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This study examines if and when spokespersons of an organization in crisis can express their genuine emotions as opposed to appearing rational. The impact of emotional (sadness) versus rational message framing on perceptions of an organization in crisis is studied by means of a 2 (crisis timing strategy: ex-antecrisis timing strategy vs. ex-postcrisis timing strategy)×2 (message framing: rational vs. emotional) between-subjects factorial experimental design with 168 participants. The findings first show that organizations can restore their reputation in times of crisis better by means of an ex-antecrisis timing strategy than by means of an ex-postcrisis timing strategy. In addition, the study illustrates that an ex-antecrisis timing strategy leads to more effective use of organizational message framing. In the case of an organizational self-disclosure, expressing sadness as a discrete negative emotion results in a better postcrisis reputation than rational message framing, whereas no impact of message framing is found for an ex-postcrisis timing strategy. Finally, the results indicate that organizations can benefit from allowing their spokespersons to express sadness because consumers will consider them more sincere.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过挖掘电子商务平台的在线负面评论信息,对网络口碑危机进行模糊预警计算和类型划分,为企业实时监控网络口碑舆情,提高产品正面口碑传播和规避口碑风险提供参考。[方法/过程]以欧洲消费者满意度模型(ECSI)为基础,从感知质量、感知价值、感知声誉和感知期望4个属性方面构建负面评论网络口碑危机模糊语料词典,结合模糊综合评判方法并改进顾客满意度的四分图模型对网络口碑危机预警进行计算和分类。[结果/结论]以美团外卖在线评论为例进行实证研究,提出的负面评论网络口碑危机预警计算方法得到了较好的实验检验效果,可为在线产品的网络口碑危机预警提供信息决策。  相似文献   

Apology has been found to be the most effective strategy in times of crises. However, there is a dearth of research on the kinds of apology used and how primary stakeholders, in particular consumers, received them. This study aims to examine consumer responses to the types of apologies offered post crises against the levels of attribution of responsibility. We also assess the potential mediating role of ethical concerns by developing the Perception-Behavioral Model of Crisis Response. An experiment was conducted to ascertain consumers’ impression of the organization post-apology. The results showed that the attribution of crisis responsibility significantly influences complaining, withholding and negative word-of-mouth behaviors. However, a very high degree of apology issued by the organization does not necessarily translate to reduced negative responses from consumers in light of the large attribution of responsibility. Finally, the Perception-Behavioral Model of Crisis Response suggests that ethical concerns can mediate negative behavioral intentions from consumers.  相似文献   

Information asymmetry between corporate management and investors creates a context in which corporate reputation conveyed in the media may serve as a valid signal of firm quality to investors in times of corporate crisis. Results confirmed our hypothesis that corporate media reputation was positively correlated with postcrisis stock return. Furthermore, the positive effect of media reputation of a firm on stock market response to the crisis was enhanced by media visibility. Our findings supported a previously unexplored view of the media as information intermediaries in signaling and suggested that a favorable media reputation as an important signal of firm quality leads to high abnormal returns in times of corporate crisis.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the rhetorical strategies used by Rush Limbaugh to rebuild his public image after he made offensive remarks about law student Sandra Fluke in early 2012. A close reading of Limbaugh's public statements reveals that Limbaugh employed the strategies of evading responsibility, reducing offensiveness, and mortification (i.e., apologizing). However, Limbaugh's apology was more of a pseudo-apology than a genuine apology. This article argues that Limbaugh adopted the strategies he did because the nature of political talk radio makes it more important to maintain a good public image with the audience than with political opponents or even advertisers.  相似文献   

