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基于"三次售卖理论"的赢利模式体系构建与运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际流行的"三次售卖理论",是指在欧美发达国家期刊经营的三种商业模式.第一次售卖是指"卖内容",以精彩的内容吸引读者,扩大发行量,使杂志有可能获得发行收入.第二次售卖是"卖读者群",一定数量、相对固定的读者群成为广告收入的基础.第三次售卖则是出售期刊的品牌资源,利用品牌资源发展衍生产品.  相似文献   

目前,在我国期刊盈利模式的深化还处于不断探索的背景下,“三次售卖”理论已得到了期刊界的普遍认可.它是指期刊市场化过程中的三种不同层次的具体盈利模式,也是衡量期刊市场化营运水平的主要标准.在学术期刊的“三次售卖”中,“第三次售卖”的发展后劲最足,在欧美发达国家已有许多成功典范.近年来,国内一批先知先觉的学术期刊出版单位已经注意到“第三次售卖”的重要性,率先对“第三次售卖”进行了探索和实践,并取得了一定的成效.笔者通过测绘出版社编辑出版的《测绘学报》(以下简称《学报》)、《测绘通报》(以下简称《通报》)杂志在以品牌资源为核心的衍生产品开发方面的实践,探讨“第三次售卖”理论(第一次售卖是指“卖内容”;第二次售卖是“卖读者群”;第三次售卖则是“卖品牌”)在学术期刊发展与经营中的运用.  相似文献   

“三次售卖”——“卖内容”、“卖读者”、“卖品牌”——是科技期刊市场化的具体赢利模式。其中,品牌是科技期刊的生命力,品牌运作是期刊市场化运作的最终目标。本文以《中国国家地理》成功实现“三次售卖”的实践为例,阐述了品牌化三部曲(品牌定位、品牌推广和品牌延伸)的具体运作方式,为科技期刊走向深度市场化,实现“三次售卖”提供了可资借鉴的经验  相似文献   

李海燕 《出版广角》2015,(4):102-104
期刊的“三次售卖”分别是指卖内容、卖广告、卖品牌,其理论实质是价值链的构建、整合;延伸过程中价值塑造、价值整合与放大及价值延伸等三个价值链模块的轮次增值及其实现问题。文章对期刊“三次售卖”的含义及其内容做了阐释,并用案例阐述了“三次售卖”理论下期刊核心竞争力的提升路径。  相似文献   

范以锦在2008年第四期《今传媒》发表《传媒营销的特点及创新》一文,指出:报纸要产生利润,必须经过二次销售才能实现。因为,大多数报纸售卖后收回的报费是无法维持报纸的生产成本的,卖得越多亏得越多。第一次售卖是亏本的。第一次在卖产品的时候,将整张报纸卖出去,实际上是在营销“影响力”。有了影响力,广告客户产生浓厚兴趣后便投放广告。报社进行第二次销售,“卖”一些版面,也就是客户交了广告费报社就给版面刊发广告。  相似文献   

后发行时代传媒的“供求关系”步入了买方市场,期刊的商业运作模式发展到了三次售卖的阶段.我国期刊需要建立品牌营销战略,通过拓展品牌效应,建立和延伸产业价值链,以创新理念实现行业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

叶新  柳春  尹璐 《出版参考》2013,(7):39-40
到上世纪90年代初,美国大部分杂志出版商就自觉地进入了第三次售卖(品牌售卖)阶段,品牌授权经营、衍生实体产品开发方兴未艾,而以"经验售卖"为主的定制出版业务也蓬勃兴起。进入新世纪以来,随着数字传播技术的发展、杂志出版商B2B出版能力的提升、客户营销服务的强劲需求,包括赫斯特、梅里迪斯、罗德尔、时代公司在内的美国大杂志出版商也从杂志出版业务拓展到了整合营销服务领域,把自己打造成了传媒经营和营销服务公司。在美国从事定制出版乃至内容营销的诸多杂志出版商  相似文献   

期刊品牌:创意也疯狂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
期刊竞争呼唤品牌营销 80年代期刊卖产品,90年代期刊卖广告,新世纪期刊卖品牌,一位期刊界资深人士的见解,表明从产品营销为主和广告营销为主转向以品牌营销为核心,已经和正式成为现代期刊世界性的竞争趋势。 期刊的产品营销阶段,主要是把期刊当作实物形态的文化产品来经营,以获取期刊的发行利润为目标,其经营活动局限于期刊的编辑——发行——再编辑——再发行的循环圈内,这种营销层面在一定程度  相似文献   

