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电视媒介事件与仪式传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种新的电视传播形态,电视媒介事件已经成为我们生活中的一种重要"仪式".本文从仪式传播的角度,探讨电视媒介事件凝聚社会、融和情感、增进团结、传承文化、确认秩序的重要仪式功能,考察电视媒介事件的仪式传播特点、意义与价值.  相似文献   

戴扬和卡茨的经典媒介事件理论是20世纪80年代功能主义传播学受到社会人类学启发的产物。90年代初,文化研究和社会学者从"传媒与仪式"的角度对之进行了验证和修正。之后,媒介事件被整合进仪式传播理论、媒介仪式理论和"媒介化的仪式"理论,成为媒介社会学和媒介人类学的重要概念。  相似文献   

在西方学术语境中,"媒介仪式"和"媒介事件"是两个不同的理论概念。媒介事件着重阐释大众媒介在特殊时刻整合社会的功能,取向于功能主义的、新涂尔干主义的学术理路。媒介仪式着重揭示大众媒介建构社会中心的神话,取向于反功能主义的、后涂尔干主义的学术理路。同时,二者又存在一些共性,它们都以电视传播为范例探究媒介在社会生活中的重要地位,都从文化人类学角度研究媒介(传播)的仪式性特征。媒介事件理论的动态发展,尤其是仪式性的消退,使它与媒介仪式的共性相应减弱。  相似文献   

政府公共传播是组织传播和媒介规范的交叉概念。作为推动民主社会进程的机制构成,政府公共传播是基于公共决策、信息接近和社会责任的最佳社会决策框架而建立的“公共话语系统”。社交媒体重构了政府公共传播的要素指涉语境,“秩序协同”成为我国政府公共传播话语实践的主导模式。通过运用语境重构方法对微信平台的政府公共传播多元话语主体生成的关键文本进行文本间语境重构分析,以检验政府公共传播各行动者在社交媒体的策略实践能力。研究发现,在重大公共事件传播中,官方机构以“权威发布”的强话语文本建构公共传播“主调”,并通过机构间文本互文和修辞维持话语秩序。媒体文本对政府文本,尤其是关键文本高度依赖并将“协作修辞”作为其主要话语策略,此外,公众参与政府公共传播的话语空间仍然有限。据此,本文提出了我国政府公共传播的“协同责任”媒介规范理论,主张社会责任论与公民参与相结合的责任协同范式。  相似文献   

本文以运动盛会、文艺晚会、国庆阅兵作为实践案例,从仪式传播的视角探究了媒介事件中音乐的功能、效果和话语的表征实践,以突出音乐的社会意义建构及其在媒介仪式的"巨大话语系统”中所体现的文本特点、现实价值及主流文化表征.  相似文献   

"媒介事件"和"传播的仪式观"是近年来中文传播研究中被广泛引用的两个概念,但一些引用中,存在着误读、误用。本文想对《媒介事件》和《作为文化的传播》两本书中的相关概念进行重理,以期更为准确地把握这两个概念。  相似文献   

突发公共事件中媒介话语权重构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈赛男 《东南传播》2010,(10):45-47
媒介话语权是一种权利,也是一种权力。因而,在传播实践中,为了自身利益的最大化,各组织、利益集团都在积极争夺对媒介话语权的控制,从而导致话语均衡的理想状态很难形成。尤其是突发公共事件发生时,来自公权力与私权利的控制成为制约话语均衡的主导力量,媒介话语权也因此一度沦为"政府代言人"或"经济创收者"。为此,本文提出的重构媒介话语权仍以寻求话语均衡为目标,认为媒介话语权应该回归公共权利的本质,自觉地代表公众利益,为公众服务。也就是说,媒介话语的均衡发展关键在于媒体、公众的公共意识的树立。事实上,媒介话语权均衡状态的建构不仅是大众传媒的进步,也是对国家民主建设的推动。  相似文献   

研究主要通过"大阅兵"在微博平台的传播,具体分析被传统媒介预构的"媒介事件"话语共识,在自媒体平台到底存在话语解构危机还是共识重建效能?研究发现:自媒体平台的信息传播更倾向于构成一个不同言论相互影响的"诠释社区",但这并不影响专业媒介在"媒介事件"中所发挥的主导作用;同时,这种网络围观和集体协商过程也伴随着冲突与"脱轨"的话语显现,但其中的一些"抹黑"或"破坏"性信息,只是一种主流意识形态话语体系下的边缘性存在;同时,微博评论的立场与原微博立场有较大联系,负面立场的信息传播效果更好,这警示各大传播主体应积极利用微博平台理性表达自身观点。  相似文献   

电视媒介事件已成为生活中一种重要且常见的"仪式".本文从仪式传播的角度,选取三个实际案例,即2016年央视猴年春晚、2015年世界反法西斯战争暨中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年阅兵和2016年南京大屠杀死难者公祭仪式的直播视频,利用电视媒介符号系统,包括语言符号系统和非语言符号系统来具体分析,探讨出不同类型的电视媒介事件具有民族凝聚、文化传承,国家认同、信仰共享以及整合维系民族自豪等方面的重要仪式功能,在此基础上进一步浅析媒介事件的仪式直播如何建构这些功能.  相似文献   

