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学校的领导班子是学校的决策性、执行性、咨询性机构,它是学校各项工作规划、决策并组织实施的指挥中心。系统科学认为,任何一个事物或系统其内部结构对其整体性能具有决定性作用。结构合理的领导班子必须  相似文献   

一、领导班子的优化组合是搞好管理工作的前提高校体育部(室)的领导班子作为一个整体、一个系统,它的结构是否科学,对其整体功能的发挥,具有决定性的影响。只有领导班子的优化组合,才能促进领导班子的整体管理功能达到最佳运转。所谓优化组合,其实质,就是领导班子结构合理层次清楚,领导班子的组合有不同素质的人员组成。具体说,在一个“班子”中,既要有善于把握整个组织方向、目标、决策,统帅全局,善于思考出主意、决断能力很强的人;又要有  相似文献   

高等学校领导班子内部不团结问题,亦可称为高等学校领导班子“内耗”,它是领导班子本身组织的一种畸变。按照系统论的观点,高等学校领导班子作为一个系统,它的优化组合应是整体功能大于部分之和。但是,如果系统发生了内耗,就会导致整个系统性能下降,输出劣化。不团结状况在高等学校班子中是比较常见的,据一九八二年的统计,当时全省有40%的高等学校领导班子存在此类问题。经过四年多的调整工作,到  相似文献   

<正>著名教育家陶行知先生曾经说过:"做一个学校校长谈何容易?说得小些,他关系千百人的学业前途,说得大些,他关系国家与学术之兴衰。"的确,学校的管理是一个复杂的系统工作,要实现学校的持续发展,科学的管理必不可少。一、建设团结务实的领导班子是前提学校要发展,领导班子是关键。好的领导班子是办好一所学校的前提和保证。领导班子作为学校的核心,班子成员的思想观念、价值取向、工作作风等,直接影响着学校校风、教风、学风的形成,决定着学校办  相似文献   

目前,我国正处于一个全面、系统改革的时期,改革的潮流在奔腾向前。作为发展国民经济建设战略重点的高等教育,应当走在改革潮流的最前列。要实现其目的,高等学校建设“革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”的领导班子则是关键。高等学校如何实现“四化”的领导班子,是高教改革的一个重大课题。这里笔者仅就高校领导班子专业化问题,谈一点不成熟的体会,目的在于“抛砖引玉”。  相似文献   

我们党从无到有、从弱到强的奋斗历程充分证明:领导班子整体功能的发挥,班子成员个体素质是基础,班子群体的结构方式是关键.优化领导班子结构,对能否干事业、有绩效、保证领导系统正常运行具有重要意义.作为社会经济主体的国有企业,各个层级的领导集体都应当由一个合理的、科学的结构和德才兼备的人员组成.构建一个合理的领导班子,必须从知识结构、专业结构、年龄结构、性格结构以及智能结构等方面予以综合考虑并合理配备领导成员,以求建立一个领导集体自我完善的机制.  相似文献   

一、高校领导班导结构合理化的基本标志衡量一个领导班子结构是否合理,主要应看其“效能”。在新的历史时期,我们党提出的把革命化、知识化、专业化、年轻化作为组织建设的方针,这就是我国要求领导班子结构合理化的基本标准。鉴定一个领导班子在结构上是否合理,必须从基本标准出发,从以下四个方面来衡量:1.高效性:领导班子作为一个系统,其对外界所发生的作用力,即功能的大小,也就是这个系统与外界环境发生物质、能量、信息交换的多少,而系统对外界输出量的多少,归根结底取决于各要素及其结构的状况,特定结构方式内的各要素相…  相似文献   

对于一个学校领导班子来说,它是由若干领导成员组成的一个系统,它的整体效能不仅依赖于领导成员的人数、年龄、专业知识、智能、气质等方面合理的科学化的组织结构,而且也依赖于领导成员之间的认识、情感、意志、个性、心理互补和心理相容等动态心理结构。本文拟从心理机制的角度,分析、研究如何发挥领导班子的整体效能问题。一、认识一致。认识一致是领导班子工作目标一致的心理基础。领导成员认识上的正确性和一致性,能激发积极感情,提高心理相容的水平,增强领导班子意志行为的自觉性、坚定性与持久性。认识的—致,在学校就是对办学思想、办学方向和办  相似文献   

学校的领导班子是学校的决策性、执行性、咨询性机构,它是学校各项工作规划、决策并组织实施的指挥中心.系统科学认为,任何一个事物或系统其内部结构对其整体性能具有决定性作用.  相似文献   

一、企业领导班子建设的原则企业搞经营,领导是关键.企业要进行生产经营活动.要保证企业的生产系统、管理指挥系统协调地、高效率地运转,必须建立一个总体功能最佳的领导集团,充分地调动广大职工的积极性.才能使企业生产经营过程中的人、财、物要素得到合理的搭配,使企业的产、供、销各个环节流畅通达。进行企业领导班子建设一方面要求领导班子各成员具备良好的领导素质,服从革命化原则;另一方面要求领导班子内部协调互补,讲求合理的内部结  相似文献   

