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科学计量学(Scientometrics)是用数学方法研究科学的量化特征和发展机制的学科,它作为科学学研究中较为成熟的定量研究方法被用于多个科学领域的研究与应用.本文运用扩展的作者共被引方法-作者共现分析方法,针对传统的ACA分析方法存在的不足给出分析说明并给予相应的改进,且应用多种社会网络分析指标对作者共现网络的结构特征进行测度.本文选择截止到2011年为止的25位普赖斯奖(The Derek de Solla Price Award)奖得主作为分析对象,通过这25位在科学计量学领域有突出贡献的扩展作者共现分析,发掘科学计量学研究的主体结构和研究合作网络特点.  相似文献   

通过对近二十年长江新闻奖获奖者的相关资料进行统计分析发现:获奖者群体的年龄分布展现为正态分布;他们的性别分布比例严重失衡;获奖者群体的教育背景具有聚集分布的特点;他们任职媒体的级别呈现出倒金字塔式的分布格局;部分获奖者的职业上升性流动表现为三级阶梯模式。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于科学数据构建合作网络,并与传统出版物合作网络进行比较,从网络分析层面解读两个合作网络的差异,为科学数据管理工作提供借鉴。[方法/过程]以ClinicalTrials.gov网站的临床科学数据库为例,利用爬虫抓取该网站上传统论文题录信息以及临床试验信息的元数据并分别构建合作网络,通过复杂网络分析比较试验合作机构网络与论文合作机构网络之间的异同。[结果/结论]基于科学数据集和论文数据集的元数据构建的合作网络,与仅从论文数据集中提取元数据构建的网络相比,前者能够展现更丰富准确的合作信息,从而揭示科学数据管理和开放共享的重要性。  相似文献   

开放科学的驱动因素、发展优势与障碍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]考察目前国际开放科学的发展情况,为国内开放科学的发展提供理论支撑和参考。[方法/过程]通过网络调研和文献调研,综述和介绍开放科学的涵义、驱动开放科学发展的因素及当前开放科学发展的优势和障碍。[结果/结论]开放科学的概念存在多样性;科学发展的需求、各机构和国家的开放科学政策和实践项目是开放科学发展的主要驱动因素;开放科学的优势逐渐凸显,如提高科研的速度和效率、促进发现新的科研问题、增强科研的可见性和参与度、促进学术严谨和科研质量、增强科研合作和群体建设等;开放科学虽有优势,但也有一些因素阻碍其发展,如缺乏学术报酬等激励机制、独立的科研文化与竞争性、缺乏开放科学的知识技能、缺乏知识产权法律保障等。  相似文献   

基于CSCD和SCI的跨省区科学合作网络可视化分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用CSCD(1998-2005)和SCI(2000-2005)数据库得出我国31个省区科学合作论文的数据矩阵,构建出一系列跨省区、有向加权的合作网络。利用网络绘图分析软件Netdraw将其可视化,并从不同角度将省区间的科学合作状态表现出来并加以分析。结果显示:弱势省区倾向于与强势省区合作;弱势省区之间合作极少;SCI合作网络中各省区之间的合作差异程度大于CSCD合作网络中的合作差异程度。  相似文献   

詹骞 《当代传播》2015,(1):47-49
社会化媒体时代,借助社交网络,越来越多的科普精英直接面向读者传播科学知识。以科学松鼠会和果壳网为代表的科学社交网络是其中的典型代表,其着眼内容的专业化建设,以自组织形式构建科学趣味文化,注重群体认同感的培育,倡导用户具备良好的科学素养并积极参与科学议题讨论,这些都成为其构建科学社交网络的信息可信度及整体可信度的重要因素。  相似文献   

张春博  丁堃  王博 《图书情报工作》2013,57(24):132-139
克罗宁(Blaise Cronin)是世界著名的图书情报学家和科学计量学家,他于2013年获普赖斯奖这一科学计量学与信息计量学最高奖项。以Web of Science数据库收录的其128篇期刊论文为数据基础,运用包括词频统计、共现分析和引文分析在内的科学计量方法,辅以信息可视化技术,对B.Cronin 30多年来的学术成就与影响以及学术交流状况进行定量分析。结果显示,B.Cronin是一位高产作者,基于其工作经历可以划分出4个产出阶段;研究内容虽然涉及引文分析、学者研究、科研合作、网络计量和学术致谢等多个主题,但都体现出对学术交流和学术评价的指向。从H指数、区域扩散和引用者视角,说明B.Cronin同样也是一位具有国际学术影响力的学者。  相似文献   

科学合作网络的中心性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用社会网络分析法,以信息资源管理领域为研究示例,通过万方数据库采集相关数据,对科学合作网络进行了中心性分析,分别选取了程度中心性、亲近中心性、中介中心性、特征向量中心性和PageRank为研究指标,通过实验得到了可以表征该科学合作网络的分析数据,为今后更加深入地了解科学合作网络做一定的铺垫。  相似文献   

