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图书馆骨干队伍建设的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谭祥金 《图书情报工作》2005,49(4):13-15,18
指出图书馆骨干队伍是由部门负责人和业务带头人组成的,这些人在馆内是中坚力量,在馆外是代表人物。强调骨干队伍的稳定与否与素质高低决定着图书馆工作的水平和事业的发展。分析图书馆骨干队伍的建设包括选拔和考察、培养和使用等方面:选拔人才的标准是德才兼备,这可以从其言行两个方面考察;领导者要给人才安排培养和锻炼的机会,要有从事业发展的眼光去发现和培养人才的意识,并注意正确看待人的长处和短处,以诚待人。  相似文献   

As academic libraries' budgets remain flat while their expenditures rise, library leaders must seek out alternative sources of funding. One option is a mandatory student fee dedicated to the library. This article presents the results of a survey of 152 deans and directors of public R1 and R2 research universities that were asked whether their libraries benefit from mandatory student fees. While a library-specific fee is unusual, nearly half of responding libraries are eligible to receive some portion of another mandatory student fee. Study results can serve as evidence for libraries preparing to make a case for the significant, positive impact possible through even a modest library fee.  相似文献   

对江苏省部分高校图书馆电子资源接入情况及参考咨询馆员的组成情况进行了对比研究,指出高校图书馆之间存在较大的电子资源接入沟和使用沟,进一步影响了高校之间的知识沟。提出要缩小信息时代的三道数字鸿沟——接入沟、使用沟和知识沟,高校图书馆应该多方参与图书馆联盟,加强人员培训,构建“学习型组织”。  相似文献   

The sophomore year is increasingly becoming a target of retention efforts, as universities and colleges realize that nearly as much attrition occurs between the sophomore and junior years as between the first and sophomore years. As a result, there is an opportunity for libraries to reach out to and target second-year students. This article presents a case study of a sophomore outreach program at the University of Puget Sound focused on citation management software. Our results suggest that libraries should pursue outreach targeting the sophomore population.  相似文献   

纺织高校作为特殊行业院校,其图书馆拥有丰富的纺织行业信息资源。文章对纺织高校图书馆服务行业经济的优势、可行性和现状进行了分析,指出存在的问题和局限,提出从树立危机意识和服务意识、开发特色行业知识库、推进行业内信息资源共建共享、优化馆员队伍等四个方面改进其服务行业经济工作。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]高校图书馆利用状况及其对学生学习结果的影响是图书馆成效评估的重要方面之一,高校如何提升图书馆对学生学习活动的支持水平,学生自身又怎样提高利用图书馆的能力是本研究之价值意义所在。[方法/过程]基于"2017年首都大学生就读经验调查",研究采用t检验、单因素方差分析、相关分析以及回归分析等方法分析高校图书馆利用现状及其对学生学习结果的影响。[结果/结论]结果显示,不同学生群体对图书馆利用程度存在差异,图书馆利用与学生学业成绩、在校满意度、学习收获呈显著正相关关系,且图书馆利用影响学生学习结果。基于此,建议高校加强对低年级、农村学生等图书馆利用情况较差学生群体的引导;图书馆自身提升综合实力,提升信息化服务质量,加强图书馆学习空间、专业馆员队伍、学生信息素养教育等资源建设;大学生自身要提升利用图书馆资源的意识与能力。  相似文献   

高校图书馆硕士点建设的认识与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
高校图书馆设立硕士点是图书馆事业的一项创新,不仅开辟了图书情报专业高学历人才的培养渠道,而且能够极大地提升图书馆的教学和科研职能,从而提高图书馆的地位。当前,图书馆硕士点的发展势头良好,展现出了新生代的活力和特点。困扰图书馆硕士点发展的主要难题是如何在非教学部门设立教学机构,解决了这个问题就会使许多问题迎刃而解。各高校通行的维持措施是图书馆硕士点“虚拟化”,认为这种“临时行为”不利于硕士点的长远发展。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):307-316

During the fall of 1999, the libraries at the University of New Orleans (UNO) and Louisiana State University (LSU) embarked on a collaborative effort to instruct faculty members to access and use electronic library resources. The libraries, both members of the “Louisiana Library Network” and the LSU System, coordinated the instruction program and implemented it at the respective institutions. The program was successful at both universities, receiving positive feedback from the participants. At LSU, the program has expanded to include student and staff participants as well as faculty. Moreover, the program is available for implementation by other libraries through the Internet.  相似文献   