People are reluctant to share bad news. Reasons include self-presentation and sensitivity to receiver emotionality. An experiment investigated these reasons during interactions between friends and strangers. Females (N = 330, 165 dyads) gave good or bad news to a close friend or stranger. Time to response was recorded. The MUM effect replicated for both friends and strangers. No main effects for friend/stranger or interaction between friend/stranger and news valence were found. Data were more consistent with a self-presentation explanation. Behavioral data were also analyzed to explore communicative behavior that accompanies the sharing of good and bad news. Limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The 2015 refugee crisis has sparked heated polarized debates throughout the globe. Yet, to date, we know too little about the discursive framing of the refugee crisis by various actors on online media, and the effect of right-wing populist messages on stereotypical images of refugees. The extensive qualitative content analysis reported in this paper (Study 1, N = 1,784) shows that the framing of populist politicians and citizens overlap in the problem definitions. However, citizens attribute more responsibility to refugees themselves and perceive that the native people are relatively deprived. Traditional news media are more divided. Overall, tabloid media define refugees as a problem, and broadsheet media frame them as victim. The second experimental study (N = 277) demonstrates that messages that blame immigrants for increasing crime rates activate negative stereotypical images of migrants among people with stronger perceptions of relative deprivation. These messages have the opposite effect among citizens with weaker perceptions of relative deprivation. These findings provide important insights into the political consequences of anti-immigration framing. Online media discourse is generally one-sided, and exposure to anti-immigration messages may polarize the electorate in opposing camps.  相似文献   

Crisis communication research rarely highlights the voices of marginalized publics or their advocates whose interests are affected by crisis situations. We take a different approach by using a response to a natural disaster to expand our theorizing about crisis situations beyond those that hurt the bottom line. Using official statements from Senators Landrieu and Obama about events surrounding Hurricane Katrina as texts for analysis, we demonstrate how they used transcendence, rhetorically, and appropriated the Bush administration's key term—security—to garner more support for their positions, Katrina sufferers, and relief efforts. Implications of this strategy serve to broaden crisis communication theorizing, and to provide insights into ways to strengthen the quality of crisis emergency response planning and response protocols.  相似文献   

公共危机管理中强化媒体的功能与责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙磊 《新闻界》2008,(3):65-68
本文分析了在公共危机中,媒体承载的责任和使命、媒体危机传播的策略以及媒体如何强化自身的功能与责任等。  相似文献   

This study investigates how much corporations should communicate about their corporate social responsibility (CSR) to stakeholders. It is important to know how much a corporation should communicate about its CSR, because over-communicating CSR may cause stakeholders to question the motivations (CSR-induced intrinsic and extrinsic attributions) of the corporation’s CSR engagement. Through an experiment (N = 372), the effects of corporate reputation and the amount communicated about CSR on CSR-induced attributions are investigated. Findings show that neither the amount of CSR communication nor corporate reputation influences stakeholders’ CSR-induced attributions. The findings of this study suggest that corporations may choose to spend less time and money trying to communicate about their CSR engagement, because it does not influence stakeholders’ CSR-induced attributions.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationships between communication competence, communication anxiety, and five subdimensions of counseling self-efficacy. The sample consists of volunteers trained at two rape crisis centers (n = 63) over a one-year period. As hypothesized, communication anxiety was negatively related and communication competence positively related to the subdimensions of counseling self-efficacy. Results suggest that training programs need to be aware of how personality characteristics may affect a volunteer's ability to become an efficacious counselor. Implications for how rape crisis centers can integrate these communication issues into their training programs and improve the self-efficacy of their advocates are discussed.  相似文献   

In response to the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, President Bush delivered an apology that was widely criticized by domestic and international audiences. Nevertheless, the apology succeeded in allowing the President to stop the momentum of negative public opinion following news of the crimes, and to avoid accountability for his role in the crisis. In this essay, I argue that Bush's success stemmed partly from his use of a special subgenre of apologia, simulated atonement. After explaining the strategy in detail, I describe some of the conditions in which it will likely be effective and apply the theory to Bush's statements.  相似文献   

