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学区是学校管理的基层单位。过去,学区工作往往只盯在人事、财经等问题上,做些上情下达的工作,抓好事业计划的完成。诚然,这些工作应当做好,但这仅仅是学校管理的一个方面。我们认为,作为学区,还必须抓好教育、教学质量的提高,组织、领导好教学研究,努力提高教师的业务水平,全面贯彻  相似文献   

教务管理是学校中最基本、最经常、最大量的工作,是学校管理的中心工作。信息技术对教育发展具有革命性影响。将信息技术融合在学校教务管理中,将在很大程度上提升教务管理的效率和水平。美国绝大多数中小学已经开始使用基于网络的教务信息系统,实现了教务管理的信息化。以下以加州阿卡迪亚学区正在使用的教务信息系统为例加以说明。  相似文献   

学区管理组织结构包括学区协作组织、学区工作组、成员单位工作网络。学区协作组织:学区协作组织由区教委领导、区域内学校及相关单位领导组成,每月召开一次例会,其主要职责是:  相似文献   

美国地方学区管理是美国独具特色的公立学校管理形式,也是美国民主的重要表现形式之一,为美国社会的发展做出了应有的贡献。随着社会结构和需求的变化,美国地方学区管理模式的合法性和有效性也受到诸多质疑与挑战。为此,本文从地方学区董事会成员组成、地方学区董事会与学监的运行机制、当前学区董事会面临的主要挑战以及为此所做的改革等方面...  相似文献   

美国学区的特点与运行机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国的教育实行的是分权制的管理体系,分联邦、州、学区三级。学区制是由于历史原因形成的。它产生于英属殖民地时期。美国学区又称地方学区(Local School District)。它有两层含义:(1)学区是一教育行政单位;(2)学区是一上学区域单位。我们可以给它定义为:由各州立法机构设立的为居住在服务区内的儿童提供公共教育的实体。它有一定的地理空间范围,大小因州而异。美国学区是州对教育实行管理的工具,是美国地方教育行政机构,是州的最基层的教育行政单位,是直接经营和管理学校的地方公共团体。  相似文献   

区域初中质量建设是基础教育阶段质量建设的重要环节。加强区域学区质量建设,有助于完善全区义务教育阶段教学质量监测体系。通过优化学区分布,明确学校质量责任;开展学业质量监测,创新监测反馈形式;强化初小学段的衔接,推动学段质量建设等管理举措,不断完善区域学区质量建设,形成以初中学校为主导、小学学区为支撑的学区质量共同体。  相似文献   

地方学区是美国教育行政管理的基层组织。相比州级和县市级教育督导,美国学区教育督导与地方学校的关系更为密切。学区教育督导的职责主要是对学校的课程、教学、教育科研等工作进行督导,提供咨询和合理化  相似文献   

地方学区是美国教育行政管理的基层组织。相比州级和县市级教育督导,美国学区教育督导与地方学校的关系更为密切。学区教育督导的职责主要是对学校的课程、教学、教育科研等工作进行督导,提供咨询和合理化建议以促进学校的教学管理。他们既是地方教育委员会充分信赖的专家和联络员,又充当了地方教育委员会代言人的角色。  相似文献   

投资组合管理模式是21世纪以来美国城市学区治理的新趋势,对美国基础教育,尤其是城市基础教育的影响方兴未艾。与传统的学区管理相比,投资组合管理模式的特征主要表现为:学区招标与学校多样化,标准化测试与学校问责,中心办公室的核心地位与学校自主权。该投资组合管理模式对于我国的基础教育改革具有启示意义:明晰政府权责边界,发展学校弹性自治;跨界协调构建伙伴关系,柔性管理促进改革实施;引导多元主体共同参与,促进公立学校个性发展;整合既有成功要素,探索有效改革创新。  相似文献   

