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中学生处于人体生长发育的快速阶段,营养丰富的早餐供给可为其上午的学习生活提供能源物质保障,对其上午学习效率的提高有积极意义。本文以太原市五所重点中学学生为研究对象,进行问卷调查,对回收问卷采用SPSS17.0统计软件进行分析。研究表明,多数学生能认识到早餐对上午学习的影响,且具有进食早餐的习惯。但其早餐质量和数量不能满足上午学习所需;有少数学生由于各种原因而忽略了早餐。因此,要重视对学生早餐营养重要性和合理早餐营养知识的教育,使其养成良好的早餐习惯,促进学生健康发展。  相似文献   

一、学生早餐现状:2-3成学生不是每天吃早餐有关部门经过调查发现,京沪9000多名中小学生每天吃早餐的比例不高,北京男生占74.2%,女生占78.4%;上海男生占86.6%,女生占87%;上海学生吃早餐的比例明显高于北京。北京有5%左右的学生1周有3天以上不吃早餐。京沪两地中小学生不吃早餐的原因为:第一,没有食欲;第二,没有时间吃;第三,家长自己不吃早餐或没时间做。其他尚有节食、嫌早餐品种单调、不喜欢早餐中的食物(如牛奶)等。5成以上学生早餐质量较差早餐所提供的能量及营养素应该达到中国营养学会推荐的每日膳食供给量的25%~30%。早餐的食物种类…  相似文献   

通过对长沙市2095名小学生进行问卷调查,发现长沙市小学生存在对早餐认识不到位,早餐行为现状令人堪忧,学校早餐营养健康知识教育欠缺等问题。针对这些问题,我们可采取加强小学生早餐营养健康知识教育,培养良好的饮食行为习惯,促进健康饮食;提倡课间加餐,缓解课间饥饿;适当推迟上学时间,预留就餐时间;实施“校园早餐计划”等措施。  相似文献   

人体经过一夜睡眠,早上需要补充营养。所以早餐时要有足够的食物,吃得既饱又好,才能保证上午有充沛的精力参加活动和学习。有些家长不重视孩子的早餐,或因早上时间紧,随便给孩子吃一点干点心。经常如此,就会引起幼儿营养紊乱,影响生长  相似文献   

北京大学儿童青少年卫生研究所、上海第二医科大学医学营养学教研室于2000年10月对北京、上海两市中、小学生进行了早餐行为抽样调查,发现早餐质量问题仍是目前学生当中一个较突出的问题。调查显示,在12—18岁的人群中间,有15%的人不吃早餐;其中有些人是真的还没有认识到———  相似文献   

近年来,随着生活节奏加快,竞争机制增强,学习难度加大以及电视的普及,小学生一般都睡得晚起得早。多教学生起床洗漱之后,匆匆啃上两个馒头或用开水泡点米饭就去上学,有的甚至空腹上学。上午第二节课后,大部分学生饥肠辘辘,听课心不在焉。让学生吃好早餐,不仅有益健康,还可提高学习效率。  相似文献   

“一日之计在于晨”。一顿营养丰富的早餐,可为处于生长发育期的儿童提供整个上午学习、娱乐所需的能量和各种营养素。不吃早餐或早餐质量不佳不仅影响儿童的营养素摄入,而且影响学习成绩,乃至健康状况。然而,在实际生活中,却有很多人常常忽略早餐的重要性。调查发现,没有足够的时间,不饿或不想吃,以及其他如节食减肥、无人准备或得不到早餐、不喜欢早餐中的食物等,依次是儿童不吃早餐的主要原因。要改变这种状况,就要对传统的早餐观念、早餐习惯和早餐食谱进行变革。1 早餐观念的革命不少家长认为,早餐营养不够可用中餐或晚餐来弥补。果真…  相似文献   

