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张钧 《成人教育》2019,39(4):1-5
学习型社会与终身教育体系建设是新时代教育改革的重要战略目标之一。然而,在理论上,社会大众对学习型社会与终身教育体系建设客观存在教育对象"特殊论"、教育内容"职业论"、教育形式"时序论"、教育体系"对立论"和教育价值"功利论"等认识误区。在实践上,我国学习型社会与终身教育体系建设存在着发展基础条件羸弱,政策法规建设进程缓慢,组织机构发展不足,人力资源配置比例失衡,现代化技术支持不到位等问题。因此,我国学习型社会与终身教育体系建设必须充分借助信息化技术,推进体制机制改革、技术平台创新和保障支撑优化等系统改革。  相似文献   

Rethinking accountability in a knowledge society   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Competition between schools combined with test-based accountability to hold schools accountable for predetermined knowledge standards have become a common solution in educational change efforts to improve the performance of educational systems around the world. This is happening as family and community social capital declines in most parts of developed world. Increased competition and individualism are not necessarily beneficial to creating social capital in schools and their communities. This article argues that: (1) the evidence remains controversial that test-based accountability policies improve the quality and efficiency of public education; (2) the current practice of determining educational performance by using primarily standardized knowledge tests as the main means of accountability is not a necessary condition for much needed educational improvement; and (3) there is growing evidence that increased high-stakes testing is restricting students’ conceptual learning, engaging in creative action and understanding innovation, all of which are essential elements of contemporary schooling in a knowledge society. Finland is used as an example to suggest that educational change should rather contribute to increasing networking and social capital in schools and in their communities through building trust and strengthening collective responsibilities within and between schools. This would create better prospects of worthwhile lifelong learning in and out of schools. Based on this analysis, the article concludes that education policies should be directed at promoting more intelligent forms of accountability to meet external accountability demands and to encourage cooperation rather than competition among students, teachers and schools.  相似文献   

世纪之初,知识经济时代初露端倪。知识经济的实质是:高新技术产业,其潜在资源是人的智力。因此重视教育,重视人才,重视学习,成为知识经济的主要特征之一。从某种意义上讲,知识经济将是一种教育型经济,学习型经济。由于现代社会信息发达,知识爆炸,所以,不能指望一次性学习而终身享用,必须建立终身教育体系。终身教育是知识经济之本,备受世界各国瞩目。终身教育必须注意三个问题:教育对象,受教育的对象应该是不带任何附加条件,凡地球公民都有受教育的权利;教育时间,受教育的时间应该贯穿于“生命的全过程”;教育范围,教育领域扩展为终身教育。要构建适合我国国情的终身教育体系。  相似文献   

从精英教育到大众教育和普及教育;从成人教育到全民教育和继续教育;从终身教育、终身学习再到全民终身学习;从学习化社会到学习型组织等。这些教育思想的提出及相应教育实践的开拓,不仅适应了、信息时代和知识经济的到来,也为教育技术的应用、远程教育的持续发展奠定了思想理论基础。  相似文献   

The recommendations of the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education are assessed in the light of their vision of a learning society and criticised in terms of the inevitability of a knowledge economy with a new lifelong learning sector. While the National Committee has produced a report which demands careful study by everyone involved with higher education it has not provided us with a workable blueprint for the construction of a learning society.
The relationships between information, knowledge and learning are analysed in terms of three interacting economies – a cognitive economy, a learning economy and a knowledge economy. Technology will play a vital role in the evolution of these three inter-linked economies in the following ways:
• The cognitive economy will be transformed by the role of machine agents
• The learning economy will be transformed by the development of new ways of structuring and accessing instantiated knowledge
• Interactions between the creators and supplies of knowledge will create a trading economy based on wideband communications and internet technologies.
The major driver of the development of a knowledge economy will be a demand for lifelong learning. After a decade or so, by far the largest part of lifelong learning will be delivered off campus and into the workplace or home. In responding to these developments higher education will have to adapt radically.  相似文献   

何月燕  黄雅丽 《成人教育》2009,29(11):53-55
终身教育与终身学习已成为世界各国教育发展和社会进步的共同诉求,建立终身教育体系和建设终身学习社会成为世界各国教育改革和发展的共同趋势。文章通过对福建省青少年组织概况的概述,调查分析福建省广大青少年对终身教育的需求与现状,提出满足青少年终身教育需求的思考与策略,以期推动福建省青少年终身教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