詹姆斯.凯瑞提出的传播仪式观强调传播是一个文化共享的过程,媒介事件往往需要通过一定的仪式来得以展现。媒介仪式由于媒体的放大作用,关注度高,因此对国家形象的塑造来说是良好的契机。本文试图从媒介仪式角度分析上海世博会开幕式的媒介呈现,从中探析媒介仪式中的国家形象塑造。  相似文献   

The proliferation of camera phones over the past decade has created an unprecedented landslide of visual information in the online public sphere, transforming the form and amount of communication in relation to crisis events. International research on this subject has primarily centered on the way in which the production and dissemination of eyewitness images convert mainstream media's coverage of crisis. This article broadens the perspective by focusing on eyewitness images in relation to “conflictual media events.” The article contributes to discussions on the definition of conflictual media events in today's mediatized and connective media environment, which has undergone radical changes from the era of mass media hegemony when Daniel Dayan and Elihu Katz first outlined media events. The article further examines the ways in which the circulation of eyewitness images erodes established boundaries between experts and laymen and between professionals and non-professionals in relation to conflictual media events. The bombing of the Boston Marathon in April 2013 constitutes the empirical point of departure.  相似文献   

The effects of new communication technologies on election campaigns, and the effectiveness of media-centered campaign strategies more broadly, remain ongoing subjects for debate in political science. This study provides some of the first empirical evidence about the potential impact of social media on the 2012 U.S. presidential elections, by testing the association between “candidate salience” and the candidates' level of engagement in online social media sphere. We define “candidate salience” as the extent to which candidates are discussed online by the public in an election campaign, and have selected the number of mentions presidential candidates receive on the social media site, Twitter, as means of quantifying their salience. This strategy allows us to examine whether social media, which is widely recognized as disruptive in the broader economic and social domains, has the potential to change the traditional dynamics of U.S. election campaigns. We find that while social media does substantially expand the possible modes and methods of election campaigning, high levels of social media activity on the part of presidential candidates have, as of yet, resulted in minimal effects on the amount of public attention they receive online.  相似文献   

李静  谢耘耕 《新闻界》2020,(2):37-45
本文基于2010-2018年10600起舆情事件,考察了事件本身属性、媒介传播、网民参与及政府干预对网络舆情热度的影响。多元分层回归模型的结果表明:1.环境和文化体育类事件网络舆情热度较高,反腐倡廉类事件网络舆情热度较低;因为大型活动和科技发现引发的舆情事件传播热度较高。2.由传统媒体、网络新闻首次曝光的舆情事件热度较低。3.出现第三方、网络谣言、网络动员的舆情事件热度较高,意见领袖的出现对网络舆情热度没有显著影响;网民舆论倾向性非常正面的舆情事件传播热度较高。4.网络舆情事件中如果国家部委进行了干预,则舆情热度较高;政府干预的时效性越差,网络舆情热度越高;政府采用新闻发布会、社交媒体回应的舆情事件热度较高,利用对外公告或文件回应的舆情事件热度较低;政府干预级数与网络舆情热度正相关。  相似文献   

在风险社会中,科技的发展不仅是衡量现代性的核心要素,同时也是催生不确定性的重要原因。社交媒体的发展很大程度改变了风险传播的景观,使得风险认知和媒介信息之间的关系更加复杂。本研究采用问卷调查法对临近核电站建设区域社交媒体用户进行调查,旨在探讨社交媒体环境下的信息对受众风险信息搜索行为的影响。本研究采用结构方程模型的分析方法,从社会认知理论出发考察社交媒体环境中信息的质量对受众反应的作用过程。结果显示信息质量可以通过影响用户的风险认知、风险知识水平和自我效能三个变量影响其风险信息搜索行为,从而证明社交媒体所构建的信息环境会显著作用于人们对于风险的认知和行为反应。本研究的发现期待可以为风险传播中的有效公众沟通策略以及线上风险信息管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Social media use by government: From the routine to the critical   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social media and online services with user-generated content (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube) have made a staggering amount of information (and misinformation) available. Government officials seek to leverage these resources to improve services and communication with citizens. Significant potential exists to identify issues in real time, so emergency managers can monitor and respond to issues concerning public safety. Yet, the sheer volume of social data streams generates substantial noise that must be filtered in order to detect meaningful patterns and trends. Important events can then be identified as spikes in activity, while event meaning and consequences can be deciphered by tracking changes in content and public sentiment. This paper presents findings from a exploratory study we conducted between June and December 2010 with government officials in Arlington, VA (and the greater National Capitol Region around Washington, D.C.), with the broad goal of understanding social media use by government officials as well as community organizations, businesses, and the public at large. A key objective was also to understand social media use specifically for managing crisis situations from the routine (e.g., traffic, weather crises) to the critical (e.g., earthquakes, floods).  相似文献   

