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As one of the largest active academic social networking sites, ResearchGate (RG) has been utilized by scholars to share publications, seek collaborators, communicate work in progress, and build scholarly reputation. This study collects data from RG users from 61 U.S. research universities at different research activity levels, as categorized by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, to examine the impact of institutional differences on RG reputational metrics. The results confirm that RG is a research-oriented academic social networking site that closely and realistically mirrors the research activity level of institutions. With an increase in the research activity level of a university, its affiliated RG users tend to have higher RG scores, more publications and citations, and more profile views and followers, while the average number of reads of their publications and followees tend to be lower and fluctuant. In addition, RG users primarily follow others from institutions of a higher research activity level, forming virtual social networks centered around esteemed institutions. The study suggests academic social networks can serve as indicators in evaluation of research activities among research institutions, and such sites can be helpful and credible for acquiring resources, keeping informed about research, and promoting academic influence.  相似文献   
ResearchGate为代表的学术社交网络逐渐引起图情学科用户的重视,针对其高影响力科研成果主题内容的揭示,将丰富用户对不同媒介下学科的发展动向与研究重点的认知,亦有助于合理利用学术社交网络来提升个人影响力。文章选取学术社交网络中图情学科高影响力科研成果为研究对象,构建LDA模型挖掘摘要内容,引入来源年份信息分析各时期主题演化情况,在跨媒介比较中揭示网络交流背景下其呈现的内容特征。研究提炼健康信息学、用户信息行为、算法技术、应用开发、通信网络5个主题。从主题强度变化来看,健康信息学表现平稳,用户信息行为、通信网络呈现上升趋势,算法技术、应用开发整体出现下降。与期刊等传统媒介得到的结论相比,学术社交网络中的研究主题与其虽具有一定相似性,但更凸显出学科交叉融合特征。  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 对不同学术社交网络中不同学科用户的文献阅读差异进行分析,以了解在不同学术社交网络中的学科分布情况,掌握在不同学术社交网络中的学科研究热点。[方法/过程] 通过Altmetric. com获取24个学科的4 800篇热点文献,利用爬虫采集这些文献在Mendeley和ResearchGate的被阅读次数,再对文献进行内容分析,得到关键词,最后对比分析不同学术社交网络中文献阅读差异以及学科关注热点的一致性。[结果/结论] 不同学科的读者身份、读者所属领域具有显著差异,ResearchGate中的文献阅读次数普遍高于Mendeley,且社会科学等软学科的文献阅读相对优势更为明显,而物理学等硬学科的文献阅读相对优势较低。Mendeley和ResearchGate在地球与地理科学、化学和环境科学等学科中的关注热点具有较高的一致性,而物理学等部分学科中的关注热点表现出较低的一致性。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]研究学术社交网络中图情领域用户的真实利用水平与特征,有助于指导图情学科合理利用学术社交网络开展学术交流并提升学科影响力。[研究设计/方法]以ResearchGate(RG)为例,在核实用户身份信息的基础上筛选出iSchools全职教学研究人员为真实样本用户,通过对机构真实用户参与度、高质量用户比及其它RG交互利用指标数据的挖掘,分析揭示iSchools成员真实利用学术社交网络的现状,并基于机构和个体视角比较分析不同群体的真实利用特征。[结论/发现]图情领域用户对RG的真实基础利用程度有限,尽管全职教学研究人员已经成为iSchools在RG上的高质量用户,但其对平台的利用效果依然不足;男性和北美iSchools全职教学研究人员等较低真实用户参与度的用户群体可能表现出更为充分的交互利用行为,而交互利用指标能够较好的映射诸如用户职称级别、机构层级所反映的学术影响力差异。[创新/价值]基于iSchools全职教学人员用户身份的核实,揭示机构整体真实利用状况和个体真实利用差异,指导iSchools合理利用学术社交网络,以期为其他高校图情院系提供标杆,并为平台相关评价指标优化与平台建设提供参考。  相似文献   
高校科研人员学术影响力综合评价在推动国家、高校和高校科研人员的整体综合全面发展中起着非常重要的作用。在科学2.0时代下,有必要将传统计量指标和替代计量指标结合起来实现更为全面有效的评价应用。鉴于此,本文基于ResearchGate网站平台抓取以北京工业大学科研人员为例的高校科研人员在网络媒体上呈现的影响力指标数据,并结合传统的引文计量指标数据,在数据分析中采用定性和定量相结合的方法,采用主成分分析和天际线的方法构建指标体系和评价模型,通过指标赋权作出综合评价。为科研人员学术影响力综合评价提供新视角,提出新思路,对具体评价结果进行解析,为完善高校教师科研评价体制的相应对策做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
仝晶晶 《情报科学》2020,38(3):29-34
