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公民文化权利与档案馆公共文化服务   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
公民的文化权利需要通过政府创造条件而逐步实现,提供公共文化服务是政府保护公民文化权利的责任体现.作为科学文化事业机构,档案馆提供公共文化服务、保障公民文化权利是其应承担的文化责任.档案馆公共文化服务就是档案馆以保障公民文化权利、满足公众档案文化需求为目的,向社会和公众提供档案文化产品与档案文化服务的活动和过程.档案馆提供公共文化服务应该坚持公益性、公平性、便利性和多样性原则.  相似文献   

Who should control and exploit digital rights in the publishing industry? For a precise definition and a discussion the publishing industry needs basic knowledge of how to purchase and sell electronic rights and extended standard agreements. This article is covering a definition of digital rights, purchase, and sale of digital rights, business models to sell digital content and terms with related conditions.  相似文献   

This article extends reasoning about social policy, as a response to basic human need, to the treatment of communication policy. The idea of communication as a basic human need is of vital importance in a contemporary world in which so much social interaction of a private and public nature occurs through technological mediation. Through an examination of arguments in social and political theory about human needs, this article emphasizes how “needs talk” is used to justify “rights talk,” with particular attention given to how assumptions about communication needs—what they are, how they can or should be satisfied, and the politics of need recognition—are or can be used to justify communication rights.  相似文献   

基于山西医科大学、长治医学院、汾阳医学院等院校的师生信息需求调查,构建了医学移动学习平台。该平台整合了学校的教学资源,为用户提供了多种互动学习方式,用户可以快速找到自己感兴趣的信息资源,但平台建设还需要激励措施和知识产权等方面相关制度的支持和配合。  相似文献   

When dealing with e-books, several ethical dilemmas exist as a result of competing professional values. Dilemmas identified and discussed here include challenges related to serving nonaffiliated users, providing high-quality service while respecting intellectual property rights, and balancing the needs of current users with the needs of future generations. Readers would like to have access to all e-books all of the time, with as few restrictions as possible. Librarians would like all of their users (affiliated or nonaffiliated, current or future) to be able to easily use e-books. Librarians also want to recognize the valuable contributions of authors, publishers, and content distributors while safeguarding patron privacy.  相似文献   

A historical and theoretical analysis of the copyright environment demonstrates that both the economic rights associated with copyright and the moral rights often associated with copyright perform social functions. The latter have not been as universally embraced or adopted as the former. The lack of enthusiasm for moral rights is argued to be because the social utility of this aspect of the copyright regime has gone largely unrecognized. In fact, moral rights ensure that the information needs of the public are being met because they enhance the ability to assess the authority and reliability of information. While historically this has not been as important as enhancing the supply of information, a function performed by the economic rights of copyright, in the context of the new information environment, the role played by moral rights is becoming increasingly important. Our thesis also defines the appropriate scope of moral rights protection in copyright.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为开放资源集成服务、再利用服务提供权益保障分析方法和解决方案。[方法/过程] 研究开放获取期刊集成平台的集成方式和服务方式,分析开放获取期刊集成平台建设中遇到的采集、组织、再利用权益纠纷,包括禁止机器自动采集问题、出版商数据库保护权问题、数据调用的程度受限问题等。[结果/结论] 总结当前国内外已有的信息资源使用政策、法律条款,设计OA期刊集成服务权益管理方案,包括数据采集前和出版商进行有效沟通,提供服务时原文链接的清楚标明,最大程度提供第三方数据调用等,为图书馆开展开放资源集成服务建设提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

关于图书馆权利的一点认识   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
刘兹恒  陈洁 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(8):3-5,43
主要探讨了在中国如何保障图书馆权利的实现:包括赋予图书馆开展工作所必须拥有的自由空间和职务权力;大力推进我国图书馆事业的整体发展;制定和完善有中国特色的图书馆权利宣言和图书馆员职业伦理规范。  相似文献   

基于知识产权保护的反竞争情报研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘要:针对企业在利用知识产权保护本企业的技术信息过程中所存在的秘密信息暴露问题,构建基于知识产权保护的反竞争情报模型,建立保护需求的定义、反竞争情报分析与风险评估、知识产权保护策略等具体实施的工作框架,以指导企业利用知识产权保护本企业技术信息,同时减少私密信息的暴露。  相似文献   

知识产权与图书馆权利都是公民的基本权利。二者具有根本利益的一致性。但同时,知识产权侧重于保护私权,图书馆权利侧重于谋求知识公益,使图书馆权利的公共性与知识产权的专有性存在天然的冲突。探究知识产权与图书馆权利冲突的根源与典型表现,寻求二者之间的协调与平衡点,实现二者间的最优配置,是鼓励知识传播,推动知识创新的需要。  相似文献   

Recent legislation has mandated equal rights for disabled people and an appropriate education for all disabled children. All professions are upgrading service, making architectural adaptations for the physically disabled, and adapting programs to the needs of this important segment of the population. The library profession needs to deuelop information and referral collections for disabled persons, learn about special curriculum materiales for disabled children, and deuelop the new field of "Rehabilitation Librarianship," since many rehabilitation facilities do not yet haue trained librarians on their staffs. Most important information is to be found in periodicals and newsletters. This bibliography offers a basic listing of journals in the fields of medical and uocational rehabilitation, special education, and journals written for disabled people themsleues. Existing data bases are mentioned and the continuing need for a central information clearinghouse cited.  相似文献   

