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王丽 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):503-505
在中国知网数据库中检索医药卫生类2011年1月1日至2014年8月31日下载与被引频次排位前100名的文章并对其进行分析,发现下载排名前100篇文章中这2类合计占56.7%,被引排名前100篇文章中述评类和规范类合计占55.2%,两者重叠的23篇中,规范类和述评类合计占69.6%.认为规范类和述评类文献具有较高的权威性、参考价值大,是能够产生较高下载和较高被引的文献类型,应是期刊组稿的重要方向之一.观察下载次数与被引次数发现,两者没有明显的相关性,无规律可循.认为单纯以一两个数据库的下载、被引数据来做定量分析是不科学的,仅可作为定性参考之用.在研究的100篇文献中,有4篇为一稿多发,均属于规范类文章.认为这类文章承担着行业指导性任务,传播理应更广泛,故应与一般意义上的一稿多投、一稿多发的学术不端行为相区别.  相似文献   

This paper examined the citation impact of Chinese- and English-language articles in Chinese-English bilingual journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). Two findings were obtained from comparative analysis: (1) Chinese-language articles were not biased in citations compared with English-language articles, since they received a large number of citations from Chinese scientists; (2) a Chinese-language community was found in Scopus, in which Chinese-language articles mainly received citations from Chinese-language articles, but it was not found in WoS whose coverage of Chinese-language articles is only one-tenth of Scopus. The findings suggest some implications for academic evaluation of journals including Chinese-language articles in Scopus and WoS.  相似文献   

We performed a citation analysis on the Web of Science publications consisting of more than 63 million articles and over a billion citations on 254 subjects from 1981 to 2020. We proposed the Article’s Scientific Prestige (ASP) metric and compared this metric to number of citations (#Cit) and journal grade in measuring the scientific impact of individual articles in the large-scale hierarchical and multi-disciplined citation network. In contrast to #Cit, ASP, that is computed based on the eigenvector centrality, considers both direct and indirect citations, and provides steady-state evaluation cross different disciplines. We found that ASP and #Cit are not aligned for most articles, with a growing mismatch amongst the less cited articles. While both metrics are reliable for evaluating the prestige of articles such as Nobel Prize winning articles, ASP tends to provide more persuasive rankings than #Cit when the articles are not highly cited. The journal grade, that is eventually determined by a few highly cited articles, is unable to properly reflect the scientific impact of individual articles. The number of references and coauthors are less relevant to scientific impact, but subjects do make a difference.  相似文献   

研究医学期刊评论性文章摘要的添加对期刊被引频次的影响。以某杂志为研究对象。该杂志2006年为评论性文章添加了中英文摘要。研究结果显示,与2005年相比,该杂志2006年所发各类文章的总体被引频次及篇均被引频次均下降,尤以论著类文章明显,评论性文章变化不大,不能明确评论性文章摘要的添加对期刊被引频次是否有影响。  相似文献   

The paper presents a statistical and subjective review of the journal articles on various aspects of library and information services in Pakistan. Only the articles published in the journals outside Pakistan are included. Articles are selected from four abstracting services, i.e. LISA, ISA, LSA, and ERIC. Authorship characteristics of 97 articles are analysed and compared with the previous studies of LIS periodicals. Authorship details include collaboration, occupation, affiliation, and the author's country. Other publication details of the articles include year, language, journal, and the country of publication. The findings show that library science teachers write more than the other professionals and the most popular subject is the library and information science education. Library science faculty at Karachi University contributes more articles in international journals. The articles are mostly published in English language journals and in English speaking countries, i.e. UK and USA.International Information and Library Reviewpublished more articles on this topic. Problems in library research in Pakistan are discussed and recommendations are made. A brief review of the articles is given according to 16 major subjects. A bibliography of the articles reviewed is also compiled.  相似文献   

This paper considers a new model for forming ranked lists of scientific journals on the basis of a bibliometric analysis. The model is based on searching in anabstract database of a set of articles that is semantically equivalent to a set of articles of a user or group of users, for whom a repertoire of scientific periodicals is selected. In other words, a query must result in an assembly of articles with the same thematic orientation, which is expressed in the articles of an author. To achieve this goal, KeyWords Plus were used as a query for articles by workers from three scientific organizations in different scientific fields (biomedical, geological, and physico-mathematical fields). KeyWords Plus, which give a short retelling of each article, are joined in a query into groups, whose number was correspondingly equal to the number of articles of workers from these organizations. The query yielded lists of articles withthe same sequences of keywords, which proved their semantic proximity. Using different filters we analyzed the groups of journals that focused articles that are of interest to us to the greatest extent. The obtained lists were compared with the lists of journals that are most cited by the authors of the articles; the similarity of the lists in the field of natural sciences was ascertained to be significant and the similarity in the field of exact sciences was shown to be less. The possible spheres for the application of the KeyWords Plus method, which is an alternative to an analysis of citations, as well as the applicability of a new model to the Scopus database, where controlled thesauri are used as additional keywords, are described.  相似文献   

