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开放存取期刊目录(DOAJ)介绍与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开放存取期刊分散保存.保存方式各异等特点为科研工作者有效获取所需信息带来了障碍。DOAJ作为全球最具影响力的开放存取期刊数据库之一,致力于提高开放获取期刊论文的透明度、可用性和利用率。文章详细介绍了DOAJ的历史、收录标准、信息组织方式、服务内容以及数据覆盖范围;同时,还将其与J-STAGE、SciELO、HighWire等几个具有代表性的期刊数据库在收录范围、学科分布、检索方式、服务内容等方面进行了比较;最后,提出了DOAJ对我国开展开放存取期刊整合工作的启示。该文为《数字图书馆论坛》2009年第11期本期话题“OpenAccess”的文章之一。  相似文献   

文章采用网络和文献调研法,结合Excel统计分析,对DOAJ收录的68种中文开放获取期刊的学科领域、许可协议类型、质量控制及收费政策等方面进行调研,以期为中国中文学术期刊实现国际化、规范化的开放获取出版提供参考。中国学术期刊应继续加强期刊质量建设,培养国际化编辑人才,积极加入国际主流数据库;并通过完善国家政策法规,大力宣传开放科学的重要意义,搭建适合中国国情的开放获取出版平台,从而提升期刊国际影响力。  相似文献   

方卿  王珏 《出版科学》2011,(6):67-70
采用总被引频次这一衡量期刊学术质量的重要指标,从时间、学科和地域三个维度对2006—2010年《期刊引证报告》()收录的DOAJ期刊总被引频次进行系统分析,考察开放存取期刊的学术质量状况。  相似文献   

开放获取期刊利用效率不高的主要原因之一是用户对其分布情况不甚了解.以DOAJ收录我国出版的开放获取期刊为样本,详细分析其学科、出版语言、创刊时间和出版机构的分布情况,并针对其存在的问题提出具体解决方案,以提高我国开放获取期刊的利用效率.  相似文献   

OA作为新世纪兴起的学术期刊交流和出版模式,日益得到学术界、出版界和图书情报界的重视.DOAJ是目前全球最有影响力的开放存取期刊目录,收录全球LIS期刊146种,这些期刊具有分布范围广、出版语种多、收录时间长、内容质量高等特点,我国台湾地区有6种期刊被收录,大陆地区64种期刊没有1种参加DOAJ.随着OA理念的深入与发展,国内LIS期刊认同OA出版的会逐渐增多.  相似文献   

论文利用DOAJ开放存取期刊目录,对DOAJ收录的我国开放存取期刊进行统计分析。结果表明:相比较于西方发达国家和巴西、印度、埃及等发展中国家,我国开放存取期刊发展滞后。针对上述状况,政府、期刊和科研人员三方应当共同努力,以推动我国开放存取期刊快速、健康的发展。  相似文献   

开放存取期刊是实现开放存取的黄金途径.对开放存取期刊目录DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)的各项特征进行了评析,指出DOAJ界面设计合理,内容丰富;收录期刊学科主题齐全,更新频率快;检索功能较强大,检索效率高以及关注细节,注重与用户的沟通和交流等特点,同时提出DOAJ需要改进的部分.  相似文献   

开放存取(OA)期刊作为一种新的学术交流模式,为科研人员获取科研信息提供了新渠道,但仍有不少科研人员对OA期刊持有保留、怀疑、甚至反对的态度,主要原因在于不信任OA期刊的质量。通过以DOAJ收录的0A期刊作为研究对象,分析OA期刊的总体质量,并且从多个方面对SCI收录的OA期刊进行了深入分析与评价。研究表明OA期刊质量已经超越了学术期刊的平均水平,建议重视OA期刊,充分利用OA期刊,使其成为现有馆藏资源的重要补充。  相似文献   

王珏  方卿 《出版科学》2011,(6):74-78
运用即年指标这一评价期刊学术质量的重要指标,系统分析2006—2010年收录DOAJ期刊即年指标随时间、学科和地域三个维度变化的情况,以了解开放存取期刊的学术质量。  相似文献   

王珏  方卿 《出版科学》2011,(6):70-74
依据影响因子这一评价期刊学术质量的最重要指标,从时间、学科和地域三个维度对2006—2010年收录的DOAJ期刊进行系统分析,旨在从影响因子视角考察开放存取期刊的学术质量状况。  相似文献   

Li Sun 《Learned Publishing》2019,32(3):207-211
Researchers applauded Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)’s new selection criteria that removed many existing journals from its index because they are ‘Not Adhering to Best Practice’. However, many of these journals have acceptable scholarly quality. The present study compares such removed journals to a trustworthy bibliometric database, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (the Scopus Database). It finds many overlaps. Some of the overlapping journals have a high score in the SCImago ranks. This paper calls for a more transparent process of journal reviews by DOAJ or even a re‐examination of the selection criteria and/or the evaluation process.  相似文献   

This study examines the payment policies of a list of standalone predatory open access journals available on scholarlyoa.com . It is found that 72% do charge article publication fees (APCs), which is a higher percentage than found in DOAJ journals. The mean number of articles published during 2013 was 227, but ranged from 4 to 2,286 articles. The majority of journals charge low APCs and can be assumed to have modest annual incomes. There was no correlation between the amount of APC charged and the number of articles published. Comparing the number of journals charging APCs compared to the percentage from DOAJ, the findings suggest a connection between predatory practices and charging author fees. However, a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of open access journal publishing beyond author charges should be done to avoid using APCs alone as a measure of whether a journal is predatory or not.  相似文献   

