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学术期刊读者与作者互动的表现形式   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
陶范 《编辑学报》2009,21(4):292-294
互动是传播的重要特征,学术期刊因其学术性、读者和作者的同源性等特征,其传播效益的实现更有赖于读者与作者的互动;但我们对读者与作者的互动关系没有展开深入的研究。读者与作者的互动是在一定的学术环境中发生的各种形式、各种性质、各种程度的心理相互作用或行为相互影响。从表现形式看,它包括读者的阅读对话、读者的信息反馈、学术文献的引用、成果的转化应用,以及学术批评和争鸣。  相似文献   

基于读者与作者互动的办刊策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陶范 《编辑学报》2010,22(4):286-287
基于编辑本位观和作者本位观的办刊策略发挥了巨大的作用,但它们或多或少地忽视了读者以及读者与作者的互动.基于读者本位观的办刊策略,需要编辑树立读者本位观、确立读者与作者双向交流的办刊宗旨,采取诸多技术措施;办好互动栏目、做好导读工作、促进成果转化、尝试公开同行评议、开展网上互动、组建实践社群.  相似文献   

一张报纸、一份杂志办得成功,在很大程度上得益于它的编辑方针和读者定位,但与作者的支撑也不可分。因为作者本身也是读者,是一个特殊的读者群体。强化作者意识,为作者服好务是报刊社不可忽视的问题。从某种意义上讲,报刊是渠,作者是源;报刊是树,作者是根。报刊在作者中的形象就是报刊的形象。因为作者作为一个特殊的读者群体较一般读者更关心报刊,他们不仅阅读报刊,而且研究报刊,是报刊最有发言权的评论者;因为他们与报刊有直接联系,对报刊的服务质量有直接的体验。现在一些报刊社作者意识淡薄,在对待作者方面存在许多问题,…  相似文献   

熊妹 《东南传播》2010,(8):197-198
从读者与作者在出版工作中的地位来看,出版工作有两种模式,即"作者-编辑-读者"和"读者-编辑-作者"。这两种模式中,作者和读者的地位各不相同,但不论哪种模式成为出版工作中的主导,编辑作为连接作者和读者的桥梁的地位不会改变。编辑工作就是围绕作者、读者而开展的工作,他们三者之间的关系密切而复杂。一方面,承认编辑与作者、读者之间存在相互影响相互制约的关系,另一方面,也不否认编辑工作本身所具有的独立性特点,本文试从编辑与作者和读者的关系的角度来分析编辑劳动的独立性特点。  相似文献   

学术期刊读者与作者互动的价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
陶范 《编辑学报》2010,22(3):198-199
读者与作者的互动能提升读者和作者素养,相互启发思维,促进科技创新;影响编辑观念,树立读者本位观;实现论文价值和期刊效益,完成传播使命,推动科学发展;促进科技成果的转化应用.研究读者与作者的互动也可完善学术传播的互动理论.  相似文献   

根据读者与文本的关系,将重点放在“文本”上,指出文本既是作者初发言行的物化物,又是读者参与创新的百衲衣;文本寿命既由作者确定,最终则由读者决定;文本的意义既是自我封闭的,又是永向读者开放的;对文本的新解释既不能脱离文本,也不能受制于文本。因此,图书馆人既要研究文本与作者,又要研究读者与阅读。  相似文献   

在国内各图书馆正加速进行自动化、网络化建设之时,读者服务工作也应适应形势、同步发展,本文作者在此方面进行了脚踏实地的探索。文章简要介绍了利用校园网为读者提供交互式定题服务的尝试性工作过程,并对工作成果进行了,总结与分析。  相似文献   

在编辑系统中,编辑作为期刊、作者、读者的代言人,具有三重身份。本文认为,期刊代言人与期刊社的和谐共振是期刊出版科学发展的动力保障;作者代言人与作者的和谐共振是期刊出版持续发展的动力基础;读者代言人与读者的和谐共振是期刊出版科学发展的动力前提。  相似文献   

