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In contentious natural resource debates, the credibility of scientists is at risk. In this case study, citizens in contending communities and scientists in a forest management controversy constructed the scientists' credibility differently. Shared values and views of the nature of science and objectivity were primary factors for constructing scientists' credibility. Citizens who expected value-free, objective scientists to authenticate their knowledge were concerned about how the values of scientists on the opposite side affected research framing. Citizens who emphasized limited objectivity were less skeptical of scientists. Scientists acknowledged their values but defended their credibility in terms of professional standards, balance and resource constraints. In short, scientists' credibility is relative because each individual has unique values and views of the nature of science and objectivity. Through a collaborative policymaking process, citizens and scientists should develop shared values and visions to reconstruct a temporary, intersubjective sense of credibility.  相似文献   

Despite widespread interest in individual life histories, few biographies of scientists make use of insights derived from psychology, another discipline that studies people, their thoughts, and their actions. This essay argues that recent theoretical work in psychology and tools developed for clinical psychological practice can help biographical historians of science create and present fuller portraits of their subjects' characters and temperaments and more nuanced analyses of how these traits helped shape their subjects' scientific work. To illustrate this thesis, the essay examines the early career of James McKeen Cattell--an influential late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century experimental psychologist--through a lens offered by psychology and argues that Cattell's actual laboratory practices derived from an "accommodation" to a long-standing "cognitive deficit." These practices in turn enabled Cattell to achieve more precise experimental results than could any of his contemporaries; and their students readily adopted them, along with their behavioral implications. The essay concludes that, in some ways, American psychology's early twentieth-century move toward a behavioral understanding of psychological phenomena can be traced to Cattell's personal cognitive deficit. It closes by reviewing several "remaining general questions" that this thesis suggests.  相似文献   

That vaccines do not cause autism is now a widely accepted proposition, though a few dissenters remain. An 8-year court process in the US federal vaccine injury compensation court ended in 2010 with rulings that autism was not an adverse reaction to vaccination. There were two sets of trials: one against the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and one against the mercury-based preservative thimerosal. The MMR story is more widely known because of publicity surrounding the main proponent of an MMR-autism link, British doctor Andrew Wakefield, but the story of thimerosal in court is largely untold. This study examines the credibility battles and boundary work in the two cases, illuminating the sustaining world of alternative science that supported the parents, lawyers, researchers, and expert witnesses against vaccines. After the loss in court, the families and their advocates transformed their scientific arguments into an indictment of procedural injustice in the vaccine court. I argue that the very efforts designed to produce legitimacy in this type of lopsided dispute will be counter-mobilized as evidence of injustice, helping us understand why settling a scientific controversy in court does not necessarily mean changing anyone's mind.  相似文献   

以转基因食品之争为研究对象,分析转基因食品之争中科学公信力危机的内外诱因,包括科学共同体认可中的信任困境、科学语言的生活性转化不畅、科学机构履行其社会责任不及时,以及科学公信力授权机制的不完善。由此,着重于探讨我国科学公信力在法律规范、科学教育、传播沟通方面的建设路径。  相似文献   

There is limited knowledge on the extent to which scientists may strategically respond to metrics by adopting questionable practices, namely practices that challenge the scientific ethos, and the individual and contextual factors that affect their likelihood. This article aims to fill these gaps by studying the opportunistic use of self-citations, i.e. citations of one’s own work to boost metric scores. Based on sociological and economic literature exploring the factors driving scientists’ behaviour, we develop hypotheses on the predictors of strategic increase in self-citations. We test the hypotheses in the Italian Higher Education system, where promotion to professorial positions is regulated by a national habilitation procedure that considers the number of publications and citations received. The sample includes 886 scientists from four of science’s main disciplinary sectors, employs different metrics approaches, and covers an observation period beginning in 2002 and ending in 2014. We find that the introduction of a regulation that links the possibility of career advancement to the number of citations received is related to a strong and significant increase in self-citations among scientists who can benefit the most from increasing citations, namely assistant professors, associate professors and relatively less cited scientists, and in particular among social scientists. Our findings suggest that while metrics are introduced to spur virtuous behaviours, when not properly designed they favour the usage of questionable practices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the scientific work of the Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh from its foundation in 1887 to 1920. It looks in particular at the pivotal role of clinical cases in the work of the Laboratory, using the concept of 'triangulation' to analyse how cases served both as objects of scientific knowledge and as sites for articulating and aligning the concerns of medical practitioners and career scientists. It goes on to propose a general model for thinking about the role of cases in scientific knowledge production, based on a rereading of Kuhn as seen through the lens of the sociology of scientific knowledge. It concludes with some general reflections on how this analysis of the work of the Laboratory helps us to rethink the relations between basic and applied medical science in the period before the emergence of modern biomedicine.  相似文献   

