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South African higher education curricula are largely Eurocentric, to such an extent that indigenous knowledge is marginalised (Horsthemke in Transform High Educ 2(1)–9, 2017). Consequently, the decolonisation of university curricula has become a necessity. The nationwide ‘FeesMustFall’ student protests in 2015 and 2016 have underlined the need to address this matter urgently. Free quality education and the decolonisation of university curricula were among some of the students’ demands (Le Grange in SAJHE 30(2):1–12, 2016). Fundamentally, decolonising curricula involve a serious investigation of history and the strategising of future actions (Ngulube in Historia 47(2):563–582, 2002). Little is known about the potential role of archives in the process of decolonising higher education curricula in South Africa. Perhaps this can be attributed to a lack of awareness about archives and their significance in South Africa (Sulej in ESARBICA J 33:13–35, 2014). This paper explores the role of archives in the decolonisation of higher education curricula in South Africa. It appears that sub-Saharan scholars rarely consult archives (Onyancha et al. in ESARBICA J 32:67–77, 2013). Therefore, public programming is investigated as a means to get more members of the academic community to use archives as centres of critical inquiry. The relevant literature was consulted and discussed. Unique outreach or public programming initiatives will help the academic community to better understand the significance of archives in the decolonisation process.  相似文献   

张静 《档案学研究》2017,31(3):105-107
标识是区分事物、加强管理的重要工具。本文在分析我国电子档案管理现状的基础上,建议借助电子档案标识来加强档案管理和利用,并介绍了相关领域的标识研究情况,尝试探索电子档案标识体系的基本构成和实现方式;同时提出,电子档案标识并不是对档号的否定,而是档号在信息时代的升级和完善。  相似文献   

University records constitute an integral element of an academic institution’s corporate memory. This business information needs to be well managed throughout its life cycle for the purpose of accountability, transparency, good governance and for reference purposes. This paper reports on a qualitative study that was undertaken at the University of Fort Hare in South Africa by examining an exhibition developed to mark the institution’s centenary. The purpose of the study was to evaluate and trace the provenance of the collections on display to gain an overall assessment of the extent of archival development at the UFH. It cannot be over-emphasized that organizations often struggle to write their centenary history due to lack of supporting documentation as the information is either incomplete, missing or misfiled, rendering it unusable. One of the key findings emanating from this study was that much of the material used for the displays is copyrighted to sister heritage institutions and private individuals, demonstrating the consequences of lack of development and preservation by the UFH of its own archives. Consequently, the need to revamp the institution’s records and archives management systems is mandatory. An encouraging development is that in 2018 there are plans to appoint a records manager, an institutional archivist and a manager of student records. The centenary exhibition has therefore been an opportunity to demonstrate the value of archives to the University of Fort Hare.  相似文献   

公众参与是衡量现代民主政治发展的重要指标,公共机构与社会公众双方良性互动显得至关重要。从档案微信公众平台建设上看,存在公众参与地域不均、公众参与程度不高、档案部门回应力度不够、微信公号吸引性不足的问题。提出应加强档案宣传教育,转变档案部门服务意识,提高公号内容质量和拓宽互动形式等建议,以期提高双方互动效率,实现档案服务质量和档案价值的提升。  相似文献   

在档案的正常利用过程中,档案公布权容易引起法律纠纷,不仅给档案利用者带来困扰,也影响了正常的档案利用工作,公民利用档案的正当权利益难以得到保障。在档案实践工作中,由于种种因素档案公布权并没有被有效行使,公布工作成效甚微。从某种意义上讲,国有档案公布权的设置实际上否定了国有档案的公布权,阻碍了档案的公布工作。在已经启动的《档案法》修改过程中,应该考虑还权于民,废除所谓的档案公布权。  相似文献   