英国职业教育与学习型社会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学习型社会是终身学习、全民学习、开放学习、多样化学习的社会。在这种社会中。职业知识和技能是学习的主要内容,职业教育较之传统社会在教育对象、教育时间和场所、教育形式方面都有了巨大的变化。因应这种时代潮流,英国职业教育作为学习型社会终身教育的大平台,在推广终身学习理念和实践终身学习理想方面做了一系列有益的尝试。  相似文献   

王芳 《成人教育》2014,(1):34-36
终身学习是知识经济时代的一股十分强劲的教育思潮。在知识经济体制下,以学校教育为主的传统教育和学习已经不能完全适应人类社会的变革,构建终身学习体系,创建学习型社会则是这个时代的产物。终身学习不仅是个人生存的要求,而且关系到国家的国际竞争力的提升和社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,是未来我国教育发展和改革的重要奋斗目标。成人教育是学习型社会中教育组织的重要组成部分,成人教育必须为学习型社会服务,体现现代化的教育理念,提供多样化、灵活的教育形式以及丰富的教育资源;成人教育必须适应学习型社会的需要,在变化中寻求发展,通过功能定位和发展模式等方面的创新探索,努力为推进全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会的发展作出积极的贡献。  相似文献   

靳培培 《成人教育》2012,32(7):57-59
我国终身教育体系和学习型社会的构建已经成为必然发展趋势,构建学习型社会要求在终身教育理念指导下进行全民学习和终身学习。高等教育担负着培养人才、创新知识,传承科学文明的神圣职责,在构建终身教育体系和学习型社会过程中担负着重要使命。我国高等院校在终身教育和学习型社会的构建中面临诸多挑战,必须通过革新教育观念、科学自我定位、重构高等教育体系、建立多样化的高等教育结构、大力发展继续教育等方式,对高等教育面临的诸多挑战做出理性的应答。  相似文献   

This article explores issues of literacy and identity of skilled migrants in an educational context in Australia as a learning society. First, it concentrates on forms of knowledge imposed on the learner and looks at how new discourses shape the self. Next, it tests the validity of the four pillars of education in the life of the learner. The paper then discusses the notion of lifelong learning and its appeal to (or existence for) the migrant learners. Finally, it poses important questions about Self–Other dichotomy, emergent voices and a sense of integration. The analysis suggests that further education and employability are closely linked to acquiring discourses set by the education policy designers and the workplace. Without mastering both, passports to further/higher education or professional and other jobs are not issued. The paper argues that literacy skills that incorporate new discourses penetrate and shape existing identities, giving them a sense of new selves, but do not necessarily empower the agency, as the self in control of one’s life. However, hope is not lost, as shown by the group of dedicated educators whose efforts to support the migrant‐learners lead to meeting their goals in work and education of their choice. When embraced by the society, these learners gain a genuine sense of belonging and move away from the position of being Self/Other marginalised. The article concludes by drawing together issues of literacy, identity, knowledge and lifelong learning that interconnected, if harnessed and used wisely, ultimately emancipate and give a decision‐making voice to migrant citizens. Thus they become knowledge workers whose acceptance and personal satisfaction, I firmly believe, contribute to a freer and happier global society.
At the boundary life blossoms.
James Gleick, Chaos

从终身学习的视角讨论终身教育体系和学习型社会建设,体现了以人为本的精神,抓住了科学发展观的本质,是非常值得肯定的研究趋向.建立终身学习和终身教育体系,让终身教育为终身学习服务,既是人的全面发展的需要,也是国家发展的需要.构建终身学习体系是一个复杂的社会系统工程,其重要内容有三:一是正规教育的改革,即国民教育体系的改革;二是非正规教育的发展;三是学习型组织和学习型社区的建设.建设终身学习体系和终身教育体系需要有先进的技术支持和坚实的制度保障.  相似文献   

全球化视野中“学习社会”与基础教育改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
处在一个人人都需要确立终身学习思想和观念的时代,教育的重要目标之一就是要使现代的人们都具有终身学习的意识,而我们的社会则应该为提供这样一种多样化和多元化的终身学习活动肩负起应有的责任和义务。那么,何谓“终身教育”?何谓“终身学习”?基础教育又应如何立足于终身教育和学习社会的理念来加以改革?全球化视野中“学习社会”的特征是什么?它对基础教育改革又将产生怎样的影响?这一系列问题的提出都具有十分重要的意义并有待于教育理论工作者去作深入的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

