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中国古代单音节文档名词中比较普遍被使用的主要是"文""卷""典""册""簿""籍""书""牍"等.这些单音节文档名词起源早,可以单独使用,不仅是各类双音节、多音节文档名词的源头,而且是从深层次剖析中国古代文档名词内涵与意义的基础.总体来看,中国古代单音节文档名词使用频次较高.其中,"书""文"为高频单音节文档名词;"典""簿""牍"为中频单音节文档名词;"册""卷""籍"为低频单音节文档名词.  相似文献   

郭华  齐淑娟 《编辑学报》2017,29(5):446-447
目前,科技期刊中还普遍存在着科技名词使用不规范的现象,一些作者偏爱使用科技名词的简称、缩写及习惯用语,而科技期刊编辑也未能正确地修改不规范的科技名词.针对科技期刊中存在的这些问题,分析它们的成因及危害,认为科技期刊编辑在工作中应该重视科技名词的规范化使用,增强编辑学习科技名词的自觉性,提高科技期刊的科学性和准确性.  相似文献   

科技期刊应重视科技名词的规范使用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王贵州 《编辑学报》2010,22(2):138-140
列举农业科技期刊3种类型不规范使用科技名词的典型现象,指出农业科技期刊不规范使用科技名词的普遍性。分析了造成不规范使用科技名词的原因,提出了纠正这一现象的主要措施。  相似文献   

邵一敏 《编辑学报》2015,27(4):346-347
阐明科技名词规范化的重要性,认为科技名词规范化工作任重道远.通过列举通信技术名词规范化应用的实例,就已公布的规范名词、没有纳入规范的名词和新词的使用应遵循的原则提出建议.  相似文献   

“案族”文档名词是指含有单音词“案”的文档名词,主要包括“文案”“案牍”“案卷”“档案”“书案”“案牒”“案记”等名词,是中国古代文档名词中的一个重要组成部分。“案族”文档名词中的名词数量相对较少,大部分名词使用频次较低,但“文案”“案牍”“案卷”“档案”等词都具有重要学术研究价值。本文以计量语言学的方法,分析了“案族”及该族类内主要文档名词的基本使用特点及发展规律。  相似文献   

吕海亮  傅游 《编辑学报》2020,32(5):513-517
科技名词规范化是学术交流和科技发展的有效支撑。阐述了科技名词规范化的意义及术语表达不规范的危害,以工程爆破类论文为例,分析了期刊论文中科技名词使用不规范的几类典型问题,涉及同(近)音字术语混用、概念混淆引起的术语误用、沿用曾称(俗称)和表述不统一等。指出问题原因,结合科技名词的使用要求,探讨了相应的处理策略。提出促进术语规范化工作的建议,建议期刊同人在论文编辑加工中注意和倡导科技名词的规范使用,同时呼吁广大科技工作者关注和重视科技名词的规范化。  相似文献   

农业科技期刊中科技名词的不规范使用是较为普遍的现象,必须尽快加以纠正和规范,以保障科技文献信息的有效传播和交流。本研究以“盐胁迫”和“NaCl胁迫”正误辨析为例,采用文献计量分析法并依照相关规范,综合分析了国内外生物、农业和环境等学科涉农期刊的文献调查数据。结果表明:“盐胁迫”和“NaCl胁迫”是农业科技期刊中出现频率较高的名词,但使用情况比较混乱,缺乏规范和统一;造成科技名词不规范使用的主要原因是缺乏对科技名词的正确认识,重视程度和宣传力度不够。基于此,提出科技名词的规范化使用必须引起规范制定部门、科技工作者和出版从业者等多方的共同重视,有必要从更高层次上增强已审定公布名词的权威性和约束力,以实现规范性名词在农业科技期刊中的全面使用。  相似文献   