档案界对档案定义一般采用“属+种差”的逻辑形式,因而揭示档案本质、确定档案属种就成为档案定义的根本问题。档案记忆理论认为,档案是记忆的物质形态。档案以自身历史选择的必然性和逻辑结构的客观优势,成为人类自觉建构的外脑记忆的典型形式。作为用来建构原始记忆的历史文件,档案在物质形态上表现为档案实体,在逻辑关系上表现为记录和再现两个维度。以档案实体为基点,沿时空维度,向后回溯是档案记录关系维度,在档案记录关系的另一端是档案记忆的历史事实,这是档案记忆的客体;向前表述是档案再现关系维度,在档案再现关系的另一端是档案客体加以证明的回忆事实,这是档案记忆的证体。在这种逻辑结构中,档案实体即档案本身是档案“二维”逻辑关系和档案“三重要素”的物质载体。档案现象的实质就是以“二维”逻辑关系,凝聚“三重要素”的实践过程。  相似文献   

区块链技术近年来受到金融、物流、公共服务、公益等领域的广泛关注,区块链凭借其可追溯性、去中心化、安全性等特点,能够有效地应对突发公共卫生事件的事发突然、未知性强、安全保密等的特性。虽然由于新冠肺炎疫情的发生,突发性公共卫生事件的研究逐渐引起学界关注,然而当前运用科学技术手段管理突发公共卫生事件档案、突发公共卫生事件档案信息化建设等方面的研究仍处于探索状态,将区块链技术在突发公共卫生事件档案管理中的应用研究更是处于空缺阶段。本文从突发性公共卫生事件以及区块链应用于档案学领域的研究现状出发,根据区块链的概念和特征,分析区块链技术之于突发公共卫生事件档案管理的适用性,探讨区块链技术在突发性公共卫生事件档案管理中的应用,以期能为今后的具体方案与实践验证等研究提供参考思路。  相似文献   

Marian Hoy 《Archival Science》2011,11(3-4):391-408
When emerging professionals start working in archival institutions, libraries and museums (also referred to as collecting institutions), they bring knowledge and skills gained through internships, formal study, volunteer activities and previous work experience. They learn new processes quickly, are passionate about working with holdings or collections and are keen to build their knowledge. They gain exposure to the different disciplines that are reflected in the roles of archival institutions, libraries and museums as they build their professional identity and consider future career directions. What else do they need? A research study about the experiences of a group of individuals embarking on first or subsequent careers and starting new positions in collecting institutions found that relationships were an essential component in developing their skills and knowledge and planning their future directions. The article would be of interest to students looking ahead to working in an archives, library or museum and exploring career paths; supervisors and mentors who work with emerging professionals; professional associations and communities of practice; and educators who have a role in developing curriculum in educational or workplace contexts.  相似文献   


The information and knowledge society has resulted in the exponential growth of information and communication technologies (ICTs), thus creating a gap between those who use ICTs and those who do not; hence the emergence of the term “digital divide” in the 1990s. One of the milestones of South Africa’s National Development Plan, a policy that charts the country’s development up until 2030, is to ensure that high-speed broadband internet is universally available at competitive prices. Notwithstanding the importance of ICTs in public libraries, the provision of such is still taking place on a limited scale in South Africa. This article investigates the use of ICTs in public libraries in South Africa as a tool in bridging the digital divide. It also examines the inequalities in access and use and suggests ways in which ICTs may be used to reduce the digital divide. A qualitative research methodology was adopted. In order for public libraries to function as an important tool in bridging the digital divide, there is a need to standardize the provision of public library services with regard to the digital divide.  相似文献   