教学领导力是校长及学校其他领导通过对教学活动和教学主体的领导,实现学生发展和教师发展的能力。它是学校领导应具备的核心能力,是学校领导区别于其他行业领导的根本,是学校领导专业化水平高低的标志。提高教学领导力是促进学校内涵发展和提升学校管理专业发展的根本需要。瑞安市教育局塘下教育学区早在两年前就开始关注学校领导干部教学领导力建设问题,并着手开展研究和活动策划。经过一段时间的研究和对塘下各初中学校干部教学领导力的现状进行分析之后,学区于2010年12月份在初中教学工作会议上明确提出了加强塘下学区初中学校干部教学领导力建设的意见,并组织学校领导学习《校长教学领导力的提升》《校长如何更专业地听课》等四篇文章。通过学习,大家一致认为,初中学校教学领导力的建设会影响和提高塘下初中教育的发展内涵和转型。由此,这项工作迅速在学区层面和学校层面启动。  相似文献   

美国的校车服务已有百年历史,迄今不仅成为美国政府服务教育的领域,而且其完善的校车服务管理体系已为公众普遍认可。学区自备校车并提供服务是地方政府为学生提供校车服务的主要方式,美国州政府和地方学区共同构建完善的校车服务管理体系,其中包括组建服务团队、聘任校车司机、购买并维护校车、规划路线和进行安全教育等多个方面。我国政府在提供校车服务方面,不仅要完善校车运行与管理相关法规,建立财政专项资金,更应该建立起完善的校车服务管理体系,将校车服务纳入公共服务体系,以构建学生安全乘车上学的保障机制。  相似文献   

This research set out to investigate how, in a post-conflict area, parental preferences and household characteristics affect school choice for their children. A multinomial logit is used to model the relationship between education preferences and the selection of schools for 954 households in Freetown and neighboring districts, Western Area, Sierra Leone. The increased economic well-being of a family tends to increase the likelihood of choosing a nongovernment school. As a child gets older parents are more likely to select government over nongovernment schools. For girls, parents are twice as likely to select a nongovernmental organization (NGO) school than a government one. Where parental preference for girls is a “safe environment” government is the preferred choice over a private proprietor school. Interestingly, the level of household education does not affect the likelihood of attending any school management type.  相似文献   


Since the Supreme Court’s 2007 Parents Involved decision, school districts have been pursuing integration in more legally and politically charged environments. The retreat of the federal government in the racial integration of schools is well documented, but less understood is what local school districts are doing to fill that void. This study documents the districts in the United States that are engaged in voluntary integration. We measure the racial and income segregation in these districts at the school level from 2000 to 2015, examining the relationship between integration methods and levels of segregation. We also measure block group-level segregation in these school districts during this time period to better understand residential patterns of segregation within the districts and contextualize school-level trends.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a fresh perspective on the predominantly negative discourse on schooling quality in low-income countries by focusing on the research questions: ‘How can one identify great schools and what makes them special?’ Using a network-based perspective, I measure peer evaluations of quality in two districts in Nepal. Specifically, I ask principals to mention three schools they view as the ‘best’ schools in their district and then map the interconnections between schools as a result of this response. I additionally analyse the differentiating characteristics of these schools and qualitatively investigate the most frequently cited ‘best’ school in each district. Public school principals collectively chose a few schools as being among the ‘best’; these chosen schools had relatively higher enrolment and better student performance. The in-depth qualitative analysis highlights less quantifiable measures, such as motivated leaders who were able to help schools succeed despite difficult circumstances.  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify changes in neighborhood and school segregation during the age of rapidly expanding school choice. Prior to 1991, public-school choice was limited. While magnet schools existed and a number of interdistrict transfer programs were in place, few public-school students left their neighborhoods to receive an education. During the past 25 years, the number of public-school choice options has exploded. Today, more than 10% of public-school students attend either a charter school or a magnet school, and many of these schools of choice are concentrated in urban areas. In order to understand how the combination of demographic changes and the expansion of school choice have shaped neighborhoods and schools, this study provides an analysis of levels of racial/ethnic diversity and integration in the 100 most populous U.S. cities and their accompanying school districts. Results of this analysis demonstrate that levels of diversity have risen dramatically in most urban areas as well as in most school districts. Concurrently, an overwhelming majority of cities have experienced increases in neighborhood-level integration while a large majority of schools in their accompanying districts have become increasingly segregated. These divergent patterns in neighborhood and school segregation are cause for alarm and require the immediate attention of policymakers and the public.  相似文献   


