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人类的阅读方式,是阅读介质的结果,是生产能力的折射,甲骨到纸张,莫不如此,书写到印刷,概莫能外.遥想当年,洛阳纸贵,凿壁借光,寄托着科举功名,囊萤照书,背负着锦绣前程.掩卷沉思,那是修身的历练,拥书入梦,那是远行的驿站.爱书痴书,那是华夏儿女内心的神圣,敬书畏书,那是中华民族价值的认同.  相似文献   

2010年3月,北京召开全国两会,老詹是全国政协委员,理当按时报到.刚到宾馆,接一电话,是人民网博客频道编辑打来的.编辑说,詹委员,我们给您开了一微博,两会期间,给我们写一点吧. "好的好的",老詹是一好说话之人,将此事痛快答应下来.进了房间,就开始编织"围脖".这玩艺儿挺方便的,还挺好玩,刚刚写好,轻轻一按,就已向全世界发表.但是,有一致命弱点,文字太短,只一百四十个字,多一个字,也不通融,上不了网,发不出去.  相似文献   

正《股份农民》,也是一只为当下农民探路的"青鸟",只不过,它探索的不是爱情路,而是持续发展路。经朋友推荐,近读《股份农民》一书,颇有感触。说实话,初看书名,稍觉土气,并不太在意。当下农村题材,虽接触不甚众,也偶有涉猎,总体印象,如红袄村姑,朴素有余,魅力不足,难生雅趣,因此臆断此书也不过尔尔,故初捧此书,只是浅读,一目十行。然一路读来,观感渐变,遂改深读,细研慢读。  相似文献   

巢峰 《编辑学刊》2004,(2):21-22
目前,我国图书市场除了保留着较深的计划经济的烙印外,无序状态和恶性竞争还十分严重,如盗版,剽窃,胡编滥造,弄虚作假,买卖书号,高定价、低折扣等等.由此可见,在加大图书市场化的同时,加强宏观调控,加大整顿图书市场的力度,实属当务之急.  相似文献   

"风雨飘摇"中诞生的"报纸百强",可谓是一丛奇葩,虽无艳丽之美,却有凌厉之强.当今互联网无孔不入,新媒体势不可挡,报纸曾经的辉煌不再延续,今日的拼搏更显荣光. 评选报纸百强的过程,交集百感!十年之前,解放日报报业集团牵头,全国20多家报业集团参与,在上海联名发表宣言,倡导成立"报业内容联盟",以维护内容传播的价值,抱团与门户网站开展竞合.自那以后,许多家报业集团摩拳擦掌,试做新媒体项目,但终因市场不确定性巨大,怯于投入,难成规模;更因为体制束缚,机制不活,未成气候.  相似文献   

<正>三"文革"结束,普天同庆。当时,我还在一家小化工厂劳动,抽假日去探望舒适和刘琼。舒适在干校时,虽经历了与妻子慕容婉儿生离死别的惨痛,却依旧精神饱满,锻炼身体,等待拍戏。只要有人请他,爽快地满口答应。只演配角,只有一两场戏,他也劲道十足,说是为了过过瘾。他还组织篮球队和由汪道涵发起的京剧票房,每周一次,去票房唱戏,还登台演出。我见到刘琼时,只见他人憔悴,体力弱,眼神里依旧闪烁着神采。我问起他在干校隔离的情况。他脸色庄严,目  相似文献   

大革命时期,大批宣扬新思潮的书籍如雨后春笋破土而出,正所谓“人靠衣装,佛靠金装”,“三分画七分裱”,封面犹如书本的衣冠,其作用不容小视,由此书籍装帧艺术应运而生.当时,书籍封面设计领域名家辈出,人才荟萃,风格各异,佳作纷呈.而钱君匋先生可谓是博采众长,独树一帜.他的封面设计力求融贯中西,构图元素突出,风格清新雅致,受到文化艺术界的推崇,被誉为“钱封面”,以至于门庭若市,户限为穿.  相似文献   

有一种职业,叫“记者“,狂风暴雪里,向前,向前,采集寒风的讯息,体味雪花的温度,出现在行路艰辛的回乡游子面前,报告着最新的消息。有一种职业,叫“记者“,天塌地陷时,向前,向前,记录灾难降临的真实场景,守望生命消逝的苦痛悲伤,陪伴在历经劫难的废墟孤儿身边,传递着人间的温暖。  相似文献   

不曾遥远,民生只是生计,是衣食温饱,是遮风避雨,是生存保障,与精神无涉,与文化无缘。就在今天,民生当为福祉,是文化享受,是生活质量,是发展权利。谁都是血肉之躯,谁都是天公造物,凭什么,文化只是少数人的附属物,凭什么,艺术只是少数人的奢侈品。公平的声音在呼唤,  相似文献   

感谢诚信之光,照耀了炎黄世代子孙,感谢诚信之花,装点着华夏壮美山川。有它相伴,我们无畏艰险,有它护佑,我们相安万年。诚信是天,神圣。诚信是地,博大。诚信是山,庄严。诚信是海,深远。诚信是碧玉,无暇。诚信是清泉,有意。它是天良,它是肝胆,它是历史的积淀,它是智慧  相似文献   

Welcome to the Global Postcards column! We are so excited to bring you news and projects from around the world. In this column, our contributors from Bulgaria and Turkey bring us a comparative study of mobile and information literacy among students at two universities in those countries. In addition to presenting perceptions of students around these literacy concepts, their research project also highlights growing trends in the use of distance education and web-based study materials. Thanks to the contributors for this issue, and please keep the submissions coming!