The African National Congress (ANC) liberation archives were created in countries all over the world. These liberation archives form part of the national archival heritage of South Africa as they bridge the gap of undocumented history of people who were previously marginalised by the apartheid government. After the ban on liberation movements was lifted in South Africa, the ANC embarked on the process of identification and repatriation of the records that were fragmented throughout the world. This study investigated the approaches followed by the ANC in identifying and repatriating its liberation archives from the trenches to make them accessible. Qualitative data were collected through interviews with purposively selected employees of the African National Congress, MultiChoice, Africa Media Online and the Nelson Mandela Foundation who were involved in the repatriation of the liberation archives. Interview data were augmented through content analysis of ANC documents such as policies, websites and annual reports, as well as observation of the storage conditions of the liberation archives. The key findings revealed that the ANC established an archives management committee that played an important role in the identification, repatriation and, ultimately, digitisation of liberation archives. The committee utilised former liberation struggle members to identify records in ANC hosts in various countries. It was established that, although the ANC was aware of where its records were abroad, not all its records were repatriated to South Africa after the unbanning of the liberation movements. For example, there were host nations, like Italy, that disputed the return of the ANC liberation archives to South Africa. The liberation archives are in the custody of the Fort Hare University as a chosen official repository for the ANC. It is concluded that the repatriation of the liberation archives is an ongoing process, as not all records have been repatriated to South Africa. As the ANC is in power at the time of writing, this is the opportunity for the organisation to negotiate with countries that still have custody of its liberation archives, such as Italy, to repatriate such records to South Africa. A further study on legal ownership and copyright, digitisation and ensuring the authenticity of the ANC liberation archives is recommended. This study can be extended to other liberation movements in southern Africa.  相似文献   

谭必勇  陈珍 《档案学研究》2017,31(6):117-124
本文旨在从社群档案视角探索体制外档案资源进入国家公共档案资源体系的路径与方式。在分析澳大利亚“强制收养历史项目”历史源起的基础上,梳理了澳大利亚国家档案馆在“强制收养历史项目”诞生前后发挥的特殊作用,认为“强制收养历史项目”初步形成了以社群成员共同经历为基础、政府力量为主导、非政府组织多方联动的社群档案资源体系构建模式,为创建我国体制外社群档案资源进入体制内公共档案资源体系的常态化机制提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的]获取当前档案信息互动现状,为档案部门提升档案利用水平提供参考依据。[方法]以49个副省级以上档案机构为调查对象,统计分析档案网站、微博和微信公众号三种在线传播媒介的互动情况,并构建互动数据集,利用文本分析技术获取档案网站互动内容的真实交互主题。[结果]在传播媒介方面,不同媒介的互动特点存在显著差异,网站媒介发展平稳,体现出双向交流的沟通者作用,微博和微信媒介的互动分别处于下降和上升态势,扮演了档案信息的播报者和宣传者角色。在传播内容方面,典型互动主题可分为个人发展类、业务指导类和查询借阅类三大主题。[结论]档案网站是档案用户与管理机构之间双向互动的最重要媒介,对互动内容的文本分析有助于发现真实的用户需求。  相似文献   

档案机构是维系档案工作完整性与连续性不可或缺的载体,在古代中国,帝王及其政权力量对档案等历史记录和文化典籍的高度重视和严密的垄断性封锁,将其作为实施政治统治的重要"武器"秘藏于专门的档案存放场所和管理机构中。档案机构在唐宋以前不仅保存档案,还保管有图书、文物等其他物品,唐宋以后出现的甲库、架阁库、黄册库等则是档案机构的代名词。从中国古代颇具特色的档案机构角度出发进行研究,有助于研究中国档案史。  相似文献   

参与式语境下的档案信息公开传播某种程度上创新了档案信息公开传播的模式,它从档案信息公开的参与主体、内容收集、内容呈现、加工及鉴定的诸多环节上重塑了档案信息公开传播,众包、草根性、协作鉴定、社交化是其创新的重要体现。但由此而产生的档案工作者角色定位、参与者管理及质量控制问题需要我们深入思考,从而积极应对参与式语境下档案信息公开传播的变革。  相似文献   

