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2010多哈世锦赛60米栏决赛罗伯斯全程技术时间特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过录像分析法、数量统计等方法对2010年多哈室内田径锦标赛60米栏决赛中古巴跨栏名将罗伯斯全程技术和室内60米栏世界纪录保持者科林.杰克逊在1994年参加在德国辛德尔芬根举办的国际田联室内分站赛创纪录一跑,分别从两者的起跑反应、起跑至第一栏、全程过栏、栏间节奏、下第五栏至终点等技术环节时间参数上来分析罗伯斯60米栏夺冠并破赛会记录的真正原因,并指出罗伯斯柏要打破世界记录需要真正磨炼提高的地方,借此对我国许多跨栏运动员起到借鉴和参考作用。  相似文献   

刘翔110 m 栏平12. 91 s 世界纪录的技术特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
分析刘翔、杰克逊110 m栏跑12.91 s同一成绩的技术参数。结果表明,刘翔的栏间速度均匀性强、节奏好,专项速度能力、专项速度耐力、终点冲刺能力以及起跑后的疾跑加速能力强,栏间3步步频快,这是他能创此优异成绩的重要技术因素与优势所在。但与杰克逊相比,刘翔最快栏周期出现较晚,快于1 s的高速分栏时间少,跨栏技术动作稳定性、起跑反应时、第1段落的加速能力以及跨栏步技术还有待提高与完善。  相似文献   

通过陈雁浩在8运会等比赛时的技术参数与约翰逊等世界优秀110m栏运动员进行对比分析发现陈雁浩起跨攻栏阶段的技术较好,起跑至下第1栏的时间与速度已达到世界先进水平,但他的跨栏步下栏距离明显偏长,而使跨栏腾空时间耗时多,这是导致他与约翰逊比赛成绩差距的主要原因.另外,栏周期最快速度的出现滞后,高速栏区仅1个以及全程跑的节奏欠佳,有待于他今后努力改进和提高.  相似文献   

现代跨栏运动水平提高之迅速,反映了跨栏在训练、技术方面有了新的突破。这除了运动员的身高逐增、百米速度提高较快外,主要原因是过栏技术有了较大的改进。 1、跨栏步摆动腿角度的变化 跨栏步摆动腿技术的变化都是依据“攻栏前、攻栏时,过栏和下栏时”几个阶段变化的(这里跑栏绝不能理解为短跑一样)。其变化较大的是在上述四个阶段中摆动腿大小腿角度的变化,另外还有攻摆方面,速度及力量的变化等。 从现代技术看,攻栏前起跨腿在垂直部位时,摆动腿的大小腿已  相似文献   

张赫 《中华武术》2016,(4):10-11
一、跨栏跑的技术训练跨栏跑技术训练的主要目的是使跨栏跑技术尽量合理和准确。(一)跨栏跑的技术要求(1)起跑:提高两腿蹬离起跑器的力量和速度、积极加速过第一栏,力争第三栏前后发挥最高速度。(2)过栏:栏前尽量快跑,迅速提脚起跨;攻栏动作充分、有力;加快两腿剪绞过栏速度;下栏着地快并与栏间跑衔接好;起跨和下栏着地都保持较高的身体支撑姿势。(3)栏间跑:下栏与栏间第一步衔接紧密;步  相似文献   

跨栏跑属于速度性的径赛项目,它的成绩取决于运动员的平跑速度、完善合理的跨栏步技术和跑跨结合的能力。全程跑技术可以分为起跑到第一栏的技术、跨栏步技术(过栏技术)、栏间跑技术和终点跑技术等四个部分。由于全程跨栏跑主要是由跨栏步和栏间跑若干跨栏周期所组成,因此,跨栏步和栏间跑是跨栏跑技术的重点。110m栏距离短、速度快、技术复杂、对运动员的身体素质要求高,是跨栏跑最具代表性的项目。  相似文献   