国内外开放获取期刊现状调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对DOAJ、HighWire出版社期刊开放仓储网络平台、日本科技信息网络电子平台、巴西科学在线图书馆、BioMed Central开放获取期刊网络出版平台等8个知名的期刊数据库/检索平台进行统计,将开放存取期刊按照出版社、ISSN、期刊名称、数据库检索平台、学科分类及出版国家信息以Excel列表。将统计所得的数据与艾利贝斯公司SFX知识库中的开放存取期刊列表去重合并,截止2009年3月,共统计开放存取期刊12531种,并以此数据为基础对国内外开放存取期刊现状进行研究。  相似文献   

This study aims to present a quantitative analysis of open access (OA) journals in the field of medicine indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The bibliographic data for this study was extracted from DOAJ and inserted into an Excel sheet for analysis. The retrieved data was analyzed by using different quantitative techniques to disclose the findings. The findings disclosed that 3627 OA journals related to the field of medicine are indexed in DOAJ, which represents a substantial increase from just 8 in 2002. Moreover, most of the medical journals (n = 1874 or 51.7%) do not charge any Author Processing Charges (APC) from the authors. The United Kingdom leads the world with 878 (24%) open access journal titles, whereas English is the top language of publication with 3149 (86.8%) OA journals in medicine. Elsevier is the leading publisher with 236 (6.5%) journal titles. A majority of the journals (n = 1595 or 44%) follow a double blind, peer-review process. About 2046 (56.4%) journals publish their contents under the Creative Commons (CC BY) licensing model to enable access and use of scholarly content for educational purposes.  相似文献   

Not all the journals included in credible indices meet the ethical rules of COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME, and there may also be trustworthy journals excluded from these indices, which means they cannot be used as whitelists for trustworthy journals. Equally, the many methods suggested to determine trustworthiness are not reliable because they include questionable criteria. The question arises whether valid criteria for identifying an untrustworthy journal can be determined and whether other assessment procedures are necessary. Since 2017, the Masaryk University Campus Library has been developing a suitable evaluation method for journals. A list of 19 criteria based on those originally suggested by Beall, COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME were reduced to 10 objectively verifiable criteria following two workshops with librarians. An evaluation of 259 biomedical journals using both the list of 19 and then 10 criteria revealed that 74 journals may have been incorrectly assessed as untrustworthy using the longer list. The most common reason for failure to comply was in the provision of sufficient editorial information and declaration of article processing charges. However, our investigation revealed that no criteria can reliably identify predatory journals. Therefore, a complex evaluation is needed combining objectively verifiable criteria with analysis of a journal's content and knowledge of the journal's background.  相似文献   

以“互联网+”思维为基础,研究国际上几个代表性OA出版平台如DOAJ、BMC、PLoS的运营模式,分析国内外政府机构对OA出版的资金和政策支持,提出一套系统性的改革方案.认为基于互联网的数字出版模式渐成趋势,我国学术期刊应运用互联网思维改革办刊模式,开发自主云出版平台,创办一批国际领先水平的高质量OA英文期刊,在推动国内现有英文期刊精品化、国际化的同时,促进中文期刊可持续发展,从而整体提升我国学术期刊的综合影响力.  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics of 462 open access (OA) journals being published in India under the green, gold and hybrid models. The sample of journals was selected from DOAJ, IndianJournal.com and Open J‐Gate. Journal characteristics were measured in terms of growth, subjects, publishers, and citations under each model. While characteristics such as growth, subject, and publisher have been identified by exploring the journal's website only, the citation count of these journals has been calculated by using Google Scholar and the Indian Citation Index. The gold road is now the most popular form of OA publishing in the subcontinent. There is a great variation in the size of OA journals and in their publishers. One publisher has more than 77 journals, but 264 publishers publish a single journal only. Overall, the OA journal landscape is greatly influenced by a few key publishers and journals. While 43% of journals charge publication fees and the fees vary from as low as US$10 to as high as US$400, the highest impact factor of the gold OA journals has been noted as 0.58. The data presented here suggest that publication fees are not a major barrier to authorship within the fields of computer science, pharmacy, and medicine.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]通过对PIE-J的系统解析,使PIE-J在中国获得更多的关注与了解,以期电子期刊供应链上的各方合作优化电子期刊元数据,解决电子期刊难以搜寻这个长期困扰各方的问题。[方法/过程]通过归纳、实例分析等方法对PIE-J的制定背景、意义、主要内容、应用情况及其对中国电子期刊展示与标识的启示进行分析。[结果/结论]PIE-J通过简明的语言和形象的例子对电子期刊元数据的标识进行详细指引,可提高开放链接质量,提高使用者对期刊文章的查找效率和准确率,进一步完善与发展电子期刊。在我国目前尚未出台电子期刊标识标准的情况下,中国电子期刊出版商或供应商如能参照PIE-J优化电子期刊元数据,对于提高自身产品的竞争力,促进国内及海外市场的开拓将大有裨益。  相似文献   

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