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目的:对长期跑步大学生进行身体姿势稳定性和平衡控制能力测试,拟发现长期跑步对人体平衡能力的特异性影响。方法:随机选取2020级86名大学生为研究对象,按照每周跑步次数、每次跑步时间和运动周期分为运动组和非运动组,分别进行身体静态姿势稳定性的测试。结果:除了闭眼头转向左侧(HL)环节,其余测试中运动组较非运动组大学生总体稳定性(ST)都出现了显著性降低。在部分测试中,运动组大学生体重分配指数(WDI)较非运动组大学生出现了显著性差异现象,F1-F8的不同频率振动波幅比较亦出现了显著性差异。在闭眼头转向左侧(HL)环节,运动组大学生和非运动组大学生比较,右脚前掌站立时占比(D%)出现显著性上升现象。脚后跟站立时占比(HEEL)出现了显著性下降现象。结论:(1)长期跑步使大学生拥有更好的姿势控制能力,在安静站立时机体振动幅度更小,摆动频率更低;并有效提高视觉和本体感觉对机体稳定性的调节能力,但对前庭功能影响不明显。(2)长期跑步会使机体重心偏向前脚掌部位,在进行头转向过程中主要依靠本体感觉和加大前脚掌站立比重来维持平衡,且右侧肢体调节能力更强。  相似文献   

目的:探讨视觉、前庭功能对自由式滑雪空中技巧运动员姿势控制能力的影响。方法:利用多功能旋转椅和芬兰Metitur平衡分析系统,对18名(男、女各9名)运动员进行姿势控制的抗干扰测试。选取人体压力中心的侧方稳定性Vx、前后方向稳定性Vy和多方稳定性R为测试指标。按性别(男、女性)、站立方式(左腿和右腿站立)和感觉条件(6种)分为3个因素,采用3因素(2×2×6)重复测量方差分析检验不同因素对姿势控制能力差异性的影响。结果:1)各因素的主效应均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),站立方式×感觉条件的交互作用在Vy指标上具有显著性差异(P<0.05);2)各种感觉条件均造成姿势控制能力显著性降低(P<0.01),降低程度为:闭眼+抬头>睁眼+右转>睁眼+左转>闭眼>睁眼+抬头>睁眼;3)侧方稳定性Vx干扰显著性>前后方稳定性Vy(P<0.01);4)向右旋转干扰显著性>向左旋转(P<0.01);抬头条件下干扰男子显著性>女子(P<0.01);5)双重感觉干扰显著性>单一感觉干扰(P<0.01)。结论:前庭旋转的干扰严重降低运动员的姿势控制能力,该项目运动员在前庭旋转的干扰时存在特异性。  相似文献   

目的:通过对比佩戴两种护踝后篮球运动员静、动态平衡能力等参数,探究佩戴两种护踝对篮球运动员静、动态平衡能力的影响,为篮球运动员预防踝关节损伤方面提供参考。方法:选取12名高水平篮球运动员,受试者分别在佩戴弹性护踝、佩戴半刚性护踝和无护踝三种条件下完成静态平衡测试、动态平衡测试。使用Freemed足底压力平板采集受试者静态单足睁眼站立、静态单足闭眼站立数据,使用Y平衡采集受试者前侧、后中侧和后外侧3个方向的伸展距离。结果:静态平衡方面,与无护踝相比较,单足睁眼状态下佩戴半刚性护踝后Sway长度显著减少(P<0.05)、椭圆面积显著减少(P<0.05)、倾斜角度显著减少(P<0.05)、最大摆动显著减少(P<0.05)。单足闭眼状态下佩戴半刚性护踝后Sway长度显著减少(P<0.05)、椭圆面积显著减少(P<0.05);动态平衡方面,与无护踝相比较,佩戴半刚性护踝后各方向伸展距离虽有增加,但无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:佩戴半刚性护踝与弹性护踝对篮球运动员静、动态平衡能力产生有利影响,其中半刚性护踝的防护效果要优于弹性护踝,佩戴半刚性护踝能够...  相似文献   