The growing number of transfer students on college and university campuses presents a challenge to academic libraries. For years, these libraries have taught students information literacy skills to enhance their abilities to locate, evaluate, and use information in order to be successful students as well as lifelong learners. At many libraries, both direct from high school and transfer students are taught these skills together, without the recognition that either of them has special or diverse needs. Several studies over the years have concluded that the information needs of transfer students differed from those of their native counterparts and stress the importance for separate instruction. A recent survey of some Ohio academic libraries by the authors revealed that the vast majority of these libraries do not provide separate instruction for transfer students. This article, therefore, calls for a dialogue among librarians to continue to discuss this topic and consider developing instructional programs to meet the needs of transfer students.  相似文献   

教育信息化使高校教育信息用户范围扩展,进而促使高校图书馆知识服务要以用户需求为导向,探寻社会化服务路径.文章认为可以采用用户分析、知识整合、知识组织等方法,使社会化知识服务往复循环,不断增殖,从而深化高校图书馆职能、优化配置教育资源.  相似文献   

高校图书馆作为高等院校教学和科研发展的信息知识基地,承载着传道、授业、解惑、研究等职能,而要想实现信息资源作用于用户的增值作用,首要解决的问题就是如何构建信息资源平台,优化配置馆藏结构是其关键。因此,文章从高等院校用户的特殊性出发,提出构建动态协商采访机制,内容涵盖组织建立、工作流程和关键问题等相关研究,旨在实现馆藏结构的合理性、优化配置。  相似文献   

随着就业形势的日益严峻以及金融危机的冲击,大学生就业难问题越来越突出。高校图书馆为大学毕业生就业服务是现代化图书馆服务功能的扩展和延伸。分析了大学生就业难的原因,探讨了高校图书馆开展大学生就业指导服务的优势和策略。  相似文献   

文章通过对北京建筑工程学院图书馆开展的经典阅读推广工作的案例考察,旨在探讨信息时代和全媒体时代建筑类高校图书馆开展经典阅读工作的意义、方法和途径,为高校图书馆开展经典阅读工作提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍反向代理技术在高校数字图书馆中的应用,包括反向代理服务器Squid的功能、安装和配置,并将反向代理技术和其他类似技术进行比较。在数字图书馆中,用实践证明应用反向代理技术既能实现图书馆Web服务器缓冲代理,又可以通过认证实现远程访问图书馆数据库。  相似文献   

This study focuses on presenting the state of university libraries in Yemen, drawing upon observational research and in-depth interviews with 4 key university leaders, 12 teaching education program (TEP) chairpersons, 9 college deans, 6 vice-deans, 20 teaching professors, and 34 teacher training students within one higher education institution. The observational research has also covered five libraries of three private universities and two state ones. The findings outline the challenges faced by library users: the presence of traditional libraries, traditional resources and services, and the implementation of new policy. The study highlights the urgent need to redesign libraries, to increase libraries' budgets, and to establish digital resources and services, as well as a national library association.  相似文献   

研究型大学视野下的图书馆建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在建设研究型大学视野下提出了建设研究型图书馆的课题。阐述了研究型图书馆的内涵,建设研究型图书馆的意义,着重讨论“211工程”重点高校在现阶段如何建设研究型图书馆的问题。  相似文献   

The emergence of the system of open and distance education is an inevitable development in the evolution of education internationally. With the increasing popularity of distance education, focus has turned to the role of libraries in the distance learning process. The library is an important tool for individuals' intellectual development. Academic libraries contain resources for research, teaching, and learning. This paper examines the efforts being made by Nigerian university libraries to fulfill the information needs of distance education students in their respective institutions.

This study was carried out in four Nigerian universities running distance education programs. The questionnaire method was used for data collection. The respondents used in this study were randomly selected from the distance learning (DL) students of the universities under study. It was discovered that DL students were not adequately catered for as far as the use of library resources is concerned. A student could graduate without having used libraries. The study recommends that adequate planning and financing should be made for DL students to be able to make use of the libraries and information resources. It adds that this would enhance their critical thinking and also enhance their degree of exposure to existing knowledge.  相似文献   

论述了高校教学评估对图书馆文献资源建设的影响,提出高校教学评估是加强医学图书馆文献资源建设的良好契机。  相似文献   

新形势下高校图书馆为农民工实施知识援助的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析西部地区农民工知识匮乏的现状、农民工对知识需求特点的基础上,探讨了西部地区高校图书馆为农民工实施知识援助的措施。  相似文献   

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