If you would like to send a submission, please contact either of the column's co-editors: Jacqueline Solis, jsolis@email.unc.edu, and Robin Kear, rlk25@pitt.edu.  相似文献   

博、硕士学位论文具有重要的学术价值,而国内外学术界和出版界对于学位论文内容的再出版问题持有不同的观点。通过调研国内外学术界和出版界发现,国外绝大多数高校和出版机构认为学位论文并不算作先前出版物,基于学位论文内容再出版的稿件能否被接受,关键在于稿件的质量,另外,根据不同出版机构及受众特点对学位论文进行修改是非常必要的。国内相关研究尚待深入,多数研究人员和期刊编辑认为,学位论文因学术价值的特殊性,其析出内容的再出版应得到更加理性和全面的分析。面对纷繁乱象,建议我国有关部门应尽快出台相关规定,出版机构阐明学位论文与先前出版物的关系,以及对于学位论文析出内容再出版的要求,以适应网络出版日益普及的新形势。  相似文献   

The subpoena process represents a legal obligation and duty of citizenry and is becoming a fact of life in the operations of many libraries. Regardless of whether a library is directly involved in litigation, the library director may be faced with adjusting operations to compensate for the loss of personnel, collection materials, or other resources in order to accommodate the demands of a subpoena. This paper outlines the formal subpoena process and highlights a number of scenarios by which the library may become a part of the process. The area of computer law, in particular, may present a "growth phase" in library litigation. In addition, recommendations to minimize the service interruptions caused by the subpoena are offered. The director must assist library counsel in formulating a response to challenge, modify, or quash (throw out) the subpoena. Efforts to quash the subpoena require proof that the materials requested are irrelevant to the case, not subpoenaed for "good cause," or that compliance would be unduly oppressive and burdensome. In any case, the library director must be fully prepared to educate counsel on the potential impact of the subpoena.  相似文献   

One aspect of the mediatization of politics is the idea that political actors adapt to the communication logic of news media to gain, for example, news media attention. Currently, this process may be influenced by the diffusion of the internet as a political communication channel, especially because online communication provides a new opportunity for political actors to communicate directly with citizens. Thus far, the adaptation to media logic by political parties has mainly been examined in the context of election campaigns. In order to transfer these findings to regular political communication, this study compares the use of media logic in the mass media and in direct political communication channels online and offline about the United Nations Climate Change Conferences 2011 and 2012. A quantitative content analysis of the conference protocols (input) and the presentation of the conference results in the seven most frequently used German offline news outlets (print and TV) and their online counterparts, as well as political offline and online communication channels like parliamentary speeches and websites of the six parties represented in the German parliament (output), was conducted. Results show that in the context of regular political communication, political actors seem to follow media logic to a lesser extent than in the context of election campaigns. Thus far, the influence of online communication on the mediatization of politics seems to be rather marginal. The causes and consequences of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of inflationary and equalizing bias on publication output rankings. Any identifiable amount of bias in authorship accreditation was detrimental to accuracy when ranking a select group of leading Canadian aquaculture researchers. Bias arose when publication scores were calculated without taking into account information about multiple authorship and differential coauthor contributions. The ensuing biased equal credit scores, whether fractional or inflated, produced rankings that were fundamentally different from the ranking of harmonic estimates of actual credit calculated by using all relevant byline information in the source data. In conclusion, the results indicate that both fractional and inflated rankings are misleading, and suggest that accurate accreditation of coauthors is the key to reliable publication performance rankings.  相似文献   

以数字化背景下图书馆、档案馆等文化机构保护文化遗产的共同愿景为基点,综述欧美国家图书档案数字化融合服务的政策规划和合作项目。总结国外实践的特点,包括明确的战略规划、多元的伙伴关系、回应数字时代的挑战、逐步统一的技术标准和多样的合作模式。这些特点和经验可以为我国开展相关实践提供参考。  相似文献   

参考文献与作者和编辑   总被引:29,自引:7,他引:22  
陈灿华 《编辑学报》2003,15(1):42-43
参考文献是科技论文的重要组成部分,能体现科学的继承性,提供科学依据,节省篇幅,使论文内容精练、结构紧凑。认为参考文献的著录还能反映作者的科技道德和科研水平,反映编辑人员的业务水平。就其具体判定方法进行了研究。就如何对待参考文献,对作者和编辑提出了具体要求。  相似文献   

从文献管理者的角度回顾了各种去酸技术和去酸方法的特点,重点放在不同的去酸技术和去酸方式的去酸效果、影响因素及可能存在的风险上。目的是为了有助于文献管理人员了解这些特点,以便依据文献特点选择适合的、有效的去酸技术和去酸方式,降低去酸过程中的风险。研究发现,已有的去酸技术各有优势也都存在不足及副作用。在选择去酸技术时,需要充分地掌握不同去酸技术的弊利,并结合文献纸张及字迹材料的特点,才有可能达到去酸目的并规避风险。整体去酸方式虽然优势不少,但其副作用不可忽视。解决这一矛盾的途径就是透彻地了解被选择的去酸技术,再依据藏品的文化价值、历史价值或工艺价值决定是否可以接受该去酸技术的副作用,或选择风险更小的去酸工艺。单项去酸方式具有较好的风险管控能力,对安全性及保真度要求高的文献,单项去酸是最佳选择。  相似文献   

针对传播技术的进步、广播电视业经营与市场的变化 ,欧洲理事会与欧盟为规范欧洲范围内的广播电视 ,制定了一系列指导性法规文件 ,力图构建全欧统一的信息与思想交流平台、统一的广播电视业市场 ,推广“欧洲意识” ,抵制美国影视业的“入侵”。这种全方位的法规管理框架对欧洲广播电视业的发展起着越来越重要的作用  相似文献   

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