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对于广义相对论的验证,在太阳系已得到了观测数据的支持,于是在宇宙学尺度上对其进行检验就成了下一个目标.在文中,关注的是宇宙学中的一致性关系,这个一致性关系检验了宇宙学中的常规理论框架:暗能量下的广义相对论模型从理论上来说,通过不同表达式之间的比较可以得到所需要的一致性关系.通过距离-红移关系和密度扰动这两种途径都可以得到宇宙的膨胀率H(z),使它们相比较便可从理论上得到一个一致性关系表达式.采用同样的方法,进一步检验宇宙学常数Ωm的一致性,即宇宙学常数的零检验.之后,将引入另外一个引力理论Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati(DGP)模型.在该模型内,同样进行宇宙膨胀率H(z)的一致性检验,可以检验该模型本身的自洽性.最后将GR与DGP模型中的H(z)进行比较,可以看出两种模型在宇宙学尺度上的差别.  相似文献   

利用再电离时期的高红移类星体的Lya光子的有效光学深度数据,对ACDM宇宙学模型下的宇宙学参数h,Ωm,ΩA和Ωb进行限制.这批数据是首次被用于这类限制宇宙学参数的工作.以Gunn—Peterson的Lya光子的光深公式为基础,在四种情况下对参数进行限制.结果发现,在非均匀星际介质的高红移化简情况下,所得到的大部分参数的最佳值及1σ不确定度非常理想,它们与WMAP-5的最新观测结果非常接近.此外,对理论值与观测值的比较,也说明了结果是令人满意的.得到的这些结果不但强烈支持了WMAP-5的观测,并且由于是首次利用这批高红移类星体的数据,所以也从另一个角度检验了ACDM宇宙学模型的自洽性.此外,还可将所得到的结果与其它观测如BAO、超新星的结果联合起来进行更多的讨论及限制.对于其他情况的结果,我们也进行了较深入的讨论.  相似文献   

若x、y、z为非负实数,则对任意r〉0都有x'(x—y)(x-z)+y(y-2)(y—z)+z’(z—x)·(z—y)≥0.①  相似文献   

最近Wetterich给出了一个简单的参数化的w(z)=(1+w0)/(1+b1n(1+z))来表示一个变化的暗能量模型,本文利用194Ia超新星的观测数据对这一暗能量模型进行了检验.我们发现Ia超新星偏爱w(z)不变的Phantom宇宙,并且在95.4%的可能性上我们可以排除Ωm0>0.6和w0>-0.5的分布区域.  相似文献   

定理设实数x,y,z满足xy+yz+zx=λ(x+y+z)+μ,则有(x—k)^2+(Y—k)^2+(z—k)^2≥2k^2-2μ-2λk—λ^2.(1)  相似文献   

1.若复数z满足(3—4i)z=|4+3i|,则z的虚部为()  相似文献   

哈勃的发现哈勃是20世纪美国著名天文学家,他利用天文设备观测,发现离地球很远的天体的光谱都有红移现象,因此他认为这些天体都在远离我们而去,由此他推测整个宇宙在不断地膨胀。哈勃常数根据自己的观测,哈勃得到一个结论:远处天体远离地球的速度和它们到地球之间的距离成正比,这个公式中还有一个哈勃常数,这个常数对于研究宇宙来说十分重要,因为从这个常数可以推导出宇宙的年龄。  相似文献   

设A表示单位圆盘内形为f(z)=z+∑k=2∞akz^k的解析函数类.利用Salagean算子,引进A的新子类H(n,λ),研究H(n,λ)中函数的一些有趣的性质,这里n是非负整数,-1<λ≤1  相似文献   

在参量S-H正方形核素图中,建立了有天然丰度的9种奇奇核素的整数联系.坐标S轴、差K15与/H24的有4,2,1分布.四边形区坐标H15的(30,15)(31,15)(32,15)(34,15)分别联系着坐标50四核,K15两核与H34两核素.最小参量值之间有1,3,5,7;2,4,6;3,5的阶梯式联系.可能存在一个含有常数4的奇奇核素有待在将来发现.  相似文献   

据美国《科学》杂志在线版近日报道,加州大学一名天体物理学家协同国际性研究小组发布报告称,他们借助X射线探测到部分宇宙丢失物质,这些是宇宙“失踪家族”中的普通物质,由常规的原子构成.目前新的观测数据显示其十分符合宇宙学的标准模型.  相似文献   

论多恩的宇宙人生意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本结合新学与旧学两种宇宙观,围绕宇宙重建这一时代主题,人三基本悖论关系和独化的主体意识的角度,论述了多恩的宇宙人生意识及其在作品中的表现,认为多恩是现代派的远祖宗师。  相似文献   

In this part of the series we look at the simplest cosmological models based on the simplifying assumptions of the Weyl postulate and the cosmological principle. These models were discovered independently by Friedmann, Lemaitre and Robertson in the 1920s. They led to the striking conclusion that the universe started in an enormous explosion often called the Big Bang.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature of selected traditional cosmological concepts among literate and nonliterate Nigerians. An analysis of the data reveals that the subjects, irrespective of their level of education, class, sex, age, religion, tribe, or locality, hold in varying degrees certain traditional as well as scientific concepts about the natural phenomena. An exposure of some of the subjects to an history/philosophy of science course appears to enhance their preference for a scientific worldview vis a vis a traditional point-of-view. The implications of these findings for traditional societies deserve a closer consideration.  相似文献   

On Modern Cosmology and its Place in Science Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cosmology in its current meaning of the science of the universe is a topic that attracts as much popular as scientific interest. This paper argues that modern cosmology and its philosophical aspects should have a prominent place in science education. In the context of science teaching a partly historical approach is recommended, in particular an approach that gives priority to the relationship between observation and theory during the formative years of modern cosmology from about 1910?C1970. It is further argued that there are very important aspects of cosmology that are not primarily of a scientific nature, but are mainly conceptual and philosophical (and perhaps religious), and that these, too, might advantageously enter courses in astronomy and physics. While cosmology is a science, it is not just a science. Among the topics dealt with are the big bang, the cosmological principle, cosmic creation, and the multiverse. The paper outlines some cosmological questions of a qualitative and conceptual nature that, in the author??s view, are organic parts of cosmology. Courses and textbooks which deal with cosmology should encourage discussions of such questions, not shun them in the name of science.  相似文献   

周敦颐在理论上创立了儒学宇宙本体论和道德本体论,为宋明理学发展提供了坚实的哲学基础;在实践上,他一生积极追求儒家价值理想,自觉践履儒家道德原则,彰显出儒家君子人格风范,为有宋以来儒家士大夫树立了一座道德人格丰碑,对我们今天构建现代人格理论和实践模式仍具有十分重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to S Perlmutter, A Riess and B Schmidt for their path-breaking discovery that the rate of expansion of the universe is increasing with time. The trio used Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) as standard candles to estimate their luminositydistances. To appreciate some of the far-reaching implications of their work, I have provided an elementary exposition of the general theory of relativity, accelerated expansion of the universe, luminosity-distance, SNe Ia and the cosmological constant problem.  相似文献   

在真空情况下,通过求解Einstein场方程,给出了一个关于膨胀的Godel宇宙时空度规的近似解.并且对此解进行了分析.  相似文献   

引入保形时间,利用平直光锥分析了宇宙模型的粒子视界和事件视界是否存在的问题,所得结果与文献[2]的相同。  相似文献   

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