This article proposes the communal leadership framework as a leverage for reciprocal educational policy in uncertain and turbulent times. It is argued that leadership at the policy level should abandon the seductive dance with the ‘self’ where knowledge resides at a specific location in the system (policy-makers’ perceptions and agendas) for a more holistic, integrated, and collaborative framework – that of communal leadership – in order to develop effective policies suitable for today's fast-changing educational world. This article presents the epistemological premises postulated as upholding the communal nature of leadership, while raising conceptual as well as practical questions in this context.  相似文献   

保持党的纯洁性。领导干部的道德建设是根本。领导干部的道德形成机制是一个系统工程,领导干部的道德建设既是人性的要求,也是岗位职责的根本要求。用内省的方法审视自己的内心世界,是激发领导干部道德诉求的根本途径;通过教育培训,使领导干部完善个人道德,遵守职业道德,重视道德实践;领导干部的道德形成,还必须有完善的用人制度、监督机制和法制体系作保障。领导干部的道德建设,是社会和谐之本。  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of interculturalism and its complementary relationship with the Aboriginal Australian idea of ‘both ways’. The need for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal staff to learn to be intercultural teachers and leaders, as well as the needs of the system to work interculturally to achieve educational outcomes, is emphasised. This article suggests that in order for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal educational leaders to work within an intercultural world, new leadership capabilities must be learned and acquired.  相似文献   

The preparation of educational leaders is a global phenomenon. Education systems have developed numerous means by which current and aspiring leaders are prepared for the role. Through the example of a large public school system in Australia, this paper argues that the doxa of school leadership establishes a particular identity of the principalship. One which constructs the principal as the deliverer of state initiated reforms. Theoretically informed by Bourdieu, this paper argues for an alternate way of thinking about leadership preparation, one based on introducing participants to the conversation of the world.  相似文献   

德性伦理是一种关注个人道德认识和道德修养,立足于个人道德品质的提高,并以实现主体自我完善和自我发展为终极目标的道德。德性伦理要求校长成为德性领导,校长德性领导应注重在真正的"人的意义世界"中展开其领导行为;要慎用权力、以德服人,重视道德领导的价值;应成为学习型领导者,并自觉提升自身领导力。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,"授权赋能"和"团队领导"等理念深深影响着传统的领导典范。新的领导理念突破了传统科层体制的组织模式,并涌现了分散领导、参与式领导、默默领导等领导理论。伴随着世界各国"学校重整运动"的兴起,教师在改革中的重要性越来越受到重视,教师领导因而成为学校革新的重要议题。当今学校规模不断扩大,面临的不确定因素也越来越多,学校如要真正获得成功,无法完全仰赖校长,必须要有全体教师的参与和领导。学校领导者应顺势而为,通过提供必要的支持、营造有利于教师领导发展的学校文化、提高教师领导素养等有效措施,将教师领导的理念融入学校的整体管理之中。  相似文献   

知识经济的到来预示着人类的经济社会生活将发生新的巨大变化。世界各国都在抓紧制定面向新世纪的发展战略。我国面临着严峻的挑战。能否顺应潮流,乘势而上,关键是领导者能否作出科学决策。本文在分析知识经济时代特征的同时,提出科学决策的标准,原则以及当代决策者应具有的素养结构。  相似文献   

Expressing strong agreement with Robert Sternberg’s rationale for changing our methods for identifying intelligence, this analysis emphasizes connections with leadership failures. In recognition that a changing world requires connective ethical leadership, it discusses the nine-factor behavioral model portraying achieving styles that can facilitate effective leadership in a changing world. Leaders operating along these lines can identify high-potential initiatives and artfully adjust their behaviors to achieve the best outcomes.  相似文献   

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a small state transitioning from traditional communities into a modern society. This is a complex process: it involves instilling a national identity over tribal structures; modernising and technologising while retaining Islam; ensuring a high level of security while allowing for a liberal and relatively free society; preserving culture while building one of the largest and most multicultural societies, albeit mostly expatriate; and providing one of the safest countries in the Arab world for women. This paper presents an expatriate female academic's position in relation to the emergent literature on the contradictory positioning of women in different Arab cultures. It reviews the literature in the light of anecdotal evidence drawn from the author's doctoral students' experiences as women leaders within the wider socio-cultural context of the UAE and the emergent higher education system that is considered central to its nation-building exercise. The discussion recognises the implications of different contexts for Emirati women moving into leadership positions and calls for further research in the field.  相似文献   

An emergent strand within mainstream educational leadership scholarship is an engagement with notions of diversity. This is part of a belated recognition that in an increasingly globalising world the largely masculinist, white norms from which most accounts of leadership derive, lack sufficient explanatory power for educational systems. Utilising critical, black and Indigenous feminist work on the recognition of difference, as well as recent feminist scholarship deconstructing diversity discourses in educational leadership, this article outlines the origins of the key diversity discourses from which the educational leadership field draws. It then analyses recent articles on diversity and educational administration, noting how the various diversity discourses have been taken up and the subsequent implications for educational leadership theorising and practices. It concludes by arguing that critical feminist research about the politics of difference, amongst others, provides an important body of scholarship from which to develop self‐reflexive and nuanced engagements with notions of diversity and leadership.  相似文献   

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