采用自编问卷对甘肃张掖市5所小学生网络心理问卷调查,同时对部分家长、政府部门政务公务管理人员采用谈话调查,发现以下事实:所有被调查学校里都已经开设微机课;88%的学生的父母不鼓励小学生上网;81%的学生认为上网会影响正常生活与学习;91%同学回答自己周围的同学有向家长骗钱上网的行为;只有19%的同学回答自己进入网吧时工作人员阻止进入网吧,其他同学没有受到过阻止;小学生上网的资费60%以上来自父母给的零花钱;75%会在网上玩网络游戏;上网时碰到不良网站,23%的同学会很好奇地进入;近八成同学对网络存在依恋,每周上网时间超过12小时。大多数学生没有利用网络学习文化知识。分析这些事实,可以认为:小学生上网弊大于利。必须整顿网吧市场,严禁小学生进入网吧。小学生学习网络知识应当在学校或家庭中有成人指导进行。  相似文献   

在英语教学的实践中。我发现目前小学生在英语朗读时存在诸多问题,如有的学生不敢大声读.表情僵硬,害怕出“洋相”;有的学生在读英语时唱“仰脸歌”,拖音很重,毫无感情。这种情况对小学生以后的英语学习非常不利。因此,加强小学生的英语朗读训练,提高小学生的英语朗读能力,显得非常必要和紧迫。教学中要重视朗读训练,要让学生充分地读,在读中培养语感,在读中受到情感的熏陶,在读中夯实英语学习基础。  相似文献   

为了考察农村小学生的心理健康状况,通过小学生心理健康评定量表(MHR SP)对120名庐江县农村3~6年级的学生进行测查。结果发现:(1)在112份有效问卷中,心理健康问题的总检出率是7.1%;性格缺陷和学习障碍是影响农村小学生心理健康的首要问题,检出率分别达14.3%和12.5%。(2)留守儿童与非留守儿童的心理健康不存在显著差异;但不同性别和年级的学生在某些心理品质方面存在显著差异。  相似文献   

程鹏 《嘉应学院学报》2001,19(6):109-112
通过对嘉应大学学生睡眠、早餐和早锻炼意向的调查,发现62%当代大学生对时间的价值有较高的认识水平;其中可望对早上闲暇时间具有全部支配权的人占61%;73%的人倾向于晚上11:00—12:00之间就寝;而晚上10:30之前就寝的人仅占被调查对象总数的5%;88%的人每天睡眠时间少于8h;86%的人早餐消费在2元以内,55%的人每星期有2d或2d以上不用早餐;同意5—15min锻炼的人占75%;采取跑步和散步的人占56%;从事球类运动的人占43%。通过上述数据构成现代大学生的人体模型,这些人思想活跃有比较强的时间价值观;有比较明显的自我意识,一方面渴望自己管理和安排自己的生活,另一方面又缺少必要的自控能力和营养健康知识;他们多数缺乏营养,睡眠不足,缺少足够的体能和精力。  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation of concepts that various groups hold about food and nutrition. Groups investigated were students in Years 4 and 8, university students in a BEd (primary) program and parents of the Year 4 students. It was found that for many important concepts relating to food selection, the basic ideas of each group were surprisingly consistent, despite the influence of formal education. In particular, misconception about energy and its role in nutrition and particular food groups was an important finding. Implications for school and community education are drawn from the results. Specialization: science curricula.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the implementation of a universal free school breakfast policy on meals program participation, attendance, and academic achievement. In 2003, New York City made school breakfast free for all students regardless of income, while increasing the price of lunch for those ineligible for meal subsidies. Using a difference-in-difference estimation strategy, we derive plausibly causal estimates of the policy's impact by exploiting within and between group variation in school meal pricing before and after the policy change. Our estimates suggest that the policy resulted in small increases in breakfast participation both for students who experienced a decrease in the price of breakfast and for free-lunch eligible students who experienced no price change. The latter suggests that universal provision may alter behavior through mechanisms other than price, highlighting the potential merits of universal provision over targeted services. We find limited evidence of policy impacts on academic outcomes.  相似文献   

This article gives an account of the setting up of a breakfast club at a school for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. The aim of the breakfast club was twofold: firstly, to improve the nutrition of students from areas of social deprivation, many of whom are also receiving medication for ADD/ADHD, known to suppress appetite and which can have effects on growth; and secondly, to improve the ethos of the school and enhance the social skills of students.  相似文献   