普利策新闻奖得主在美国是一个引人注目的新闻精英群体。本文利用《普利策奖得主名人录》一书提供的丰富的传记信息,对于1917-1998年间600多位普利策新闻奖得主的社会学特征进行了系统的分析。研究发现:普利策新闻奖是一个由男性所统治的职业荣誉场域;普利策新闻奖得主在出生地和工作机构上的分布很不均衡;25至54岁这三十年是美国新闻从业者获取普利策新闻奖的黄金时期;约五分之一的美国籍获奖者曾就读于常春藤盟校;普利策新闻奖得主在宗教信仰方面有别于美国新闻从业者总体。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 科学合作的多样性是科学计量学领域"团队科学"研究主题中的一个新兴研究点,与以往线性视角下的合作特征不同,它是一种多维度、系统性视角下的结构性特征。对科学合作多样性的研究与梳理有助于理解科学合作的内在结构、本质和价值。[方法/过程] 对科学计量学领域的合作多样性相关研究进行评述:首先系统梳理和界定了科学合作多样性的类型和概念维度,基于作者属性将其定义为四大类共10种不同的合作多样性;其次从概念内涵、测度方法、效用分析3个维度,分别对各类型合作多样性进行研究评述;最后总结了现有研究不足并对未来研究做出展望。[结果/结论] 研究发现,现有文献更加偏重基于文献计量特征属性的合作多样性研究,而对个体属性与专业属性的合作多样性的研究较少,并且大多体现多样性概念框架的部分内涵;测度方法也以传统方法为主,使用新型多样性测度方法(考虑了相似性维度)较少;效用研究则以引文影响力的单一类型效用为主。未来研究需关注非文献计量属性的合作多样性类型,以及体现多样性概念完整内涵,探索包含相似性维度的多样性测度方法,在效用研究中需扩展质量层面的多类型效用研究,尤其需加强背后的成因分析。  相似文献   

Collaboration usually has a positive effect on researchers’ productivity: researchers have become increasingly collaborative, according to recent studies. Numerous studies have focused on enhancing research collaboration by recommendation technology and measuring the influence of researchers. However, few studies have investigated the effect of collaboration on the position of a researcher in the research social network. In this paper, we explore the relationships between collaboration and influence by social analytical methods, which are pertinent to analyzing the network structure and individual traits. We evaluate three aspects of the researchers’ influence: friendship paradox validation, social circle, and structure of a researcher's ego network. Furthermore, the ”six degrees of Bacon number” theory, generalized friendship paradox, and triadic closure theory are introduced to support our analysis. Experimental results show that collaboration can help researchers increase their influence to some extent.  相似文献   

指出科学合作网络中节点重要性鉴别通常是利用社会网络分析中的节点程度中心性或中介中心性来进行。这类指标并未考虑科学合作网络中的引文特性,因而并不能完全体现节点在合作网络中的重要性。比较和分析科学合作网络中各种节点影响力指标,并在B-rner提出的引用强度指标基础上进一步提出节点合作收益指标,最后以禽流感合作网络为例评测和分析科学合作网络中具有重要意义的节点。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the collaboration of female inventors, how it affects their innovation production and whether it influences their innovation impact. Empirical knowledge of how inventors collaborate in co-patenting collaborations holds an important key to innovation development. In this article, we report on an analysis of international inventors and patents granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) between 1978 and 2019. We investigate the structure of inventors’ networks—particularly those of female inventors—over time using social network analysis and address the gender patterns of collaboration. It can be observed that while female inventors’ overall involvement in patenting activity is not that high, the share of female inventors increases over the time period in question from 1.2% to 8.9%. We also estimate panel data regressions on the number of patents and the citation rates of the patents at an individual level. Our results show that although all inventors benefit from a more central network position within the co-patenting network in terms of their innovation output, the positive influence is greater for male inventors than female inventors. In addition, when inventors collaborate with inventors from more diversified countries and regions they contribute to more patents and their patents are more cited.  相似文献   

从Brookes文献老化的负指数方程出发,推导出引文半衰期和普赖斯指数之间的关系式,证明他们之间不是反比关系,并用此关系式重新拟合了陈立新等人的数据。拟合结果表明:该关系式可以很好地拟合1954-1968年的数据,拟合1969-2003年的数据则出现较大的偏差。其原因可能是随着科学技术的进步,SCIE力学专业期刊的引文半衰期对普赖斯指数的变化率比理论值要快。此外,拟合结果还揭示SCIE力学期刊中的经典文献的引文半衰期在较长时间内是不变的。  相似文献   

“It’s who you know, not what you know,” is a familiar phrase—often repeated by professionals in Hollywood. The present study focuses on “who knows who” among Hollywood television writers. Using network analysis, this exploratory study identifies the degree of centralization and types of connections found in this elite writers’ network. Results show a great deal of collaboration in the network, and while male writers are more connected overall in Hollywood, women are more likely to be brokers—a structurally advantageous position. The authors provide explanations for collaboration patterns, especially with regard to gender differences in network roles, and propose avenues for further research.  相似文献   