规范科技名词使用中的一些问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技名词的统一是我国发展科学技术所必需的基础条件之一。随着我国改革开放的深入发展,实现科技名词的标准化、规范化,已成为我国科技现代化建设中的一项紧迫任务。全国科学技术名词审定委员会(简称全国名词委)自1985年成立以来已正式公布了41个学科的名词。国务院也早在1987年第142号函中明确指出:“经全国自然科学名词审定委员会审定公布的名词具有权威性和约束力,全国各科研、教学、生产、经营以及新闻出版等单位应遵照使用。”我们必须认真使用规范科技名词,为早日实现我国科技名词的统一和规范化尽力。本文仅就使用规范科技名…  相似文献   

丁海斌  孟晓姣 《档案》2015,(4):6-12
民国时期是一个变革的时代,文档名词也发生了巨大的变化。文书、档案、公文、案卷、文案、文牍等名词仍然表现出较好的继承性,文件、文书、档案、公文等名词被社会普遍采用,文书类名词和档案类名词也有了比较清晰的区别,文档名词的统一度大大提升,并有理论研究作为支撑。特别是"档案"一词成为统一的通用名词,"档子"、"档册"等词则渐被淘汰,但"档案"一词在专业领域之外的社会普及度还很低;"文件"一词自清末产生后,迅速成为使用频率最高的文档名词之一。民国文档名词的普及度大大提升,作为文书和档案名词主要代表的"文"族名词和"档"族名词的使用频率高达两位数,取得了突破性的提升。这26个文档名词划分为五大族类,各具特点。  相似文献   

本文首先通过《周礼》中文档名词的数量(68个)和流传后世的文档名词数量(27个),并通过与其他先秦文献的比较,说明了其在档案学中的重要地位;其次梳理了《周礼》各篇章中所使用的文档名词并将它们按单音节、双音节和多音节文档名词进行统计,分别为18、48、5个,说明了双音节词开始占据主导地位;再次,对《周礼》中的通用文档名词(5个)与专有文档名词(63个)进行了区分;最后,介绍27个《周礼》中的文档名词在后世的延续使用情况,分别说明了《周礼》中的通用与专有文档名词的重要历史影响。  相似文献   

This study examined the characteristics of users' free-text queries submitted to RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (a music literature database), and compared those queries with the controlled vocabularies used by RILM. Search-log analysis identified 11 categories of user-created search terms, and mapped each user-created search term to RILM's index terms, assessing whether it was a perfect match, a partial match, or no match. Only 30.04% of the user-created search terms did not match RILM's index terms. Most of the partial-matching and non-matching user-created search terms were personal names, work titles, and topical terms. Suggestions are offered to enhance RILM's controlled vocabularies.  相似文献   

There have been ample suggestions in the literature that terms added to documents from Flickr and Wikipedia can complement traditional methods of indexing and controlled vocabularies. At the same time, adding new metadata to existing metadata objects may not always add value to those objects. The potential added-value of using user-contributed (“social”) terms from Flickr and the English Wikipedia in image indexing is compared with using two expert-created controlled vocabularies—the Thesaurus for Graphic Materials and the Library of Congress Subject Headings—without those social terms. Experiments confirmed that the social terms did add value, relative to terms from the controlled vocabularies. The median rating for the usefulness of social terms was significantly higher than the baseline rating, but was lower than the ratings for the terms from the Thesaurus for Graphic Materials and the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Furthermore, complementing the controlled vocabulary terms with social terms more than doubled the average coverage of participants' terms for a photograph. The relationships between user demographics and users' perceptions of the value of terms were also investigated, as well as the relationships between user demographics and indexing quality, as measured by the number of terms participants assigned to a photograph. Participants with more tagging and indexing experience assigned a greater number of tags than did other participants.  相似文献   

Jimmy Carter's unusual success in the Presidential Primaries of 1976 has been the subject of much discussion. One rhetorical explanation posits that Carter's message may be described in terms of Weber's concept of charisma, and Bormann's theory of rhetorical vision. The charismatic message was caught up in a unique rhetorical situation, the social fantasies attending the Bicentennial Celebration. Carter's rhetoric and the people's fantasies transcended along similar lines. This confluence helped to carry Carter to the White House.  相似文献   

