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近年来,我国各类学校的校园暴力事件呈上升趋势,尤其中学。由此引发的各种问题日渐突出,从而严重影响了青少年的健康成长,扰乱了正常的教学秩序及社会稳定,已引起社会的广泛关注。文章以我国严重的校园暴力事件为研究对象,描述和分析了当今严重校园暴力事件的表现和原因,从校园暴力的自身因素出发,进而提出一些相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

我国女生校园暴力事件呈现增多和严重的趋势,女生的行为倾向和心理因素是女生校园暴力的表面原因,根本原因还在于学校的教师素质较低、管理松散和德育工作薄弱,不完整的家庭结构、特殊的社会阶层和不当的教养方式,充斥社会的暴力和色情文化、道德评价标准的多元化和法律教育与宣传问题等方面。相应地,女生校园暴力事件的预防和应对也应从以上这些方面入手。  相似文献   

李玥瑶 《教师》2019,(2):61-62
近年来,校园暴力事件屡见不鲜,在各大高校,暴力事件时有发生,引起了全社会的普遍关注。各级教育管理部门采取各种措施预防及治理校园暴力事件,但收效甚微。文章从心理预防机制建设角度研究减少校园暴力事件的措施,从家庭、学校、社会及大学生自身四方面分析校园暴力形成的心理诱因,对预防高校校园暴力事件的发生有着重要意义。  相似文献   

全国各地发生的校园暴力事件,使受害学生身心受到严重伤害,影响学校正常教学秩序,不利于创建快乐校园与和谐社会。只有加强中学生思想品德教育,采取合理有效的措施,才能杜绝校园暴力发生,构建健康快乐的校园和温馨和谐的社会。  相似文献   

校园本该是一方净土、文明的殿堂,然而近几年来,校园暴力事件屡见报端,而且发案率还有逐年上升的趋势。2004年2月云南大学学生马加爵残忍追杀四个同学,制造了骇人听闻的"马加爵事件"。校园暴力事件从表面上看是个别的、简单的社会现象,其实有着复杂的社会、心理背景。它是由于家庭、学校教育的失误及社会不良影响所造成的,导致了学生的心理向着畸形的方向发展,校园暴力事件属于心理问题。  相似文献   

近年来校园暴力事件的频发,引起了社会极大的关注。校园暴力扰乱了学校正常的教学秩序,给受害学生的身体与心理带来不同程度的创伤。校园暴力事件的产生受到多方面的影响,包括家庭因素、社会因素、学校因素等。防控校园暴力,需要构建家庭、学校与社会等多方的合力体系,才能为青少年的成长创造良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

<正>校园理应与戾气、暴力和杀戮相距甚远。然而,在校园暴力事件中,施暴者既有教师,也不乏学生,还有社会闲散人员,给宁静的校园蒙上了一层阴影。历史数据显示,每一场暴力事件发生前,都会经历一个从预谋到发起的过程。校园暴力事件通常源于不满情绪的蔓延,然后发展到某种特定恶意,之后便会为了目的而不择手段,为暴力抗击或防卫作规划和准备。有因必有果,校园暴力事件固然与青少年暴力心理特征及其所处的特殊成长阶段有关,而家庭教育的失当、学校管理失察和社会环境失守同样难辞其咎。父母的过度溺爱和过于  相似文献   

青少年是国家的希望,他们的健康成长直接关系着国家的富强和民族的未来。近年来,我国校园暴力事件中的很多施暴者将其施暴过程录制成视频上传、分享,影响恶劣。所以,如何有效地预防校园暴力已成为人们关注的焦点。日本早在20世纪80年代就开始对校园暴力引起重视,直到今天,校园暴力在日本仍被视为十分严峻的社会问题。本文通过比较、分析中日两国校园暴力现象发生的原因,给出一些相对合理的解决措施,从国家、社会、学校、家庭、学生自身五个维度预防我国校园暴力事件的发生。  相似文献   

近年校园暴力事件时有发生且情节愈加严重,其原因主要有学校教育和管理的失当、家庭教育功能的缺失、社会不良现象的负面影响以及政府教育资源存量不足及其配置不合理等。为了最大程度抑制校园暴力,建议从政府决策、社会关注、学校管理、家庭教育等方面采取应对策略。  相似文献   

李亚男 《家长》2016,(4):4-5
1人大代表建议尽快出台反校园暴力法规近年来,频频曝光的校园暴力事件引发社会广泛关注。两会期间,全国人大代表、中国国家话剧院一级演员刘晓翠发言时建议,对于全社会关注的校园暴力事件,应尽快制定反校园暴力法规。刘晓翠认为,现在  相似文献   

采用自编的中学生生活经历调查研究问卷,对校园暴力特别是生生之间的躯体暴力和心理暴力进行调查研究,以调查中学生暴力行为一般状况和特点。研究发现,心理暴力得分在是否班干部上有显著差异;总暴力得分在是否班干部和在父亲职业上有显著差异。暴力实施者的得分在是否班干部上有显著差异;暴力受害者的得分在性别、是否班干部、母亲文化程度上有显著差异;暴力目击者的得分在性别、是否班干部、父亲职业、父亲文化程度、母亲职业上有显著性差异。  相似文献   