《Journal of Informetrics》2019,13(2):708-716
Peer review is not only a quality screening mechanism for scholarly journals. It also connects authors and referees either directly or indirectly. This means that their positions in the network structure of the community could influence the process, while peer review could in turn influence subsequent networking and collaboration. This paper aims to map these complex network implications by looking at 2232 author/referee couples in an interdisciplinary journal that uses double blind peer review. By reconstructing temporal co-authorship networks, we found that referees tended to recommend more positively submissions by authors who were within three steps in their collaboration network. We also found that co-authorship network positions changed after peer review, with the distances between network neighbours decreasing more rapidly than could have been expected had the changes been random. This suggests that peer review could not only reflect but also create and accelerate scientific collaboration.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 鉴于异质网络能够揭示数据的多重关系,引入合作网络,构建2-模异质网络,并基于此异质网络,进行作者潜在合作空间的测度与识别,增加作者间合作机会,促进学科知识的交流与融合提供参考。[方法/过程] 以2004-2013年间的图书情报学核心期刊论文为研究对象,定义作者-作者-关键词2模异质网络,挖掘网络中的多重关系;定义潜在合作空间的相关概念及测度公式,并运用共现分析、耦合分析及编译VBA, 程序,对2-模异质网络的作者潜在合作空间进行测度与识别。[结果/结论] 发现图书情报学领域的47位核心潜在合作者;某一研究主题的作者潜在合作空间相同或相近,重叠部分形成了该研究领域的潜在合作团队,这一发现为研究人员寻求潜在合作者提供了便利条件。  相似文献   

Based on publication data on coronavirus-related fields, this study applies a difference in differences approach to explore the evolution of gender inequalities before and during the COVID-19 pandemic by comparing the differences in the numbers and shares of authorships, leadership in publications, gender composition of collaboration, and scientific impacts. We find that, during the pandemic: (1) females’ leadership in publications as the first author was negatively affected; (2) although both females and males published more papers relative to the pre-pandemic period, the gender gaps in the share of authorships have been strengthened due to the larger increase in males’ authorships; (3) the share of publications by mixed-gender collaboration declined; (4) papers by teams in which females play a key role were less cited in the pre-pandemic period, and this citation disadvantage was exacerbated during the pandemic; and (5) gender inequalities regarding authorships and collaboration were enhanced in the initial stage of COVID-19, widened with the increasing severity of COVID-19, and returned to the pre-pandemic level in September 2020. This study shows that females’ lower participation in teams as major contributors and less collaboration with their male colleagues also reflect their underrepresentation in science in the pandemic period. This investigation significantly deepens our understanding of how the pandemic influenced academia, based on which science policies and gender policy changes are proposed to mitigate the gender gaps.  相似文献   

Convexity in a network (graph) has been recently defined as a property of each of its subgraphs to include all shortest paths between the nodes of that subgraph. It can be measured on the scale [0, 1] with 1 being assigned to fully convex networks. The largest convex component of a graph that emerges after the removal of the least number of edges is called a convex skeleton. It is basically a tree of cliques, which has been shown to have many interesting features. In this article the notions of convexity and convex skeletons in the context of scientific collaboration networks are discussed. More specifically, we analyze the co-authorship networks of Slovenian researchers in computer science, physics, sociology, mathematics, and economics and extract convex skeletons from them. We then compare these convex skeletons with the residual graphs (remainders) in terms of collaboration frequency distributions by various parameters such as the publication year and type, co-authors’ birth year, status, gender, discipline, etc. We also show the top-ranked scientists by four basic centrality measures as calculated on the original networks and their skeletons and conclude that convex skeletons may help detect influential scholars that are hardly identifiable in the original collaboration network. As their inherent feature, convex skeletons retain the properties of collaboration networks. These include high-level structural properties but also the fact that the same authors are highlighted by centrality measures. Moreover, the most important ties and thus the most important collaborations are retained in the skeletons.  相似文献   

Based on complementarity in terms of factors such as skill and knowledge, researchers might build long-term partnerships with one another during their scientific careers. It has been shown that such relationships have a significant positive impact on researchers’ scientific performance. However, the preferential connection mechanism in collaboration networks actually suggests the unequal positions of participants in the process of scientific collaboration. This study argues that this phenomenon is very similar to the symbiosis function in the natural world. Hence, this work provides a novel interpretation of scientific collaboration patterns from the perspective of symbiosis. In more detail, long-term collaboration relationships are investigated based on the scope of an academician dataset with multiple fields and an economic dataset. With the aid of a quantitative metric for symbiosis degree, six meta-patterns of the short-term evolution of symbiosis degree are proposed. Furthermore, by exploring the evolution of meta-patterns, four scientific collaboration patterns are summarized according to the common characteristics as follows: leading growth, continuous leadership, chasing each other, and standing on equal footing. Extensive experimental results on an academician dataset with multiple fields show that the collaboration network evolution of four collaboration patterns is consistent with our summarized characteristics based on symbiosis. This indicates that our symbiosis-based framework can be used to effectively interpret the developmental and evolutionary trajectories of scientific collaboration.  相似文献   

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