学术期刊编辑应善为人师   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈芳  马勤  韩燕 《编辑学报》2014,26(3):289-290
从编辑工作实际出发,认为学术期刊编辑应善为人师。为人师者,首先应"先正其身":加强职业道德修养,努力提高编辑业务能力,并坚持不断学习专业理论;应德善躬行:培养青年作者严谨的治学精神,帮助青年作者提高写作技能和投稿技巧;更要诲人不倦:对作者耐心答疑解惑,有教无类,做到"退稿不退人";还要做到"润物无声":不求名,不求利,默默奉献。  相似文献   

Current research on sports broadcast commentary indicates that the commentary type employed to evaluate athletic performance by men and women is implicated through the language of gendered assumptions about the respective athlete and the respective sport. This study analyzed the broadcast commentary surrounding the 2000 Men's and Women's National Collegiate Athletic Association Final Four tournament games to assess the prevalence and degree to which gender-based evaluations characterized athletic performance by men and women. A content analysis of 2,367 lines of broadcast commentary revealed significant differences that categorically accounted for male athletes primarily in terms of physicality and athleticism, whereas female athletes were categorically evaluated in terms of (a) positive consonance, (b) personality, (c) looks and appearance, and (d) background. Results also revealed that, irrespective of broadcast commentator sex, the men's games generated significantly more lines of broadcast commentary than did the women's games. Male broadcast commentators also significantly monopolized airtime, even in the presence of female sportscasters, across men's and women's games. The results have implications for future research in the domain of sports communication in particular, and the domain of synthesis scholarship (O'Sullivan, 1999) in the communication discipline in general.  相似文献   

This study examines parental mediation of preschool children's television viewing. Becker's (1981) theory of parent-child relations is used to frame mediation in terms of parenting resources. A survey of 129 parents of preschool children (ages 1-5) reveals that when resources are in highest demand, attitudes toward television are a factor in deciding whether television mediation will benefit children. Demographic variables, parents' attitudes about television, and parents' involvement with children all significantly predicted restrictive and instructive mediation. The findings are discussed in light of young Children's needs for mediation as a guide to television's novel set of technical and cultural codes.  相似文献   

Making Tracs:     
The Lega Information Center at the University of Florida's College of Law was the first institution in the country to take delivery of Information Access Company's INFOTRAC/LEGALTRAC system-general and legal bibliographic databases contained entirely on video disk. This article relates, in non-technical terms, the LIC's observations of the system in operation.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):270-289
The framing of sexual content in women's magazines reflect two different approaches to the selection of a romantic partner: the selection of (a) a stable partner for a long-term relationship vs. (b) an attractive rogue for a fling. The effects of such framing on women's partner preferences were explored in this laboratory experiment. Women with different relationship goals were randomly assigned to read an article from a women's lifestyle magazine (Cosmopolitan) that framed sex in either relational or recreational terms before completing explicit and implicit measures of partner trait preferences. Article frame did affect the importance of appearance-related traits in a potential romantic partner as well as implicit preferences for frame-consistent partner traits. Results are discussed in terms of media framing effects.  相似文献   


This article reviews a number of Spanish/English legal dictionaries, evaluating the relative merits and features of each. Translating legal terms requires an understanding of both the legal context in which the term is used and the legal context in which the translation is intended. Thus, this review of legal dictionaries concentrates on evaluating the authors'/editors' understanding of how the terms are used in the two legal cultures, as well as in two different languages.  相似文献   

This study explored the meanings and connotations of public relations in news stories carried by major newspapers and network television. The findings suggest that the term public relations was primarily used to suggest image building, reputation management, and persuasion efforts. News story interpretations of public relations terms were likely to refer to publicity, image, campaigns of persuasion, and marketing efforts to promote an organization's claims. The results reveal that negative connotations of public relations prevail in journalists' stories discussing the practice of public relations. The results imply that public relations practitioners trying to pitch their clients' stories need to understand how journalists will likely perceive the stories' news value. Two-way communication should begin with media relations via an understanding of journalists' viewpoints.  相似文献   

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