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摆脱困境的成功尝试——公立学校“转制”个案调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、问题提出公立学校“转制”被看作是推进教育办学体制改革,实现公立学校形式多样化的有效途径。从1993年在个别省、市开始试点,到1998年底已有近1000家公立“转制”学校在12个省、市开办,而且在未来的几年中还将保持快速发展的势头。公立“转制”学校...  相似文献   

探究“转制”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在处理中小学公立学校转制的问题上,要回答和处理好以下几个问题:(1)如何进一步开展公立学校的转制试验。并阐明有关政府、学校和社会的关系,克服具体操作中以“收费”为核心特征的转制现象?(2)如何恰当地处理好公立学校、公立转制学校和民办学校的关系,并清楚地界定转制学校内涵?(3)如何进一步完善转制试验的政策措施,具体规范转制学校的办学行为?(4)如何使转制试验的目标不是停留在办好转制学校的层面上.而是上升到如何促进整个教育发展与学校体制改革的层面上?  相似文献   

关于我国公立学校转制问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公立学校转制是我国办学体制改革过程中出现的新的办学形式,在取得一定效果的同时,也在诸多方面引起争议,如:关于转制学校的界定问题,转制学校的转制资格问题,转制学校的规范化管理问题,转制学校的收费问题等。对公立学校转制的建议:教育行政部门应对转制学校加强规范管理,转制学校应当建立和完善自主运行的机制,公立学校转制应当兼顾公平与效益。  相似文献   

2003年9月21日晚中央电视台的《焦点访谈》节目播出了如下两个公立学校“转制”的案例:  相似文献   

当前,“治理”已成为全球范围内公共部门改革的新方略。在教育领域引入市场机制是治理理论的主要制度安排之一,部分公立学校“转制”实践则是我国高等教育领域在制度层面进行治理变革的重要表现形式。文章着重就治理视野中的公立高校“转制”和制度安排进行了分析。  相似文献   

公立中小学改制的必要性及可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
部分公立学校转制是推进办学体制改革、实现公立学校办学形式多样化的有效途径之一。据不完全统计,到目前为止,我国已有l,000家公立转制学校。转制虽然已成事实并取得了显成效.但仍有些人对转制持怀疑甚至否定态度。整体来看部分公立学校转制是必要的和可行的。  相似文献   

公立学校转制是我国教育体制改革的一种新的探索和尝试,转制的出发点是对自身的扬弃,是为扭转我国传统公立学校日益暴露的投资渠道单一、经费不足、管理机械、特色暗淡等弊端,以增强我国公立学校的活力,加速薄弱校建设,保证义务教育的顺利完成.为了探究我国公立学校转制的经验和发展趋势,我们完全有必要从教育发展的国际视野中,重新审视一下21世纪末风靡美国的特许学校的发展轨迹,以期能对我国公立学校转制具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

从我国公立学校转制看美国特许学校   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公立学校转制是我国教育体制改革的一种新的探索和尝试 ,转制的出发点是对自身的扬弃 ,是为扭转我国传统公立学校日益暴露的投资渠道单一、经费不足、管理机械、特色暗淡等弊端 ,以增强我国公立学校的活力 ,加速薄弱校建设 ,保证义务教育的顺利完成。为了探究我国公立学校转制的经验和发展趋势 ,我们完全有必要从教育发展的国际视野中 ,重新审视一下21世纪末风靡美国的特许学校的发展轨迹 ,以期能对我国公立学校转制具有一定的借鉴意义。一、美国特许学校(一)特许学校特许学校(CharterSchool)是美国一种新型公立学校 ,主…  相似文献   

公立学校“转制”后,学校的国有资产仍然属于国家所有,但从其运行机制来看,却属于民办学校,因此,必须按民办教育的相关法律法规办事。在“转制”的过程中,一定要依法明确学校的产权关系和财产归属,保障教师的权利和义务。  相似文献   

本文通过我国与以英美为代表的西方国家公立学校转制形式、动因的比较,阐述了双方转制学校发展的不同模式,以及在教育发展背景、教育市场开放条件和需求、公立学校本身发展水平以及政治背景等四方面的不同动因,揭示了西方转制实践对我国的有益启示。  相似文献   

In the post-pillarized society of the Netherlands, formal religious education still is structured according to religious dividing lines. “Religion” in confessional schools is a compulsory subject; in public schools, taking a so-called neutral position with regard to religious traditions, “Religion” is an optional subject (Protestant, Roman Catholic, or Islamic religious education or Humanistic World View Education), taught to pupils on parents’ request. Nowadays, due to processes of modernization, globalization, and individualization, the position of religion in society has changed and subsequently the position of “Religion” as a subject in classes has changed. These days for principals and teachers in public schools it is urgent to reflect on their positionality regarding (religious and secular) worldview education. In this contribution we present our findings from document analysis and from (focus group) interviews with principals, and from observations in public schools, resulting in a plea for “Life Orientation for all” as a compulsory subject in all schools for all pupils.  相似文献   

