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在传统的全面代理广告公司,良好的创意或策划有助于公司吸引广告人才,吸入资金,而媒介仅起辅助作用。但现在已经不是这种情形了,随着广告主对媒介的重视以及多种媒体的出现等原因,出现了媒介购买公司,媒介在广告公司的地位徒然上升,从成本转变为利润。本文通过资料的收集整理,探讨了媒介购买公司产生及发展的原因,比较了媒介购买公司在欧洲发展过程出现的差异,并说明了其在发展过程中遭遇到的挑战及其相应的对策。  相似文献   

王战  黎丹 《东南传播》2011,(2):24-26
媒介购买公司的发展,一直备受关注,尤其是近几年,外资媒介购买公司的整合与规模化扩张,不仅加快了广告行业的竞争,而且对广告业三大主体也带来了一定程度上的影响,同时本土媒介购买公司也受到不小的冲击.本文先对媒介购买公司在中国的发展进行了梳理,分析了其优势以及对广告业的影响,并针对媒介购买公司在发展中所面临的困境,提出了相应...  相似文献   

广告主、广告代理公司以及广告媒介被称为广告市场的三大要素,媒介购买公司源于广告代理公司进行广告活动.本文通过对广告市场传统三要素的阐释,追溯媒介购买公司与广告代理公司发展的渊源,探讨媒介购买公司作为独立要素对当今广告市场的影响和对广告业的推动,预见媒介购买公司将成为广告市场第四要素的趋势.  相似文献   

本文重点阐述欧美媒介购买公司兴起的市场背景,深入分析欧美媒介购买公司全球市场运作策略及其在中国的发展战略和深层影响,并提出我国传媒业和广告业的应对策略。  相似文献   

邱文中  石凡 《新闻窗》2008,(5):105-107
WTO后的中国出现了许多大型媒介购买公司,2006年以来,这些公司大张旗鼓的展开了新一轮的资源整合运作,在中国市场进一步扩张规模与实力,其中尤以全球知名广告集团WPP下属的群邑机构为代表,这些群邑机构对中国媒体代理市场“多而散、小而杂”的局面造成了巨大冲击。由此,媒介购买公司整合化发展所表现的特性及其对整个市场所带来的影响值得我们探究。  相似文献   

1996年10月,中国实力媒体(ZenithMediaChina)在北京宣告成立,紧跟着1997年11月传立媒体(Mindshare)也在上海风风火火地开始了营业.mediacom、通扬媒体、network………一个个专业媒介购买公司纷纷登场,专业媒介购买在遽成潮流,来势似乎不可抵挡.它们以强劲的经营能力,掀起了一场中国的媒介集中购买浪潮。对于大多数业界人士而言,“媒介购买公司”的名字虽然并不陌生,但对专业媒介购买公司的来龙去脉及运作状况则多如“隔着纱窗看晓雾”,不尽清楚.所谓的专业媒介购买公司,指的是围绕着有关专业的媒介业务,从事媒介信息研究…  相似文献   

21世纪,在世界政治多极化、经济全球化的作用下.跨国传播进入多元化发展时期.本文借助人种学的视角审视当代媒介的跨国经营现状,揭示跨国媒介在人种意识上所存在的这一矛盾以及在经营过程中对于人种战略的运用.  相似文献   

宝洁"休妻"事件的发生,暴露广告媒介代理公司所面临的诸多危机。本文针对这种危机局面,提出了一系列广告媒介代理公司所应当采取的应对措施,希望能够为广告媒介代理公司实现其自身的良性发展和保持整个广告市场的繁荣起到促进作用。  相似文献   

李青 《青年记者》2020,(11):84-85
1997年11月,上海奥美广告有限公司和智威汤逊中乔广告有限公司的媒介购买部门合并成立传立媒体中国公司(简称“传立中国”.传立媒体是一家全球性的媒介代理公司,是英国最大的广告与传播集团WPP的下属主要公司).面对风起云涌的互联网浪潮,传立中国持续探索创新.在很多人唱衰4A公司,行业弥漫着信心缺失和迷茫氛围的当下,分析传立中国数字化转型的经验,或许能为国内的媒介代理公司乃至4A公司带来一些启发.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代起,伴随着商业化、私有制、行业垄断兼并、全球化的加剧以及信息传播技术的快速发展,实力雄厚的跨国新闻媒介集团崛起。这些新闻媒介集团在享有良好社会信誉的同时也掌控着国际话语权。日益强大的媒介权力需要社会的监督,更需要媒介伦理的约束。本文以BBC丑闻作为案例,从媒介组织的角度来探讨媒介的社会责任和行业自律。  相似文献   

In Ferguson, Missouri, Palestinian activists and black protesters created a transnational collective identity defined by what some scholars call a “community of feeling” following the murder of Michael Brown in August 2014. This paper focuses on the transnational politics of the Ferguson Movement through a textual analysis of digital media discourse and interviews with local community activists. Findings reveal that activists generated a transnational collective identity based on their shared experiences of oppression and resistance, which activists made visible across various digital platforms, including social media, blogs, and livestreaming. Informed by the literature on social movements, collective identity, and affect, the authors move beyond theoretical analyses that emphasize activists’ communicative practices as strategic; instead, this article underscores the affective linkages that led to the development of a transnational collective identity within the movement.  相似文献   

