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家道即治家、成家之道,是家庭赖以成立、维持和发展的规则和道理。彝族典籍《海腮耄启》收录了大量关于文化知识和道德教育的诗文,其中有些是彝族婚礼仪式上传唱的酒礼,有的是司仪诵读的祝词,彝语叫“尤咪”,属于彝族传统家道教育的一部分,主要用于彝族伦理道德教化。虽然时过境迁,但其充满哲理的彝族家道教育思想,对于当今的家庭教育仍然具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   
据2014年7月份的数据统计,我国中小学生的身体素质持续25年下滑,直至2014年,各项指标才略有回升。中小学生是国家建设的后备人才,其体质健康决定着他们能否持续发展,能否投入到国家建设中。提高中小学生体质有重要意义,而单靠学生在学校上几节体育课,不可能全面提高身体素质。家庭体育教育对中小学生体质健康状况有重要影响。  相似文献   
建设社会主义法治中国,是建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家的重要目标之一。改革开放以来,在探索中国特色社会主义道路的历史进程中,不断深化对市场经济规律的认识,成功开辟了一条中国特色社会主义法治建设道路,有力促进了改革开放和社会主义法治中国建设。随着国家高考政策的放宽,地方高校的持续扩招,就业形势的不断严峻,学生思想观念的不断改变,在高校学生涉及怀孕或生育后究竟该如何处理与对待的问题上往往存在一些问题。一个学生的失足带来的不幸,不仅是一个学生一生的不幸,也是两个家庭的不幸,更是一个新生生命的不幸。因此,文章以法治的视角,试分析高校学生计划生育工作开展及进行对策研究。  相似文献   
Families are increasingly recognised as informal sites of learning, especially with regard to healthy eating. Through the use of Bourdieu's conceptual tools, this paper explores the role of family meals within different family structures and the informal pedagogic encounters that take place. How they help to construct young people's healthy eating beliefs, values and dispositions, together with what influences their ability to conduct healthy lifestyle practices within different social and material conditions, is also considered. This study draws from semi-structured interviews with students (n =62) from three inner city comprehensive schools in the Midlands, UK, who were invited to interview with a friend from the same family structure. The interview protocol sought to uncover how often young people ate with their family and elicit their subjective views of family meals as a social context (pedagogical field) in which health messages were conveyed. Corresponding interview data were analysed using thematic analysis which revealed two main themes: (1) the importance of family meals as a pedagogic context for the (re)production of health-related beliefs, values and dispositions and (2) the influence of family structure on individual agency. The narratives illustrate the varying role of family meals for young people in different fields and suggest that family (as a primary field) with its particular practices can act as a site of informal pedagogy, but crucially, only for those whose social and material conditions allow. We should therefore not assume that family meals are ‘normative’ for all families and may serve different functions for different families. Hence, in a period of economic depression and prolonged austerity, encouraging family units of any structure to invest in family meals from an early age will help to enhance young people's healthy dispositions.  相似文献   
目的::了解乌鲁木齐市听力残疾中学生心理健康的现状。进行乌鲁木齐市听力残疾中学生心理健康心理健康现状评估,分析存在问题和主要影响因素。针对乌鲁木齐市听力残疾中学生心理健康存在问题和影响因素,提出的合理化干预对策。方法:统一采用SCL-90症状量表的对乌鲁木齐市聋人学校134名听力残疾中学生进行心理健康状况进行调查。结果:听力残疾中学生心理健康状况比一般中学生明显差,总体上心理问题检出率接近44.03%,人际关系敏感、偏执、抑郁、强迫、躯体化、敌对、精神病症状是最普遍存在的心理问题;家庭关系不好的听力残疾中学生比家庭关系好的听力残疾中学生,在抑郁、强迫症状、敌对心理问题上较严重。结论:听力残疾中学生心理健康状况不容乐观,急需有效的心理健康教育以促进他们心理健康。  相似文献   
幸福是每个人一生都在追求的目标,不同的人对幸福的理解也是不同的,作为高职生对幸福感的理解也有他独特的一面。本研究旨在通过对高职生家庭条件对其主观幸福感的影响的分析研究,为促进高职生生活稳定给予理论指导,培养学生健全的人格、品德,为学生的发展奠定良好、坚实的基础。  相似文献   
曾国藩在家庭文学教育方面为今人留下了许多可资借鉴的经验。包括:身立典范,不尚空谈;频规情志,力戒疏浮;详导门径,尽除迷雾;细查功课,非止倡言;借石攻玉,齐家兴学。  相似文献   
In order to be more successful in carrying out their responsibilities, public librarians should become more aware of the larger field of public administration within which they practice their profession. A syllabus for a twelve-clock-hour unit on public administration for public librarianship is presented.  相似文献   
This study examines a recognizable speech code, the code of food and tradition, as displayed among members of a Lebanese community in Flatland, located in the central United States. Based upon in-depth interviews with 20 participants and three months of participant observation at a Lebanese food festival, we identify communication that is gendered, generationally shaped, and focused on tradition. These are manifest in both beliefs and everyday practices. Drawing upon Speech Codes Theory and Bakhtinian perspectives, we examine the communicative practices and beliefs as to what it means to “be Lebanese.”  相似文献   
探索20世纪90年代父、母亲的经济地位和受教育情况对我国优秀运动员从事竞技体育的影响.男、女运动员在家庭背景和参与项目上的差异揭示出体育参与、家庭和性别文化之间存在着一定的相互关系.  相似文献   
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