档案法律应融入整个数据法律体系,其内在逻辑在于“数据”与“档案”的密切关系,即“数据态”是档案的存在形态之一,档案是需要长久保存的数据,对国家和社会具有保存价值的数据需要归档。然而,当前档案法律在数据长期保存中的角色有待明确,数据法律对档案工作造成挤压,档案法律对数据归档的解释力不足,为公共利益的存档与个人数据权益存在矛盾。为此,应该重塑“档案”认知和“归档”思维,构建数据协同治理机制,促进档案法律和数据法律下位法的协调。  相似文献   

数字版权保护技术的发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着互联网与信息技术的飞速发展,数字化的信息资源会变得越来越丰富,同时数字内容的版权管理问题也显得越来越重要。文章介绍了国内外数字版权管理的发展应用状况,并提出了DRM未来的发展需要融入DOI技术。  相似文献   

文章基于数字时代的邻接权制度,讨论了数字图书馆邻接权人主体地位的确立依据,分析了《著作权法》和《信息网络传播权保护条例》中对著作权限制的合理使用和法定许可条款,认为现有法规条款还不能够满足数字图书馆发展的需要,还有必要确立数字图书馆应享有的相应信息网络传播邻接权,并论证了数字图书馆信息网络传播邻接权的权限范围。  相似文献   

This article is the fourth in a series of six emanating from the UK JISC‐funded RoMEO Project (Rights Metadata for Open archiving). It describes an analysis of 80 scholarly journal publishers' copyright agreements with a particular view to their effect on author self‐archiving: 90% of agreements asked for copyright transfer and 69% asked for it prior to refereeing the paper; 75% asked authors to warrant that their work had not been previously published although only two explicitly stated that they viewed self‐archiving as prior publication; 28.5% of agreements provided authors with no usage rights over their own paper. Although 42.5% allowed self‐archiving in some format, there was no consensus on the conditions under which self‐archiving could take place. The article concludes that author–publisher copyright agreements should be reconsidered by a working party representing the needs of both parties.  相似文献   

<普通高等学校图书馆规程(修订)>的颁发,从宏观管理的角度适应了新世纪高等教育发展对图书馆的要求.学习新<规程>赋予的高校图书馆的权利与义务,并力图从微观方面加以对照分析,以期在图书馆实际工作中得以切实地执行.  相似文献   

To pursue emerging revenue opportunities in the most cost-efficient way (or sometimes to be able to pursue them at all), book publishers are going to have to adopt a StartwithXML workflow. That means their content needs to live in an XML-structured document from the earliest possible moment, which could be “inception”, and carry within it metadata about the document structure, the content itself, and the rights to all components. The tools exist to do this, but the organizational challenges of changing workflows and inventing new procedures are daunting. This project explores the business case and the implementation challenges, including case studies of companies who have already begun to work this way.  相似文献   

STKOS词表作为国家投入的重要公共知识基础设施,为保护其知识产权和相关权利人权益,同时实现项目成果面向全社会的共享利用,需要制定合理有效的开放共享协议。本文调研分析了4部国际大型词表的开放共享协议,总结归纳出此类协议的主要框架、相关法律权利规定,以期为STKOS词表开放共享协议提供借鉴。同时文章提出在设计STKOS词表开放共享协议时应重点考虑权利人诉求、建设目标、具体授权内容、协议许可方式等因素。  相似文献   

本文以自由与平等的冲突根源与内在联系为分析起点,认为作为制度正义的核心命题,二者间存在的内在张力和关联为图书馆权利体系的建构提供了参考。结合图书馆权利体系中自由与平等的具体内容,认为:图书馆作为一种正义的制度安排,在制度建构中必然会提出对自由和平等的主张和安排,这种制度正义性构成了图书馆权利体系中自由与平等统一的基石;图书馆需要通过积极的制度建构,以规范的形式确认自由和平等权利以及国家在实现图书馆自由平等权中的积极角色,使图书馆自由与平等权利从应有权利走向法定权利。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 随着数字出版物利用率的提高,文献信息资源的可共享性和知识产权之间的矛盾加剧。如何解决这种矛盾,对著作权人的合法权益进行补偿,使信息资源公共供给合法化是迫切需要解决的问题。[方法/过程] 采用比较研究和文本分析法,对英国的电子书公共借阅权相关法案进行分析,总结电子书公共借阅权以及补偿金的特点等。[结果/结论] 英国电子书公共借阅权具有准版权模式和版权模式并行,以版权模式为主、率先将电子书纳入权利客体以及给予权利主体较大权限的特点;补偿金具有来源为政府财政拨款、计算以借阅次数为依据等特点。我国可以借鉴英国电子书公共借阅权和补偿金的细则等来实行数字出版物公共借阅权补偿金。  相似文献   

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