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高校图书馆在信息服务均等化进程中的优势与策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息服务均等化是公共服务均等化的一个重要组成部分.实现信息服务的均等化,是消除贫困、促进经济发展、构建和谐社会的重要条件之一.图书馆作为社会信息资源的最主要载体,是推进信息服务均等化的主力军.本文分析了信息服务均等化的源头、图书馆推进信息服务均等化的背景和高校图书馆在信息服务均等化进程中所具备的优势,探讨了高校图书馆推进信息服务均等化的四条策略.  相似文献   

21世纪是知识和信息的时代,图书馆作为信息枢纽和公益性科学文化传播的重要园地,在社会经济发展中的地位越来越重要。高校图书馆肩负着培养和造就国家未来建设人才的神圣职责,因此,研究和探索做好高校图书馆读者服务工作的途径,提高读者服务质量,是人们普遍关注的问题。  相似文献   

首先介绍了高校图书馆创新信息服务的重要意义,结合高校图书馆信息服务实际提出了有针对性的改进措施,其研究目的是为了提升高校图书馆深层次信息服务水平,充分发挥其对促进高校产学研工作的重要作用,为学校和社会提供全方位的信息服务,切实实现图书馆促进社会教育进步的功能。  相似文献   

董丽波 《图书馆》1994,(6):68-69
高校图书馆怎样面向市场经济服务董丽波竞争日益激烈的市场经济使人们普遍认识到:物质资源的价值和重要性相对下降,知识、信息的力量将超越物质力量。高校图书馆作为文献信息资源的重要集散地,因而越来越受到社会的重视。高校图书馆利用自己拥有的文献信息资源优势,专...  相似文献   

高校图书馆作为文献信息中心,在社会信息系统中具有很重要的地位和作用。加之社会多样化的信息需求,为其开展社会化服务提供了施展才华的“舞台”,相对于其他类型图书馆的资源优势、人才优势、设备优势为其开展社会化服务提供了条件。校内读者信息需求的集中性和阶段性使其开展社会化服务成为可能。因此,通过创新来提高高校图书馆社会化服务水平,无疑具有很重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

浅谈高校图书馆向社会开放   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代市场经济最显著的特征就是竞争的不断加剧。各行各业要想生存和发展,必须加强对市场信息的搜集、沟通和反馈,这样它们才能站在行业发展的前列。作为信息集散地的图书馆,自然应起到举足轻重的作用。所以,高校图书馆向社会开放,是社会用户的必然需求,是经济发展的需要。同时,高校图书馆为社会用户提供高水准的信息服务,也促进了自身的发展。高校图书馆向社会开放是高校图书馆和社会用户最好的双向选择。1高校图书馆向社会开放的条件与优势11高校图书馆向社会开放,具有优越的条件高校图书馆有着系统性、专业性极强的丰富的馆藏资源、先…  相似文献   

论地方高校图书馆的社会服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了地方高校图书馆开展社会服务的重要意义,分析了地方高校图书馆作为社会服务在政策可行性、信息资源、人力资源、管理水平、馆舍设备资源等方面具有的优势,及在为社会开展信息资源借阅服务,特色资源收藏与开发、讲座展览等服务的同时,需要处理好工作重心、数据库使用权限、馆员积极性等问题:  相似文献   

高校图书馆作为社会重要的信息资源基地,作为社会基础设施建设的重要组成部分,如何正视当前影响信息服务质量的因素,如何适应科技信息的飞速发展,有效提高信息服务的质量,成为急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

高校图书馆开展公共文献信息服务探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文针对近年来我国高枝图书馆依托地区图书馆协作网开展公共文献信息服务的新趋势,总结了高校图书馆开展公共文献信息服务的几种主要形式;阐述了高校图书馆开展公共文献信息服务对于推动高校图书馆社会服务职能的有效发挥、增进社会文献信息保障体系的功能和作用、适应社会读者信息需求变化发展的新特点、推动高校图书馆自身发展都具有重要的意义;探讨了高校图书馆开展公共丈献信息服务应处理好的几个问题.  相似文献   

信息是国家的重要资源和财富,是科学技术经济和社会发展必不可少的基础,21世纪,信息资源将成为经济和社会发展的决定因素,开发与利用信息也将成为时代的特征。作为教学科研三大支柱之一的高校图书馆,信息服务出现的新情况、新变化;构成新的校园信息环境;面对新情况,高校图书馆、应利用现代化手段为读服务,才能更好地为教学科研服务。  相似文献   

As a direct consequence of the digital revolution, academic libraries today face competition as information providers. Using Richard N. Foster's technology S curves as the analytical model, this article shows that academic libraries are in the midst of discontinuous change by questioning a number of assumptions that support the current practice of academic librarianship. The authors challenge these assumptions, and analyze the manner in which digital communications affect academic libraries.  相似文献   

国外大学图书馆开放获取实践概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学是学术交流中的一支活跃力量,随着开放获取影响的日益扩大,大学图书馆与开放获取的关系更加紧密。国外大学图书馆在推动开放获取发展,应对学术交流变革的进程中,在大学校园内创新性地采取了一系列举措。这些成功举措包括图书馆员积极推动校园开放获取政策出台,并为政策的顺利推行提供不可替代的服务;图书馆摈弃信息看门人的信息交流末端角色,直接参与到学术出版环节;图书馆员重视加强自我教育;图书馆有很好的组织性,图书馆联盟机制为图书馆高效运作和开辟未来发展空间发挥了巨大作用;大学图书馆面对学术交流体系的巨大变革,也清醒地认识到大学图书馆未来发展战略需要做出重要调整。  相似文献   