本文从四个方面分析了跨国传媒集团在其经营实践中的低成本战略 ,并论述了对中国传媒集团的启示。这四个方面 ,分别是通过跨媒体降低生产成本 ;通过购并降低扩张成本 ;通过整合纵向产业链降低交易成本 ;通过经营战略集中化防止成本扩散  相似文献   

Given the iconic status assigned to Gallipoli, virtually from the outset, it was inevitable that in its centenary year, commemoration would receive enormous political and media attention. My intention is not to produce a comprehensive summary of all international media output on Gallipoli, even if that were possible within the confines of a journal article. Language barriers and problems of access have further impacted on the selection process, as well as in the coverage of even countries that have been examined (I do not speak French, German or Turkish; I also did not have access to non-English publications in India.). Nor is the article meant to be a synthesis of historiographical debate on Gallipoli, a subject which military and other experts have successfully addressed in the past as well as during the centenary (Please see reference section below for a selection of relevant books.). Rather, my more modest aim is to highlight seminal themes and offer an assessment of response, both in and by the media, especially the print media, in some of the main belligerent countries situated today in differing geo-political contexts, viz. Great Britain, Australia, India (then part of the British empire) and Turkey (then part of the Ottoman empire). Arguably, at one level, there was little in the transnational response during 2015 which attempted to shift the foundational basis for a reading of Gallipoli that has been established in the media during the intervening decades. Yet, there were some notable shifts in transnational perspectives. Perhaps after the lapse of a century, it may be possible to achieve/restore some kind of balance to our appraisal of Gallipoli in the public mind.  相似文献   

Based on long-term ethnographic research on global nannies in Paris, this study explores the possibilities and limitations of digital media use for minorities, given that more and more young women from the global south engage with digital media. It will argue that transnational relations and practices are not necessarily and inevitably a progressive process, but pose new yet often risky opportunities more than freedoms, or foster a normalization of risk.  相似文献   

New media are increasingly providing spaces and opportunities for media houses and activist groups engaged in socio-political reform in Africa. In Nigeria, social media are becoming platforms for communicating messages of resistance against oppressive political and exploitative economic power structures. This study analyzed Ogas at the top (OATT), an online puppetry series by Buni TV, as a way of examining new platforms and message content in Nigeria’s rapidly changing media sphere. Relying on semiotics and critical discourse analysis perspectives, the study analyzed select episodes of the series, to gauge how producers constructed powerful visual and linguistic messages to boldly satirize social injustices perpetrated by Nigeria’s political elites.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the understanding of how transnational media corporations enter, operate, and are structured in different national contexts. Specifically, it provides a detailed examination of News Corporation's use of sport as an instrument for successfully penetrating national television markets within the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. The discussion is divided into 3 sections, focused on (a) the cultural and economic rationales underpinning News Corporation's use of sport as a core aspect of transnational television market entry strategies, (b) examples of News Corporation's use of sport programming to enter and manage local media markets, and (c) the changes wrought in News Corporation's organizational structure and focus resulting from its transnational sporting orientation.  相似文献   

This article introduces a collection of original papers and research project reports considering the history of the BBC foreign-language services prior to, and during, the Second World War. The communication between the British government and foreign publics by way of mass media constituted a fundamental, if often ignored, aspect of Britain's international relations. From the 1930s onwards, transnational broadcasting, that is, broadcasting across national borders, became a major element in the conduct of Britain's diplomacy, and the BBC was employed by the government to further its diplomatic, strategic and economic interests in times of rising international tension and conflict. A review of the literature on the BBC's foreign-language broadcasts sets the stage for the presentation of the articles that compose this special issue of Media History.  相似文献   


The following paper is a case study analysis of the Sony Corporation; a leading transnational media corporation in the production and sale of consumer electronics, music and film entertainment and videogame technology. There are two main parts to this study. Part I, examines the history and development of the Sony Corporation. This paper argues that the business strategies and corporate culture of a company are often a direct reflection of the person (or persons) who were responsible for developing the organization and its business mission. Part II. examines the Sony Corporation from the standpoint of business strategy. Special attention is given to the subject of organizational culture and strategic decision‐making. A second argument of this paper is that while Sony is a transnational media corporation, the organization is decidedly Japanese in its business values. The significance of this research lies in its revelations concerning the complex changes facing a company that was once historically Japanese in its origins but is tecoming increasingly transnational ïn scope and operations.  相似文献   

论流媒体时代的挑战与电视生存   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
流媒体技术的出现使音频文件在网络媒体中的顺利传播成为现实,从而使网络媒体对于电视媒体的直接竞争开始突现.本文以"流媒体时代"下的电视媒体为考察对象,分析了流媒体带给网络媒体的新变化、电视节目媒体所面临的挑战、生存机会,并提出了电视节目媒体的生存对策.  相似文献   

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