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Public value creation is traditionally considered as the citizens' collective expectations with respect to government and public services. Recent e-government literature indicates that what exactly constitutes public value in digital government is still debated. Whereas previous research acknowledges aspects such as co-production and the orchestration role of government in the context of public value creation, there is only a limited understanding of how public value is created by the interactions between government and business actors, and the role digital technologies play in that process. Furthermore, so far, research into public value creation processes is limited to specific services that aim to meet a specific goal; for a more complete view, an integrative perspective is required to address the multiplicity of goals. Societal challenges including climate change, sustainability, and the transition towards circularity will require governments to play a crucial role. Businesses are also transforming their vision by adding societal goals to their economic objectives and contributing to these societal challenges. This necessitates even more the need to explicitly consider the role of business in public value creation processes. In this paper we argue that there is a need to understand public value creation as an interactive process, involving both government and business actors. In this process, voluntary information sharing enabled by digital infrastructures has the potential to contribute to the value creation processes, but the increased complexity of digital technologies obscures the effects they can have on value creation. Therefore, we develop a framework that allows to reason about public value creation as an interactive process, involving government and businesses, facilitated by voluntary information sharing. The framework also allows to reason about how the technological design choices of the underlying digital infrastructure influence this value creation process. For the framework development, we use an in-depth case study from the domain of international trade. We analyze the interactions between customs authorities and supply chain actors for jointly creating public value related to revenue collection, as well as safety and security of goods entering the European Union, using business data made available via a global blockchain-enabled infrastructure. In future research, the framework that we developed can be used to analyze more complex cases with additional public value aspects, such as sustainability and circularity.  相似文献   

近年来文献资源的载体形态日趋多元化,经费来源渠道也不再单一。因而高校文献信息资源资产管理体系需要进一步构建,需要对文献信息资源资产管理范围,数字资源资产管理,文献信息资源购置经费的多种渠道来源等问题,制定相应的管理办法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字资源粗放式的管理模式已经无法与高校图书馆精细化的信息服务需求相匹配,构建文献元数据仓储下的数字资源全新管理系统,完善基于元数据的数字资源采购协议及监管流程,并以此为基础建立多维度文献保障评估体系,将为高校图书馆信息服务质量的提升提供重要参考。[方法/过程]利用文献调研法和实例分析,探讨高校图书馆在数字资源管理和文献保障评估中的发展策略。[结果/结论]全新形式的细粒化数字资源管理为高校图书馆多维度文献保障评估提供基础,高校图书馆只有具备系统化、规范化的数字资源管理与评估体系,才可以顺应数字信息化的时代发展趋势,真正利用大数据分析助力高校教学和科研的发展建设。  相似文献   

本文解释了蓝海战略的概念,简要说明了移动数字图书馆产业目前的发展趋势,并运用战略布局图与四步动作框架等蓝海战略的基本分析工具和框架,依据重建市场边界和超越现有需求等原则,尝试着制定了一个移动数字图书馆产业的蓝海战略,最后遵循合理的战略顺序对该蓝海创意进行了检验。  相似文献   

颠覆性技术是一个具有复杂的内在结构的技术群。从空间维度来看,颠覆性技术是包含了主导技术、辅助技术、支撑技术的复杂技术群,涉及多学科、多领域。在此背景下,运用科学计量的方法对颠覆性技术进行科技评价和科学技术演变规律探索面临挑战,实质表现为数据检索。本文探索了一种基于机器学习的专利数据集构建新策略,将专利检索任务作为机器学习的二分类任务,类似于信息检索中基于主动学习的查询分类思想,并提出了将F-measure特征最大化方法与CNN(convolutional neural networks)模型相结合的文本分类改进方法。本文以人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术域为例进行训练实验,实验结果的准确率、召回率和F1值分别达到98.01%、97.04%和97.89%,这表明本文提出的策略能够精准地识别人工智能专利,提高了专利检索的准确率和召回率,以利于构建精、准、全的人工智能技术域专利数据集。  相似文献   