对基于门禁系统和集成管理系统的中间数据同步系统进行研究和分析提出设计与实现方法。该系统实现门禁系统与集成管理系统之间读者数据的同步跟踪,解决门禁系统中存在的读者信息滞后、增删读者困难等问题,方便读者及时进出,提高效率。  相似文献   

缪宏建  王晓蕴 《编辑学报》2014,26(5):415-417
科技期刊编辑在办刊过程中需要与作者、读者、审者等进行有效沟通,也离不开编辑之间的协同作业。通过分析一稿多投原因及稿件处理过程认为:与作者换位思考,编辑应快速处理来稿、尽早发表论文;与读者换位思考,应明确读者需求,强化与读者的互动交流;与审稿专家换位思考,编辑应该把好初审关,选好、选准审稿专家,对审稿专家信息保密,及时沟通交流;与编者换位思考,应取长补短,互相支持,努力工作。并且认为科技期刊编辑在与作者、读者、审者、编者的交往中要善于运用换位思考,构建和谐统一的交流氛围。  相似文献   

Data about the readership of JLA is shared with readers. A general review of the articles that have been contributed to the column emphasizes their countries of origin, the topics, and readership of each. Global readers are then considered without inclusion of USA readers’ data. Some countries rank very high because they have many readers, while others are much lower. Is this a question of readers’ ability to use English language, or is it a reflection of reader interest in content? The data is general information about use, the number of downloads, and does not extend sufficiently to answer such a question. But it does show a statistical sketch of readers and the countries they represent. Additional discussion is then given to the articles that have been written for the column, and gives prospective future authors some suggestions that include possible future topics of interest. Geography, culture, and an international view are what set this column apart, and are the keys of opportunity for future contributors to have their professional voice expressed in a global discussion.  相似文献   

There are known gender imbalances in participation in scientific fields, from female dominance of nursing to male dominance of mathematics. It is not clear whether there is also a citation imbalance, with some claiming that male-authored research tends to be more cited. No previous study has assessed gender differences in the readers of academic research on a large scale, however. In response, this article assesses whether there are gender differences in the average citations and/or Mendeley readers of academic publications. Field normalised logged Scopus citations and Mendeley readers from mid-2018 for articles published in 2014 were investigated for articles with first authors from India, Spain, Turkey, the UK and the USA in up to 251 fields with at least 50 male and female authors. Although female-authored research is less cited in Turkey (?4.0%) and India (?3.6%), it is marginally more cited in Spain (0.4%), the UK (0.4%), and the USA (0.2%). Female-authored research has fewer Mendeley readers in India (?1.1%) but more in Spain (1.4%), Turkey (1.1%), the UK (2.7%) and the USA (3.0%). Thus, whilst there may be little practical gender difference in citation impact in countries with mature science systems, the higher female readership impact suggests a wider audience for female-authored research. The results also show that the conclusions from a gender analysis depend on the field normalisation method. A theoretically informed decision must therefore be made about which normalisation to use. The results also suggest that arithmetic mean-based field normalisation is favourable to males.  相似文献   

The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) conducted a readership survey in 2020 to gain a deeper understanding of our readers, their reading habits, and their satisfaction with JMLA''s content, website functionality, and overall quality. A total of 467 readers responded to the survey, most of whom were librarians/information specialists (85%), worked in an academic (62%) or hospital/health care system (27%) library, and were current Medical Library Association members (80%). Most survey respondents (46%) reported reading JMLA articles on a quarterly basis. Over half of respondents (53%) said they used social media to follow new research or publications, with Twitter being the most popular platform. Respondents stated that Original Investigations, Case Reports, Knowledge Syntheses, and Resource Reviews articles were the most enjoyable to read and important to their research and practice. Almost all respondents reported being satisfied or very satisfied (94%) with the JMLA website. Some respondents felt that the content of JMLA leaned more toward academic librarianship than toward clinical/hospital librarianship and that there were not enough articles on collection management or technical services. These opinions and insights of our readers help keep the JMLA editorial team on track toward publishing articles that are of interest and utility to our audience, raising reader awareness of new content, providing a website that is easy to navigate and use, and maintaining our status as the premier journal in health sciences librarianship.

