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当前图书馆建筑的几个问题   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
进入21世纪,我国图书馆又将进入一个新的建设高潮。关注人是现代图书馆建筑的基本宗旨;建设多元性的、园林式的、复合型的图书馆应是现代图书馆建筑的模式;在建中心馆的同时还要注意社区图书馆的建设;在重视土建的同时要重视其他方面的建设;建筑招标上实行国内和国际相结合的做法;在注重图书馆外型的同时更要注重满足功能的需要。参考文献4。  相似文献   

Detailed succession planning helps libraries pass information from one employee to the next. This is crucial in preparing for hiring, turnover, retirements, training of graduate teaching assistants in academic libraries, and other common situations. The authors of this article discuss succession planning for instruction programs in academic libraries. They provide strategies and tools for use and adaptation.  相似文献   

图书馆的社会援助   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
图书馆的社会援助 ,指图书馆争取或接受国内外机构、团体或个人捐款、捐书、赠物 ,以珍藏特色文献、充实馆藏、改善馆舍条件 ,增强为社会服务能力的行为和结果。图书馆要争取社会援助 ,应转变观念、拓展功能、完善自身形象。参考文献 6。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期图书馆馆际合作的典例为:西南联大三所大学之间的紧密型合作;西南联大与国立北平图书馆、中央研究院历史语言研究所之间的互助合作;有共同宗教背景的高校联盟在上海公共租借地以及在成都华西坝开展一定地域内的互助合作等。由于战时环境的特殊性以及战时工作宗旨的变化,图书馆馆际合作的主要特点为:馆际合作主要集中在高校图书馆以及高校图书馆与公共图书馆之间;战时馆际合作局限在一定区域和一定时期内,合作各方因地制宜、同舟共济地开展资源共享。  相似文献   

县级公共图书馆:如何在尴尬和困境中突围   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余艳 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(5):54-57
县级公共图书馆占全国公共图书馆总数的82.68%,但县级公共图书馆的发展与生存状况却不如人意,至今处在弱势地位,文章探讨问题发生的根源,寻找治疗的方剂让县级公共图书馆在尴尬和困境中突围。  相似文献   

This study examines the cost-effectiveness of consolidated county libraries in large metropolitan areas of the Midwest and compares it with the cost-effectiveness of large city libraries which share service to the county with other large public library systems in the area. The hypothesis that consolidated county library systems serve a large metropolitan area more economically than two or more large public libraries within a county is tested. The survey method is used to collect population, budget, and circulation statistics from 19 libraries in Midwestern cities of 100,000 or more. The data are analyzed for cost-effectiveness using a one tailed T-test to compare the means of county versus noncounty. The results of this study demonstrate a significant difference between the Cost per Item Circulated and the Per Capita Circulation from county to non-county libraries. It costs the county libraries less to circulate one item and they also circulate more items for each person in the population they serve. These results have implications for future decisions of libraries considering merger of several libraries into a consolidated system.  相似文献   


After an introduction to Micronesia, the article reports the activities of library associations, governor's conferences, the University of Guam Library, and other facilities since 1989 in the region that covers CMNI, FSM, RMI, Guam and Palau. Its purposes are to record the important library development and to bring attention to the world the realities of libraries in the vast area. Although Micronesian libraries have made great progress in recent years, they still need support from the U.S. and other nations, for modernization and further development.  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震对灾区图书馆造成了重大损失。根据四川省高校图书馆工作委员会和灾区个体馆应对灾难的具体举措,借鉴国外图书馆界和我国其他行业灾难危机管理的成功经验,有必要建立我国图书馆灾难联盟。图书馆灾难联盟的管理内容包括:危机控制管理、风险评估、危机预防、危机准备、危机反应与灾后恢复。灾难联盟管理中需特别注意危机预案的完整性与可获取性、预案中人事分工的明确性、相关部门横向和纵向的借鉴与协调以及灾后员工的心理干预和关键业务的恢复工作等问题。  相似文献   

图书馆VS机构库——图书馆战略发展的再思考   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
从20世纪90年代开始,“DC热”、“语义热”及“机构库热”等新技术和管理方法,不仅 对图书馆业务,而且对其生存发展提出了严峻挑战。图书馆必须重新审视其技术发展路线.积 极应对范式转变,确立其知识交流中心的核心作用。参考文献14。  相似文献   

针对影响图书馆文献采访经费总量和分配比例受复杂因素制约的状况,指出除应对读者的信息需求指数的技术因素进行分析外,更多的还要考虑图书馆的真实处境、条件及其它人为因素,图书馆只有明确自己的地位和作用,有的放矢,才能灵活主动地使用好有限的经费。  相似文献   

隐性知识:图书馆服务优势的核心变量   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
认为图书馆作为非赢利性组织,虽然不存在竞争,但存在相对服务优势;在论述图书馆服务优势的外生论和内生论的基础上,提出图书馆的服务优势源于图书馆的知识,特别是隐性知识;在此基础上提出确立服务优势的具体实施策略,包括建立图书馆知识平台,让图书馆成为学习型组织,让知识参与分配以及构建图书馆知识管理体系等。  相似文献   

