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实地参观是博物馆学习中的一种常见且重要的形式。到科技博物馆实地参观,被许多中小学作为校内科学课学习的补充。美国研究人员以纽约市8年级学生为研究对象,通过分析2007—2012年学生去科技博物馆参观的情况和学生们在州级标准化测试中科学科目成绩数据之间的关系研究发现:实地参观体验对于8年级学生的科学课成绩有一定的积极影响,特别是对西班牙裔学生和享受免费午餐的学生有更大影响。这一基于观众调查和大量数据分析的研究内容、数据分析过程及其研究结果等,对我国的相关研究及博物馆实践都具有启发意义。  相似文献   

环境心理学致力于研究个人及其周围环境之间的相互作用,可以帮助博物馆实现更好的教育效果。本研究以环境心理学中环境—行为关系为理论视角,剖析科普展览中的环境—行为关系,解读科普展览如何从生理、心理、价值观层面对观众进行唤醒并产生效果,最终实现展览的教育目标。本研究以成都博物馆“人与自然:贝林捐赠展”为研究对象,采用非参与式观察法、访谈法及内容分析法了解科普展览对观众的唤醒方式及效果,并且在此基础上从三个层面提出展览设计思路建议,以利科普展览更好地实现教育目的。  相似文献   

博物馆陈列语言是沟通观众和展览的重要媒介。如何合理利用陈列语言,将实物与多媒体互动设备、情境再现、活态演示等非语言表达方式联动起来,向观众有效传递信息,是博物馆进行陈列语言设计的重要思考点。本文以认知负荷理论为基础,阐明不合理的陈列语言设计会引起观众内在和外在认知负荷的增加,导致其学习效果下降。对此提出陈列语言设计要利用逐步呈现信息、展品样例、整合的信息源、多通道、嵌入支架的展示方法,降低观众的内在和外在认知负荷,有效地增加相关认知负荷,从而减轻观众参观过程中所需的认知努力,提升展览传播效果,促进观众学习。  相似文献   

如何改变“自上而下”的传统模式,形成“以观众为中心”的展览设计机制,是当前许多科技馆感到困惑、正在探索的命题。厦门科技馆在“问问大海”展览的设计过程中,调研观众所关心的海洋问题,从“观众问题”中提炼展览主题、延伸展览内容、指导展览设计,并采用“基于展品的问题制学习”来设计观众的展览参观过程及教育活动,借助问题引导观众在参观学习过程中更好地探索知识、科学思考,发挥展览的科普价值。  相似文献   

博物馆观众研究是博物馆实践及博物馆学研究的重要组成部分。梳理中国观众研究的发展历程,一方面有助于理解现阶段国内观众研究实践的发展脉络、现状及趋势,另一方面有助于探索观众研究的学科体系。本文以1984年至2020年2月间在国内公开发表的190篇文献为研究对象,通过将这些成果划分为“观众研究”“观众评估”和“理论方法”三个类别,来阐述国内博物馆观众研究的发展特征。结果显示,在国内的观众研究发展结构中,“研究”始终占据主导地位,“评估”上升趋势显著,对“理论方法”的讨论趋于平稳。国内观众研究发展的动力一方面源于内在的学术与实践经验自然累积,另一方面源于外部博物馆免费开放政策施加的强烈催化。  相似文献   

观众在博物馆中如何学习、学习效果如何评量等问题长期受到研究者的关注。观众对话作为参观学习的体现,是探究博物馆学习过程的重要材料。基于此,苏·艾伦采用社会文化视角,透过参观过程中的观众对话寻找学习的证据。本文主要目的是介绍该研究的研究问题、研究发现、方法论框架、数据收集与分析等方面的内容,以期为国内博物馆观众研究领域提供一种新的视角。  相似文献   

当前科技馆儿童展厅展览设计存在过早学科化和过度娱乐化的问题。本文将儿童认知发展理论、教育游戏理论和情境学习理论相结合,认为儿童科学教育应构建一个能激励儿童探索欲望,还原科学实验的过程和相关方法,可以让儿童获得“直接经验”的有故事有温度的真实情境,以此激发儿童的创造力和提高科学学习的兴趣。通过对沙迦探索中心和日本大阪儿童博物馆的分析,强调以儿童视角来模拟体验真实世界的生活场景这一方式,为创新设计儿童展厅的新理念提供思路。  相似文献   

