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CORBA及其在图书馆自动化系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了CORBA 分布式对象技术标准及其工作原理, 并将CORBA 标准应用到图书馆自动化系统中, 使得图书馆自动化系统具有分布式处理能力, 这既解决了传统图书馆自动化系统遇到的集成难等问题, 又增强了系统的安全性、可移植性、可靠性和扩展性, 符合现代图书馆自动化业务动态变化的需求。  相似文献   

走商品化道路实现图书馆自动化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
八十年代以来,我国的图书馆自动化系统由研制开发逐步走向实用。随着计算机网络技术的发展及Internet在世界范围内的兴起,图书馆自动化的概念发生了变化,对图书馆自动化系统提出了新的、更高的要求。本文旨在倡导通过购买成熟的、商业化软件来实现我国图书馆自动化及图书馆自动化系统的升级,并对现有国内的一些商业软件作了介绍。  相似文献   

从汇文系统看图书馆自动化管理趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从汇文系统的特点出发,分析了该软件在图书馆自动化管理上的特点。并分析了在网络化和数字化的环境下图书馆自动化管理的发展策略。  相似文献   

我国图书馆自动化系统迁移的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国图书馆在自动化发展进程中遇到的诸多问题之一就是系统迁移,即把当前所用的自动化系统替换为其它开发商开发的新的自动化系统.文章对图书馆自动化系统迁移的动力因素和制约因素进行了探讨.  相似文献   

<正> 目前,新技术的发展日新月异,日益冲击着图书馆自动化的发展。而且,有的新技术已经对图书馆自动化产生了积极的作用,有的正在产生着作用。不同的技术对图书馆自动化的影响也不尽相同。新技术的不断创新,为图书馆自动化提高了新的选择条件。同时,为图书馆工作人员的培训提出了新的工作环境。本文试图从以下四个方面来阐述新技术对图书馆自动化的影响及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

<正> 4.单个图书馆的自动化在前面几章中我们从宏观的角度来论述了图书馆自动化,在这一章我们将着重讨论个别图书馆的自动化情况。在这次考察活动中,我访问了英、荷、德三国的不少国家图书馆、学术图书馆和公共图书馆,因而对这些国家乃至其它西欧发达国家的图书馆自动化发展有了比较清楚的认识。在自动化发展过程中,各个图书馆都有自己的优势和缺点。有许多因素影响着自动化的进程,因而某些国家的某些图书馆的系统非常庞大复杂,在实际工作中发挥着重要作用,与此同时,另外一些图书馆的自动化系统仍旧面临这样那样的难题尚待解决。各个图书馆采用的方法不同,它依赖于本馆的特点和它能从上级机关以及其它组织获得的资金,另外  相似文献   

云计算环境下图书馆自动化系统发展探索   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
云计算虽然是一个新鲜的名词,但它可能代表着未来计算机产业的发展方向.它将对图书馆自动化集成系统产生怎样的影响呢?在此环境下图书馆自动化集成系统又将何去何从呢?本文对云计算进行了简单的介绍,然后从目前图书馆对自动化系统的需求出发,探讨了云计算环境下图书馆自动化系统的发展方向、应用前景和存在的障碍.  相似文献   

图书馆自动化系统在各高校已经普及。本文根据当前图书馆自动化系统存在的问题及技术发展情况,提出了一系列的改进措施,为图书馆自动化系统的发展提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

余玲 《图书馆学刊》2006,28(6):132-133
图书馆自动化集成系统是图书馆自动化的核心之一,其功能直接影响着图书馆的管理和运作。简单介绍了Interlib系统的基本概念与体系结构,着重从技术和功能两大方面对Interlib与国内具有代表性的图书馆自动化集成系统进行了比较,进一步说明了Interlib集群化管理系统的发展前景。  相似文献   

国外图书馆自动化系统的现状与趋势   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
回顾了国外图书馆自动化系统发展的历史,分析了国外主要的图书馆自动化系统厂商及其相关产品,总结了国外主流图书馆自动化系统的主要发展趋势,提出国内图书馆自动化系统的研发还任重而道远。  相似文献   

从《中图法》经济类目的历次修订探讨其变革与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《中图法》经济类目历经三次大的修订,每次修订都具有不同的特点和变化。同时也存在复分、类目划分过细、整体规范等问题,该文从几个方面探讨了《中图法》未来修订的变革与发展。  相似文献   