The growth of supranational organizations reduces the sovereignty of nation-states, weakening their willingness and ability to provide high quality public education. Expanded mass media controlled by trans-national corporations compete directly with schools for attention, and offer content that often contradicts the values and knowledge taught by schools. Supranational organizations have changed patterns of dispersion and employment of educated persons, reducing the capacity of education systems to anticipate what they should teach. Supranational organizations have directly encouraged decentralization and privatization of education, and have competed with national, public organizations for control of public education. Efforts to defend endogenous national development seem unlikely to succeed. A call for improving education to enhance the global competitiveness of national economies is feasible only for economically powerful states. A more helpful alternative to re-design education to contribute to integration at a trans-national level, overcoming problems of conflict and injustice endemic in a system of nation-states.  相似文献   

This article provides a “thick” understanding of how public school parents understand their decision to opt their children out of standardized tests. In it, Amy Shuffelton draws from qualitative research interviews with Chicago parents to explore how three mothers connected opting out of standardized testing to their broader commitments to public schools. In probing the democratic potential of their logic, Shuffelton points to avenues of hope for democratic and equitable public schooling. As scholars have argued on multiple grounds, public schools have generally preserved inequitable power relations and resource allocations rather than changed them, and this happens in part because of parental resistance to reforms they believe to be detrimental to the interests of their children. Precisely because privileged parents have and implement the power to use schooling to pass advantages to their own children, however, it is important to consider when and why some of these parents instead see reason to build a public school system that shares those advantages widely. Putting these parents' explanations for opting out of testing into conversation with ideas about the democratic public in texts by John Dewey and Bonnie Honig, Shuffelton finds potential pathways, as well as hurdles, to reviving commitment to public schooling.  相似文献   

Toronto boasts a large and diverse system of public alternative schools: schools where democratic practices, student access and a commitment to public education are fundamental. There are academic schools; schools with thematically focused curricula; schools driven by social movement principles such as antiracism and global education; schools for students who do not thrive in mainstream schools; and schools with alternative scheduling and delivery practices for students who must work. The schools are small, supporting personalized relationships among teachers and students, with teacher-driven curricular programs that are responsive to student interests. Curricular innovation is made possible because alternative schools are only loosely coupled with the rest of the public education system, but they still must comply with school system regulations. This paper describes how teachers’ work and the structural elements of alternative schools support school-based innovation.  相似文献   

“教育民营”指的是“由非政府组织和公民个人对学校及其他教育机构进行管理和经营的一种教育制度”。这一制度对人们现有观念的最大冲击、也就是它的终极目标是将所有的公立学校也全部交给非政府组织和公民个人来经营,以形成一个公开、公平、开放、竞争的教育市场。而在公立中小学建立董事会制度正是推进“教育民营”的重要步骤。  相似文献   

Leadership demands in American public schools have changed dramatically in the past 20 years. Whether–or how–the practice of leadership will change to meet those demands is an open question. The change in demands is largely a consequence of the introduction of performance-based accountability—policies that evaluate, reward, and sanction schools on the basis of measured student performance. While the merits of these policies are debatable, the fact that they have changed—probably fundamentally—the demands placed on school leaders is not.  相似文献   

In order to assure that every middle school concretely carries out the "two-fold responsibility for raising the standards of cadres in office and cultivating future cadres," the standards for student admissions in the future should be constituted so that local cadres outweigh graduates of complete primary schools and poor children of workers and peasants have greater opportunities for entering school. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to children of other class backgrounds. The number of students on public scholarship for each school has been regulated; this regulation will now be changed slightly so that, aside from the system of public scholarships, subregions (such as Sui-te) may allow for a number of self-supporting students.  相似文献   

过去的15年里,发达国家的公共事业管理,尤其教育管理发生了很大变化。公共部门逐渐采用了私立部门的一些管理原则和方法,如引入绩效管理。英格兰小学绩效管理始于20世纪80年代撒切尔政府在全国公立教育系统内启动的一项针对学校管理和课程的改革,2000年绩效管理终以法令形式确立下来。目标设定理论被广泛应用于英格兰小学绩效管理目标的设置。在应用这一理论设置绩效管理目标时需要从理论上对以下三个问题作出探讨:在设置目标时是以结果为导向,还是以过程为导向,或是二者兼顾;考虑英格兰小学的实际情况,“难实现的或有挑战性的目标能激励人们取得更好绩效”这一原则能在多大程度上适用;当面临不确定的管理环境时,目标设定理论的适用性有多大。实践中,在确定绩效考评的考评内容,可考评内容以及考评主体时可能面临一些困难,并且还可能产生无效考评结果。  相似文献   

The voucher system in Denmark combines unrestricted generous subsidies with substantial autonomy of private schools as to schedule and teaching methods. This has produced a private school sector with a wide variety of school types. This paper uses data on eight cohorts of students (over 510,000 individuals) to compare educational attainment in public and private voucher schools, including religious schools (Catholic and Protestant) and various types of non‐religious schools. The findings suggest that, after controlling for individual and peer characteristics, the average public student would attain moderately higher levels of education if he/she attended grammar or Catholic school, relative to the public alternative. Attainment of students at Protestant, international and German minority schools is not different from public schools. However, attending free, boarding and, particularly, little and Waldorf schools is associated with substantially lower completion rates at the upper secondary level, which is probably at least partly due to the clustering of special education students in these school types, which cannot be controlled for. At the tertiary level, differences between private and public schools generally vanish.  相似文献   

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