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National differences in patterns of new product development reflect differences in patterns of communication and delegation within the organization. In mature U.S. corporations, projects are generally controlled by superiors and implemented by subordinates who compete with each other. People making critical decisions may lack critical information while the people responsible for implementation may not have a stake in overall project success. The result is frequent failure. In U.S. startups, smaller Italian companies and in Japanese management groups, work is carried out by cooperative groups. Members have a shared stake in overall project success. Decisions are made to promote overall project success. Differences among small group performance in U.S., Italian, and Japanese companies reflect differences in the scope of group activity. U.S. startups can innovate technologies, business processes, and products. Innovations by small Italian companies are generally restricted to changes that compliment the activities of other firms in their network. Japanese business groups operate within a highly structured corporate environment. Innovations tend to be limited to elaborations in core technologies, processes, and products.  相似文献   

Our study monitored the cognitive and motivational effects within different educational instruction schemes: On the one hand, teacher‐centred versus hands‐on instruction; on the other hand, hands‐on instruction with and without a knowledge consolidation phase (concept mapping). All the instructions dealt with the same content. For all participants, the hands‐on approach as well as the concept mapping adaptation were totally new. Our hands‐on approach followed instruction based on “learning at work stations”. A total of 397 high‐achieving fifth graders participated in our study. We used a pre‐test, post‐test, retention test design both to detect students' short‐term learning success and long‐term learning success, and to document their decrease rates of newly acquired knowledge. Additionally, we monitored intrinsic motivation. Although the teacher‐centred approach provided higher short‐term learning success, hands‐on instruction resulted in relatively lower decrease rates. However, after six weeks, all students reached similar levels of newly acquired knowledge. Nevertheless, concept mapping as a knowledge consolidation phase positively affected short‐term increase in knowledge. Regularly placed in instruction, it might increase long‐term retention rates. Scores of interest, perceived competence and perceived choice were very high in all the instructional schemes.  相似文献   

2018年3月,日本颁布了新的《高中学习指导要领》,根据时代和社会的变化,针对日本学校教育以及探究性学习实施的现状,设置了一门新学科“理数”,包括“理数探究基础”和“理数探究”。其目的是使学生具有综合地把握事物现象,灵活地运用数学和理科的视角和思维方式进行探究、解决课题的能力。日本将不同学科进行融合,培养学生创造力;采取各种措施,提高探究性学习课程的实施效果;挖掘探究过程中的多种养分,提升学生的科学素养。这些课改特点给我们提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

This paper examines research on learning styles as related to online learning for adult learners. There is much disagreement regarding the definition of learning style. This paper defines it as an individual's preferred way of learning. The focus is on the extent to which learning styles are able to predict student success (e.g., grades, attitudes). The paper discusses nine different instruments that were used in various studies. Curry's model, which uses the metaphor of the layers of an onion, is used to categorize the instruments by theme for the sake of comparison. Criticisms of learning style research include: the vagueness of the construct “learning style”; the fact that the instruments are self‐assessments; mixed results from research that searched for a relationship with online learning; and the difficulty of comparing different studies when online learning can include many different methods and technologies. Finally, I reach a conclusion regarding the suitability of studying the relationship of learning styles and success in online courses.  相似文献   

The term MOOC, an acronym for massive open online course, has been nearly ubiquitous in recent discussions about online education and distance learning. Some articles have questioned the MOOC's tentative role as “the future of education,” while others have framed it as a disrupter of traditional higher education. Research in earlier years trended toward the ways in which MOOCs may be changing the landscape of higher education. However, in the past two years, greater consideration has been focused on how MOOCs may play a role in the corporate world. The year 2012 may have been deemed “The Year of the MOOC,” but many saw 2014 as “The Year of the Corporate MOOC.” Despite MOOCs reaching their prominence as disrupters of traditional higher education, MOOC providers are now aggressively pursuing opportunities in the corporate sector. This presents a great opportunity for corporations to drive this relatively new learning platform and to tailor it to meet their organizational needs. The potential uses for MOOCs in the corporate world are vast. MOOCs can expand corporate training options, offer new recruiting techniques, and provide innovative marketing and branding channels. This article identifies the features of MOOCs, briefly reviews the history of the MOOC movement from academic MOOCs to corporate MOOCs, and discusses the possibilities for extending the MOOC format to a corporate training and employee development environment.  相似文献   

Responding to the alarming numbers of dissatisfied members of the U.S. workforce, this article introduces a workable plan of action titled “The Whole PIE,” which is useful for members of the workforce at all levels, to enhance their internal locus of control and enhance the quality of life at work for themselves and others. Starting with actions geared toward personal (“P”) performance enhancement, and subsequently graduating to actions at the interactive (“I”) and external (“E”) level, the text leads the reader toward a comprehensive perspective (The Whole “PIE”) in which short‐term and long‐term actors and factors are considered in one's workplace performance.  相似文献   

