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北京师范大学图书借阅系统的网络分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对2005年北京师范大学图书借阅记录的分析,构建了单顶点网和二分网两种网络,给出了图书借阅数据在这两个网络上的度分布,通过比较得到这两个网络的度分布具有时间演化不变性.然后在单顶点网络上抽取了部分数据进行分析,发现各子网络的平均路径长度L和网络的平均集聚系数C随网络规模增大总体上有减小的趋势;并且网络具有相对较高的平均集聚系数、较小的"平均最短路径长度",表现出明显的"小世界效应".最后在二分网上基于同类节点的相似性提出了基于三元组的集聚系数的定义,给出了该集聚系数在北师大图书借阅网络上的分布.  相似文献   

对2007—2008年、2008—2009年、2009—2010年广州华软学院图书馆馆藏中文图书借阅流通的有关数据进行统计分析,分析研究这三个学年中文图书的总流通量及各学科图书的流通量、社会科学图书与自然科学图书的流通量比较、读者主要阅读倾向、读者借阅需求、各类读者借阅情况、流通品种与册次的比例等,以期为图书馆今后的导读及采访工作提供参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 在应用大数据提升图书馆服务的背景下,为提高借阅推荐的有效性,设计一种基于加权借阅网络的个性化推荐算法。[方法/过程] 引入复杂网络理论的分析方法,以深圳大学城图书馆的实际借阅数据为例,证明借阅网络具有二分图特性和BA无标度网络特性,具备个性化推荐的条件;通过构建读者借阅子网,采用能量传递六步法,实现个性化图书借阅推荐。[结果/结论] 实际借阅数据的验证结果表明,算法是有效且具有实际应用意义的。  相似文献   

基于图书借阅的人类行为标度律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过研究两所大学图书馆数据库中的真实资料,从群体和个体两个层面分析一次借阅过程中图书的借阅时间和用户连续两次借阅或还回图书的时间间隔等统计特征。结果表明,群体行为与个体行为表现出不同的统计特征,除群体行为的借阅时间表现为指数分布外,其它统计量都服从指数范围为1至3的幂律分布。研究说明,人类行为在群体和个体层面上具有不同的多重标度特性。  相似文献   

一、什么是图书周转率?图书周转率是图书馆藏书平均每册书在一年中借阅的次数,或者说平均每册图书在一年中周转次数。①图书周转率体现了图书馆藏书公共利用和反复、多次使用的性质,反映了图书收藏和利用之间的关系,是衡量图书馆工作水平和服务质量的一项重要指标。(一)图书周转率的计算公式图书周转率是以某年度的图书借阅的总册次除以截止到这年度末全馆藏书总册数来计算的:图书周转率=图书借阅总册次/藏书总册数。例如某图书馆在一年中借阅总册次是20万册次,而截止到年末全馆藏书总册数是10万册,那么图书周转率:20万册÷10万册=2次。图书周转率是相对数,可以用百分比来表示,如0.53就是53%。  相似文献   

做好统计分析加强藏书建设─—我馆近五年入藏图书分布统计分析何晓敏(暨南大学图书馆)藏书建设是图书馆开展图书借阅服务工作的基础,藏书的结构、质量,直接关系到一个馆对读者服务的水平、满足读者借阅图书的能力,也是对一馆图书经费使用是否合理的一种检验。基于此...  相似文献   

基于RFM模型的图书馆图书评价系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张海营 《图书馆》2012,(3):60-62
一般而言,图书的被借阅情况可反映出此书的受欢迎程度,研究将营销学上常用的RFM模型应用于图书馆研究领域中,并将RFM重新定义为图书最近被借阅时间(R)、被借阅次数(F)、被借阅总时间(M)。最终将这三个指标整合成图书评价因子,构建为图书评价指标系统,图书评价指标的分数越高代表某书越受读者欢迎。实验结果显示,该图书评价模型具有较强的可行性与较高的准确性。  相似文献   

高贤 《图书馆学刊》1999,21(6):21-27,20
5图书馆读者工作研究5.1借阅服务研究我省对借阅服务的研究,始于50年代。50年代中后期,为了办好社会主义的图书馆,我省图书馆界开始学习借鉴苏联图书馆的经验,实行图书开架借阅。赵琦撰写的《读者服务的新形式———介绍苏联图书馆如何实行图书开架借阅》(《图书馆学通讯》1959年第6期)一文,从图书开架借阅制度的优越性、图书开架借阅所应具备的条件、图书开架借阅的形式和范围、如何实行全部开架借阅以及开架的宣传问题、目录和书目索引问题等方面,系统地介绍了苏联图书馆开架借阅工作的经验和做法。关于如何实行全部…  相似文献   

