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我国免费师范教育制度存在的问题及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从新制度经济学的视角来看,免费师范教育制度的"回归"是一种强制性制度变迁,其本身的特点决定了这项制度不可避免地会存在一些问题.因此,必须对免费师范教育制度加以改进,以使其能够最大程度地实现预期目标.  相似文献   

How do children experience gender? What are the roles of schools, adults and allies in supporting gender inclusion in a world of gendered categories? Despite a growing public discourse on gender and shifts toward fluid understandings of gender in US popular culture and educational institutions, the voices of transgender and gender expansive children remain on the margins. In Spring 2017, fourteen elementary school children in a school in Northern California, USA, who are gender expansive, transgender and in LGBTQ parented families and their allies documented their understandings and experiences of gender in their lives and in the school using Photovoice methodology. Visual and narrative findings traced three related themes of gendered meanings, gendered spaces and gendered allies. This paper asks how we can build more inclusive school environments in which children can come into their fully gendered selves. By documenting meanings and experiences of gender, children illustrate the infinite possibilities of gender and create pathways to institutional and social change for inclusive educational environments. The paper addresses the role of gender justice in light of persistent injustices rendered in and through gendered states to support movements for educational and social change.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Leonard Waks contributes to a reconceptualization of "fundamental educational change." By distinguishing sharply between educational change at the organizational and the institutional levels, Waks shows that the mechanisms of change at these two levels are entirely different. He then establishes, by means of a conceptual argument, that fundamental educational change takes place not at the organizational, but rather at the institutional level. Along the way Waks takes Larry Cuban's influential conceptual framework regarding educational change as both a starting point and target of appraisal.  相似文献   

美国女性参与教育管理状况的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国女性在教育管理中的状况可以概括为:比例少、职位低、职权小,其中有制度的、文化层面的原因。只有依据差异化、多元化原则重构教育管理的知识才是改变这种状况的重要策略。  相似文献   

Globalization, unlike 20th century social and economic developments, will cause fundamental rather than merely incremental educational change. `Globalization' refers to a complex of technological and economic factorsincluding the global spread of communicationtechnology networks, and the global integration ofproduct and labor markets.I argue that (1) there is a powerful new alliance among elites and educational consumers for fundamental change; (2) globalization destabilizes the internal processes of school organizations that constrain fundamental change,motivating educators to innovate; (3) globalization erodes the institutional categories of public discourse that hold standard school practice in place, allowing a `shadow institution' of non-standard educational agencies to form; and (4) new synthetic visions of educational institutions in better accord with models of rational action in networked environments, are being formulated; and (5) these are now guiding a convergence of piecemeal innovations towards a fundamentally transformed institutional pattern.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, educational reform has been one of the centerpieces of transition in Central and Eastern Europe. A huge degree of variability among countries exists, from sudden liberalization to securing the status quo previous to revolutionary political change. Reforms have ranged from institutional to instrumental changes. We argue that policies may lead to undesirable outcomes, when they assume a certain institutional framework. We then describe the evolution of Romania’s educational system, focusing on a case study of an implemented large-scale policy program: the Rural Education Project for Romania. We thus argue that by assuming institutional change such attempts are bound to fail because the existing status quo adapts actions to existing practices, thus leading to unexpected outcomes.  相似文献   

The term ‘market forces’ has become one of the great clarion calls of the modern era. They are seen as providing the flexibility and responsiveness necessary to allow the satisfaction of consumer demands. Market forces is a term used chiefly to describe economic relationships. Can the characteristics of an economic system be used to characterise the wider society? In particular can increased flexibility and responsiveness to the needs of the consumer play a role in the shaping of Dutch educational policy? In the Netherlands the exigency of financial restraint has prompted educational expenditure cuts. Concomitant to these has been a move towards decentralisation, with self-regulation at the institutional level. Moves that have been characterised as constituting a change in the power structure. This paper argues that the operation of market forces and the promotion of institutional autonomy requires financial independence. Without financial autonomy institutional autonomy may well be a pipe dream.  相似文献   