This article describes the design, evaluation, and results of an innovative undergraduate engineering course at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA). The course, ENGR 110 — Introduction to Engineering, is a problem‐based learning environment in which freshmen students work in teams to solve problems integral to a “mission to Mars”, that is, getting to Mars, constructing a research site on Mars, and developing a renewable power source there. In addition to traditional knowledge and skill objectives, the course focuses on “higher order” outcomes such as: framing and resolving ill‐defined problems; communicating via multiple media; exhibiting intellectual curiosity; and developing a rich conceptualisation of engineering. The course is described in terms of a set of pedagogical dimensions for problem‐based learning environments. Several cognitive assessment methods were used to assess student achievement and evaluate the effectiveness of the course. Results included statistically and educationally significant differences in “problem‐solving” between two classes of ENGR 110 students and two control classes of sophomore engineering students.  相似文献   

This research focused on the concept of “force” (“CHI‐KA‐RA” in Japanese) in Newtonian mechanics. The primary objective was to develop a tool, based on metaphor, to interpret student thinking in learning scientific topics. The study provides an example of using the tool to trace the process of mutual changes in thinking during a dialog among students who have different perspectives on the same topic. “Social metaphorical mapping” was used to interpret a dialog between two groups of junior high school students with different epistemological paradigms with regard to the concept of force (CHI‐KA‐RA) in the learning environment of a computer simulation. Both source domains were recontextualized through social metaphorical mapping and the process of mutual changes in concepts was traced. Participants noticed that the Buridanian 1 1. Buridan was a French scientist in the fourteenth century who proposed a theory of impetus. concept of“force” differs from the Newtonian concept of “force,” differentiated between the concepts of “force” that use the same Japanese term “CHI‐KA‐RA,” and noticed that the Buridanian concept of “force” resembles the Newtonian concept of “momentum.”  相似文献   

太平洋战争后,日军占领整个上海,接管了英美等国保险公司,追随而来的日本保险公司则妄图攫夺、控制上海的保险市场。汪伪政府也相机而动,对1992年开始出现的上海保险市场的混乱状态进行了监控,也取得了一定成效。但随着抗日战争的胜利,日汪控制上海保险市场的图谋最终归于失败。  相似文献   

古代日本歌垣的原型样式问题一直未得以解决。通过借助中日两国的歌垣(对歌)文献,和贵州省苗族的“坐花场”习俗的调查资料等,对思考古代日本歌垣的形式问题带来很多新启发。古汉语中以“墙”表示人多的用法,对“歌垣”一词的创造有重要影响;而通过参考苗族“坐花场”事例可以推测出,古代日本歌垣的“垣”有可能表示实际的语义,“垣”是“歌”的“场”所,于“垣”中而“歌”,故名“歌垣”。而这也应该是古代日本歌垣的原型样式之一。  相似文献   

作为对我们所熟知的“80/20法则”的悖反或补充,“长尾理论”被《商业周刊》评为2005年度最有商业价值的概念之一。该理论认为,运用信息技术可消除传统商业世界的很多约束,以至于需求不旺或销售不佳的产品共同占据的市场份额,可以和那些数量不多的热卖品占据的市场份额相匹敌甚至更大。长尾理论作为网络商业的一个新的理论基础,为网络出版的发展带来启示。  相似文献   

林风眠是中国现代美术教育的奠基者之一,他的绘画创作完成了一种将西方现代美术观念与中国传统美学相结合的典范.长期以来,他的作品并未引起应有的重视,只是最近十年,检讨中国新兴美术的发展,他的先驱作用及作品价值才得到极大的提升,被誉为中国现代绘画的一代宗师.与中国比邻的日本,亦有一位“民族英雄“,他就是著名的美术家栋方志功,它的作品既保留了日本民族的神韵,又吸纳了西方现代派的表现手法,风格特立.将这两位东方最具特色的艺术大师进行比较分析,寻找他们的异同,对我们当今的美术创作正途定会有借鉴的意义.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The author argues that current corporate government legislation and practice is weighted too much in the direction of “board compliance.” It is, therefore, in danger of reducing the risks taken by boards of directors. In the long term this could slow significantly the growth of capitalism. He proposes a rebalancing of the fundamental board dilemma—how to strike a dynamic balance between driving the enterprise forward and keeping it under prudent control—in favor of “board performance” and raising the competence of “Mega‐thinking” on the board. This requires integrated board developmental activities so that their directorial accountabilities and liabilities are differentiated from the executive's, and that the requirement for rigorous strategic thinking has total commitment. Often fear and irritation by newly‐promoted executives has to be overcome here. The author introduces the “Learning Board” model and its associated annual rhythm for a board's year. Three approaches to developing strategic thinking are discussed including the Thinking Intentions Profile, and an updated version of the PPESTT analysis.  相似文献   