我国博物馆出于文物保护的目的,通常采用“物以类聚”的文物分类方法,根据质地将文物分为不同类型进行分类保护。文物专题展览是综合类及历史类博物馆的重要展览类型之一,与基本陈列不同,更多地从艺术、题材、文化、流传等方面展现某类文物的内在演进逻辑,且更注重视觉表达。在策展过程中,策展人员要充分分析本馆展览定位、馆藏优势、目标观众等,以避免出现“千展一面”的尴尬局面。  相似文献   

博物馆观众研究逐渐成为博物馆研究的一个重要分支领域。作为博物馆运行评估中的重要内容,科学准确地获得观众意见已经成为博物馆的常态化工作。当前,关于家庭观众的行为和特点已经有不少研究成果,但在案例的丰富性、问题意识和研究深度上仍有所欠缺。本研究以常州博物馆所属少儿自然博物馆为案例,采用跟踪观察及个别访谈的研究方法,结合问卷调查数据,对目的地选择(即家庭观众如何选择博物馆或展览)、展项或活动的使用、亲子关系在参观学习中的互动性(行为与表现)以及博物馆空间的影响等四个议题做了分析,所得结论具有一定代表性和比较价值。  相似文献   

基于共同创造的视角,对博物馆在观众参与的过程中,如何实现展览教育的创新发展进行探究。在共同创造的视角下,打开观众参与谱系的后三个阶段和参与创造性控制框架三个层次之间的“黑箱”,从而探索利用共同创造实现博物馆展览教育创新发展的过程模型。研究发现在观众参与谱系与参与创造性控制框架的各阶段特点和各层次特点会相互影响,最终形成一个动态的观众参与过程。这些分析细化后的共同创造的过程路径有利于博物馆展览教育的创新发展,也对我国博物馆展览中的观众参与的创新发展具有启发和指导意义。  相似文献   

观众参观时间是博物馆观众研究的重要内容之一,反映了观众对展览的关注程度。本文利用跟踪观察法调查了2014—2019年天津自然博物馆新馆生态厅的观众有效参观时间以及展板和多媒体的使用情况。结果发现:观众有效参观时间总体偏短,且在不同人群差异不显著,但在不同展区差异明显。在影响观众有效参观时间的重要因素中,标本大小和标本珍稀度是关键因素。观众对展板和多媒体的利用率均较低。为提高观众有效参观时间,建议为观众提供讲解、合理分配展品、适当延长展线、展板和多媒体要少而精且内容应及时更新等。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper explores the beneficial outcomes that visitors seek and obtain from a museum visit, in terms that are not related to learning outcomes. It uses a deductive qualitative approach to investigate the meaning and value of a museum visit from the visitors' perspective. Three different levels of the meaning of the experience are considered: the attributes of the setting that visitors value; the experiences they engage in; and the benefits they derive. The findings confirm the importance of the “satisfying experiences” framework for understanding visitor experiences in museums, and extend this understanding in relation to the beneficial outcomes these experiences produce. The study also highlights the importance of “restoration” as an outcome of a museum visit. It is argued that the concept of the museum as a restorative environment, which enables visitors to relax and recover from the stresses of life, is worthy of further research attention. These insights will enable museum practitioners to better understand and meet their visitors' multiple needs and expectations.  相似文献   

Museums, art galleries, botanical gardens, national parks, science centers, zoos, aquaria and historic sites are important public learning institutions. The free‐choice learning offered in these settings is closely linked to visitors' intrinsic motivation, making it important to understand the motivational factors that impact on visitors' experiences. This paper presents data from a questionnaire administered to visitors at three sites: a museum, an art gallery, and an aquarium. Similarities and differences among the sites are reported in relation to visitors' expectations, perceptions of learning opportunities, engagement in motivated learning behaviors, and perceptions of the learning experience. The importance of learning to museum visitors and the unique opportunities and challenges of the museum in relation to other educational leisure settings are discussed. The authors argue that the study of motivational factors might contribute to the development of a common theoretical foundation for interpretation in museums and other informal learning settings.  相似文献   