1 前言跨栏运动是一项对速度、协调、灵活性要求很高的运动,运动员必须在保持高速度的奔跑中跨越10个栏架,因此要求运动员具备良好的速度、协调性、灵活性和节奏感。目前人们在不断提高运动员平跑速度的同时,仍然十分重视运动员的过栏技术,因为合理的技术往往可以减少因过栏而造成的速度损失,从而实现理想中的跑栏。在跨栏步技术中,盆带肌力量的强弱直接影响到过栏技术的质量,因此,本文主要研究如何加强盆带肌力量的训练、完善跨栏步技术。2 跨栏步的解剖学分析跨栏步是从起跨腿着地开始到摆动腿落地结束。当身体重心投影点移…  相似文献   

跨栏跑是一项技术难度较大的田径运动项目,而跨栏步技术又是跨栏跑中最基本、最重要的技术环节。这个技术动作是从起跨腿的脚着地开始,到摆动腿过栏后着地为止。学习和掌握正确的跨栏步动作,对于加快过栏速度、保护栏间速度和节奏是十分重要的,是跨栏跑完整技术的关键  相似文献   

我国男子110m栏优秀选手刘翔的跨栏技术分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
许以诚 《体育科研》2004,25(4):31-33
以2003年在世界田径锦标赛和大奖赛洛桑站的前3名世界顶尖跨栏运动员的110m栏比赛全程跟踪录像进行分析计算,并对刘翔的跨栏步技术进行定点摄像及解析。刘翔与世界顶尖选手比较,分栏时间长而平均速度低。最高栏间速度低,而且次数少;栏间跑3步平均时间稍好;过栏腾空时间长,起跨角大,起跨距离稍远,下栏距离长,这揭示了刘翔的跨栏步技术存在问题,也是薄弱环节的所在,也是刘翔赶超世界先进水平的突破口。  相似文献   

对雅典奥运会决赛中刘翔跨栏技术的分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
通过录像分析与运动生物力学的方法对刘翔在跨栏过程中的技术特点进行了分析,结果表明,同去年相比,刘翔的平均分栏速度和最高分栏速度都有较大的改善,稳定参数也有提高,栏间三步的节奏优势得到了充分的发挥,而且保持了高速的专项能力。在过栏腾空时间上,总平均数值比去年有一定提高,最短时间也有提高,但与约翰逊相比,刘翔的过栏腾空时间平均数值和最短值都还存在差距,说明刘翔跨栏步技术还有待完善。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of heavy resistance, explosive resistance, and muscle endurance training on neuromuscular, endurance, and high-intensity running performance in recreational endurance runners. Twenty-seven male runners were divided into one of three groups: heavy resistance, explosive resistance or muscle endurance training. After 6 weeks of preparatory training, the groups underwent an 8-week resistance training programme as a supplement to endurance training. Before and after the 8-week training period, maximal strength (one-repetition maximum), electromyographic activity of the leg extensors, countermovement jump height, maximal speed in the maximal anaerobic running test, maximal endurance performance, maximal oxygen uptake ([V·]O(?max)), and running economy were assessed. Maximal strength improved in the heavy (P = 0.034, effect size ES = 0.38) and explosive resistance training groups (P = 0.003, ES = 0.67) with increases in leg muscle activation (heavy: P = 0.032, ES = 0.38; explosive: P = 0.002, ES = 0.77). Only the heavy resistance training group improved maximal running speed in the maximal anaerobic running test (P = 0.012, ES = 0.52) and jump height (P = 0.006, ES = 0.59). Maximal endurance running performance was improved in all groups (heavy: P = 0.005, ES = 0.56; explosive: P = 0.034, ES = 0.39; muscle endurance: P = 0.001, ES = 0.94), with small though not statistically significant improvements in [V·]O(?max) (heavy: ES = 0.08; explosive: ES = 0.29; muscle endurance: ES = 0.65) and running economy (ES in all groups < 0.08). All three modes of strength training used concurrently with endurance training were effective in improving treadmill running endurance performance. However, both heavy and explosive strength training were beneficial in improving neuromuscular characteristics, and heavy resistance training in particular contributed to improvements in high-intensity running characteristics. Thus, endurance runners should include heavy resistance training in their training programmes to enhance endurance performance, such as improving sprinting ability at the end of a race.  相似文献   

