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个体宽容和制度宽容是宽容研究领域必须注意的两类宽容,它们各自在人类生活中发挥着不同的作用。立足于当代社会、当代多元的生活架构,从个体宽容和制度宽容二者所具有的不同的人性预设、不同的内蕴、不同的维系与提升手段、不同的价值取向、不同的适用历史时期这五个方面,厘清个体宽容和制度宽容各自的边界、支点、合法性以及历史语境,进而揭示宽容研究中不可将个体宽容与制度宽容语境错位,必须在一定的历史语境、社会语境中确定其各自的地位。  相似文献   

追根溯源,中世纪的宽容和不宽容,在终极意义上都与基督教有关。在那个“黑暗”时代,基督教信仰是人们寻求宽容和爱的唯一源泉,教会信仰专制,也是一切专制和暴虐的思想来源和现实基础。  相似文献   

赵涵 《培训与研究》2008,25(6):51-53
荷兰的宽容文化在世界上独树一帜,在荷兰形象中具有令人瞩目的地位。在塑造荷兰宽容文化的众多原因中,荷兰历史上不利的自然环境和由此产生的区域自治的传统、中世纪后期包括荷兰在内的整个西欧宗教普遍不宽容的历史及荷兰市镇商品贸易的繁荣与对外交往的频繁,这些都构成了促使荷兰宽容文化产生的重要因素。  相似文献   

荷兰的宽容文化在世界上独树一帜,在荷兰形象中具有令人瞩目的地位。在塑造荷兰宽容文化的众多原因中,荷兰历史上不利的自然环境和由此产生的区域自治的传统、中世纪后期包括荷兰在内的整个西欧宗教普遍不宽容的历史及荷兰市镇商品贸易的繁荣与对外交往的频繁,这些都构成了促使荷兰宽容文化产生的重要因素。  相似文献   

多元社会宽容的价值与宽容教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宽容是人们应对当今社会多元与差异性的一种基本品质,也是建设和谐、民主社会,直面价值多元的需要。宽容意识的形成、对宽容误解的消除以及宽容边界意识的形成,都需要教育。宽容教育成为多元社会的新主题,它应该致力于培养具有现代人的宽容品质,包括不干涉意识、尊重意识、公共理性、公正意识以及全球视野与胸怀。  相似文献   

对宽容价值的普遍认可与在宽容的定义和范围上的深刻分歧相伴而行,这与人们对宽容的条件了解不明晰有关。差异是宽容存在的情境条件,而否定反应、能力和克制是宽容的定义条件。从行为主体是否对他者有否定反应,宽容与冷漠相区分;从行为主体是否有能力去干涉他者,宽容与默许相区分;从行为主体是否克制去干涉他者,宽容与不宽容相区分;从行为主体是否一种彻底的克制,宽容与宽恕相区分。通过宽容的条件分析,我们得出:宽容是行为主体在差异情境中对于敌对的他者有能力干涉却不干涉的一种克制,是一种介于不宽容与宽恕之间的德性。  相似文献   

论教育宽容   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宽容是人们对待世间事物的一种态度。教育宽容就是对教育及教育过程中的人与事给予一定限度的包容。它具有历史哲学、本体论、认识论、价值论以及知识论等方面的依据。教育宽容既包括对教育的宽容,也包括对教师的宽容和对学生的宽容。教育宽容并不是无限制的。从宽容的主体出发,教育宽容的原则是有理互利。从宽容的客体出发,教育宽容的原则是公正。  相似文献   

每个人既是宽容的对象,又是宽容的个体,人人都得宽容他人。宽容维护生命本身,也维护共同的生命,宽容使得差异性存在,差异性使宽容成为必要。所以,宽容就是培植和保护独特性、个体性和不规则性,也就是培植和保护生命。这正是人类共同的理想与前途所在。  相似文献   

余继善 《湖北教育》2004,(22):52-53
作为一种教育策略,宽容往往被教育所忽视,事实上,宽容学生的缺点与赏识学生的优点是教育过程中两个互为联系的最重要的方面。赏识学生的优点需要宽容学生的缺点,宽容学生的缺点在很大程度上是因为赏识学生的优点。但大多数教师认为,赏识学生的优点带有积极的意义,比较容易做到;而宽容学生的缺点带有消极的作用,往往不容易做到,这也许是我们教育的一种缺憾。  相似文献   

宽容分为"消极宽容"与"积极宽容",消极宽容是指主体在有能力干涉的情况下,毫无偏见并实事求是地容忍他者给自己思想带来消极影响的言行。积极宽容是指主体在有能力干涉的情况下,公正、审慎地宽恕他者给自己权益带来消极影响的言行。教育者在教育实践中要提倡消极宽容,培养学生创新能力;慎用积极宽容,培养学生公正意识;努力培养学生理性的宽容观。  相似文献   

教育宽容是在平等、理解、尊重的基础上,对教育及教育过程中的人与事给予一定限度的包容。然而,当前教育存在的不宽容,妨碍了创新人才的培养。因此,我们需要以教育宽容滋养创新人才成长的环境。  相似文献   

The article addresses the issue of the tolerance of intolerance in an educational context. It concerns a real case in a Swedish upper secondary school some years ago, when a student was suspended from school owing to his sympathies with Nazi ideas. One hundred and twenty student teachers' responses to this decision were analysed in respect of the idea of toleration as a crucial value and tolerance as a virtue in a liberal democratic society. The main findings show that the suspended student is seen as a democratic risk factor by a majority of the student teachers. On the other hand, those who disagree, maintain that the school's handling of the situation and the attitude towards Sven, the suspended student, could be a democratic risk factor. The findings are discussed in the light of different views of democracy and human rights and of ‘the ethos of the teacher’. The article considers the idea of zero tolerance and maintains that the findings are in line with the related tendency to consider youth as a risk, instead of being at risk.  相似文献   