到上世纪90年代初,美国大部分杂志出版商就自觉地进入了第三次售卖(品牌售卖)阶段,品牌授权经营、衍生实体产品开发方兴未艾,而以"经验售卖"为主的定制出版业务也蓬勃兴起.进入新世纪以来,随着数字传播技术的发展、杂志出版商B2B出版能力的提升、客户营销服务的强劲需求,包括赫斯特、梅里迪斯、罗德尔、时代公司在内的美国大杂志出版商也从杂志出版业务拓展到了整合营销服务领域,把自己打造成了传媒经营和营销服务公司. 在美国从事定制出版乃至内容营销的诸多杂志出版商中,梅里迪斯公司无疑是其中的佼佼者.梅里迪斯整合营销公司(Meredith Integrated Marketing,MIM)是其母公司业务转型的探路者,不仅在梅里迪斯国家媒体集团(The National Media)收入中占到约20%的份额,而且还获得了包括"珍珠奖"(Pearl Award)在内的多个传媒大奖,值得大书特书.  相似文献   

纸媒赢利,赢在"二次售卖",即以新闻信息卖受众眼球,以受众眼球卖广告信息.如火如荼的报网融合给纸媒带来了什么?其信息产品被廉价或无价地融合进了网媒;其原有受众不断向网络迁移;其"新闻+广告"的二次售卖模式也被网媒牢牢套用……报网融合,初衷是为纸媒赢取平台、赢在长远、赢得永续,可眼下,纸媒渐成网媒的"打工仔",网络蛋糕(基于纸媒信息而生的77.2%网络新闻阅读份额)的分割与讨要正在无序的融合中变得日益艰难.  相似文献   

Compared to previous research studying movie advertising focusing on traditional advertising, this study introduce location-based ads (LBA), an important new media advertising, to raise limited coverage of traditional movie advertising. This study explores the role of LBA in generating ticket sales dynamically and compares it with that of pop-up window ads (PWA). Using daily aggregate cinema sales data on about three million consumers, developed time-series models reveal that (a) LBA can affect ticket sales in short and long terms, and its sales impact can last for 9 days across audience segments; (b) compared to low involvement audience segments, sales impact of LBA is 15 times larger for high involvement audience segment in long term; (c) ticket sales impact of LBA are cumulatively 3 times and 47 times stronger than those of PWA in low involvement audience segment and high involvement audience segment, respectively.  相似文献   

Information on products, markets, distribution channels, sales management, the production and survival of sales personnel, sales results, consumer preferences, and purchasing habits is the lifeblood of the Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association's business. The library is its best-known information service and member companies are encouraged to use the library as a resource. The library provides information on all facets of marketing operations, based on a collection of materials covering all distribution systems. The library also works to stay on top of new developments in group insurance, pension, and health insurance marketing as well as those relating to individual life insurance.  相似文献   

Managers predict the sales of new entertainment products prior to their release using comparables, such as similar books from the same author or movies with the same actors. In this study, the authors analyze whether diffusion models for media products provide helpful support in the management task of predicting prelaunch sales of the first distribution channel for three different product categories. They compare the performance of predictions based on (a) simple success factor regressions (OLS) and (b) diffusion models against real management predictions. Based on samples covering the German music, film, and the literary market, we show that model-based forecasts outperform the forecasts of management teams for the majority of the products. In contrast, management is superior in forecasting top sellers. This is due to unobserved factors arising from more management attention attached towards super stars. The authors do not find substantial prediction differences between simple success factor regressions and more complex diffusion models. Thus, managers interested in total sales estimates can easily rely on OLS based success factor predictions. Advertising and product differentiation factors with respect to quality (e.g., star power, critics, or country of origin) are across all 3 industries highly relevant for sales predictions, whereas others variables (e.g., price, distribution power, season, or competition) differ across industries.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the federal government, Congress has functioned as its publisher — the manager and director of government printing operations. Initially performed by private printers through lucrative contracts, production was statutorily vested in the Government Printing Office (GPO) in 1860 to assure efficient, economical, and quality printing. Over the past century and a half, however, changes in technology, law, and constitutional relationships have eroded arrangements for the public printing system. Information products printed by GPO in the past may now be agency-generated and made directly available to the public through agency Web sites or social media, with the result that congressional general management of the publication system is seemingly decreasing, at least in terms of GPO workload, publication accountability, and document sales. While it is unlikely that Congress will reduce or vacate its publisher capacity anytime soon, some adjustment of the scope of that role and related management capability may appropriately be in order.  相似文献   