桑勃式摔跤起源于苏联。桑勃是三个俄文字母(SAMBC)的缩写,意思是徒手自卫。它是苏联人在本国民族摔跤的基础上,加入一些擒拿自卫技术而创立的一种摔跤。桑勃式摔跤可以应用中国式摔跤技术,也可以运用古典式摔跤、自由式摔跤和柔道的站立技术,它把这几种摔跤技术的长处,融为—体,桑勃式摔跤以摔为主,比赛时可以抓上衣和腰带,抱头颈,躯干和四肢,允许用腿使绊,把对手摔倒。比赛是在一个直径为九米的圆形地毯上进行。一场比赛分为两局,每局时间为三分钟,两局之间有—分钟的休息时间。运动员按体重分为十个级别。比赛设有团体赛和单项赛(个人赛)两种比赛形式。比赛分为“完全胜利”,“优势胜利”,“得分胜利”和“对方受警告被取消比赛资格而胜利”。运动员使对手身体腾空后背部全部着地,而自己仍然保持粒姿势,  相似文献   

摔跤是按体重分级竞赛的运动项目,赛前,运动员为尽可能地达到较理想的体重和比赛级别,必须控体重,控体重的成败直接关系到比赛的成败.达到理想体重,发挥运动潜力,提高运动能力,是竞技体育研究的重要课题之一.人体成分分析对运动员控重具有实际的意义.本文选择金牌运动员周贤德为研究对象,在备战第十届全国运动会("十运会")最后一年的冬训、夏训期间,进行人体成分监控,测试观察的指标:体重、肌肉重量(MM)、去脂体重、身体水分含量、脂肪含量、体脂百分数(%BF)、腰臀脂肪比率(WHR)、细胞内液、细胞外液、蛋白质、无机盐、四肢及躯干水分含量等,作自身实验前、后组间差和上升(或下降)百分比对照.研究结果显示:肌肉重量、去脂体重逐渐增加,体脂肪、脂肪含量、腰臀脂肪比率逐渐下降,尤其是比赛前期明显.这些指标的变化达到了控体重较理想效果,利于比赛运动能力的发挥,周贤德在"十运会"的比赛中取得自由式摔跤60kg金牌.结论认为:用人体成分分析对控体重的监控,对合理调控减体重的速度和幅度,及时准确地了解运动员控、减体重情况,保持运动员的最佳机能状态和承受训练负荷的能力,具有重要意义,可以为制定和实施合理有效的运动强度及营养补充方案提供科学依据.  相似文献   

血液微量元素和抗氧化能力与运动员的体能以及生理状态密切相关。研究旨在通过对比摔跤运动员在比赛前后的抗氧化能力和微量元素水平的变化,从而为青少年运动员的营养补充提供理论依据。方法:选取24名我国优秀青少年(12名女性和12名男性)运动员为受试对象,通过模拟高强度的摔跤比赛,并在比赛前后采集运动员的血液样本,检测血液中活性氧(ROS)含量,抗氧化剂酶的活性以及硒、锌、铁、铜、镁和锰的浓度,测评受试者的血液微量元素与抗氧化能力。结果:运动员在摔跤比赛后,无论男、女运动员,血液中镁元素含量显著增加,硒元素含量显著下降。结果显示:硒元素的变化与氧化应激指标以及抗氧化酶的变化呈现密切的相关性。其中活性氧指标与赛前静态相比表现出显著的统计学差异,呈现明显的氧化应激状态。研究提示:对摔跤运动员进行硒元素的补充极为必要。  相似文献   