某高校医学生营养知识、态度及饮食行为的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解某高校医学生营养知识、态度及饮食行为,为开展营养健康教育及干预提供依据.方法:采用自行设计的营养知识、态度及饮食行为问卷,对某高校医学院386名一~三年级的大学生进行调查.结果:医学生的营养知识缺乏,回答正确率总体上在50%左右,并存在一些不合理的饮食行为,有27.2%的学生不能坚持每天吃早餐,而且早餐质量较差,早餐品种较单调.另外,每天喝牛奶的学生仅有9.8%,但他们具有良好的接受营养教育的态度,有89.6%学生愿意为了健康改变不良饮食习惯,92.5%的学生愿意以后更多地关注营养知识.结论:多数学生缺乏必要的营养知识,饮食行为不合理,但接受营养知识的态度较好,应加强医学生营养知识教育,纠正不良的饮食行为,促进身体健康.  相似文献   

什刹海又称十刹海、十汉海或石版海,由西海、后海、前海组成.为一自西北斜向东南的狭长水面。位于地安门西大街北海公园后门对面。这一块水域.从古到今都是块宝地。从明清时候起.这里便是老百姓休闲娱乐之地.只不过如今湖边林立的酒吧在当年全是茶馆。  相似文献   

The perceptions of enrolled students are an important part of academic programme review. However, identification of appropriate students and scheduling of suitable times can be difficult. By obtaining faculty assistance in selection of students and scheduling focus groups as breakfast meetings, a high level of attendance and participation was achieved.  相似文献   

Night eating syndrome criteria include skipping breakfast, night eating, and sleep difficulties. It is associated with mood disturbances, particularly depression, and may contribute to later obesity development. Most research on night eating syndrome has focused on obese persons seeking weight loss treatment, and little is known about night eating syndrome in other populations; therefore, the purpose of this exploratory study was to examine night eating and depression among college-age students. A paper-pencil survey was completed by 270 students at a southeastern university that included demographic information, self-reported heights and weights, Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ), and Beck Depression Inventory (mean age = 21.05, 64.1% female, 78.5% White). A significant correlation was found between total scores for the Beck Depression Inventory and NEQ (r = .35, p < .0001). Health professionals should be aware of characteristics of the syndrome to better diagnose and treat those students who exhibit traits of both depression and night eating syndrome.  相似文献   

Low blood sugar level resulting from fasting has been shown to reduce performance on a number of cognitive tasks. In this study, 80 non-diabetic A-level students missed breakfast. They completed a version of Daneman and Carpenter's Listening Span Test at 9.00 a.m. Half were then given a drink containing glucose, while the other half received a saccharine drink matched for taste. After 20 minutes, both groups completed another form of the Listening Span Test. A subset of the sample had their blood glucose levels determined immediately before the drink and again before the second application of the test. Blood glucose levels did not change, but listening span performance significantly improved after a glucose drink yet not after a saccharine drink. It is concluded that missing breakfast does not seriously affect blood sugar levels in healthy young students, but listening span performance which is a good predictor of listening comprehension is improved when fasting individuals imbibe a glucose-rich drink, although not when a saccharine drink is drunk. Ideally students should eat breakfast, but if this is omitted, then a glucose snack or drink before the first class may reverse any adverse effects.  相似文献   

High school students are a critical audience for food safety. Students may enter the foodservice industry or become primary meal preparers for their families. The positive deviance food safety curriculum was developed based on the messages from the Fight BAC! Campaign. The curriculum is designed for high school students to overcome barriers to safe food handling practices. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the positive deviance approach to change food safety knowledge and behaviors among high school students. Students (n = 218) from two high schools participated in this study. The positive deviance method uses group discussions lead by the teacher who reinforces and praises behaviors, which reflect recommended food handling practices. Measurements included pre‐ and postsurveys, preobservations and postobservation cooking classes, take‐home tasks, and in‐class activities. Results indicated that the curriculum significantly increased students’ food safety knowledge. Specifically, the percentage of students believing that color was a good indicator of meat doneness dropped from 52% to 17% after exposure to the curriculum. When observed, the students’ compliance with recommended behaviors increased. Prior to instruction, most ground beef burgers students cooked did not reach 160°F, while after the intervention, almost all of the burgers reached 160°F or higher. The curriculum will benefit from a revision that emphasizes areas such as how to use, calibrate, and to clean food thermometers.  相似文献   

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