分析医学期刊编委会专家审稿组稿撰稿情况,为了解编委会专家职能发挥情况,加强编委会建设提供参考。依托中华医学会《中华烧伤杂志》稿件处理系统中的“专家审稿情况”模块,统计2013年7月1日—2017年6月30日第4届编委会任期内专家审稿篇数>70的审稿专家情况,包括出生年、学历、职称、工作单位、本刊职务等,并统计其审稿周期,在“稿件查询”模块里查询上述专家刊稿情况,通过每期责任编辑统计4年间上述专家组稿篇数。4年间审稿篇数>70的编委共20人,其中常务编委和普通编委均为10人,分别占41.7%(10/24)和14.3%(10/70)。编委多为60后,3/4的编委具有博士学历,所在单位大多为烧伤学科发展良好的知名院校附属综合性三甲医院。常务编委审稿数1133篇,平均审稿周期4.8d;普通编委审稿数946篇,平均审稿周期6.2d。常务编委和普通编委审稿情况差异不明显。常务编委组稿数101篇,刊稿数49篇;普通编委组稿数25篇,刊稿数27篇。编委在期刊审稿中发挥了重要作用,常务编委在期刊的组稿、刊稿方面,优于普通编委,但总体形势不容乐观,今后应加强编委在组稿和撰稿方面的职能。  相似文献   

以CNKI的中国引文数据库(CCD)为数据源,考察三个学科在不同载体环境下的文献被引情况,发现不论是纸质-网络混合载体环境还是纸质载体环境,文献的被引曲线变化趋势都较为相似,但混合载体环境下文献的被引程度明显大于纯纸质载体时期,而文献被引峰值的出现时间则稍晚于纯纸质载体时期.回归分析的结果表明不同载体环境、不同学科间文献被引的历时分布数据需要用不同的数学模型来描述.  相似文献   

科技期刊栏目设置是总体设计的一个项目,它可使文稿编排从无序到有序。其目的是便于编辑、检索和阅读。学报类期刊栏目较少;科普类栏目偏重于趣味性;技术类期刊栏目可有多样,如有的按文章属性、有的按内容、或读者对象、或目的、或作者身分分栏。设置栏目要求:突出个性,相对稳定,内涵明确。栏目应界限分明,栏内文章要与栏目适合。论著栏内的文章要有所前进、有所创新。  相似文献   

科技期刊的功能作用是多方面的,其中的引导科技发展的作用十分重要,应引起重视。作者以《建筑学报》为例,首先从五个方面说明科技期刊的引导作用。这五个方面是:1.报道各专业重要学术研究成果;2.发表重要专题学术会议论文;3.刊登评论;4.刊登方向性、综合性文章;5.报道评选和竞赛。接着,专门阐述了总体设计构思对充分发挥科技期刊引导作用的重要性,提出总体设计构思应体现在期刊的年与年之间、期与期之间和篇与篇之间。  相似文献   

Microsoft Academic is a free academic search engine and citation index that is similar to Google Scholar but can be automatically queried. Its data is potentially useful for bibliometric analysis if it is possible to search effectively for individual journal articles. This article compares different methods to find journal articles in its index by searching for a combination of title, authors, publication year and journal name and uses the results for the widest published correlation analysis of Microsoft Academic citation counts for journal articles so far. Based on 126,312 articles from 323 Scopus subfields in 2012, the optimal strategy to find articles with DOIs is to search for them by title and filter out those with incorrect DOIs. This finds 90% of journal articles. For articles without DOIs, the optimal strategy is to search for them by title and then filter out matches with dissimilar metadata. This finds 89% of journal articles, with an additional 1% incorrect matches. The remaining articles seem to be mainly not indexed by Microsoft Academic or indexed with a different language version of their title. From the matches, Scopus citation counts and Microsoft Academic counts have an average Spearman correlation of 0.95, with the lowest for any single field being 0.63. Thus, Microsoft Academic citation counts are almost universally equivalent to Scopus citation counts for articles that are not recent but there are national biases in the results.  相似文献   

“211工程”大学学报的载文量与基金论文比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵晓军  颜志森 《编辑学报》2011,23(4):372-374
以教育部公布的2009年1月前进入“211工程”大学的100种自然科学类学报为研究对象,统计各学报的载文量和基金论文比,根据文献计量学原理并参考相关文献进行分析。结果显示:100种“211工程”大学自然科学类学报的刊均载文量为229.55篇,刊均基金论文比为77.7%。不同学科和地域的学报载文量和基金论文比差别均较大,且不同学科的载文量与其基金论文比基本相反,即载文量越大基金论文比越低。从基金论文比来看,“211工程”大学学报的学术质量可以称得上是我国高校学报学术质量的最高水平。  相似文献   