【目的/意义】探究不同文化背景下科研人员对于学术社交网络的利用行为,揭示图情领域科研人员在此类平台中的行为差异和影响力差异。【方法/过程】选取ResearchGate作为研究平台,运用网络调查和比较研究的方法对78个iSchool联盟成员进行广泛调研。同时,基于国家差异的视角从影响力、信息共享行为和社交行为三个方面比较分析科研人员对学术社交网络的利用行为。【结果/结论】调研结果显示,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学的图情工作者在学术社交网络平台上最为活跃;相对于提出问题,iSchool的图情工作者更喜欢提供答案;中国的用户数量居于全球第三位,但用户活跃度低,影响力较小。  相似文献   
While ResearchGate has become the most popular academic social networking site in terms of regular users, not all institutions have joined and the scores it assigns to academics and institutions are controversial. This paper assesses the presence in ResearchGate of higher education institutions in Europe and the US in 2017, and the extent to which institutional ResearchGate Scores reflect institutional academic impact. Most of the 2258 European and 4355 US higher educational institutions included in the sample had an institutional ResearchGate profile, with near universal coverage for PhD-awarding institutions found in the Web of Science (WoS). For non-PhD awarding institutions that did not publish, size (number of staff members) was most associated with presence in ResearchGate. For PhD-awarding institutions in WoS, presence in RG was strongly related to the number of WoS publications. In conclusion, a) institutional RG scores reflect research volume more than visibility and b) this indicator is highly correlated to the number of WoS publications. Hence, the value of RG Scores for institutional comparisons is limited.  相似文献   
ResearchGate等在线学术交流网站为科研工作者提供了更方便快捷的科研交流平台。通过采集北京师范大学科研人员在ResearchGate上的学术交流行为数据,利用社会网络分析和统计分析方法,研究科研人员在ResearchGate上的使用状况和行为特征规律,同时分析科研人员的学术影响指数与指标publications,views, downloads,citations之间的相关关系。研究发现,虽然北京师范大学使用ResearchGate的人数较多,但是活跃度不是很高;不同学科背景、不同院系的科研人员对ResearchGate的利用状况不同,但是关注的研究主题存在交叉现象;不同用户对ResearchGate使用呈现出两极分化的特点。  相似文献   
This article uses Google Scholar (GS) as a source of data to analyse Open Access (OA) levels across all countries and fields of research. All articles and reviews with a DOI and published in 2009 or 2014 and covered by the three main citation indexes in the Web of Science (2,269,022 documents) were selected for study. The links to freely available versions of these documents displayed in GS were collected. To differentiate between more reliable (sustainable and legal) forms of access and less reliable ones, the data extracted from GS was combined with information available in DOAJ, CrossRef, OpenDOAR, and ROAR. This allowed us to distinguish the percentage of documents in our sample that are made OA by the publisher (23.1%, including Gold, Hybrid, Delayed, and Bronze OA) from those available as Green OA (17.6%), and those available from other sources (40.6%, mainly due to ResearchGate). The data shows an overall free availability of 54.6%, with important differences at the country and subject category levels. The data extracted from GS yielded very similar results to those found by other studies that analysed similar samples of documents, but employed different methods to find evidence of OA, thus suggesting a relative consistency among methods.  相似文献   
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