图书馆从闭架借阅过渡到开架借阅,是当前图书馆界的一种新趋势,开架借阅是图书馆现代化的标志之一。图书馆实行开架借阅的基本特征在于读者直接进库选择所需图书,减少查目录和馆员取书的中间环节,这种借阅方式的主要优点表现在两个方面。第一,直接向读者揭示馆藏,宣传图书,最大限度地满足各类型读者的需求,使读者能触类旁通,得到系统的图书资料。第  相似文献   

图书借阅是图书馆提供的重要服务之一.研究用户的图书借阅行为模式,有助于图书馆提供面向用户的个性化服务,从而提升服务质量.以北京大学图书馆为例,几乎所有的学生都有图书借阅记录.这种图书借阅行为形成了一个用户到图书的"图书借阅网络".另一方面,相同的图书可以被不同的用户所借阅,图书作为知识的载体,通过这种共同借阅关系将不同背景的用户联系在一起,形成了一种用户到用户的知识分享社会网络,称作"共同借阅网络".基于这两种网络,本文对用户的借阅行为模式进行了深入的分析,发现了影响用户借阅行为的因素,并从用户借阅行为中挖掘出了新的知识,构造了个性化图书借阅推荐系统.本文的研究成果有利于推进图书馆服务向Library 2.0时代迈进.  相似文献   

Extensive literature demonstrates how the copying of references (links) can lead to the emergence of various structural properties (e.g., power-law degree distribution and bipartite cores) in bibliographic and other similar directed networks. However, it is also well known that the copying process is incapable of mimicking the number of directed triangles in such networks; neither does it have the power to explain the obsolescence of older papers. In this paper, we propose RefOrCite, a new model that allows for copying of both the references from (i.e., out-neighbors of) as well as the citations to (i.e., in-neighbors of) an existing node. In contrast, the standard copying model (CP) only copies references. While retaining its spirit, RefOrCite differs from the Forest Fire (FF) model in ways that makes RefOrCite amenable to mean-field analysis for degree distribution, triangle count, and densification. Empirically, RefOrCite gives the best overall agreement with observed degree distribution, triangle count, diameter, h-index, and the growth of citations to newer papers.  相似文献   

Error and attack tolerance of small-worldness in complex networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Complex networks may undergo random and/or systematic failures in some of their components, i.e. nodes and edges. These failures may influence various network properties. In this article, for a number of real-world as well as Watts–Strogatz model networks, we investigated the profile of the network small-worldness as random failures, i.e. errors, or systematic failures, i.e. attacks, occurred in the nodes. In errors nodes are randomly removed along with all their tipping edges, while in attacks the nodes with highest degrees are removed from the network. Interestingly, in many cases, the small-worldness of violated networks increased as more nodes underwent an attack. This indicates an important role of the hub nodes in controlling the small-worldness of Watts–Strogatz networks. The profile of changes in the small-worldness as a result of errors/attacks was independent of network size, while it was influenced by average degree and rewiring probability of Watts–Strogatz model. We also found that the pattern of the changes of the small-worldness in real-world networks is completely different than that of the Watts–Strogatz networks. Therefore, although Watts–Strogatz model is often used for constructing networks with small-world property, the resulting networks have different properties compared to real-world ones in terms of robustness in the small-worldness index against errors/attacks.  相似文献   

In this study we map out the large-scale structure of citation networks of science journals and follow their evolution in time by using stochastic block models (SBMs). The SBM fitting procedures are principled methods that can be used to find hierarchical grouping of journals that show similar incoming and outgoing citations patterns. These methods work directly on the citation network without the need to construct auxiliary networks based on similarity of nodes. We fit the SBMs to the networks of journals we have constructed from the data set of around 630 million citations and find a variety of different types of groups, such as communities, bridges, sources, and sinks. In addition we use a recent generalization of SBMs to determine how much a manually curated classification of journals into subfields of science is related to the group structure of the journal network and how this relationship changes in time. The SBM method tries to find a network of blocks that is the best high-level representation of the network of journals, and we illustrate how these block networks (at various levels of resolution) can be used as maps of science.  相似文献   

Extant studies suggest that the proximity between the researchers and their structural positioning in the collaboration network may influence productivity and performance in collaboration research. In this paper, we analyze the co-authorship networks of the three countries, viz. the USA, China, and India, constructed in consecutive non-overlapping 5-year long time windows from bibliometric data of research papers published in the past decade in the rapidly evolving area of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI&ML). Our analysis relies on the observations ensued from a comparison of the statistical properties of the evolving networks. We consider macro-level network properties which describe the global characteristics, such as degree distribution, assortativity, and large-scale cohesion etc., as well as micro-level properties associated with the actors who have assumed central positions, defining a core in the network assembly with respect to closeness centrality measure. For the analysis of the core actors, who are well connected with a large number of other actors, we consider share of their affiliations with domestic institutes. We find dominant representation of domestic affiliations of the core actors for high productivity cases, such as China in the second time window and the USA in the first and second both. Our study, therefore, suggests that the domestic affiliation of the core actors, who could access network resources more efficiently than other actors, influences and catalyzes the collaborative research.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that researchers’ social network metrics obtained from a collaborative output network (e.g., joint publications or co-authorship network) impact their performance determined by g-index. We use a richer dataset to show that a scholar's performance should be considered with respect to position in multiple networks. Previous research using only the network of researchers’ joint publications shows that a researcher's distinct connections to other researchers, a researcher's number of repeated collaborative outputs, and a researchers’ redundant connections to a group of researchers who are themselves well-connected has a positive impact on the researchers’ performance, while a researcher's tendency to connect with other researchers who are themselves well-connected (i.e., eigenvector centrality) had a negative impact on the researchers’ performance. Our findings are similar except that we find that eigenvector centrality has a positive impact on the performance of scholars. Moreover, our results demonstrate that a researcher's tendency toward dense local neighborhoods and the researchers’ demographic attributes such as gender should also be considered when investigating the impact of the social network metrics on the performance of researchers.  相似文献   

