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党的十九大报告明确指出,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,这是我国发展新的历史方位。在迈向新时代的伟大征程中,要为实现“中国梦”而不懈努力奋勇前行,抓住体育事业发展的战略机遇期,实现体育强国的伟大梦想。理解新时代的理论内涵,明确体育强国的奋斗目标,寻找体育强国的实现动力。在强国之梦的实现道路中,指引体育强国的发展方向,在以人民为中心的根本宗旨中,确立体育强国的时代责任。当前,我国从“体育大国”向“体育强国”迈进的历史时期,竞技体育需要稳中求进,群众体育需要夯实根基,学校体育需要健康促进,体育产业需要点面齐进,体育人口需要实质突破,都是在新时代实现“中国梦”的组成部分,体育事业的大发展我们需要在“新时代”重新定义。体育强国是“中国梦”的组成部分,我们需要在党的十九大报告中汲取思想精髓,“不忘初心,牢记使命”,在全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段,去满足人民群众日益增长对体育美好幸福生活的向往与期盼。  相似文献   
In the spread of SARS-CoV-2, there have been multiple waves of replacement between strains, each of which having a distinct set of mutations. The first wave is a group of four mutations (C241T, C3037T, C14408T and A23403G [this being the amino acid change D614G]; all designated 0 to 1 below). This DG (D614G) group, fixed at the start of the pandemic, is the foundation of all subsequent waves of strains. Curiously, the DG group is absent in early Asian samples but present (and likely common) in Europe from the beginning. European data show that the high fitness of DG1111 requires the synergistic effect of all four mutations. However, the European strains would have had no time to evolve the four DG mutations (0 to 1), had they come directly from the early Asian DG0000 strain. Very likely, the European DG1111 strain had acquired the highly adaptive DG mutations in pre-pandemic Europe and had been spreading in parallel with the Asian strains. Two recent reports further support this twin-beginning interpretation. There was a period of two-way spread between Asia and Europe but, by May 2020, the European strains had supplanted the Asian strains globally. This large-scale replacement of one set of mutations for another has since been replayed many times as COVID-19 progresses.  相似文献   
The SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant flared up in late May in Guangzhou, China. Transmission characteristics of Delta variant were analysed for 153 confirmed cases and two complete transmission chains with seven generations were fully presented. A rapid transmission occurred in five generations within 10 days. The basic reproduction number (R0) was 3.60 (95% confidence interval: 2.50–5.30). After redefining the concept of close contact, the proportion of confirmed cases discovered from close contacts increased from 43% to 100%. With the usage of a yellow health code, the potential exposed individuals were self-motivated to take a nucleic acid test and regained public access with a negative testing result. Facing the massive requirement of screening, novel facilities like makeshift inflatable laboratories were promptly set up as a vital supplement and 17 cases were found, with 1 pre-symptomatic. The dynamic adjustment of these three interventions resulted in the decline of Rt from 5.00 to 1.00 within 9 days. By breaking the transmission chain and eliminating the transmission source through extending the scope of the close-contact tracing, health-code usage and mass testing, the Guangzhou Delta epidemic was effectively contained.  相似文献   
Anecdotal reports of student parents’ challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic prompted this explorative study; investigating the lived experiences of UK student parents and the provision of Higher Education support. Data was derived from 91 online surveys, 20 follow-up interviews, and analysis of 100 university websites. This occurred during the pandemic lockdowns whenthe stresses, challenges and opportunities of balancing their simultaneous roles of parent and student were intensified due to school closures. The Double ABC-X model provided a framework for examining participant's lived experiences, and the role that Higher Education institutions could play in effecting positive coping and adaptation. Findings indicate that universities need to implement strategies to enhance support for this sector, including greater awareness of the vulnerabilities and challenges involved, more flexibility and adaptability in the university ethos, formal and informal policies and structures to provide more effective support and advice for juggling these simultaneous demands.  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情作为重大突发公共卫生事件,对各个国家治理体系来说,既是一次危机,也是一次大考。我国在抗疫斗争中坚持以人民为中心,最大限度保护了人民的生命安全和身体健康,取得了抗击新冠肺炎疫情斗争重大战略成果,充分展现了中国精神、中国力量、中国担当,也充分展现了中国共产党领导和中国特色社会主义制度的显著优势。高校思想政治理论课应结合自身的教学目标和教学任务,遵照习近平总书记对"办好思政课"的"八个统一"具体要求,精准选取疫情防控专题内容深入阐释,采用多元教学方法激活课堂,提升思政课程教育实效性。  相似文献   