孙玮 《当代体育科技》2020,(12):28-28,30
跑步训练中可以分为变速跑、跟随跑和计时跑;跳绳训练包括短绳跳、长绳跳的训练方法。辅助训练方式包括多级跨跳、跑训练、上坡跑训练与柔韧性训练。本文主要研究高校体育训练当中提高学生耐力素质的有效方法,先对高校体育训练中提高耐力素质的必要性进行简单概述,并重点研究高校体育训练中耐力素质训练的具体方式。  相似文献   

中长跑的传统训练模式已经有所转变,以耐力为基础,以速度为核心的训练思想正在形成。为了验证速度素质对提高中长跑成绩的重要作用,对河南省女子中长跑运动员进行了实验研究。结果显示:(1)速度素质训练对女子中长跑运动员的身体形态有一定影响,但影响很小。(2)速度素质训练对女子中长跑运动员的身体素质有了提高。(3)速度素质训练对运动员的生理、生化有较大的影响。(4)实验组在速度素质训练后运动成绩提高比较多。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of heavy resistance, explosive resistance, and muscle endurance training on neuromuscular, endurance, and high-intensity running performance in recreational endurance runners. Twenty-seven male runners were divided into one of three groups: heavy resistance, explosive resistance or muscle endurance training. After 6 weeks of preparatory training, the groups underwent an 8-week resistance training programme as a supplement to endurance training. Before and after the 8-week training period, maximal strength (one-repetition maximum), electromyographic activity of the leg extensors, countermovement jump height, maximal speed in the maximal anaerobic running test, maximal endurance performance, maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2max), and running economy were assessed. Maximal strength improved in the heavy (P = 0.034, effect size ES = 0.38) and explosive resistance training groups (P = 0.003, ES = 0.67) with increases in leg muscle activation (heavy: P = 0.032, ES = 0.38; explosive: P = 0.002, ES = 0.77). Only the heavy resistance training group improved maximal running speed in the maximal anaerobic running test (P = 0.012, ES = 0.52) and jump height (P = 0.006, ES = 0.59). Maximal endurance running performance was improved in all groups (heavy: P = 0.005, ES = 0.56; explosive: P = 0.034, ES = 0.39; muscle endurance: P = 0.001, ES = 0.94), with small though not statistically significant improvements in [Vdot]O2max (heavy: ES = 0.08; explosive: ES = 0.29; muscle endurance: ES = 0.65) and running economy (ES in all groups < 0.08). All three modes of strength training used concurrently with endurance training were effective in improving treadmill running endurance performance. However, both heavy and explosive strength training were beneficial in improving neuromuscular characteristics, and heavy resistance training in particular contributed to improvements in high-intensity running characteristics. Thus, endurance runners should include heavy resistance training in their training programmes to enhance endurance performance, such as improving sprinting ability at the end of a race.  相似文献   

为了对中长跑少年儿童的早期化训练问题有更深的认识,运用文献资料法,从中长跑项目本身特点和少年儿童的身体发育特点进行分析和探讨。结果表明:中长跑少年儿童早期化训练很有必要,而且应以速度为中心,以耐力为基础。  相似文献   

对两种中长跑训练方法的比较分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对力量、速度和速度耐力训练方法的比较分析,找出了适应中长跑运动员所需要的力量、速度和速度耐力的训练方法。  相似文献   