The Boundlessness of Performativity in Elite Australian Schools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines how prominent private schools in Australia are performing in a market context according to the tenets of performativity. From a discourse analysis of promotional materials that include prospectuses, advertisements, and school publications, it considers the “value‐addedness” that these schools purport to offer. In this regard, ideas such as building self‐esteem and emotional intelligence are not only being used for market advantage but are also being nicely conflated with religious principles to produce the “whole” child with market edge. This paper draws on a recent research study of 30 elite Australian schools. As new practices of identity formation and self‐presentation are investigated, questions are raised about issues of fabrication in performativity‐inspired practices of marketisation.  相似文献   

通过西方股权制衡体系与传统日本式股权制衡体系的对比,证明“交叉持股”所形成的股权制衡会导致企业内部缺乏对经营者的有效监督,从而增加企业代理成本的事实。分析指出,当前经济环境下,以传统日本式股权制衡为基础,结合欧美式股权制衡的新股权制衡体系正在日本企业中逐步形成。  相似文献   

林纾是闽籍作家,不识英文,却引介“西学”, 而且用的是文言,成为译界奇观。“白话”登台亮相,林纾却对“文言”情有独钟,故有“文白之辩”,因此被文学史疏远。所幸“文言”与“西学”在林纾笔下情投意合,称道者众,为“小说”扶正立下汗马功劳,又与新文学启蒙不期而遇,其文学修为举世瞩目。  相似文献   

日本通过动漫文化的输出,在全球推销自己,为其树立良好的国际形象。同时,日本政府把文化输出提高到外交的层次,拓展和提升了国家的软实力。日本对其文化输出的成功经验值得我们学习,为中国对外文化软实力的提升和发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

The eight-year-long period from Japan’s initiation of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 to its unconditional surrender in 1945 forced Japan to invest its national economy and industrial and scientific technologies in the war. In addition, in the name of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japan initiated its assimilation and Kominka (Japanisation) policies (皇民化政策) in the colonies Korea and Taiwan. Japan used education as a tool to expand its influence over members of society, and attempted the frequent use of Japanese and Kominka (皇民化) in daily life to penetrate the awareness of people in the colonies. Japan also started to enforce various assimilation policies. A comparison of the implementation of Kominka policies (皇民化政策) in Taiwan and Korea shows that, in terms of school admission rates and frequency of use of Japanese, the proportion of school admission rates for frequent speakers of Japanese to primary education in Taiwan are significantly higher than those in Korea. Moreover, in terms of primary education, national schools were implemented in both Taiwan and Korea according to the “National School Order” promulgated in 1941. Japan made use of the term “education equality” to win people over. In fact, it aimed to strengthen the concept of Kominka (皇民化), the education of militarism, and to force the Taiwanese and Koreans to become “imperial citizens” loyal to the Emperor. Japan’s ultimate objective was to create an environment that met military needs for civilian and military resources.  相似文献   

刘子玉 《历史教学问题》2020,(2):116-123,99
在东西方冷战时期,英日两国各自作为美国的盟国,在欧亚国际政治领域支持美国的遏制战略。1955年,在美国的支持下,日本获得了关税与贸易总协定组织成员国地位,但英国拒绝承诺给予日本最惠国待遇。最惠国待遇问题从此成为直接影响英日通商关系发展的重大因素。1962年末,英日两国政府正式签署通商航海条约,规定互相给予最惠国待遇和国民待遇。然而,日本商品在进入英国市场时受到差别对待的局面没有得到彻底改变,英国商人在进一步开发日本市场方面也面临着来自日本政府的重重阻力,互相清除残存的贸易壁垒成为此后英日贸易谈判的长期议题。在尝试解决这些问题的十余年间,英日经济实力对比发生变化,日本不再轻易对英国做出让步,致使旨在彻底清除双边贸易壁垒的长期自由化计划谈判最终失败,这也从一个侧面反映了战后英日关系发展模式的逆转。  相似文献   

"気"字在日语中被广泛使用。关于"気"的日语词汇衬映出日本国民的自然观、世界观、价值观、思维意识形态等诸多性格文化特征,在日语表达里独树一帜。文章通过对日语"気"一词以及"気"的惯用语的分析,阐述了日本人纤细而敏感的心理活动。另外,从日本文化的角度出发探究日本人对"気"情有独钟的原因。  相似文献   

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