文章结合国外的相关研究,根据心理危机干预的原则、模式、技术等,立足于国内中学校的实际情况,提出一套实用于中学的整合连续的心理危机干预方案,涉及校园暴力事件的学校预警系统、应急处置、及时心理干预,以及事后干预四个阶段,依赖于学校、家庭、社会等多个方面的支持,重点突出“心理干预”的特点。以期能对校园暴力事件进行良好的心理危机干预,预防校园暴力事件的频繁发生,构建和谐校园。  相似文献   

This article explores characteristics of school violence inFrance and the privileged means by which school counsellors can address this increasinglywidespread problem. In the first section, the status of counsellors in theFrench schools is outlined, and it is shown that counselling activities are reallyonly undertaken for students in junior high or high school. Two importantcharacteristics of the French view of school violence are: The experts in psychology takelittle interest in problems of school violence; and adults, rather than students,are seen as the primary victims. In this context, counsellors try to reduceschool violence primarily through training and reflecting with school staff. Severalempirical arguments suggest, in effect, that the adults' perceptions of the students is adetermining factor in the social regulation of school violence. This violence consistsmostly of incivilities that are only slightly reprehensible but oftenunbearable for certain teachers. Depending on whether the school staff try to understandthe incivilities or can only see them as pure savagery, they either try to controlthem through education or they lose confidence in their professional mission.The goal of counsellors is both to help the personnel develop theircapacities and motivate them to analyze the students' behavior, and to engender a senseof team spirit.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to document and compare rates of reported and perceived crime and violence within schools. With highly publicized acts of school violence prevalent in the minds of the American public, there is a perception that schools are unsafe. Reports of school crime and violence from teachers, administrators, and students differ in severity and in nature from what is perceived by the public. Few studies are available on the frequency of these or other types of reported violence or the relationship between actual and perceived violence in schools. Extant data on reported violence in schools from the database of North Carolina were analyzed and compared to data reflecting perceptions of violence. The public perceptions of the types of school crime and violent acts differed greatly from actual occurrences reported by school administrators. Limitations and implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Identifying and understanding predictors of school safety perceptions is important due to its consequences for students. However, it is not clear what school‐related factors most contribute to explaining students’ perception of school safety, and how they relate to community‐related factors such as neighborhood safety. The purpose of this study was to understand the factors associated with Chilean elementary and middle school students’ perceptions of school safety. We used a sample of 5,455 students from low socioeconomic status public schools, and analyzed the predictive value of peer physical and verbal victimization; teacher and school staff victimization; teacher's social support; and perception of safety in the students’ neighborhoods on perceptions of school safety. Findings showed that although different forms of school violence, particularly peer physical victimization and physical and sexual victimization from teachers and school staff, contribute to students’ perception of school safety, the highest contribution came from students perceiving their neighborhoods as unsafe. In contrast, teacher social support contributed to increased levels of perceived school safety. We discuss the need for school‐based interventions that address physical victimization and engage teachers in prosocial and less punitive approaches to foster a positive and safe school climate, and in fostering school–community partnerships.  相似文献   

校园暴力又称反学校文化,指的是与学校主流文化相对立的一种文化,它所倡导的价值标准与行为规范与学校的主导价值规范相悖。校园暴力具有显性化、多样化、强烈化、长期化、低龄化特征。其教育方面的原因有学校文化形式与实质的背离,家庭教育的缺失,教师权威地位颠覆,学生群体文化的兴盛等方面。笔者认为消除校园暴力的对策有:倾力打造书香校园,激活学校德育,优化家庭教育以及调控学生群体文化。  相似文献   

在伊犁州三地区九年义务教育阶段,教师对学生的校园暴力的现象十分普遍.随机抽样调查认为:受暴力行为伤害的学生比例,农村大于城市、汉族大于少数民族、差生大于优生、男生大于女生,其中受隐性暴力行为伤害的学生比例远大于显性暴力,而且初中大于小学,初三尤为严重;受显性暴力行为伤害的学生比例小学大于初中,小学高段比例更大.教师对学生施暴的主要原因是工作方法欠缺,法制观念淡薄,尤其是升学竞争压力大和学生被教师施暴后的沉默态度.要想制止校园暴力行为,必须改革我国现行的教育考试制度,树立对教师、学生新的评价观,全面提高教师、学生的素质,使每个学生在儿童、青少年时期健康而全面的发展,真正落实素质教育.  相似文献   

The social and human costs of youth violence are staggering. Reducing violence among youth will require a multifaced approach, including educational strategies aimed at reducing the prevalence of high risk behaviors associated with youth violence. This article examines the role of school health instruction in preventing interpersonal violence. Specifically, this article provides an overview of comprehensive school health education; suggests instructional content for violence prevention education; explores options for administering violence prevention education; discusses theoretical frameworks supporting education strategies; provides criteria for selecting violence prevention curricula and mateirals; examines possible limitations and barriers to violence prevention education; and provides recommendations for implementing programs. Though classroom health instruction should not be expected to solve problems associated with youth violence, prevention education needs to be delivered within the context of comprehensive school health education.  相似文献   

中学地理科研是增强教师实力的必由之路。本文着重从中学地理科研的地位和作用等方面阐述了加强中学地理科研的重要性。  相似文献   

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