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随着融合教育的不断发展,特需儿童在普通学校得到的教育资源、个性化教育及发展情况越来越受到关注。本研究选取一名有言语问题的轻度智力障碍儿童进行干预,探索学校组织、专家干预、家长配合的三方支持干预模式的有效性。  相似文献   
腹泻可能造成脱水或营养不良,在儿童腹泻的时候,我们不但要积极配合医生的治疗,自己也要做好各项工作。首先,纠正孩子不良的生活习惯,饭前便后要洗手,不乱吃不洁零食、小吃。其次,有些腹泻是会传染的,在儿童腹泻的时候,尽量让孩子单独使用物品,包括餐具、洗具、毛巾等。  相似文献   
小宝宝的出生给小家庭带来了无限的欢乐,同时也给年轻的父母带来了一定的压力。小宝宝还不会说话,当他病了的时候,父母怎么才能知道?生病的宝宝是留在家中观察,还是赶快送医院……别急,本文将为您介绍最佳应对方案。  相似文献   
Objective: The functional relationship between calculated alpha band spectral power and inter-/intra-hemispheric coherence during a three-level working memory task of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) was investigated. Methods: Subjects included 35 MCI patients according to the DSM-IV criteria (mean age: 62.3, SD: 6.5) and 34 healthy controls (mean age: 57.4, SD: 4.0) were selected from the community at large. All subjects performed a simple calculation and recall task with three levels of working memory load while electroencephalograph (EEG) signal was recorded. The spectral EEG power was computed over alpha1 (8.0~10.0 Hz) and alpha2 (10.5~13.0 Hz) frequency bands and was compared between rest stage and working memory processing stage by two-way ANOVA. Post hoc testing analyzed the differences between each two levels of working memory load during task processing. The inter-hemisphere EEG coherence of frontal (F3-F4), central (C3-C4), parietal (P3-P4), temporal (T5-T6) as well as occipital (O1-O2) was compared between MCI patients and normal controls. The EEG signals from F3-C3, F4-C4, C3-P3, C4-P4, P3-O1, P4-O2, T5-C3, T6-C4, T5-P3 and T6-P4 electrode pairs resulted from the intra-hemispheric action for alpha1 and alpha2 frequency bands. Result: There was significantly higher EEG power from MCI patients than from normal controls both at rest and during working memory processing. Significant differences existed between rest condition and three-level working memory tasks (P<0.001). The inter-and intra-hemispheric coherence during working memory tasks showed a "drop to rise" tendency compared to that at rest condition. There was significantly higher coherence in MCI patients than in the controls. When task difficulties increased, the cortical connectivity of intra-hemispheric diminished while the inter-hemispheric connectivity dominantly maintained the cognitive processing in MCI patients. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicate that the alpha frequency band may be the characteristic band in distinguishing MCI patients from normal controls during working memory tasks. MCI patients exhibit greater inter-hemispheric connectivity than intra-hemispheric connectivity when memory demands increase. MCI patients mobilize a compensatory mechanism to maintain the processing effectiveness while the processing efficiency is reduced.  相似文献   
目的:临床观察中药加味柴芍六君颗粒治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome-diarrhea predomina nt,IBS-D)的临床疗效。方法:将80例IBS-D患者随机分为加味柴芍六君颗粒中药组和培菲康西药组,分别给予加味柴芍六君颗粒及口服培菲康治疗。疗程均为4周,疗程结束后随访3个月,观察疗效。结果:(1)治疗2、4周后、治疗结束后第1个月及第3个月随访时,结果两组的证候总积分改善明显优于治疗前,差异有统计学意义(p0.05);(2)治疗4周后,中药组总有效率为81.1%,西药组为70.4%,2组总体疗效差异无统计学意义(p=0.194);在单项症状方面排便次数和大便性状等改善情况中药组要优于西药,差异具有统计学意义(p0.05);(3)在第1、第3个月随访中药组证候积分改善优于西药组,差异具有统计学意义(p0.05)。结论:临床应用加味柴芍六君颗粒治疗IBS-D具有较好的临床疗效。  相似文献   
秋季是小儿腹泻病高发季节,多数由轮状病毒感染所致,因多发生在秋季,故通常称为"秋季腹泻"。本病呈散发或小流行,经粪-口传播,也可通过气溶胶形式经呼吸道感染而致病。潜伏期1~3天。发病年龄以6个月~3岁最多见,4岁以上者少见。  相似文献   
谈起损智伤脑的疾病人们最先想到的肯定是脑炎、脑膜炎等对鼻炎、腹泻等离脑子很远的疾病则不以为然。其实一些看似小疾微恙的毛病同  相似文献   
我们知道,吃药时有时会产生腹胀腹泻等症状,说明书上也会标明可能产生的不良反应。您知道吗?有些中药也具有腹泻的作用。下面为您盘点具有腹泻作用的11味中药,肠胃功能不好的人要记牢呦。大黄本品苦寒沉降,善荡涤胃肠,峻下实热,走而不守,有斩关夺隘之功,主入阳明大肠经,攻积导滞,泻热通便。现代研究认为,大黄所含结合蒽醌为泻下主要成分,  相似文献   
"动"态伦敦奥运会上的百岁火炬手在英国奥委会官方公布的火炬手名单中,最年长的火炬手是来自伦敦的黛安娜.古尔德,今年5月23日她迎来了100岁生日。"如果和在公寓里走动一样的话,这段路不成问题,"她这样告诉路透社的采访记者,"对于我来说,  相似文献   
轮状病毒是导致孩子腹泻的罪魁祸首,5岁以下的孩子几乎100%都受到过至少一次轮状病毒侵犯.尤以2个月~3岁的小宝宝最多。对于这样一个劲敌.我们有理由对它严阵以待。  相似文献   
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