This essay by Suzanne Rosenblith and Benjamin Bindewald is motivated by the question of how do those who value civic liberalism give the religiously orthodox a reason to engage in pluralist democratic deliberations in a manner that does not allow intolerance to undermine the foundations of liberal democracy. Introducing the idea of tolerance as mutuality — that is, a will to relationship — the authors argue, strikes a balance between those theories that are too demanding of the religiously orthodox and those that are not exacting enough. Applying the principle of tolerance as mutuality to the special space of public schools allows for a new way to conceptualize civic education in pluralist democracies.  相似文献   


With widespread media coverage of religious ‘extremism’, there is a great deal of interest in how religious identities and principles of tolerance – or intolerance – are learned and manifested. The current study investigates the extent to which high school Islamic Education textbooks reflect Islamic religious tolerance, and how this topic presented. A content analysis for religious-tolerance topics was conducted in the Islamic Education textbooks in Kuwaiti high schools; the results show that tolerance is mentioned much more often than intolerance, but there is still room for improvement.  相似文献   

Ambiguity tolerance and intolerance can influence one’s professional practice. The study of such influences remains sparse within the social work literature. Behaviors that reduce uncertainty, including categorizing or stereotyping, are used by those who feel discomfort in ambiguous situations. This study explores explore the relationship between Tolerance of Ambiguity and Acceptance of Stereotyping. Results of survey responses from 238 undergraduate students indicate that those less tolerant of ambiguity are more accepting of the use of stereotyping in everyday situations. Implications for social work education including the development of student self-awareness of discomfort in uncertainty, emergence of stereotyping behavior, and professional socialization of common attitudes toward and use of ambiguity in practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Millions of children in the United States are educated in the home. Millions more receive their education from private institutions. For parents, a common reason for seeking alternatives to public education is the desire to ensure that they receive instruction in accord with their religious beliefs. In many cases, these beliefs include exclusive claims about the nature of God, salvation, or morality. Recently, several scholars have argued that, to achieve a diverse and tolerant society, homeschooling and private education should be abolished or severely limited. They have contended that “a liberal multicultural education,” which will expose children to different ideas and perspectives, is necessary for the preservation of democratic values. Homeschooling, they claim, leads to close-mindedness and intolerance because children are taught to affirm certain beliefs which imply that not all other traditions are equally valid. The argument that homeschooling should be banned or severely restricted, however, relies on illiberal and intolerant premises that have already been discredited as inconsistent with our constitutional liberties. Although tolerance may be a valuable objective, it cannot be forcibly imposed by using the state's power to create philosophical homogeneity. True tolerance and diversity require a constitutional commitment to liberty for all, not a “constitutional norm” of silencing the “intolerant.”  相似文献   

跳动公差以其检测方便在回转类零件设计中被广泛使用。不少人认为:跳动公差是专为检测方便而设置的一种位置公差项目,国家标准形位公差(GB1182-80)也将跳动公差项目归类为位置公差。其实,跳动公差除了可以综合控制部分形位公差项目外,当跳动与零件的实际工作状态吻合时,就有其特定的功能和作用,所以说,跳动公差不是简单的位置公差,而是形位公差的综合项目。  相似文献   

论社会宽容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从主体的角度分类,有个体的宽容、社会的宽容和政党的宽容。而社会宽容是社会事实意义上的宽容,尽管它是无意志、无灵魂的宽容,但它是民众宽容和政党宽容的基础。社会安全阈限是社会宽容的重要标志,是社会容忍或允许威胁、危害、破坏社会正常秩序的事件、力量得以存在的最低限度。在这个意义上,秩序乃是最基础的价值系列。个体宽容以及民众宽容是个人对社会、他人、组织和政党之观念和行动的接受程度和容忍程度,包括物质宽容、心理宽容和精神宽容。在资源和财富短缺的社会,个体宽容更多地是生理宽容和物质宽容,而在一个财富相对丰富的社会,个体宽容日益表现为心理宽容和精神宽容,不是在身体和物质上容忍不了,而是在心理和精神上接受不了。在现代社会之社会宽容中,道德宽容变成了一个突出问题。政党宽容是对相异于自己的观念和行动的容忍限度,这种限度取决于社会结构:政治制度和体制、经济制度和体制,如在专制制度和民主制度之下,其政党宽容上就有极大区别。研究社会宽容是为了研究社会管理,研究一个和谐社会的基本机理,指明一种相对为好的社会宽容是如何建立起来的。  相似文献   

Several authors (Dreher &; Ash, 1990; Fagenson, 1989, 1992; Hunt &; Michael, 1983; Kram, 1985; Newby &; Heide, 1992; Scandura, 1992) have emphasized the importance of mentoring in facilitating onc's progress through a career in management. This paper presents a mentoring model that combines the various factors impinging on mentoring and the associated outcomes in a compre hensive framework. In the model, a set of antecedent mentor and protégé characteristics, including demogaphics and traits. lead to certain mentoring functions, which subsequently result in specified outcomes. The stages of a mentoring relationship—initiation, cultivation, and redefinition—are explained. Mentoring functions. relate both lo career mobility and personal achievement and growth. Mentoring benefits al1 parties—protégé, mentor, and organization. The model also includes intervening variables that modify the relationships among antecedents. mentoring stages and functions, and outcome variable. The paper outlines implications of and guidelines for mentoring in sport and physical education organizations.  相似文献   

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