Collaborative exhibitions built by aboriginal communities and museums often seek to reposition aboriginal peoples as the authors and experts of their cultures, and to assert their active and continued presence in the contemporary world. This article explores the impact of collaborative exhibitions on museum visitors' experiences and their potential to reshape the public's perception of aboriginal peoples. Interviews conducted with visitors to Nitsitapiisinni: Our Way of Life, a permanent exhibition created by Blackfoot Elders and museum staff at the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, demonstrate that museum visitors rarely recognized the extent of the collaboration, and thus rarely equated Nitsitapiisinni with concepts of self‐representation or self‐determination. However, other messages were successfully communicated to museum visitors, namely the impact of colonialism, the efforts to revitalize Blackfoot culture, and the importance of Blackfoot spirituality. This study provides some interesting insights about public perceptions that will help promote deeper reflection on the issues surrounding collaboratively developed exhibitions and the first‐person authorship of First Nations cultures.  相似文献   

在当今社会,博物馆为提升全民素质起到越来越重要的作用。为了更好地发挥博物馆的社会教育功能,博物馆馆员在教育活动设计或者展览设计的过程中有必要了解观众的参观需求以及参观偏好。因此,为了体现“以观众为中心”的工作理念,作者从“观众”的视角,对一次博物馆的参观体验进行观察和反思。本次探索发现,由于观众自身所处的社会文化背景的差异,他们面对同一件展品有着不同的关注点和兴趣点。这种差异性提醒博物馆馆员在与观众进行互动的过程中,需要了解观众的不同需求和不同偏好。并且,这种参观视角的多样性也为博物馆的教育工作提供了创意的源泉。  相似文献   

The purposes of museums and those of their visitors often have little in common—despite the growing body of knowledge about museum learning and visitors' motivations. Based on concepts of experiential learning envisioned a century ago by the American educator and philosopher John Dewey, this paper explores bringing those purposes into closer alignment. A re‐evaluation of several factors—including criteria of experience, content organization, and the nature of inquiry—could lead to exhibitions more closely aligned with visitors' processes of self‐motivated activity and museums' goals for informal learning. One way is to shape exhibits and activity around problematical situations developed out of the exhibit experience itself and shaped by visitors' own purposes. By shifting focus from knowledge taxonomies to problem‐solving situations, museums could increase their exhibitions' potential for providing engaging educational experiences to visitors.  相似文献   

Abstract To evaluate visitors' use of the exhibitions and the communication strategy of the Milan Natural History Museum, we compared results gathered with two methods, based respectively on the timing of visitors and on the unobtrusive observation of exhibit‐use behaviors. We collected data from a sample of 100 groups of visitors (not guided), randomly selected at the museum entrance. We recorded the following data for each group: halls visited, length of stay in each hall, any kind of behavior showing visitor/exhibition interaction and the displays where interactions occurred. The study shows that visiting time does not give enough information about the actual use of exhibits by the audience. The investigation of visitor/exhibition interactions revealed itself to be the most usual method to describe the visitors' use of the exhibitions. The most important factor influencing visits to the Milan Natural History Museum is the communication technique used in the exhibition areas.  相似文献   

西班牙国家科技博物馆(阿尔科文达斯馆)在常设展览的设计中,致力于在经典科学实验的器材等“科学遗产”与现代科学中心互动展品之间建立起双向联系,使参观者通过两者的相似性,领悟互动展品对人类科学探索历程的刻画与诠释。本文通过对西班牙国家科技博物馆历史沿革的追溯,及阿尔科文达斯馆展览架构和展品设置的分析,尝试探讨该科学博物馆在展览设计方面的独创性,融合科学工业博物馆与科学中心特点的设计思路,以及它对国内科学博物馆展览设计的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article presents the background, methodology, and results of a yearlong study of visitor motivation conducted by the Visitor Research Team (VRT) of Winterthur, a Delaware decorative arts museum. The article details the VRT's use of focus groups to determine what really motivates visitors to attend museums. Study results are consistent with recent work in the field showing that learning and recreation are the primary motivations behind museum visitation. Visitors valued museums as places for active, personal learning through the observation of objects and as outlets for physical and mental relaxation and escapism. Results also show that Winterthur visitors ascribe meanings to the words learning and recreation that are different from education and entertainment. The author calls on museums to discover the needs of their audiences and to design marketing and programming using visitors' vocabularies to promote and provide meaningful museum experiences.  相似文献   

展览是博物馆的核心工作之一,也是博物馆服务社会最普遍和最直接的途径。《博物馆展览策划:理念与实务》一书作者结合多年的博物馆理论研究和博物馆展览策划实践经验,直击当下我国博物馆展览策划的核心问题,对现代博物馆陈列展览策划所应遵循的理念、工作流程和工作规范进行了详细阐述,为当前及未来一段时期内我国博物馆的展览策划工作提出了极为具象的实践指南。  相似文献   

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