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合同成立与合同生效是两个不同的概念 ,合同成立不一定生效。合同如果不符合法律规定的有效要件 ,就是无效的 ,就不具有法律拘束力。无效合同因具有违法性 ,所以当事人不得依据合同实际履行 ,否则将承担违法的法律后果。《中华人民共和国合同法》不仅对无效合同的认定提供了具体标准 ,也对无效合同的法律后果作了相关规定 ,在处理案件时应予适用  相似文献   
To investigate effects of Zn on Cd uptake by spring wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) in solution culture, long-time hydroponic experiment (1 month) (Experiment 1) and short-time Cd isotope (109Cd) tracing experiment (24 h) (Experiment 2) were conducted. In Experiment 1, spring wheat (cv. Brookton) was grown in nutrient solution at uniform cadmium concentration of 20μ mol/L and 10 zinc concentrations (0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 μ mol/L). In Experiment 2, spring wheat seedlings,pre-cultivated in complete nutrient solution, were treated with 109Cd of uniform activity and the same series of Zn concentrations as those in Experiment 1 for 24 h. Cd concentrations in shoots and roots in Experiment 1 increased marginally but not consistently with Zn increasing at Zn rates of 1~200 μmol/L, and then decreased significantly at high rates (>200 μ mol/L). In Experiment 2, the response of 109Cd activities in shoots and roots to increasing Zn was greatly similar to the response of Cd concentrations to Zn increasing in Experiment 1. The results of the two experiments indicated that the short-time and long-time exposure of spring wheat to Zn had similar effects on Cd accumulation.  相似文献   
百色粤东会馆由于跟中国共产党第二代核心领导有着直接密切的关系,而成为国内知名度最高的一个会馆.从档案史料中看到,早在清初康熙年间开始,接壤滇黔桂的百色地区,就相继建立了多个粤东会馆.最初会馆以满足粤商屯货、转运、交易、留宿、集会等需要,后发展到以服务同乡商民为宗旨,努力创造一切为同乡商人客地经商的便利条件.会馆的建立及粤商的大量进入对百色建城建厅、促进经济发展和增加人口有着重大的影响.  相似文献   
Every word has its meaning,which includes both surface meaning and deep meaning.To achieve certain pragmatic effects,speakers often have certain intention when saying something.People in different cultures think differently with the same utterance,which is attributed to intercultural difference.  相似文献   
任亚杰 《毕节学院学报》2011,29(10):114-119
19世纪美国著名小说家爱伦.坡的小说,偏爱冷色调,常以恐怖、变态心理为主要内容,对人物的双重性格的刻画细致入微,善于用作品的幻想表现他本人的清醒与睿智,强调文章应产生的效果,并且善于用第一人称来宣泄自身情感。这一系列特点的形成,与爱伦.坡本人的身世成长经历及其爱好密不可分。  相似文献   
将伸展体操运用到高校的公共体育课准备活动中,通过文献资料法、实验法、问卷调查法、数理统计等方法进行研究,旨在更好地激发学生的练习热情,对主教材的学习和掌握有良好的促进作用,有效的提高教学质量。结果表明,通过伸展体操的运用,使学生的身体素质和主教材的成绩都得到提高,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   
The present investigation uses intergroup contact and media systems’ dependency theories to illuminate the relative significance of various sources of information in shaping Caucasian-American attitudes toward African-Americans. It uses empirical data from an exploratory survey of college students to build a chain of related variables that link primary sources of information (face-to-face versus mediated) to stereotypical beliefs, perceived internal causal attributions for African-Americans’ failures, and prejudicial feelings toward African-Americans. Results suggest that face-to-face sources of racial/ethnic out-group information are more effective than mediated sources in prejudice reduction. The discussion includes theoretical and practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   
研究选取2009—2015年我国31个省级行政区的面板数据,采用SE-SBM模型对区域农业创新系统效率测度,并采用Tobit模型对其驱动因素估计分析,研究结果表明,区域农业创新系统效率虽有波动,但总体呈现出上升的趋势,东中西区域效率差异较为明显,纯技术效率是制约区域农业创新系统效率不断提升的主要因素;地区经济发展水平、基础教育水平与农业创新系统效率有显著的关系,而城镇化水平、金融环境与产业结构均对农业创新系统的影响并不显著。  相似文献   
军队院校教学评价中体能是主要评价指标之一。体能指标的评价促进了院校体能训练的软硬建设,优化了体能训练的计划、组织与实施,学员的体能达标率切实有所提高,但也带来一定的负面效应,知:一些体能训练场馆设施由于盲目建设,利用率较低;盲目的追求迭标率,违反体能训练规律等。  相似文献   
区际产业转移是发达区域产业结构调整升级的重要途径,是欠发达区域经济崛起发展的良好契机,也是区域产业结构优势转换升级的有效方式。本文从区际产业转移的概念、转移动力、转移战略和路径以及转移效应等四个方面对我国区际产业转移研究进行了综述。总体上,我国区际产业转移的概念研究趋于成熟,在区域产业转移的动力机理机制、准入门槛,产业转移与产业集聚,区域发展战略,地区生态环境等方面均有较多的研究。未来有关产业转移的研究可将触角伸入企业或消费者群等微观层面,以及产业转移与区域创新体系建设的联动效应等中观层次。  相似文献   
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