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进化史观的传播,新史学思潮的初步确立,冲击着传统学术史的编纂方式。进入二十世纪后,摆脱由纪传体史书演化而来的学案体学术史束缚,编撰崭新的章节体学术史,成为历史编撰学的重要课题。在建构中国学术史的新体系的历程中,出现了象梁启超著的《论中国学术史变迁之大势》,刘师培的《周末学术史序》,章太炎的《清儒》、《学隐》、《学变》等用新观点、新方法写成的学术史著作,开创了学术史研究的新境界。本文主要对梁启超著的《论中国学术史变迁之大势》做较为系统的分析,兼顾对其他用新观点写出的学术史著作进行阐释。  相似文献   
彭桂萼的边疆论著,是当前研究西南边疆有价值的历史资料之一,也是云南的重要文献之一。他的研究克服了前代学者研究滇西南囿于书本的局限,以实地履勘与文献考证相结合,著述真实可信。综观他的边疆论著,具有明显的爱国爱乡的思想倾向;实地调查,创新体例;认清边疆形势,加强边防建设;风土人情,记载周详的特点。  相似文献   
为了管理集中部署的远端服务器,系统管理员需要采用远程管理方式。云南广播电视大学教务管理系统采用SSH安全外壳协议对Linux服务器进行远程管理,利用Windows远程桌面工具完成对Windows服务器的远程管理是两种简单易行、安全可靠的远程管理方法。  相似文献   
在美国,社会取向教师教育课程思想逐渐成熟起来,它假设了教师是知识与社会的转换者,试图在教师教育课程中培养教师实现教育公平的社会道德和责任感、知识和技能,使得教师能够在美国多元化群体学生日益增长的环境中进行有效教学。  相似文献   
Students who engage in challenging behaviour compromise the fundamental ability of schools to educate children. Consequently, teachers face the daunting task of designing effective strategies to promote positive educational outcomes for their students. Since the 1997 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act amendments, the use of positive behaviour supports (PBS) to address the behavioural needs of children challenged by disabilities has expanded. There is evidence to support the utility of PBS in reducing challenging behaviour among students. However, successful schools are also gauged by the academic achievement of their students. Hence, it is important to examine the extent to which behavioural outcomes are related to academic outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which PBS interventions aimed at reducing challenging behaviour result in corresponding improvement in academic achievement. A meta‐analysis of extant research indicated a positive correlation of 0.40 between improvement in problem behaviour and academic achievement. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at: http://youtu.be/c9OUU0GkGrw .  相似文献   
This paper aims to gain insight into language production and academic language of 4- and 5-year-old students and their teachers in the course of a teacher intervention during kindergarten science education. The study is based on videotaped classroom observations, and specifically focuses on the academic language use of students (Nintervention = 18, Ncontrols = 26) and teachers (Nintervention = 5, Ncontrols = 5). The results suggest that this general teacher intervention yields interesting changes in language use and production. Patterns of change over time confirm the idiosyncratic and non-linear nature of these changes. Science lessons represent an appropriate context in which to acquaint students with academic language, which can be used as a basis to build upon more sophisticated language skills.  相似文献   
学习型组织理论被认为是21世纪管理趋势的新型组织管理理论,将其应用于图书馆管理实践.构建学习型图书馆.适应知识经济时代对图书馆的要求,提高图书馆的效能.  相似文献   
在西方美学史上,黑格尔的美学思想是德国古典美学的一个总结。李丕显、陈望衡先生合著之《黑格尔美学论稿》,一方面对黑格尔美学中体现出的软弱、妥协、近视的一面作了剖析,指出其主客观颠倒的根本性错误;另一方面也全面地辩证地分析论述了黑格尔美学的合理内核极其进步意义,以求借鉴。  相似文献   
本文试从司空图的生活环境和诗学背景重新认识(诗品》的价值,主要从创作的观察体验、艺术人格的修养、审美态度的形成、艺术境界的生成、艺术结构与语言的安排、风格的造就等方面,发掘其理论意义,认为该作的生成是对唐人诗学创作经验的隐性总结。  相似文献   
论"知音"--从《文心雕龙·知音》看刘勰文学鉴赏理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<文心雕龙·知音>首开我国文学鉴赏理论研究之先河.刘勰从审美主客体、文学鉴赏与文学创作的关系上,指出了"知音难"的原因,提出了读者在文学鉴赏中作为接受主体的必备条件,对我们今天文学鉴赏、文学批评理论的建设有着重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
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