包大鹏  胡扬  何家林  周俊鸿  张珏  陈岩 《体育科学》2012,32(7):18-21,38
目的:现代五项实施"跑射联项"新规则后彻底改变了原有射击比赛的制胜规律,使原有气手枪慢射改变为跑步后速射,跑步对于运动员重心变化的影响将决定着运动员的射击命中率。采用复杂度分析方法剖析"跑射联项"后运动员重心变化对于射击命中率的影响,进而提出最佳重心摆动模式。方法:模拟"跑射联项"过程,测试运动员在安静状态下及1 000m跑后瞄区变化轨迹,同时测试重心摆动。对运动前、后结果采用配对t检验(方差齐)和秩和检验(方差不齐)来衡量两者之间的显著性差异,同时采用非线性动力学的复杂度分析及Pearson相关分析来探讨重心变化的特征,以及其同射击命中率变化之间的关系。结果:在1 000m跑后运动员身体系统的复杂度同平静状态下相比有显著提高(P<0.05);运动前、后重心变化与其射击的命中率变的Pearson相关系数高达0.78,说明重心与运动员的命中率相关;重心轨迹变化呈现三类典型结果,即前后一字式、水平一字式和散点式,3种类型的优劣排序是前后一字式优于水平一字式优于散点式。结论:利用非线性动力学的相关知识发现了运动员运动后身体系统的复杂度同运动前相比显著性升高,而其变化的程度可能与运动员的竞技状态有关。同时,运动员在运动后命中率的显著下降同其运动后重心的变化有很高的相关性,并且重心的变化分为三种类型,是有一定规律的。  相似文献   

为了解运动后运动营养物质的补充对体能恢复和消除疲劳的作用 ,本研究对广东省 36名高水平跆拳道、柔道和摔跤项目的运动员赛前 3个月内 ,在模拟比赛训练后 30 m in补充 30 0m l英国产葡萄适 (L ucozade )并进行观察 ,结果发现 ,服用 L ucozade(实验组 )与服用安慰剂 (对照组 )比较 ,实验组的生理指标 (晨脉、运动时最高心率、恢复期心率、血压等 )、生化指标 (血红蛋白、运动后血乳酸和安静时血乳酸浓度 )、心血管系统机能 (台阶试验指数 )和运动心情都优于对照组 (P <0 .0 5或 P <0 .0 1) ,实验组疲劳消除和体力恢复得到改善 ,运动能力相对提高。  相似文献   

目的:运用样本熵(SampEn)算法评估太极拳干预前后屈膝站立时COP运动信号的可行性。方法:招募30名健康的无太极拳练习经验的大学一年级学生,进行12周(每周1次,每次90分钟)太极练习。使用三维测力台(AMTI)采集受试者练习前后屈膝站立时相关压力中心(COP)运动学参数,包括睁眼、闭眼状态下直膝、屈膝(15°和30°)时的COP轨迹。运用Visual Basic7.1环境编写SampEn程序,计算前后方向(AP)及左右方向(ML)的SampEn(SampEn_(AP),SampEn_(ML))。运用重复测量方差分析法对上述参数进行评估。结果:SampEn对太极拳干预后的COP参数评估出现显著性,为SampEn_(AP):0.67±0.23,0.61±0.24;SampEn_(ML)有交互影响,总体表现是下降趋势,降低效果在屈膝时更为明显。结论:SampEn算法可以评估太极拳干预后的COP运动信号,且效果显著。通过SampEn分析可得到一个重要信息,即太极拳训练可以改善COP运动信号的信息数据结构,并最终增加COP运动信号的有序程度,SampEn评估算法可以捕捉到这类数据信息结构的变化,也得到太极拳运动可增进姿势平衡和预防跌倒的新实践证据。  相似文献   

报告了1则主诉“运动时乏力2个月”的女子举重运动员(87 kg级)因影响训练和比赛成绩就诊后,经诊治恢复机体状态并重返赛场的病例。临床结合患者相关检查和危险因素分析(肥胖、家族史等),诊断为2型糖尿病。考虑运动员项目特点,为保持其体重和体能,予以磷酸西格列汀片100 mg联合盐酸吡格列酮片15 mg口服、每日1次的治疗。此外,患者接受营养和运动训练调整使血糖保持平稳,安全地恢复训练和比赛。通过分析该病例,尝试对女子举重运动员的糖尿病发病特点、治疗方案及相关运动能力进行初步分析,为后续进一步探究相关诊疗及重返赛场的队列研究提供思路。  相似文献   