指出公共图书馆进行基于"城市记忆"的地方文献建设不但具有必要性,而且与其他机构相比具有绝对的优势。认为在建设策略方面,应从文献收集、文献整理、文献利用等方面入手,开创地方文献建设的新局面,让公共图书馆真正成为"城市记忆"的记录者和保护者。  相似文献   

Library automation, in rudimentary form, began in the late 1960s and since 1990 has been the main focus of Pakistani librarianship. The generous financial assistance provided by the Netherlands Library Development Project (Pakistan) further accelerated the pace in this regard. However, the libraries in Pakistan have not registered any significant progress. Automated systems are lacking in large university libraries, as well as in college and public libraries. The largest group using this technology is specialist libraries. These libraries use automation primarily for a few selected operations. Some private sector universities have taken steps towards the planning and implementation of integrated library systems, but these are still in the trial stages. The National Library in Pakistan has also just made similar steps. The UNESCO sponsored CDS/ISIS is the most commonly used software; other popular packages used include ORACLE and INMAGIC. Some indigenous systems have also been developed, but without much success. IBM 386 and IBM 486 compatibles are used by the vast majority of libraries. Computer application education is yet to be introduced to schools by the country's library. The major constraints on library automation include: absence of planning, non-availability of software, import restriction on choice of hardware, lack of competent manpower, non existence of standard, absence of co-operation etc.  相似文献   

The maximum use of "Books for College Libraries, Opening Day Collection," and "Choice" as book selection sources for undergraduate libraries was measured by a sampling method. A composite test sample of 600 titles was assembled from these sources and compared with the holdings of the USC, UCLA, and Stanford University undergraduate libraries. The low matching rates that were found suggest that undergraduate libraries acquire relatively few titles from these sources. Statistical treatment of the data showed the libraries to be slow in acquiring recent titles. The significance of this work lies not so much in what was learned about undergraduate libraries, but in what can be learned about the use and value of selection tools using the same approach with other types of collections. The present approach bears a resemblance to methods that have been used previously in collection evaluation, overlap studies, and the like.  相似文献   

大温哥华图书馆系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
加拿大的大温哥华地区 ,有一个完善的公共图书馆系统。其图书馆分布稠密 ,便于利用。各图书馆都免费对所有的人开放 ,办卡、借还书都很方便 ,服务周到 ,体贴入微。图书馆通过年报让居民参与管理和资助办馆。各图书馆之间具有良好的合作。  相似文献   

Recognizing the utility of a regional medical library system in improving the availability of existing and future medical library resources in the country, the Congress included provisions for the support of such a system in the Medical Library Assistance Act. Grants will be made to major medical libraries which have the potential to provide supportive services to other libraries within a geographic area encompassing a major fraction of the nation's health professional manpower. Approximately ten of these regional libraries will receive these grants. Support for the system and consequently the extension of the services of the system will of necessity by implemented in a stepwise fashion. The central function of a regional medical library is to provide back-stopping interlibrary loan service and also to provide access to MEDLARS services for the region. Additional services for the region will include traditional reference service, training, surveillance of regional needs, announcement services, support for programs of continuing education for the health professions, and certain central technical processing for the region.  相似文献   

The results of the first two years of a pilot project in the Rochester, New York area provide new data on school library participation as full partners in multitype cooperative activities. Research findings demonstrate that school libraries hold unique materials, are able to fill many of the interlibrary loan requests of other libraries and utilize their computer terminals to enhance cornmunication between libraries. Additional sources of current information in the area of multitype library cooperation are also described.  相似文献   

翻译社会化需求的增长驱动了公共图书馆文献翻译服务的开展。公共图书馆要开展好文献翻译服务,应建立和完善其文献翻译服务的现代管理模式,加强同行间、组织间的联合与协作,实现翻译服务资源的优势互补。  相似文献   

论图书馆权利   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
马静 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(12):24-26
图书馆权利是图书馆历史发展的必然要求,其基本内涵包括图书馆权利和读者权利两个方面.图书馆有收集和提供信息资料的自由,并保证读者享有自由、公平、公正利用图书馆获取文献信息资料的权利和自由。图书馆的自由与平等原则要求图书馆在服务过程中坚持以人为本,实施无等级差别服务、无身份界限服务和无歧视服务。公益性文化事业单位的性质和经费短缺之间的现实矛盾,决定短期内图书馆在运行过程中还不能完全实现免费利用,这一问题,应通过政府加大投入来逐步解决。本文对图书馆权利从历史和现实、理论和实践、中国和外国的对比中作了深入的分析.  相似文献   

Reservation and conservation have become vital issues in libraries. Two perspectives on these issues were presented at this workshop. Fran Wilkinson spoke about the new roles in function and staff training in the library bindery unit based on a survey of 108 ARL libraries. Jack Fairfield discussed the goals and objectives of commercial biders in the preservation of library materials. Each emphasized that libraries and commercial binders ate becoming more aware of the importance of this critical step in conservation and preservation of books, serials, and other paper documents for future use by scholars.  相似文献   

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