学术创业企业的成长伴随着从科研网络向产业网络的跨越,为了解析其成长机理,本文以中美两国共14个学术创业案例为依据,从“社会网络—合法性”视角分析企业网络的动态演化,并着重探讨了各阶段合法性约束的种类、身份转化劣势的作用机制以及合法性策略选择的情境条件。研究发现:(1)学术创业者在创业者存在身份转换劣势,并给企业带来合法性约束。(2)根据网络边界跨越方式的不同,创业者建立合法性的策略可分为直驱型策略和迂回型策略。(3)合法性策略的选择受到企业所在网络的多样性和自身技术新颖性的影响。基于学术创业的特殊情境,论文提出身份转换劣势的概念,并为企业成长理论和合法性理论做出贡献。  相似文献   

公众对气候变化的认知、态度、情绪、情感等心理反应是其参与气候变化减缓与适应的重要先决因素。追踪并监测公众的气候变化心理对气候变化教育、大众传媒宣传沟通、气候政策制定与实施具有至关重要的作用。文章系统论述气候变化与公众心理反应的相互影响,梳理影响气候变化心理的多维度因素,从气候变化心理对气候治理实践价值的角度提出发展建议,以期提高我国心理学、气候相关学科和政府有关部门对公众气候变化心理的关注和应用,助力全民参与的气候适应型社会构建。  相似文献   

结合有关文献材料和案例,本文分析了我国科学家在国际科技组织中任职存在的问题,尝试提出以下建议:加大培训,使科学家的知识结构更趋多元化;制定政策,支持和吸引国际科技组织总部落户中国;出台政策,建立人才储备库,培养国际科技组织任职预备队伍。  相似文献   

原始性创新对企业资源与能力提出较高要求,而随着中国市场经济的转型和民主化进程的加快,企业逐渐具备了通过政治行为影响政府决策与公共政策的能力。基于制度视角和资源依赖理论,研究企业政治行为影响原始性创新的路径以及企业组织冗余对这一关系的影响。404家中国企业调研数据的实证研究表明,企业政治行为有利于其获得政治合法性,进而促进企业的原始性创新。另外,组织冗余正向调节政治合法性与原始性创新之间的关系,即企业组织冗余水平较高时,政治合法性对原始性创新的促进作用更大。研究结论有助于我们更好地理解促进企业原始性创新的机制,对现阶段中国企业的创新实践具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

We examine career patterns within the industrial, academic, and governmental sectors and their relation to the publication and patent productivity of scientists and engineers working at university-based research centers in the United States. We hypothesize that among university scientists, intersectoral changes in jobs throughout the career provide access to new social networks and scientific and technical human capital, which will result in higher productivity. For this study, the curriculum vitae of 1200 research scientists and engineers were collected and coded. In addition, patent data were collected from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The overarching conclusion from our analysis is that the academic scientists’ and engineers’ research careers we studied are quite different than characterized in the research productivity literature that is a decade or more old. The wave of center creation activity that began in the early 1980s and continues today has resulted not only in greater ties between universities and industry, but also markedly different academic careers.  相似文献   

山中伸弥的“论文-专利”二元行为模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
一般认为,科学家尤其是诺贝尔奖科学家科学研究工作成果的主要发表形式是科学论文。但近年来的趋势表明,诺贝尔奖科学家也在大量地申请专利,即便是那些看起来从事基础科学研究的学者,也表现出强烈的专利意识。日本科学家、2012年诺贝尔生理或医学奖得主山中伸弥是其中典型的代表。山中伸弥"论文—专利"行为模式,存在着明显的逻辑合理性和行动连续性,值得我国科学家学习。作为驱动力量的日本科技政策,也值得我国科技政策制定者借鉴参考。  相似文献   

从伽利略、.笛卡尔到牛顿:新解近代科学革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过考证近代科学革命中伽利略、笛卡尔、牛顿三者的思想承继脉络,文章认为,众多涉及近代科学革命的历史描述存在某种夸大伽利略、弱化笛卡尔的思想倾向。这种倾向揭露了在科学史的描述中存在着“异化”现象,科学史的“异化”源自哲学、心智、政治、地域、媒介上的偏见,而这些偏见在深层又折射了科学历史甚至科学的社会建构性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the publication outcomes of two teams within a multi-university scientific alliance. Scientists in one team share similar scholarly backgrounds and work in a well established paradigm, while scientists in the second team have different backgrounds and work in an emergent discipline. While the alliance has increased the productivity of both teams, this increase was highest for the more heterogeneous team. In addition, while the variety of knowledge concepts employed in their research was initially higher for the heterogeneous team, this gap narrowed over time. We discuss the implications of our research for alliance design.  相似文献   