美国由于媒体报道2019新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情而引发的公众的公共卫生焦虑情绪十分普遍,错误的信息会导致对华人和华裔美国人的歧视。因此,获取关于这种病毒以及一般性传染病的权威的可信任的信息比以往任何时候都更为重要。这份报告采用关键词检索,使用"新冠病毒""图书馆"这两个关键词并通过谷歌搜索,对搜索结果页面中的美国国家级图书馆网站、州立和地区性公共图书馆以及学术图书馆和大学图书馆关于2019新冠病毒主题建立的网页内容和建议性质的资源进行了梳理和归纳总结,试图回答以下几个问题:面对2019新冠病毒肺炎疫情,公共图书馆和图书馆员们自己应该了解些什么?美国国家级专业图书馆在做些什么?州立和地区公共图书馆提供了哪些资源和服务?学术图书馆和大学图书馆又是如何应对?梳理分析结果发现,各级各类图书馆各司其职,扮演不同的角色。他们不仅起到了传播权威可靠可信的知识和信息的作用,还扮演了教育者的角色,教育公众学习公共卫生常识甚至专业知识,并提供相应的咨询服务和应急事件服务,疏导和缓解民众不必要的恐慌心理及情绪。  相似文献   

Academic libraries face an uncertain future. Rather than attempting to develop libraries based on an unknowable future, the author argues it is preferable to address student learning needs with a set of information and learning instructional services established on teaching and learning principles and activities. Evolving from and replacing the present academic library, this new organization, the information and learning center, is staffed by a new academic professional, the information and learning specialist, who addresses the student's need to gather and manage information, read, and write as an integrated set of experiences directed by the curriculum and teachers’ pedagogies.  相似文献   

E-learning时代高校教育环境、学术交流的新发展对高校图书馆原有的工作和服务模式提出了新挑战。基于对ACRL未来研究报告的解读,分析高校图书馆未来15年可能要面对的新变化,对高校图书馆如何结合环境变化和用户需求,确定业务定位,制定战略目标,规划教学、科研信息服务的未来发展,调整组织结构、工作模式等提出参考意见。  相似文献   


This article offers statistical information about the future of our profession and the role that mentoring may play in retaining and promoting academic librarians into leadership positions within an organization. An overview of the history and definition of the word mentor and current terminology is offered to provide the reader with understanding of the complexity surrounding the concept of mentoring. Mentoring as process is explained, and both formal and informal mentoring processes are discussed and examples provided. The benefits of mentoring are detailed and include the benefits for mentors, mentees, and academic libraries, with a special focus on minorities and generational considerations now prevalent in libraries. Qualitative methodologies are examined to determine relationships, and the methods used include interviews, questionnaires, and print and online surveys. Case studies from across the nation are analyzed and offered as evidence that mentoring does in fact work well in many academic libraries, but librarians should be mindful that these mentoring processes must be evaluated periodically to remain viable. A brief discussion and future considerations section offer helpful information on gaps in the literature and the challenges that academic libraries face as they create and implement mentoring processes in their respective academic organizations.  相似文献   

This study investigates the current state of continuing professional development activities for information professionals in academic libraries, as well as their perceptions of the value of different continuing professional development activities. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 63 librarians and information professionals working at five Kuwaiti academic libraries, located in two public and three private universities. The findings of the study revealed that, generally, information professionals in academic libraries are of the opinion that they possess personal and professional skills that enable them to serve library users. Moreover, continuing professional development activities and programs are perceived as important for developing a professional workforce and maintaining professional competence.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the entrepreneurial culture in Omani university libraries and analyzed the benefits and difficulties that come with it. The main aims was to examine the resources and guidance offered by these libraries for creating an entrepreneurial culture as well as the perceived challenges faced by library staff and students. The study also tried to identify effective programs and top practices from other academic libraries that might be applied to the Omani context.A combination of semi-structured interviews with staff members from five libraries and surveys given to students in 10 libraries were used to accomplish these goals. The results of this study showed that the Sultanate of Oman's academic libraries actively support entrepreneurial culture and are aware of their potential as centres for its diffusion. They do, however, face challenges, such as a dearth of competent workers in the field of business and a lack of pertinent collections to support the entrepreneurial culture. The study also emphasized the need for Omani academic libraries to improve the services they offer in the area of entrepreneurship and spread knowledge of its significance, particularly in light of the nation's sustainable development aspirations.By contributing to understanding entrepreneurial culture within the context of Omani academic libraries, this research provides valuable insights for library professionals, educators, and researchers. It identifies current challenges and opportunities and shares successful initiatives from other academic libraries, emphasizing the significance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset in academic libraries to promote innovation and contribute to the overall advancement of the library industry and information institutions in the Arab world.  相似文献   


Academic branch libraries located at a distance from the parent institution often face unique challenges in meeting users' needs for scholarly information. This is especially true for distant branch libraries that do not have a specialized function or collection, but who often face the challenge of meeting users' needs for scholarly materials across a wide array of academic disciplines. This paper discusses the definition of academic branch libraries and the information access plan developed for the Regents Center Library at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus, located some 40 miles from the main parent institution, the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. In addition, a discussion of the mission, academic programs, and special user characteristics of the Edwards Campus that impacted the development of the information access plan is included. Finally, the factors that affected and will continue to affect the plan, along with methods for managing the implementation of the plan, are provided.  相似文献   

"隐形Web"资源的利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于Invisible Web中具有高质量的信息内容,它们覆盖多个主题领域,并且这些数据通常又是采用数据库来管理的,用户检索其中的信息时可以得到较高的“检全率”和“检准率”,因此,学术图书馆应该将Invisible Web作为重要的信息源。本文主要讨论学术图书馆利用Invisible Web的方法,诸如利用网上备种现成的“隐形Web”网关、根据本馆的馆藏发展政策建立恰当的Subject Gateway、开发新的信息抽取技术等。  相似文献   

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