张烨 《复旦教育论坛》2006,4(6):24-28,32
政策的本质以及它与制度的关系模式决定了教育政策制度分析的必要。教育政策的制度分析框架应将教育政策纳入到与教育制度关联的关系模式中,放入教育制度变迁的大背景中进行考察;教育政策的制度分析应该是方法论整体主义和个人主义的统一,而实现连接的桥梁则是对行动者策略行为的充分关注;作为方法论的制度分析,它的特点主要表现在对教育制度差异的敏感性、注重制度发展史,关注观念与意识形态等心智结构因素对制度发展的影响;教育政策的制度分析的最终落脚点在于对教育政策制度伦理公正的考量。教育政策的制度分析框架是建构的、开放的,同时作为一种方法论它又是有限度的。  相似文献   

Many institutional cultures resist change, and within universities academic developers vary their response to such resistance, depending on the type of change, the institution and their own characteristic styles, working preferences and strategic judgements. Variables influencing the successful introduction of innovation in academic practice include the inherent susceptibility of the institution to innovation, the nature of the innovation and the approaches of the change agents involved. This paper explores responses to resistant institutional culture; it presents a dichotomous model of educational development orientations which emerged from an action research project within a research-intensive university and suggests that by adapting developmental orientations according to context, developers can explicitly influence the responsiveness of members of the institution to innovation in academic practice.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from an enthographic study of educational restructuring in an Institute of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) in Victoria Australia. Educational restructuring is analysed as a process of institutional redesign and theorized in relation to recent debates in institutional theory concerning the nature of institutional change. The review distinguishes between hyperrational approaches to institutional redesign based upon assumptions about rational actors and their motivations and behaviours, and social and cultural perspectives on institutional redesign that sees purposeful institutional change achieved through processes of ‘institutional gardening’. The paper documents the way Australian governments have adopted hyperrational strategies aimed at changing education and training by reworking institutional rules that frame the day-to-day practices within particular organizations. Reworking these practices of organizing serves to steer change by restructuring and rearticulating relationships, practices and centres of power within organizations. Data drawn from interviews with the TAFE Institute Director, and various managers and teachers are used to track the effects of government steering in the TAFE Institute. This analysis shows that government steering drives management steering in the TAFE Institute, creating new imperatives and work organization. These organizational changes are influenced by local conditions and management priorities. They also call forth counter-steering by teachers and managers as they attempt to deal with change. The paper suggests that hyperrational government steering drives towards probable educational futures but is also interrupted by counter-steering oriented to other values and priorities. While there are probable futures, there are also preferred futures to be willed for and worked for.  相似文献   

The promises and hopes of the 'reconstructing' movement in educational psychology post-Summerfield 1968 (Gillham, 1978) have not had a major impact on the ability of the profession of applied educational psychologists to effect change across systems. Despite innovative ideas generated by individuals over the past few decades that have promoted opportunities to apply psychology more widely, there is little evidence that the profession has been able to expand on these initiatives and incorporate them into their existing practice. Ideas drawn from a variety of psychological sources enable applied educational psychologists to review their thinking and practice, and to develop different models that can promote and influence useful change at an institutional and/or individual level. This paper considers, in particular, the impact of new models of language and thought on organisational behaviour and, in turn, identifies the manner in which change at an individual and organisational level can be promoted.  相似文献   

This is the first of two linked papers which explore the implications for professional learning of the ethnic and cultural diversity which marks contemporary developed societies. The first paper considers the responsibilities brought to professionals by multicultural contexts for their practice and reviews educational provision in relation to these responsibilities for one group, namely the police. The two papers are based on a case study of the contribution of continuing professional education to the development of the Race Relations Policy of Metropolitan Toronto Police. This initiative brings lessons for any organization or professional group. The paper describes the Race Relations Policy and sets its development in the context of new models of policing currently being created and the legislative framework surrounding the initiative. The paper considers the implications for professional learning of policy development of this kind, and examines the extent to which continuing professional education programmes respond to issues relating to visible minorities. The paper reviews issues in training and education in police services and summarizes recent approaches to police education and training. Using the foregoing analysis as a base, the paper then focuses on race relations education and training in police services, reviewing different approaches and the successes (or problems) which their proponents (or critics) have claimed for them. This examination, drawing on material from both the UK and Canada, concludes that a focus on the training of individual officers produces only limited effects. Change of the kind needed for the development of Metropolitan Toronto Police Services’ Race Relations Policy, and for their creation of a new model of policing, draws on organizational measures to change institutional life radically. Such an ambitious project is supported by novel forms of learning, undertaken outside the classroom. These will be the subject of the second paper.  相似文献   