论20世纪90年代以来文献采访工作的发展趋势   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从文献采访工作对象、原则、方式、选择标准、信息获取、处理与传递等方面,分析文献采访工作的10个发展趋势,并对这些发展趋势的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):704-718
Contemporary journalists are, on a daily basis, adopting new work practices to remain relevant in the changing media environment. This study examines these changing practices to determine if, and how, they have been accompanied by changes in journalists’ abilities to enact traditional ethical standards in the newsroom. It posits that by examining the performance of ethics by news actors, as opposed to ethical standards themselves, the importance and impact of changing news practices can be realized and addressed. To illustrate these changes, I explore the use of news corrections as a means for maintaining journalistic accountability. The findings suggest that key attributes of the contemporary news environment, including the rapid speed with which online information is transmitted, and the increasing participation of news consumers in the media environment, can help journalists in their quests for accountability. However, other changes associated with the online news environment, such as the ease with which online information can be erased from history, and the continuous evolution of newsroom technologies, highlight the need for journalists’ ongoing pursuit of new techniques to ensure that the standard of accountability is maintained.  相似文献   

21世纪图书情报教育初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
图书情报工作面临着信息高速公路的挑战, 正进行着一场巨大变革。实施全球信息目录计划与电子图书馆计划给图书情报专业教育带来了深刻变化。从课程设置的变化、教学内容与方法的更新到学科含义的演变都体现了21 世纪图书情报教育的特点。  相似文献   


The winter climatic conditions of much of Canada provide an ideal environment for freeze-drying. We have been attempting to use these conditions for the drying of large waterlogged timbers. In the freeze-drying process the wood is kept in a frozen state and the drying proceeds by sublimation. We are particularly concerned with the treatment of large timber which present great difficulties when treated by the accepted methods. A structure was built to keep snow and rain off the wood but which allowed air to pass over it. The structure was covered with polyethylene sheet to allow the sun to shine on the wood surface and heat it. Weight changes in the wood were measured with a load transducer and temperature wa followed with thermocouple probes. Temperature and relative humidity of the surrounding air were recorded instrumentally. The timbers were of several varieties of wood in various states of decomposition. All of the wood dried quickly and much of the water was removed. This technique appears to have the potential to treat large quantities of timber in an economic and simple way.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):303-318
Science journalism, as one specialisation within journalism, has undergone remarkable changes in the past two decades; not only in content but also in the way work in the newsroom is structured. This paper takes a closer look at science beats and their organisational variance. Observational studies conducted in German newsrooms are reviewed and concepts from organisational theory are discussed. Two heuristic concepts are introduced for the analysis of journalistic work processes in newsrooms, the beat concept and the mental editorial plan. The paper then constructs four ideal types of science beats to describe possible development trends within newsrooms: the current news science beat, the creative science beat, the audience- and business-oriented science journalism team, and the science beat as a specialised correspondents' office. The latter cooperates with various other beats or departments and is engaged in dynamic topic teams. For this new work-structure, the paper argues, a high level of journalistic proficiency is demanded of science journalists to sustain and improve the quality of science journalism in changing newsrooms.  相似文献   

The author argues that the profession of librarianship is in crisis. She seeks to identify the characteristics and analyse the qualities of this phenomenon in order to draw conclusions about future trends and directions for the profession. It is argued that this crisis is an outward sign of a deeper transformation which is taking place and which affects the discipline as a whole including education and practice. The recent evolution of the profession is traced against the background of the broader transition from the modern to the postmodern era. The object is to reveal how the widespread social, cultural and technological changes of the 21st century are impacting on the library, the librarian, the customer or client and the fundamental nature of information itself.  相似文献   

通过对近三年出版的具有代表性的文献课教材的抽样调查,对现行教材内容的特点进行分析和归纳,并从中总结出当前信息素质教育发展的新动向:信息素质教育要强调全面培养学生的信息意识、信息技能和信息道德;只有注重实际教学效果,强化检索实践,关注社会需求,才能不断拓展文献课的作用和影响;教材内容必须及时反映信息资源变化及信息检索技术的最新成果,尤其需要突出信息创新意识、创新技能以及信息道德规范教育。  相似文献   

随着社会发展和法制的完善,江苏省高校文献采编中心正面临改制的现实,如何在市场竞争中找到一种适合自己发展的经营模式,不仅是采编中心关注的问题,也是江苏省各高校图书馆关注的问题。结合江苏高校图书馆文献保障体系的历史和未来发展,提出了一个借鉴OCLC的改制和发展模式的设想。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):383-403
Rapid change in the news industry and the prevalence of layoffs, buyouts, and closings have led many newsworkers to experience job insecurity and worry about their long-term futures in journalism. Our research uses a case study of employees at an independently owned media company in the United States to explore the various ways newsworkers respond to this culture of job insecurity and how their responses affect efforts to change news practices. Findings demonstrate that those who believe their jobs are at risk are unlikely to change their practices and even some who perceive job security are reticent to initiate change. As a result, the culture of job insecurity in the news industry has a limiting effect on changes to journalism practice.  相似文献   

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