研究目的:通过对比正常学龄儿童与跆拳道训练的学龄儿童平衡能力,以探索跆拳道训练对学龄儿童静态平衡能力的影响。研究方法:选取参加跆拳道训练的学龄儿童10名作为实验组,匹配10名无跆拳道训练、武术及其他专项练习的学龄儿童作为对照组。采用win-pod平衡功能检测系统对受试者进行单足和双足平衡能力测试。研究结果:双足睁眼或闭眼测试时,有跆拳道训练的学龄儿童与无跆拳道训练、武术及其他静力练习的学龄儿童相比静态平衡能力差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在睁眼左足测试时,实验组与对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)主要体现在重心动摇轨迹长、重心平均动摇速度、Y轴动摇速度这些指标上;而在睁眼右足测试时,实验组与对照组各项指标中除了Y轴平均摆幅这项指标,其他指标在两组之间差异都有统计学意义(P<0.05);闭眼单足测试时,从左右足依次来看,实验组与对照组分别在Y轴动摇速度和Y轴平均摆幅差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究结论:跆拳道训练能够有效增强学龄儿童在双足和右足站立静态站立的静态平衡能力,提高站立的姿势稳定性。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of maximal specific physical effort on postural balance and rifle stability in biathletes in a standing shooting position. The study included 10 junior elite biathletes. The measurements were taken with the Vicon system and AMTI force platform. Postural balance and rifle stability characteristics were determined at rest as well as 1 and 5 min post maximal specific physical effort which was performed on a ski ergometer and continued until exhaustion. Maximal physical effort exerted a significant effect on all examined postural sway and rifle sway characteristics. The duration of the post-exercise changes was longer than 5 minutes. Higher post-effort rifle sway was observed in the vertical direction than in the across the shooting line direction. Post-effort postural balance impairment in the shooting line was much greater than in the across the shooting line direction. Moreover, a strong correlation was found between postural balance and rifle stability. Maximal physical effort influenced postural balance and rifle stability during aiming. Rifle sway during aiming in a standing shooting position seems to be coordinated with the postural sway of the biathlete’s body. Thus, an increase in postural sway contributes to greater sway and lesser stability of the rifle.  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of holding a bag with one hand on the center of foot pressure (COP) and the electromyographic responses in lower leg muscles. Thirteen healthy male adults participated in this study to keep an upright posture while holding a load with the dominant hand with four bag weight conditions (0%, 15%, 30%, and 45% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the jerk strength). Integrated Electromyography (iEMG) and mean power frequency (MPF) of EMG were calculated to estimate the degree of muscle activity and fatigue in the tibialis anterior and soleus that are involved in ankle joint control. Body sway was evaluated by the mean position of left-right (X) and front-back (Y) axis sway and the following 4 body sway factors; unit time sway factor (F1), front-back sway factor (F2), left-right sway factor (F3), high frequency band power spectrum factor (F4). When holding a bag at 45% MVC or more of the jerk strength with a single hand for one minute, muscle activity in the lower leg on the side of the bag increased markedly, and muscle fatigue was induced in the antigravity muscles of both legs. As a result, anteroposterior sway increased to a short, quick sway.  相似文献   

目的:对我国自由式滑雪空中技巧队运动员姿势控制能力进行训练和评价,为后期的专项训练实践提供指导和参考。方法:对13名国家运动员(男性6名,女性7名)进行3种不同的姿势控制能力训练,利用METITUR平衡能力测试系统在训练前后对13名国家运动员进行平衡能力测试,一个训练周期后,对2017年和2018年两个赛季运动员的技术动作进行对比分析。结果:通过METITUR平衡能力测试,13名运动员静态平衡能力在前后方向上(Y轴向)的稳定性升高,说明运动员在控制重心能力上有所提高。通过训练前后运动员的动态平衡能力测试人体重心曲线图,运动员训练后在支撑面左右方向的自动态平衡能力有所有提高。技术动作对比分析的结果显示,运动员的着陆成功率也有了较大幅度的提高。结论:通过为期6个月的姿势控制能力的训练,运动员的静态平衡能力在支撑面前后方向上明显提高,动态平衡能力在支撑面后的左右方向上有显著提升。  相似文献   

One of the challenges faced by aging people is de-creased postural stability and increased risks for falls.Thereis general agreement that postural control involves manysen-sory and motor systems,and a number of investigators havefound that ageis relatedto declinesin visual,vestibular,andsensorimotor functions[1].With increasing age,the timerequired to process and integrate sensory information andmotor reactionincreases[2].Proprioception,the afferent infor-mationregarding body position and bala…  相似文献   