利用综述文献选择科技论文审稿专家   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在描述综述型论文特点的基础上,指出综述对于编辑学习学科专业知识、选择审稿专家的作用。认为:利用综述文献选择审稿专家,一是从参考文献中寻找合适的审稿专家,二是编辑利用综述学习专业知识,确定合适的审稿专家。具体讲述编辑如何利用综述学习学科专业知识并整理专业知识脉络的方法以及收集综述文献的方法。  相似文献   

中文医学学术期刊发表英文文章的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丽  李欣欣  刘莉 《编辑学报》2005,17(4):284-286
中文医学学术期刊发表英文文章的现象较为普遍.通过对发表在<吉林大学学报(医学版)>上的112篇英文文章的发表时间、栏目、作者分布及被引用情况和其他3种较权威医学学术期刊发表的英文文章的数量及被引用情况进行分析,发现中文期刊发表的英文文章虽然具有较高的学术价值,但被国内期刊引用率明显低于同期发表的中文文章,SCI-E检索显示被引频次为0,认为中文医学学术期刊发表英文文章并没有起到扩大传播范围、促进期刊国际化的作用,而且浪费宝贵的信息资源.建议中文医学学术期刊不宜刊发英文文章,在国内应首选英文版期刊发表英文文章.  相似文献   

提升稿件质量是学术期刊的第一要务,挖掘优质稿源是促进中文科技期刊高质量发展的重要途径。通过探索创新约稿方式,深度剖析约稿策略,总结分析约稿成效,指出中文科技期刊独立作者约稿论文可助力提升期刊影响力。具体表现在可形成史料文献、服务重大需求、创造热点效应、统领重磅专刊、推动学术传播5个方面。《航空学报》独立作者约稿措施成效显著,适合推广至我国其他工程类中文科技期刊。  相似文献   

�ҹ�1991��1995�����ݿ��о�����   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计分析了1991~1995年我国10种图书馆学情报学核心期刊上发表的有关数据库的论文313篇,研究数据库文献在各个主题的分布情况、文献发展的变化和被忽略的领域  相似文献   

This bibliometric analysis explores the interdisciplinary characteristics of library and information science (LIS) from the perspective of interdisciplinary LIS authors. Articles published in non-LIS journals by LIS authors between 2005 and 2014 and indexed by the Web of Science database formed the basis for analysis. The results showed that interdisciplinary LIS authors published articles in numerous disciplines; a largest number of articles were found in medical and music journals. Over half of the articles published by these authors were not LIS-related and were primarily singly-authored articles and articles coauthored by LIS and non-LIS authors. Most articles coauthored by only LIS authors involved LIS-related topics. Interdisciplinary LIS authors preferred to publish by themselves. The majority of interdisciplinary authors were academic librarians. Interdisciplinary LIS authors most frequently collaborated with other LIS authors, followed by authors from the field of medicine. Although interdisciplinary LIS authors are a minority, they are active in expanding the visibility of LIS.  相似文献   


The following annotated bibliography seeks to provide a quick research tool for people interested in understanding and, of course, improving legal scholarship in the United States. In Part I, we provide a brief introduction to the law review system. In Part II, we evaluate various articles that critique the law review system. In Part III, we examine law review articles that critique law review students themselves. In Part IV, we summarize some of the articles that recount the history of law reviews. In Part V, we compile several articles that look at citation trends for legal scholarship. In Part VI, we discuss miscellaneous articles about law reviews.  相似文献   

付中静 《出版科学》2016,24(4):77-82
收集 Web of Science(WoS)数据库的高被引撤销论文数据,分析其分布规律和引证特征。结果发现,TOP20%高被引撤销论文430篇,分布于31个国家,多学科领域最多,35种期刊>3篇。高被引撤销论文撤销时滞和撤销论文总被引频次相关性较弱(P=0.014),和撤销前被引频次相关性较强(P=0.000)。期刊 IF和撤销论文数量、撤销论文总被引频次、撤销论文篇均被引频次正相关(P=0.017、P=0.000、P=0.005)。撤销后年均被引频次低于撤销前(P=0.000)。本研究说明 IF 高的期刊发表的撤销论文对学术界带来的负面影响较大,撤销时滞延长增加了撤销前引用,撤销起到了一定的净化效果,但是净化效果还不理想,建议国内外学者加强对撤销论文及其不良影响的关注。  相似文献   

A system of four research levels, designed to classify scientific journals from most applied to most basic, was introduced by Francis Narin and colleagues in the 1970s. Research levels have been used since that time to characterize research at institutional and departmental levels. Currently, less than half of all articles published are in journals that been classified by research level. There is thus a need for the notion of research level to be extended in a way that all articles can be so classified. This article reports on a new model – trained from title and abstract words and cited references – that classifies individual articles by research level. The model covers all of science, and has been used to classify over 25 million articles from Scopus by research level. The final model and set of classified articles are further characterized.  相似文献   

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