The role of higher education has changed in the United States. It has become a learning society where egalitarian pressures for equal opportunities led to the expansion of educational services to broader and more representative segments of society. Five propositions illustrate the current pressures for change. (1) Institutions of higher education no longer enjoy a monopoly on the provision of educational services. The learning society has given higher education new competition for the growing adult market. (2) The roles of education providers are increasingly blurred. (3) Higher education no longer has the full‐time commitment of students or of faculty. (4) Lifelong learning has become a lifelong necessity for almost everyone, which demands flexibility and responsiveness to change on the part of higher education. (5) A change is needed in the methods of teaching and learning to accommodate adult learners and to provide for the long‐ range needs of the learning society.  相似文献   

经济知识化,知识经济化的时代即将来临,社会学习化,教育终身化是大势所趋。新时代呼唤教育加速现代化变革,而现代远程开放教育正以它的开放性,民主性,公平性,多样性,选择性及现代技术,集中体现了现代教育的特点,实践将证明它是学习化社会人们接受终身教育的最佳选择,建构现代远程开放教育体系是世界之交教育创新的时代课题之一。  相似文献   

台湾终身学习社会的营造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾终身学习社会的发展,得益于社会各教育机构与组织的贡献,这些机构与组织涵盖各级正规、非正规及社会教育机构,为民众提供了多元化的终身学习资源与服务。"贯穿正规教育体制的终身学习"、"打破学校藩篱的社区学习"、"面向海外的远程学习"反映了台湾终身学习社会的起源与发展过程。空中教育机构及社区大学是台湾终身教育的两大支柱,台湾通过"非正规终身学习成就认证制度"、"社区大学与空中大学合作"、"两岸终身学习合作"、"融入国际的终身学习社会"等途径建设起终身学习体系。  相似文献   

构建"学习型社会"已成为世界各国社会改革和教育改革的努力方向。建设"学习型社会"应转变传统落后的成人教育观念;"学习型社会"体现出诉求终身教育和终身学习、重整个人发展的全面价值、迎接知识经济的挑战,强调所有人、全社会的参与等特点,因此成人教育观念应转变为倡导自主性学习、摒弃"单面人"的发展向度、重视创新精神、实践能力和呼唤"全纳教育"时代等方面。  相似文献   

Lifelong education was developed in Europe in the 1970's. A learning society arises when principles of adult education are properly deployed. Vertical integration concerns learning throughout the lifespan. Horizontal integration requires education to occur in informal and nonformal as well as familiar formal settings. Democratization demands the dismantling of barriers that impede access to education and involvement of learners in the design and management of their own education. Chinese citizens have always learned from a broad array (of not just educational settings). The initiative to build 61 "learning cities"demonstrates a genius for adapting western ideas. China has already transcended some limitations of European ideas about lifelong education. However, because of ageism, the obsession with formal education and need to navigate within the contours of the party-state, building a learning society faces special challenges. In China, as elsewhere, universities are not leading these initiatives. They need to become more flexible and open.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of the knowledge society for education and education systems. It focuses on how education systems in Asia are contributing to the development and sustainability of the knowledge society through creating powerful professional learning communities. The article explores how professional collaboration, at scale, is being used to generate social capital in order to promote educational transformation and improvement. The article draws upon a range of theoretical perspectives to examine how professional learning communities are contributing to educational improvement and the construction of new knowledge. The article concludes by arguing that disciplined, collective and inter-dependent learning is critical for the knowledge society to be sustained.  相似文献   

2012年是联合国教科文组织报告《学会生存》发表40周年。报告对世界教育发展最重要的贡献有两点,一是对教育旧观念和旧制度的缺陷与弊病的深刻批判;二是对教育发展新趋势的深刻研判,并在此基础上提出若干极为重要的教育新理念与基本原则。40年来,该报告有关教育民主、终身教育和学习型社会建设的思想对世界各国的教育政策和社会发展产生了广泛而深远的影响,对深刻认识消除教育不平等和不均衡现象对社会进步的重大意义以及深刻认识教育改革的迫切性和必要性起到了巨大的推动作用,对世界各国终身学习体系和学习型社会的构建至今仍具有指导意义和建设性作用。但也不可否认,报告受时代局限,也存在种种不足,如明显夸大了教育在社会发展中的作用,对教育发展和教育改革取得的成果期望过高;对教育改革与创新的艰巨性估计不足;在若干重要问题上存在盲点;在大力倡导终身教育理念的同时,对如何建立终身教育理论与实践的联系缺乏足够深入的探讨。  相似文献   

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