During the past decade, great changes have occurred in journalism, many of them due to the rapid rise of social media. What has happened to American journalists in the decade since the early 2000s, a time of tumultuous changes in society, economics, and technology? What impact have the many cutbacks and the dramatic growth of the internet had on US journalists’ attitudes, and behaviors—and even on the definition of who is a journalist? To answer the questions raised above, in late 2013 we conducted a national online survey of 1080 US journalists. The survey is part of the American Journalist project, which conducted similar surveys of US journalists in 1982, 1992, and 2002. We found that US journalists use social media mainly to check on what other news organizations are doing and to look for breaking news events. A majority also use social media to find ideas for stories, keep in touch with their readers and viewers, and find additional information. Thus, journalists use social media predominantly as information-gathering tools and much less to interview sources or to validate information. Our findings also indicate that most journalists consider social media to have a positive impact on their work. Of particular value, it seems, was the fact that social media make journalism more accountable to the public. However, only about a third of the journalists also think that social media have a positive influence on the journalistic profession overall. One of the most common negative perceptions was that online journalism has sacrificed accuracy for speed. Overall, then, it appears that most journalists do see the benefits of social media, but fewer are convinced that these new forms of digital communication will benefit journalistic professionalism.  相似文献   

公共卫生事件的发生伴随着紧急性和未知性,面对该类事件公众具有强烈的信息获知需求。大众媒体对公共卫生事件的解读缺乏专业权威性,学术期刊的社会职责与公众的信息需求是医学学术期刊发挥媒体议程的基础。医学学术期刊公信力高,具备丰富的医学专业内容资源和客观理性的媒介调性,在公共卫生事件的媒体议程设置中能发挥优势。医学学术期刊通过科普传播的路径参与议题设置,以社交媒体矩阵建立、推动媒体间共振是大众传播基础,以医学知识服务和科学专业内容传播定位实现对公众的长效引导。提升学术期刊的大众化传播能力,从而影响社会议题,通过回应社会关切、快速出版等方式实现公众舆论导向。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):357-372
Despite scholarly research inconsistencies in conceptualizations of hypertext, there seems to be a consensus among scholars from different epistemological grounds that hypertextuality as a communication potential refers to the interconnectivity and interlayering of textual parts in an extended nonlinear chain of integrated content that enables innovation in practices within the triad journalist–text–reader. However, within this rather large area of research, media and journalism scholars have paid minimal attention to hypertext as practice despite hypertext raising many questions regarding the processes and relations of news making. In this paper the author attempts to fill this research gap and to investigate how hypertext shapes different phases of online news making, that is, gathering, selecting, and assessing information, and how these processes influence journalist–source–audience relations. This study thus provides analysis of data gathered through participant observation in the online departments of two leading Slovenian print media organizations, Delo and Dnevnik, and in-depth interviews with their online journalists and editors. The analysis indicated that (1) lack of reasoning and a conservative mind-set prevail among online staffers when conceptualizing hypertext; (2) the normalization of hypertextual news making is subordinated to speed and timeliness in news delivery; and (3) nurtured journalist–source–audience relations bring little to strengthen the social relevance of news. These results confirmed hypertext as a commodity rather than emphasizing its public character. The practice of hypertext at the two Slovenian newspapers indicates a phenomenon that could be labelled as journalistic deskilling in online news making.  相似文献   

Disaster marathon was proposed by media communication scholars to differentiate the genre of disaster television broadcasting from media events. However, its theoretical framework is limited by its omission of findings from disaster social science literature, and its lack of examinations of marathons of domestic natural disasters. Using the August 2014 Yunnan (China) Television Station broadcast The Special Report on the August 3 Earthquake in Ludian, Yunnan, we conduct a qualitative content analysis to empirically examine the disaster marathon concept for natural disasters. During the content analysis, three themes emerge: authorities’ command and control, the involvement of armed forces, and convergence of social support. Our case study findings contradict the disaster marathon conceptualization and conclude that the local television coverage following a natural disaster can also be performed as a series of conventional media events and is consistent with the established disaster coverage literature.  相似文献   

When people perceive events that conflict with their expectations they can easily express their agitation and concerns online and likely find others who share their opinion. When large quantities of messages containing negative word-of-mouth suddenly spread in social media we speak of an online firestorm. By covering the outcry, journalists elevate it onto a mainstream communication platform and support the process of scandalization. Content analysis was used to explore how journalists, working for German-language media, cover this phenomenon. Over a period of 16 months, 130 online firestorms were identified and analyzed. Based on a typology of online firestorms, we have found that the majority of cases address events of perceived discrimination and moral misconduct aiming at societal change. Vilification of the organization or person occurred to a much lesser extent. Thus, journalistic coverage of the phenomenon focuses on the rectification attempts of an aroused public. Image-repair responses of the firestorm objects are quoted by journalists in about half of the articles, thereby providing some balanced reporting about the online criticism. This study provides an initial insight into how online firestorms are used as a topic of news coverage by journalists and explores journalists’ contribution to attempts of online scandalization.  相似文献   

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