基于描述框架采用信息抽取技术实现大量文档的核心内容挖掘是数字记忆背景下数字文档资源建设的新思路,直接体现知识服务的本质。文章从宏观与微观两个维度,构建了面向数字记忆的数字文档资源描述框架:囊括基本属性、关系属性与事件属性三种类型以及具体的属性项,同时设计了基于CIDOC CRM的属性映射机制,实现不同框架属性间的标准与共享。最后,进行历史人物主题属性构建,基于孔子这一具体人物进行填充和实例化,以验证描述框架的可行性与有效性,指导数字记忆资源建设实践。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数字化时代背景下,数字资源的激增导致以纸质文献为核心的传统目录学面临巨大挑战,文献整理和组织体系急需变革。[方法/过程]纸电合一的图书馆目录的建设过程是一个"打破-重组"的过程,将打破数字资源之间的壁垒,进行纸本文献资源和数字文献资源的重组与整合,由此建立起庞大的元数据仓储,并进一步将这些数据服务于各类目标群体或场景。[结果/结论]图书馆可基于此实现同时对纸本资源和数字资源的精细化管理,并利用这些数据在文献组织、文献情报分析方面开展多项创新利用,从而实现由"参与"学术研究到"引领"学术研究的转变。  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] In order to improve the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, the paper studies the quality influencing factors of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and proposes a quality improvement strategy.[Method/process] The interpretative structural modeling was used to construct the interpretative structural modeling of the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and the model was analyzed.[Result/conclusion] This paper comprehensively analyzes the hierarchical relationship between the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age, and establishes the structural model of the influencing factors of the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age. And from the compilation of materials, codification staff, codification process, etc., put forward reasonable strategies and suggestions for improving the quality of archival document compilation products in the digital age.  相似文献   

面向数字图书馆的文献提供服务这一特定应用场景,文章提出基于Handle架构的D—DOIs解决方案,通过对文献传递行为的唯一标识,结合数字水印和二维码技术,实现对数字对象传播的持续追踪。  相似文献   

刘越男 《档案学研究》2019,33(4):116-123
2015年澳大利亚维多利亚州发布VERS 3 版标准,其封装策略从电子文件和元数据的一体式XML文件封装,变为元数据XML文件和电子文件内容的分体式封装,配套的元数据规范、长期保存格式标准、数字签名机制也都发生变化。本文分析了这些变化,并对电子文件元数据封装策略的定位和应用进行了思考。VERS元数据封装是一项面向电子文件长期保存的综合性策略,在借鉴应用时不宜仅视为一个单项技术,应根据需要确定采用何种电子文件元数据封装策略,并在应用过程中注重其简便性、灵活性和效率。  相似文献   

王肖波 《档案学研究》2021,35(1):104-109
推进电子文件和电子档案单套归档与管理试点,抓好数字档案馆(室)建设,尤其是通过推进全国档案查询利用服务平台建设,建立联通各级综合档案馆的档案查询利用服务机制,实现档案查询一网通办是今后一个时期档案信息化建设的重要内容。本文试从浙江省档案馆创建全国示范数字档案馆为例,谈谈对电子文件归档、数字档案馆系统建设的认识。  相似文献   

数字时代高校图书馆原文查证服务调研与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]近年频频出现因图书馆未能获取有效查证文献源而无法及时为读者提供原文证明的现象,探索研究数字时代图书馆原文查证服务改革创新,有利于与时俱进融合传统纸版及数字出版查证文献源,解决现代高层次读者学术成果认证的燃眉之急,提高读者需求满足率。[方法/过程]调研国内27家大型图书馆原文查证服务情况,结合华南理工大学图书馆相关业务现状,在传承正式纸本为原文查证文献源的基准上,研究数据库、馆际传递原文和在线原文等数字文献的查证策略,探讨数字时代高校图书馆原文查证制度与服务机制。[结果/结论]探索、实施和推广数字时代多类型文献的原文查证模式以及时满足读者学术成果认证的需求,应作为现代图书馆原文查证的基本制度。提出原文查证服务机制,如设立图书馆首问责任制,积极开展图书馆联盟之间、查证图书馆与学术管理机构等的协同联动业务,简化优化读者服务模式,以客观如实反映为原则,利用多层次原文核查规程,一站式提供现代学术新环境下的高校原文查证服务。  相似文献   