The K-12 instructional materials market, including textbooks, supplemental materials, and digital resources, totaled $16.4 billion in sales in the 2009–2010 school year. It is projected that sales in 2010–2011 will be $16.4 billion in sales in the 2009–2010 school year. It is projected that sales in 2010–2011 will be 17.3 billion, a 5.3% year-to-year increase. There has been a slow down in this market, starting in 2006–2007 and intensifying in 2008–2009, yet the K-12 school market continues to grow at a steady pace despite fluctuations in the U.S. economy. The fundamental fact that student enrollment and per pupil expenditures continue to increase assures us that the K-12 market continues to grow, but it also reinforces the fact that recent years were not banner years for educational publishers. Looking at sales of particular categories of educational products, it is easy to see that the technology-related resources led the pack in a generally difficult sales year in 2009. Big jumps were recorded in terms of sales of interactive whiteboards (+33.98%), online/digital content (+19.0%), and learning management or student information systems (+11.3%) and, to a lesser extent, computing/mobile devices (+3.0%), and instructional software (+1.2%). Looked at another way, if all of the digital product applications are grouped together, this group was up a strong 11.3% in 2009, while the various types of books used by students, as a group, was down 12.7%. These results make it evident that digital resources have not only gained traction in the K-12 school market, they are starting to dominate. In fact, 2009 may be the first year that it became necessary for a company to be heavily invested in digital content/delivery in order to achieve sales success in the non-textbook instructional materials market segment.  相似文献   


This conceptual paper is based on two propositions: 1.) An efficient flexibility management is a critical success factor for media companies. 2.) The concept of real options theory (ROT) aims at improving a company's flexibility management. As a consequence, it is analysed how ROT can contribute to the flexibility management in media companies. In this context, two research issues are investigated. First, it is shown that real options as substantiations of flexibility are of great importance for media companies: In doing so, it is outlined that options which focus on a company's fixed costs management and options which aim at improving a company's sales situation are of high relevance for all segments in the media industry. Contrarily, options which focus on a company's variable costs are only relevant for media companies engaged in the print segment. Second, it is illustrated how ROT can contribute to the reactive and proactive management of flexibility in media companies.  相似文献   

图书馆大学生社团建设的实践与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章就图书馆开展大学生社团建设实践活动来完善图书馆的服务功能,吸引读者、提高藏书利用率、完善服务功能、营造学习氛围等问题进行了论述,对图书馆大学生社团建设的作用进行了分析,指出了图书馆社团建设实践活动的开展必须认识到位,管理到位,要为学生社团的发展提供广阔的煅炼舞台与环境。  相似文献   

  • The new edition of Selling Rights by Lynette Owen is an opportunity to pause and take stock of the changes and challenges for rights people at the turn of the decade.
  • Revenues accruing to UK publishers from rights sales has increased by over 22% in the past 5 years.
  • The recent and controversial European Union Copyright Directive and Brexit will undoubtedly impact selling rights, but as yet, we do not know what that impact will be.
  • Technology plays a role both in changing the kinds of rights being licensed and in helping the management of rights sales to be carried out more efficiently.
  • It is vital that rights metadata is developed and implemented to ensure improved efficiency in rights management.
  • Rights Management Practice will need to evolve in response to the climate emergency.

This paper uses time series data on UK book sales to establish what correlation exists between the national income of a country and its sales of books. This is tested by comparing series data in real terms for GDP per capita and for various data series for the UK market, including sales invoiced by publishers and point of sale data on consumer purchasing. The first period, from 1985 to 1999, shows a strong relationship between total sales and GDP per capita. In the second period, from 2001 to 2015, the link appears to disappear when we examine invoiced sales from publishers, even before the impact of the 2008 crisis. This is also including the growth of digital sales towards the end of the period. The direct consumer data shows sales tracking GDP until the onset of the financial crisis; thereafter the only trade sector to have kept pace with GDP is children’s, and this contrasts with the areas of adult fiction and non-fiction. Have we therefore seen a structural shift in the book market? If we have passed peak book, what has brought about this uncoupling of book sales from economic growth? Factors are considered including changes in retail, competition from other media, and a prioritization of experience over the accumulation of stuff.  相似文献   

文章介绍了国外电子出版商发展现状及主要商业模式,从图书馆角度分析了各商业模式的利弊,指出图书馆应根据自身及销售模式特点采取相应的采购对策,同时不断加强电子资源集成揭示与版权使用管理,以提升图书馆电子资源建设的合理性和完整性。  相似文献   

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