转变教育管理方式是转变教育发展方式的制度路径,应通过建立健全激励与约束机制,为调整教育结构、提高教育质量提供制度保障。教育管理方式包括教育行政方式和学校管理方式两个方面。转变教育行政方式,关键是政府要加强教育宏观统筹,形成教育发展的合力;优化教育评价体系,树立正确的目标导向;转变教育资源管理方式,为教育发展提供条件;建立教育问责制度,完善发展目标的实现机制。转变学校管理方式,重点是学校要明确服务教育教学的目标,建立现代学校制度;提升校长教学领导水平,加强教育教学管理;科学管理学校资源,提高教师教学能力。  相似文献   

North American teacher unions’ positive contributions to educational change have historically flown under the radar of educational policy makers, a situation that has been reified by recent attacks on public sector unions. In this article, I draw on social movement theory and an institutional case study of a self described social justice union to analyze teacher unions’ unique contributions to educational improvement. The primary product of this analysis is a cyclical model of union-supported, teacher-initiated educational change that codifies 40 years of social justice activism incubated, supported and catalyzed by a Canadian teacher union.  相似文献   

英国都铎时期大学教育的世俗化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
英国大学教育在都铎王朝(1485-1603)统治时期发生了显著的世俗化改变:世俗王权取代教会成为大学的管辖者,世俗子弟成为大学学生的主体,世俗文化成为大学教育的重要内容。这种变化的主要动因是人文主义思潮的浸润,宗教改革的推动,国家需求的导向,经济和社会发展的促进。大学教育世俗化的影响是积极的,它带来了大学制度的变革,顺应并引导了社会的发展,促进了科学教育的勃兴。  相似文献   

对中国劳动力市场中教育促进劳动生产率作用的实证检验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在中国特定的文化以及制度环境中,教育的个人收益率所反映的教育与收入的关系究竟来自社会对教育的信号作用的认同,还是代表了教育确实对提高劳动生产率产生的贡献?教育的生产性功能和筛选功能究竟是在多大程度上发挥作用的?随着市场经济的不断完善,教育的生产性功能与信息性功能是否会有变化?变化的趋势又如何?本文通过将中国劳动力市场中不同部门、不同地域的教育收益率进行对比,评估中国劳动力市场中教育的生产促进和筛选作用。同时通过对比不同时点进入劳动力市场的劳动者的教育收益率,验证教育的信息性功能与生产性功能变化的趋势,并从侧面检验中国劳动力市场的市场化进程。  相似文献   

Steve Rayner, Lecturer in Special Education in the School of Education at The University of Birmingham and formerly head of a residential school for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties, argues for a proactive response to educational reform in the management of special education. The action of choice and change is perceived as not only necessary for institutional survival but also as an opportunity for educational renewal and a revised definition of special educational need.  相似文献   

As debate continues around the nature and values of education, it is important to ask the question of what factors motivate a student to engage with the ends of an educational institution. In this paper, a broad, holistic view of learner motivation, derived from Aristotelian ethics, is used to provide a model to drive institutional change.
Focussing on the approach of one Higher Education institution to the particular accommodations required for students with disabilities, the paper identifies three factors which motivate students, a failure to engage with the aims and ends of the educational project, a failure to see that a particular learning aim is worth attaining, and a simple lack of will-power to attain it. To each of these failures a social cause is identified, and a change in both the institutional culture and the individual learner's approach to their education is suggested.  相似文献   

本文阐述高等教育制度变迁体系的逻辑起点是新制度经济学的“制度”的概念。笔者选择从制度变迁理论的视角来阐述和分析我国高等教育发展的问题。着重阐释了高等教育制度变迁的基本理论,分析了这一理论在我国高等教育领域中的运用,并提出了推动我国高等教育制度变迁的具体路径选择。  相似文献   

针对贵州师范学院于2010年10月—12月组织完成的"国培计划":贵州省农村初中物理实验骨干教师短期集中培训项目的整体组织实施过程中的特色进行探讨及对策研究,通过总结、反思与提炼,全方位探究国培组织管理实施模式,努力推进教育培训工作的理论创新、制度创新和管理创新。  相似文献   

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