浅谈竞争情报在企业危机管理中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对危机管理正日益成为企业必须面对和谨慎处理的重要问题,以及不甚完善的危机管理理论,使得企业在面对危机时处理不当而导致巨大损失这一状况,从情报的角度分析危机管理,将竞争情报的概念引入企业的危机管理系统中,以实例说明在企业危机管理中引入竞争情报方法的重要性和紧迫性,并将竞争情报方法技术应用于危机管理各个阶段,有效地协助企业管理危机。  相似文献   

NPR analyst Juan Williams appeared on The O'Reilly Factor and said that he gets “worried” and “nervous” when he sees people in Muslim dress on airplanes. Two days later NPR fired Williams and the day after that Williams issued a serious accusation against NPR: “I was fired for telling the truth.” Criticism of NPR mounted—arising particularly from conservative commentators—and CEO Vivian Schiller disseminated a statement defending her organization. This essay applies the theory of image repair discourse to NPR's CEO Vivian Schiller's apology for firing Williams. Two accusations were in play and they prompted two distinct defenses: Her reaction to accusations that NPR had not followed appropriate procedures for termination Williams employed the strategies of mortification and corrective action and her defense of the firing itself used transcendence, bolstering, and attack accuser. This essay evaluates this defense as a poor example of image repair.  相似文献   

Based on issue ownership theory, this study identifies the effects of issue obtrusiveness, issue congruence, and crisis response strategies on the level of acceptance of crisis communication messages employing 2 × 2 × 3 (issue obtrusiveness × issue congruence × response strategies: scapegoat, justification, reminder) experimental research. Two large Korean business groups (Hyundai and SK) were selected. There was a main effect in crisis response strategies and a three-way interaction effect. A crisis communication message was effective when a corporation owns congruent and unobtrusive issues. Implications for public relations research and practices were discussed.  相似文献   

图书馆公信力视角下的危机分析和应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公信力是图书馆使公众信任的力量,是图书馆的核心竞争力。目前,一些图书馆的公信力缺失严重,公信力下的管理出现了危机。高度重视图书馆的公信力,科学构建图书馆公信力视角下的危机应对体系,已作为一项重要使命摆在我们面前。  相似文献   

本文对图书馆危机的定义、特征及其面临的类型进行了阐述,对公共图书馆可采取的具体措施进行了分析,旨在提高公共图书馆危机管理意识,确保图书馆自身安全意识及长远发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对当前我国多媒体网络舆情响应问题,梳理并提出以危机风险分型为基础的政府组织响应路径整合匹配、响应工作流程模型构建机理,以期为管理决策者提升资源整合能力、网络舆情危机精准响应效力提供参考。[方法/过程]对大数据环境下网络舆情危机动力要素的作用进行分析,提取出网络舆情危机风险分型的基础系数,并以多元结构网络舆情信息的多媒体传播路径为视角提取网络舆情危机风险分型叠加系数,再逐一提取各风险分型下网络舆情危机响应的工作要点。[结果/结论]根据主体结构要素、媒体效力要素、客体属性要素危机作用形态的排序组合,在其关系节点上建立多媒体网络舆情危机等级基数。根据本体成分分化后对舆情危机的不同影响效果,建立多媒体网络舆情危机加成系数。建立多媒体网络舆情危机风险分型模型,将舆情危机风险解构为等级系数和加成系数。从而更为准确地描述舆情危机的表征,有利于判断舆情危机的未来发展态势,提高与既往舆情危机案例匹配的速度与精准度。  相似文献   

This study introduced publics' perceived attribution about the sincerity of corporate social responsibility (CSR) purposes as the main reason why publics react differently to companies that practice similar CSR activities. The effects of congruence of CSR activities and the source of CSR-related information on publics' attribution were examined using prior corporate reputation as a moderator in an experimental setting. Overall, the study found that corporate reputation moderated publics' perceived attributions on the sincerity of the CSR purposes. Sincere motives were more severely downgraded when a negatively-reputed company engaged in a high-congruence CSR activity and used a company source than when a highly-reputed company did.  相似文献   

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