关于气候变化科学研究的若干问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气候变化及其影响问题因其对自然生态系统和社会经济体系广泛而深入的影响成为国际社会关注的热点问题之一。然而无论是了解气候变化的科学事实,适应气候变化还是减缓气候变化,都首先需要来自科学界有力的支撑,需要将科学界的研究成果转化为可以指导社会发展的知识和技术。本文通过对当前气候变化研究需求和其中存在的不确定性的分析,提出了当前气候变化研究应重点关注的领域和问题,并就如何保障气候变化科研工作的顺利进行提出了建议。  相似文献   

媒体对科学家形象的良好形塑不仅关乎科学家精神的厚植与弘扬,更深刻影响公众对科学家乃至科学的整体认知与态度。研究综合运用定性和定量分析方法,以《中国科学报》和Wiely 2015-2020年科技人物报道为数据源,探索分析了国内外科学媒体在中国科学家形象塑造时的异同。结果显示:《中国科学报》科技人物报道以叙事记叙性通讯为体裁,男性且功成名就的科学家为主体,科学家形象塑造以展现宏观科学精神为主,日常生活与个性挖掘为辅;Wiely以谈话实录性通讯为核心叙事方式,聚焦当代青年科技精英,侧重对科学家职业和个性特征、科学与人文精神的共同勾画。两大科学媒体在科技人物报道对象及其形象塑造中均存在一定的性别刻板。据此,对科学媒体中科学家形象的塑造路径与策略提出了反思。  相似文献   

Scientific research is a crucial success factor for knowledge intensive firms and is often a joint effort of scientists and managers. However, scientists and managers belong to different “professional guilds,” subscribing to different belief systems and valuing different types of incentives. These differences give rise to tension between scientists and managers. We integrate a large body of literature from knowledge management to develop a new theoretical model predicting that this organizational tension is affected by environmental factors such as the degree of industry munificence, firm-specific factors like knowledge-management policies, and the individual roles of boundary spanners within the firm. Further, we argue that this tension can lead to positive or negative outcomes.  相似文献   

我国青年科技人才科学精神与创新行为关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国内首次对青年创新人才的科学精神进行了界定和研究,特别是用实证研究的方法,对我国青年科技人才科学精神现状进行了调查和分析.研究发现:科学精神在创新任务设计、创新投入、创新环境、创新组织气氛等外部影响因素和创新行为之间起中介作用,是制约青年科技人才创新行为的重要因素.增加创新投入和改善创新环境有助于改善青年科技人才的创新行为,但不是关键的因素.该研究结论对于青年科技人才开发与管理以及创新型国家建设有启示意义.  相似文献   

科学的、民主的公共决策流程可分为确定政策议题、制定具体政策、推行实施政策和评估修订政策四个环节。科学咨询贯穿于整个决策流程并成为确保决策质量和提高决策公信力的关键。当前我国公共决策急需一个关于如何科学使用科学咨询的宏观指导文件。本文介绍了英国科学办公室分别于1997、2000、2005、2010年颁布实施4版本有关科学咨询和政策制定的指导方针的概要情况,阐述了"英国经验"给我国公共决策机制改进带来的三点启示:一是尽早制定有关如何在公共决策过程中更好使用科学和工程咨询的规范性文件;二是明确相关管理机构;三是在决策实践中借鉴英国指导方针的部分核心理念、关键原则和有益做法。  相似文献   

任务导向型创新政策是为应对重大社会挑战而兴起的新政策范式,已成为许多国家解决“急、难、险、重”等科学问题的系统性政策干预方案。文章围绕任务导向型创新政策的概念内涵、要素构成、主要特征、理论解释与政策实践等不同维度展开全面分析。研究表明,任务导向型创新政策主要由政策目标、政策主体、政策工具和政策过程等要素构成,并具有方向引导、市场创建、协同参与和动态评估等特征。转型失灵理论为任务导向型创新政策干预创新活动的合法性提供了理论解释。现有任务导向型创新政策实践主要聚焦于保障国防安全、实现产业追赶和应对重大社会挑战三个方面。研究可为中国制定和实施任务导向型创新政策提供理论支撑和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

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