对我国直道栏技术教学训练若干问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对中外运动员在平跑速度、最高速度、速度财力、技术等方面的对比分析,找出存在差距.并就在教学、训练中提高速度能力,加强技术教学、心理训练等方面指出努力方向,为教学、训练提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of the lactate minimum speed test to changes in endurance fitness resulting from a 6 week training intervention. Sixteen participants (mean +/- s :age 23 +/- 4 years;body mass 69.7 +/- 9.1 kg) completed 6 weeks of endurance training. Another eight participants (age 23 +/- 4 years; body mass 72.7 +/-12.5 kg) acted as non-training controls. Before and after the training intervention, all participants completed: (1) a standard multi-stage treadmill test for the assessment of VO 2max , running speed at the lactate threshold and running speed at a reference blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 ; and (2) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved two supramaximal exercise bouts and an 8 min walking recovery period to increase blood lactate concentration before the completion of an incremental treadmill test. Additionally, a subgroup of eight participants from the training intervention completed a series of constant-speed runs for determination of running speed at the maximal lactate steady state. The test protocols were identical before and after the 6 week intervention. The control group showed no significant changes in VO 2max , running speed at the lactate threshold, running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 or the lactate minimum speed.In the training group, there was a significant increase in VO 2max (from 47.9 +/- 8.4 to 52.2 +/- 2.7 ml.kg -1 .min -1 ), running speed at the maximal lactate steady state (from 13.3 +/- 1.7 to 13.9 +/- 1.6 km.h -1 ), running speed at the lactate threshold (from 11.2 +/- 1.8 to 11.9 +/- 1.8 km.h -1 ) and running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 (from 12.5 +/- 2.2 to 13.2 +/- 2.1 km.h -1 ) (all P ? 0.05). Despite these clear improvements in aerobic fitness, there was no significant difference in lactate minimum speed after the training intervention (from 11.0 +/- 0.7 to 10.9 +/- 1.7 km.h -1 ). The results demonstrate that the lactate minimum speed,when assessed using the same exercise protocol before and after 6 weeks of aerobic exercise training, is not sensitive to changes in endurance capacity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of the lactate minimum speed test to changes in endurance fitness resulting from a 6 week training intervention. Sixteen participants (mean +/- s: age 23+/-4 years; body mass 69.7+/-9.1 kg) completed 6 weeks of endurance training. Another eight participants (age 23+/-4 years; body mass 72.7+/-12.5 kg) acted as non-training controls. Before and after the training intervention, all participants completed: (1) a standard multi-stage treadmill test for the assessment of VO2max, running speed at the lactate threshold and running speed at a reference blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol x l(-1); and (2) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved two supramaximal exercise bouts and an 8 min walking recovery period to increase blood lactate concentration before the completion of an incremental treadmill test. Additionally, a subgroup of eight participants from the training intervention completed a series of constant-speed runs for determination of running speed at the maximal lactate steady state. The test protocols were identical before and after the 6 week intervention. The control group showed no significant changes in VO2max, running speed at the lactate threshold, running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol x l(-1) or the lactate minimum speed. In the training group, there was a significant increase in VO2max (from 47.9+/-8.4 to 52.2+/-2.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)), running speed at the maximal lactate steady state (from 13.3+/-1.7 to 13.9+/-1.6 km x h(-1)), running speed at the lactate threshold (from 11.2+/-1.8 to 11.9+/-1.8 km x h(-1)) and running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol x l(-1) (from 12.5+/-2.2 to 13.2+/-2.1 km x h(-1)) (all P < 0.05). Despite these clear improvements in aerobic fitness, there was no significant difference in lactate minimum speed after the training intervention (from 11.0+/-0.7 to 10.9+/-1.7 km x h(-1)). The results demonstrate that the lactate minimum speed, when assessed using the same exercise protocol before and after 6 weeks of aerobic exercise training, is not sensitive to changes in endurance capacity.  相似文献   

田径速度项目运动员身体素质训练结构特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、特征解析法、访谈法和定基比增长系数计算等研究方法,对田径速度性项目世界优秀运动员的身体素质训练结构进行研究。研究揭示,速度素质的增长具有“早熟”特征,其训练结构体现出以提高最大速度为核心,以最大负荷强度和较少负荷量的短距离跑练习为主要手段等特征;力量素质的增长呈现出“两头慢、中间快”的发展特征,其训练手段主要是由单腿或双腿的连续跳跃、跨步跑(跳)、高抬腿跑和多次数的深蹲或半蹲练习构成;而专项耐力的训练方法则主要是由长翼项距离和比赛距离的重复跑和间歇跑等要素构成。  相似文献   

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