为研究地级市市域使用前瞻性时空重排扫描统计量分析模型对探测新冠肺炎疫情潜在的暴发区进行预警的可行性,利用前瞻性时空扫描模型分析软件SaTScan 9.6及地理信息可视化表达软件ArcGIS 10.8对安徽省蚌埠市2020年1月23日至2月23日新冠肺炎疫情进行逐日模拟监测预警;通过时空重排扫描分析,探测出4个集簇,其中非随机性显著的集簇2个,包含怀远县全域20个乡镇、固镇县3个乡镇、蚌埠市区17个街道及开发区,其中第1集簇为低聚集区,涵盖1个街道,复现间隔15天;第2集簇为高聚集区,涵盖34个乡镇街道及开发区,复现间隔11天;蚌埠市禹会区、淮上区、蚌山区若干街道及怀远县全域为下一阶段新冠疫情空间聚集强预警的重点区域,前瞻性时空重排扫描分析可应用于地级市疫情防控应急响应检测预警。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情让我国职业体育系统各主体深受影响,职业体育俱乐部运动员训练竞赛被迫中断、外援合同违约等内部矛盾凸显;体育观众注意力外流,收视份额大幅下降;赞助企业宣传效果不及预期,相关纠纷风险加大;转播媒体缺失赛事资源供给,载体价值缩水。CAS理论认为系统内各主体具有主动性、适应性,通过各主体间的相互作用和相互适应,会演化出新的复杂系统以适应环境变化。该理论适用于当下我国职业体育运营问题研究。指出,要摆脱当前运营困境,我国职业体育系统应重点围绕政府引导、职业体育管理者统一认识、赛事疫情防控、电视网络媒体开发、观众需求激发五个方面展开工作,充分发挥政府引导功能,做好相关政策保障;做好目标定位,深化合作共赢思想;严抓赛事举办各环节的疫情防控;大力发展“互联网+”与“体育+”融合模式;重视大众对职业体育的需求与诉求。旨在为我国职业体育复工复产投入运营提供参考。  相似文献   
In the spring of 2021, just 1 year after schools were forced to close for COVID-19, state assessments were administered at great expense to provide data about impacts of the pandemic on student learning and to help target resources where they were most needed. Using state assessment data from Colorado, this article describes the biggest threats to making valid inferences about student learning to study pandemic impacts using state assessment data: measurement artifacts affecting the comparability of scores, secular trends, and changes in the tested population. The article compares three statistical approaches (the Fair Trend, baseline student growth percentiles, and multiple regression with demographic covariates) that can support more valid inferences about student learning during the pandemic and in other scenarios in which the tested population changes over time. All three approaches lead to similar inferences about statewide student performance but can lead to very different inferences about student subgroups. Results show that controlling statistically for prepandemic demographic differences can reverse the conclusions about groups most affected by the pandemic and decisions about prioritizing resources.  相似文献   
This paper contributes to the scarce literature on factors affecting EdTech use in households. These factors were considered through exploratory mixed-methods analyses of cross-sectional data on Kenyan girls and caregivers, captured during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quantitative analysis of the child dataset (n = 544) suggested the importance of both structural factors—such as technology hardware availability—and non-structural factors—including caregiver permission. Findings were supported by a thematic analysis of interview data from girls' caregivers (n = 58), which emphasised the role they play in girls' use of EdTech. Interviews also highlighted numerous caregiver concerns with EdTech, related to the relevance and rigour of educational content, the possibility of children accessing age-inappropriate material and child health (especially eyesight). Policy makers could alleviate these concerns by providing guidance on EdTech use and clearly signalling their approval of verified initiatives.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • EdTech can benefit girls' education, yet there are various barriers to it being used.
  • Existing research shows clearly that EdTech use can be impeded by structural factors (eg, hardware ownership).
  • However, we find insufficient empirical evidence on the role of non-structural or behavioural factors.
What this paper adds
  • This paper addresses this gap, using a mixed-methods approach to explore the influence of 33 different measures (including non-structural factors) that could affect the number of hours girls spend using EdTech at home.
  • Findings from a quantitative sample of girls (n = 544) and a qualitative sample of girls' caregivers (n = 58) highlighted the importance of non-structural factors, especially caregiver permission.
  • The variable most strongly associated with girls' EdTech usage in our selected quantitative model concerned whether this was sanctioned by their caregivers.
  • Our qualitative data suggested why caregiver permission to use EdTech might be withheld: caregivers emphasised perceived concerns about the risks and rigour of EdTech.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Our findings suggest the viability of policy interventions that provide EdTech guidance to caregivers.
  • Caregivers uncertain about EdTech could be reassured of the appropriateness of verified initiatives, while those already convinced might be aided in their attempts to support EdTech learning.
  • Such guidance could provide a low-cost means of further exploiting the benefits that household EdTech learning can provide.
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