Some public entities in South Africa have implemented digital records systems over a period of 20 years. In terms of the South African archival legal framework, there is a need for such entities to transfer the records into archival custody. However, there is consensus among researchers that there is no infrastructure to ingest digital records into archival custody in South Africa. Furthermore, some public entities have migrated from one system to another since implementation and there is a possibility that records might have been lost during migration. This study demonstrates through literature review the unconscious archival orthodoxy of post-custodial realities in South Africa. The study recommends that public entities should apply for exemption from archival legislation in order to develop an interim solution for the preservation of digital records. The National Archives and Records Service of South Africa (NARSSA) is also encouraged to develop a policy on distributed custody to allow government entities to create interim solutions for preserving digital records. Both public entities and NARSSA should invest in capacity development, including training and provision of sustainable infrastructure required to preserve digital records. It is hoped that this study will influence policy-making with regard to custody of digital records.  相似文献   

档案馆尤其是国家综合档案馆作为传承社会记忆的文化机构,其资源建设应该包括民族档案文献遗产的内容。基于此,本文提出民族档案文献遗产资源建设的法理依据,并针对其建设现状,从法规化、标准化、集中化和数字化等方面,提出国家综合档案馆民族档案文献遗产资源建设的对策。  相似文献   

红色档案资源见证了党和人民艰苦奋斗的光辉历程,是传承红色文化基因、延续红色文脉的精神财富。红色档案资源的选择、采集、组织、存储、管理和利用的实践活动催生了馆藏实体资源建设模式和红色档案数字资源建设模式。本文依据叙事传输理论,在总结和反思这两种模式的基础上,从主体层、资源层、活动层、呈现层构建了以馆藏机构为主导,研究机构、社会公众、第三方机构共同参与,以红色档案资源的组织与呈现为中心旨趣的红色档案资源社会共建模式,并从建立协调机制、完善法规标准、审核叙事成果、重构叙事表达四个方面探索该模式的实现路径。  相似文献   

公共档案馆微信公众平台服务质量影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 从用户感知的角度,构建公共档案馆微信公众平台服务质量影响因素模型,为公共档案馆服务质量优化奠定基础。[方法/过程] 通过问卷调查构建公共档案馆微信公众平台服务质量影响因素模型,使用SPSS软件,用探索性因子分析方法对假设模型进行检验,根据结果对假设模型进行修正,并对修正后的影响因素模型进行讨论。[结果/结论] 从用户感知角度全面综合分析微信公众平台上公共档案馆服务质量影响因素的构成,主要包括服务过程与系统运行、用户特征与费用、档案内容的内部特征、档案内容的外部特征和公众平台界面设计5个维度以及服务交互性等25个影响因素。  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive update of Chinese public relations education. Particularly, it (1) examined the challenges facing Chinese public relations education and (2) explored the positive changes that have emerged in Chinese public relations education. Researchers conducted 49 face-to-face in-depth interviews with Chinese public relations educators, students, and professionals supplemented with a content analysis of 22 Web sites of Chinese universities with public relations programs. Major findings include: (1) absence of doctoral programs, (2) rigid public relations curriculum structure, (3) dominance of traditional public relations pedagogy, (4) lack of qualified public relations educators, and (5) inadequate institutional recognition. In addition to these key challenges that Chinese public relations education confronts, it has also been undergoing some promising changes. For example, public relations education is adjusting to meet the needs of students. Educators are developing both educational and professional expertise. Moreover, there has been a rise of government public relations in the context of China's rapid economic and political reform.  相似文献   

2018年档案机构改革后各地将档案机构划归办公厅(室)系统,旨在加强档案治理体系与治理能力建设。由于文书与档案之间的有机联系性,基于办公厅(室)平台上的档案工作与文书工作需要进一步加强协同联动。为此,应当在思维、主体、规则和资源上达成真正的协同,以"人""组织行为""信息资源"等管理要素为核心,建立起档案工作与文书工作的协同机制,从而实现1+1>2的协同效益。  相似文献   

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