The current study has two objectives. First, we explore the characteristics of biological entities, such as drugs, and their side effects using an author–entity pair bipartite network. Second, we use the constructed network to examine whether there are outstanding features of relations between drugs and side effects. We extracted drug and side effect names from 169,766 PubMed abstracts published between 2010 to 2014 and constructed author–entity pair bipartite networks after ambiguous author names were processed. We propose a new ranking algorithm that takes into consideration the characteristics of bipartite networks to identify top-ranked biological drug and side effect pairs. To investigate the relationship between a particular drug and a side effect, we compared the drug and side effect pairs obtained from the network containing both drug and side effect with those observed in SIDER, a human expert-curated database. The results of this study indicate that our approach was able to identify a wide range of patterns of drug–side effect relations from the perspective of authors’ research interests. Further, our approach also identified the unique characteristics of the relation of biomedical entities obtained using an author–entity pair bipartite network.  相似文献   

人际情报网络中的关键联系识别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在介绍人际情报网络结构的确定和表示方法基础上,用“去一交替法”,利用网络点度中心势、接近中心势、中介中心势、平均距离以及关键节点对距离等定量指标来识别人际情报网络的关键联系。通过案例研究了该方法在人际情报网络关键联系识别中的运用,发现采用不同指标的识别效果各具特点。这些指标可分别用于识别连接核心节点的关键联系、影响情报交流能力的关键联系、影响情报交流效率的关键联系、对边缘节点情报交流有重要影响的关键联系和影响重要节点间情报交流的关键联系等场合。  相似文献   

This paper examines the structural patterns of networks of internationally co-authored SCI papers in the domain of research driven by big data and provides an empirical analysis of semantic patterns of paper titles. The results based on data collected from the DVD version of the 2011 SCI database identify the U.S. as the most central country, followed by the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Australia, the Netherlands, Canada, and Spain, in that order. However, some countries (e.g., Portugal) with low degree centrality occupied relatively central positions in terms of betweenness centrality. The results of the semantic network analysis suggest that internationally co-authored papers tend to focus on primary technologies, particularly in terms of programming and related database issues. The results show that a combination of words and locations can provide a richer representation of an emerging field of science than the sum of the two separate representations.  相似文献   

We focus on the statistics of word occurrences and of the waiting times between such occurrences in Blogs. Due to the heterogeneity of words’ frequencies, the empirical analysis is performed by studying classes of “frequently-equivalent” words, i.e. by grouping words depending on their frequencies. Two limiting cases are considered: the dilute limit, i.e. for those words that are used less than once a day, and the dense limit for frequent words. In both cases, extreme events occur more frequently than expected from the Poisson hypothesis. These deviations from Poisson statistics reveal non-trivial time correlations between events that are associated with bursts of activities. The distribution of waiting times is shown to behave like a stretched exponential and to have the same shape for different sets of words sharing a common frequency, thereby revealing universal features.  相似文献   

This paper stems from the observation that researchers in different fields tend to publish in different journals. Such a relationship between researchers and journals is quantitatively exploited to identify scientific community clusters, by casting the community detection problem into a co-clustering problem on bipartite graphs. Such an approach has the potential of leading not only to the fine- grained detection of scholar communities based on the similarity of their research activity, but also to the clustering of scientific journals based on which are the most representative of each community. The proposed methodology is purely data-driven and completely unsupervised, and does not rely on any semantics (e.g. keywords or a-priori subjective categories). Moreover, unlike “flat” data structures (e.g. collaboration graphs or citation graphs) our bipartite graph approach blends in a joint structure both the researcher's attitude and interests (i.e., freedom to select the venue where to publish) as well as the community's recognition (i.e., acceptance of the publication on a target journal); as such may perhaps inspire further scientometric evaluation strategies. Our proposed approach is applied to the Italian research system, for two broad areas (ICT and Microbiology&Genetics), and reveals some questionable aspects and community overlaps in the current Italian scientific sectors classification.  相似文献   

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