The rise of digital media has created a number of problems for copyright, in large part by removing the physical constraints of copying associated with older media forms. The concept of digital rights management (DRM) has been pushed as one solution, restoring technological constraints on copying. There are, however, other issues associated with DRM approaches; they are costly and can be used to restrict access and use of content beyond the specific rights granted by copyright policy. These costs and additional restrictions reduce the value of content, affecting its demand and use, with repercussions for the creation of both private and social value. This paper will examine several proposed digital rights management approaches from a social economics perspective—an approach that emphasizes recognition of indirect and social sources of value, and the implications of policy for such value.  相似文献   

本文结合本馆的项目研究与工作实践,分析了建立媒体资产管理系统的必要性,并介绍了一套适合艺术院校图书馆的媒体资产管理系统。系统由信息处理、内容管理、内容存储和应用四大子系统组成。文章还探讨了视音频资源的数字采集、编目及存储等解决方案。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对法律文献资源,设计一个统一的关联框架,以提高法律文献关联数据的质量。[方法/过程] 以我国法律文献的制定、修改和发布实践为基础,设计FRBR模型在法律文献上的具体应用方式。对法律文献资源进行分层描述,精确表达版本信息、格式信息;同时依据法律文献结构,对其细化切分,细化关联资源粒度;在此基础上设计URL规范和描述本体。[结果/结论] 试验验证表明:基于该关联框架构建的法律文献关联数据集,结构有序,关系清晰,资源粒度精细,对其执行SPARQL检索,能提供更快速、准确的检索结果,能更好地满足用户的信息需求。  相似文献   

政府文件管理数字转型框架的研究旨在推进电子文件管理实践与理论的发展。文章以文本分析方法对澳大利亚与美国文件管理数字转型政策与报告予以调查归纳,由此形成政府文件管理数字转型框架。进而提出了我国政府文件管理数字转型策略:从立足整体情境完备数字基础配置、面向业务与信息融合再造流程、完善顶层设计、基于需求开发数字工具、多元主体协同充实组织架构、规范持续性全面评估六方面予以建议。  相似文献   

Films have become an essential asset to transnational media corporations (TNMCs) such as Sony, Time Warner, or Disney. Since the 1990s these and other corporations have utilized a strategy called event movie. The central goal of this marketing strategy is to ensure the success of a film, as well as to provide content for the many different divisions owned or controlled by TNMCs, for example home entertainment, cable, and pay-television. The event movie strategy takes advantage of the film industry's macro structure and combines established concepts (blockbuster, high-concept marketing) with new business models, turning the value chain into a value cycle. This article describes an analytical framework for the event movie strategy that is used by the world's leading TNMCs. As a conclusion, the framework of the event movie strategy can be applied to better understand the success of individual films. The concept can also be expanded to describe the individual TNMC's strategy within the field of audiovisual content.  相似文献   

区域高校数字图书馆实施文献信息资源共建共享是社会发展的必然,是图书馆自身存在和发展的需要,代表了当今图书馆的发展方向。文章论述了建设区域性高校数字图书馆的意义、建设总目标及定位,并提出了基于知识网络的数字图书馆框架,分析了框架系统的主要构成模块及实现的关键技术。参考文献6。  相似文献   

袁润  梁爽 《图书情报工作》2012,56(23):43-49
指出高校师生员工在教学、科研、管理等活动中产生的数字化文件和文献是高校重要的资产。论述高校数字资产的基本概念,分析其内涵、特征及分类。从高校数字资源信息化、知识化、数据化和档案化角度解析高校数字资源向数字资产的形成过程。从高校数字资源资产化管理的主要内容--内容管理、知识产权管理、资产化过程管理三个方面论述高校数字知识资产的管理策略。  相似文献   

OAIS研究及对我国电子文件管理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献调研、比较研究等方法,从功能模型、信息模型等方面分析国内外OAIS研究的现状,指出OAIS与电子文件全生命周期管理的目的是一致的,将OAIS引入到电子文件管理项目开发方法论中,拓展对OAIS功能模型、信息模型等内容的研究,进一步构建基于OAIS的可信电子文件管理项目框架体系,满足电子文件全生命周期管理的需要。  相似文献   

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