Since the 1980s, education in Canada has been through a process that led to school choice, targeting the improvement of students’ performance through school competition. These policies fostering an education quasi-market became an ideal framework for the expansion of IB schools. Since the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate (IBDP) offers a differentiated international curriculum and is perceived as a program that contributes to students’ achievements, it has been increasingly adopted in school districts and schools. This paper explores the marketing strategies developed in schools and districts in response to school competition by tracing the incorporation of the IBDP in high schools in different districts in British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. Based on interviews with school staff, district officials and IB local association representatives, this study analyzes schools’ marketing decisions from a consumer and producer orientation taking into account the macro environment (federal government) and micro-environment (provincial government and districts). Rather than fostering efficiency and improving students’ achievement as intended, marketization policies resulted in an increased focus on the recruitment of high achieving students, which led to a competition between schools, between districts and between other programs in the districts or in other words –an ‘all against all’ competition.  相似文献   

Nation', schools in Singapore are now asked to develop themselves into excellent schools. To support this change, the way that schools are being appraised has been changed since 2000. The school today is asked to do self-appraisal using the new School Excellence Model (SEM), which is adapted from a business excellence model. This article discusses the SEM, its major implications to the leadership and management of schools in Singapore and the areas still to be addressed in the implementation of the model. In particular, school leaders should focus on the substance and not the form of the SEM, be systemic in their approach to quality improvement in schools and truly lead the way by being the first believing and practicing member of this movement. Key Words: excellence, leadership, quality, school, self-appraisal  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to enable teachers to evaluate the crisis management skills of the administrators in terms of school development. The study has been carried out on a sample group consisting of 376 teachers (sample) working in 10 secondary schools and high schools. The study is a survey research based on the use of a quantitative method. In this survey, the scale of “the evaluation of the crisis management skills of the school administrators by teachers in terms of school development (OGAÖTDÖ)” developed by Tokel has been used. In addition, it has been analysed with the independent ANOVA test to determine whether or not it differs according to the factor of professional branches. When the research findings are examined, it has been determined that teachers answer positively to the question directed about crisis management skills of school administrators (X ? = 3.52) on disability services. As a result, it has been concluded that school administrators have adequate crisis management skills and they need a reputation for the quality.  相似文献   

The presumed link between schooling and the economy has been a prime force in motivating educational reform proposals in many countries. Educators feel caught between expectations by many that schools will play a key role in labour market success for young people and the reality that their influence on labour market outcomes is relatively weak. Solving the problem is not possible, but neither is ignoring it. Schools face an intractable yet compelling problem.This paper looks at the way in which school districts in a Canadian province understand and try to respond to changes in the labour market and the nature of work. The paper is based on collaborative case studies of five school districts and surveys of school board members and chief superintendents. We conclude that people in school systems are aware in a general way of labour market changes, and see them as having negative implications for students. However the changing job situation seems to be an important but largely unanalyzed issue. There is relatively little discussion of school-work issues in schools and districts. Administrators and school board members rely on informal sources of information rather than gathering data about their own situation. Schools and districts are using various programmatic devices to address labour market needs, such as partnerships, work experience, or co-operative education, but all of these operate within the confines of a traditional model of schooling. None of the districts has a strategy for this issue or has made it a priority.We conclude with some suggestions for measures schools could reasonably take to respond more effectively to the impact of changes in work.  相似文献   

实验室作为职学校实践教学的重要场所,其管理水平的好坏直接影响实践教学质量。建立科学的实验室管理模式,完善管理制度,提高实验技术人员素质,是提高实践教学质量的重要保证。尤其是医学类职业学校,药剂、医师和高护专业的学生,实践能力更是其将来从事专业的所必然要求,其成材途径有很大一部分也在是实验中完成的。因此,加强职业医科学校的实验室建设,建立科学的管理体系是有着十分重要的现实意义的历史意义的。  相似文献   

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