Recurve archery is an Olympic sport that requires extreme precision, upper body strength and endurance. The purpose of this research was to quantify how postural stability variables both pre- and post-arrow release, draw force, flight time, arrow length and clicker reaction time, collectively, impacted on the performance or scoring outcomes in elite recurve archery athletes. Thirty-nine elite-level recurve archers (23 male and 16 female; mean age?=?24.7?±?7.3 years) from four different countries volunteered to participate in this study prior to competing at a World Cup event. An AMTI force platform (1000Hz) was used to obtain centre of pressure (COP) measurements 1s prior to arrow release and 0.5s post-arrow release. High-speed footage (200Hz) allowed for calculation of arrow flight time and score. Results identified clicker reaction time, draw force and maximum sway speed as the variables that best predicted shot performance. Specifically, reduced clicker reaction time, greater bow draw force and reduced postural sway speed post-arrow release were predictors of higher scoring shots. It is suggested that future research should focus on investigating shoulder muscle tremors at full draw in relation to clicker reaction time, and the effect of upper body strength interventions (specifically targeting the musculature around the shoulder girdle) on performance in recurve archers.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation is to assess the effectiveness of a 6-week balance training (BT) protocol, integrated in regular training sessions, on postural sway of young female volleyball players (n = 26, age 13.0 +/- 0.2 years) divided into two groups (intervention and control; 13 per group). Trials were performed for bipedal and unipedal stance conditions before and after the BT protocol, using a pressure platform to collect center-of-pressure (COP) time series that were processed to calculate sway area, COP path length, and maximum displacement range in anteroposterior and mediolateral directions. The intervention group exhibited smaller sway areas in eyes closed conditions (intervention = 42.76 mm2, control = 67.60 mm2; p < 0.05) and Romberg quotients (intervention = 1.11 mm, control = 1.82 mm) in bipedal stance, while all the other parameters were unaffected. BT also reduced sway area (intervention = 122.70 mm2, control = 187.18 mm2) and anteroposterior COP displacements (intervention = 20.18 mm, control = 22.38 mm) of the non-dominant limb for single-leg stance. No significant change was found for the dominant limb. Although it is possible to hypothesize a beneficial effect of BT on young athletes, further investigations are required to clarify its actual effect on balance performance with respect to normal volleyball training.  相似文献   

以参加2008年全国跆拳道青年锦标赛运动员为研究对象,采用美国运动心理学家Martens(1990)编制,并由祝蓓里教授修订(1994)的"运动竞赛状态焦虑量表"(简称为CSAI-2)为测试工具。结果表明:全国拳道青年锦标赛运动员的躯体状态焦虑在性别、重量组上的主效应差异显著,性别×年龄组的交互作用差异也显著,运动员在状态自信心上,性别主效应差异显著,不同重量级别的运动员认知状态焦虑、躯体状态焦虑、状态自信心之间差异具有显著性。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate specific muscle synergies in elite ice hockey players indicating highly developed postural control strategies used to restore balance against unexpected external perturbations. Seven elite athletes (EA) on the women’s national ice hockey team and 7 non-athletes (NA) participated in this study. Based on trajectories of centre of mass (COM), analysis periods were divided into an initial phase (a balance disturbance after perturbation onset) and a reversal phase (a balance recovery response), respectively. Muscle synergies were extracted at each phase by using non-negative matrix factorization. k-means cluster analysis was performed to arrange similar muscle synergies in all participants. EA showed significantly shorter recovery period of COM and smaller body sway than NA. In the initial phase, we identified 2 EA-specific synergies related to ankle plantar flexors or neck extensors. In the case of an NA-specific synergy, co-activation of the ankle plantar flexors and dorsiflexors was found. In the reversal phase, no specific muscle synergies were identified. As the results, EA-specific muscle synergies showed low co-activation strategy of agonists and antagonists in ankle and neck extensors. Our results could provide critical information for rehabilitation strategies in athletes requiring high postural stability.  相似文献   

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