observation of a model prior to physical practice often facilitates the acquisition of motor skills. The majority of research studies on observational motor learning has used a skilled model for the demonstration. Recent research, however, suggests that observing an unskilled (learning) model may also be effective. The experiment reported here compared motor skill acquisition following observation of a learning model or a skilled model to the performance of subjects who lacked the benefit of observation. The task was to play a computer tracking game. Subjects were tested in pairs. Observers watched either a skilled or a learning model perform 3 trials. The observers then practiced the game for 3 trials. Observation of another 12 trials was followed by 12 more practice trials. Substantial observational learning was found, as both groups of observers performed better than the learning models after both the 3 initial trials of observation and after 12 more observation trials. However, there were no differences due to observing the skilled or the learning model. These findings are discussed in relation to theoretical issues of observational learning.  相似文献   

运动技能的内隐学习与分心练习——对应激的抵御   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为抵御应激对运动技能水平发挥的影响 ,研究以轨迹追踪任务为实验范式 ,将 32名被试分 4组在不同条件下进行为期 12 d的练习 ,并比较了各组在两种应激条件下的测试结果。结果显示 :对于复杂的操作任务 ,内隐学习比外显学习更有效。分心练习所获得运动技能较少受高应激的影响  相似文献   

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