The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA), in tandem with the Medical Library Association (MLA), periodically conducts readership surveys to gauge how well the journal meets the needs and desires of its readers. However, much time has passed and many changes have occurred since our last readership survey was published in 2013 [1]. These changes include our transition from a largely print-based to an almost fully digital mode of publication, more extensive reliance on providing access to supplemental materials to improve the rigor and reproducibility of research findings, and the use of social media to share and stay abreast of new scholarly works. Therefore, we conducted a readership survey in 2020 to obtain a more current understanding of our readers, their reading habits, and their satisfaction with JMLA''s content, website functionality, and overall quality.The survey was implemented using Qualtrics and consisted of sixteen closed- and open-ended questions (Appendix A). The survey invitation was distributed on July 6, 2020, through MLA email listservs and social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn), JMLA''s Twitter account, and an announcement on the JMLA website. Recipients were encouraged to forward the invitation through other communication channels as appropriate. The survey was closed on July 20, 2020.  相似文献   

Scholarly content is increasingly being discussed, shared, and bookmarked online by researchers. Altmetric is a start‐up that focuses on tracking, collecting, and measuring this activity on behalf of publishers; here we describe our approach and general philosophy. Over the past year we have seen sharing and discussion activity around approximately 750,000 articles. The average number of articles shared each day grows by 5–10% a month. We look at examples of how people are interacting with papers online and at how publishers can collect and present the resulting data to deliver real value to their authors and readers.  相似文献   

我国科技期刊尤其是医学期刊大多从出版者的角度选取、编排稿件,为发表文章而发表文章,与作者沟通多,与读者交流少.为深入践行“走基层,转作风,改文风”,我们进行了一次读者调查问卷活动.旨在借助调查活动深入了解本刊读者群的真实情况及阅读特点、阅读需求和对本刊的看法和意见.本次调查活动反映的读者意见在医学期刊领域具有一定的普遍性,值得办刊人深入思考.  相似文献   

Bilingual publishing has become a strategy employed by journals from the non‐Anglophone world to gain wider recognition. Beyond anecdotal evidence, however, there are no published accounts of the experiences of editors and authors of bilingual journals with the process of bilingual publication. It is also unclear how authors writing in bilingual journals judge the quality of the translations and whether they consider this sort of publishing as beneficial for their aims. Consequently, we carried out two surveys: one among editors of bilingual journals and one anonymous survey among authors and translators of articles published in Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, the bilingual journal of the German Medical Association. Eight of nine journals as well as 233 of 353 authors and 4 of 6 translators took part. Most journals reported that bilingual publication helped in becoming indexed in important databases (e.g. Medline), receiving or improving an Impact Factor, and in attracting authors. All journals plan to continue publishing bilingually. Authors were ‘satisfied’ (40.8%) or ‘very satisfied’ (57.8%) with translations. Almost all (96.7%) were in favour of bilingual publication of their work. They did not view an English translation as an obstacle to another related English language paper. Translators highlighted challenges relating to specialized terminology and to terms specific to the regional healthcare system.  相似文献   

中国科协科技期刊网站运营状况的问卷调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2009年中国科协所属954种期刊网站运营状况问卷调查结果显示:期刊网站建设的主要目的是为读者和作者提供服务,树立期刊品牌形象,实现编辑办公的网络化和在线发布网刊;期刊网站建设和维护的资金来源以编辑部自筹为主(占76.1%),网站的运营方式和运营状况以免费浏览(占85.3%)和无收入(占79.3%)为主.作者对期刊网站经营模式提出了建议.  相似文献   

2005年知识管理研究现状——基于SCIE的定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以2005年度SCIE数据库收录的知识管理的相关文献为研究对象,运用文献计量学方法,从文献的地区/机构分布、著者分布、期刊分布、引用情况以及主题分布等方面进行统计分析,进而提出在该领域进行研究的核心地区/机构、核心著者和核心期刊,揭示目前国际上知识管理领域的研究状况,以期为国内的知识管理研究提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

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