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服饰作为一种特殊的实用艺术载体,其装饰形式除了有其自身的特点的同时,遵循着其他视觉形式的共性,本文以清末民初北京地区的传统女装上的装饰为研究对象,对其主要的装饰形式和工艺手法进行了分类阐述和初步分析。  相似文献   
Lincoln Memorial University‐DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine (LMU‐DCOM) offers an optional three‐week summer Anatomy Boot Camp course (ABC) to facilitate students' transition into medical school and promote retention of anatomy subject matter. The pre‐matriculation program is a supplemental instruction course that utilizes a small group learning format. Boot camp instruction is led by teaching assistants and two anatomy professors. Enrollees gain early exposure to Medical Gross Anatomy (MGA) course subject matter, which is taught in the fall semester, and learn study skills necessary to excel in medical school. No grade is assigned for the course, therefore participants can study without the fear of potentially affecting grades. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the LMU‐DCOM ABC course using data from four consecutive summers. Independent two‐sample t‐tests were used to compare ABC to non‐ABC students for the following variables: incoming grade point average (GPA) and Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) scores, MGA written and laboratory practical examination grades, and final MGA course grade. Additionally, a 26‐question survey was administered to 2012–2014 boot camp participants. There were no significant differences in incoming GPA and MCAT scores. However, boot campers scored significantly higher on the first two lecture and laboratory examinations (P < 0.05) for each year of the study. Thereafter scores varied less, suggesting a faster head start for boot camp participants. Mean MGA final grade was on average 3% higher for the boot camp cohort. The survey feedback supports that the ABC course assists with the academic and social transition into medical school. Anat Sci Educ 10: 215–223. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
定义了变换近环 ,然后证明了任意一个有单位元的近环与它的变换近环同构 ;任意一个无零因子近环与它的变换近环同构  相似文献   
Peer‐assisted learning has gained momentum in a variety of disciplines, including medical education. In Gothenburg, Sweden, medical students who have finished their compulsory anatomy courses have the option of working as teaching assistants (TAs). Teaching assistants provide small group teaching sessions as a complement to lectures given by faculty. Previously, TAs were left to handle the role as junior teachers by themselves, but since 2011, a continuation course in anatomy has been developed with the aim of providing the TAs better anatomy knowledge and guidance for teaching. The course was designed to comprise 7.5 ECTS credits (equivalent to 5 weeks of full‐time studies), and today all TAs are required to take this course before undertaking their own teaching responsibilities. This study aims to compare course evaluations of TA teaching before and after the introduction of the anatomy continuation course, in order to understand how students perceived teaching performed by self‐learned versus trained TAs. The results of this study demonstrate that there was a trend towards better teaching performed by trained TAs. The variability in rankings decreased significantly after the introduction of the continuation course. This was mainly due to an improvement among the TAs with the lowest levels of performance. In addition to comparing student rankings, TAs were interviewed regarding their experiences and perceptions within the continuation course. The course was generally positively regarded. The TAs described a sense of cohesion and appreciation since the institute invested in a course dedicated specifically for them. Anat Sci Educ 11: 403–409. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   
代词"之""其"的共性与差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古汉语中的虚词“之”、“其”原本是指示代词 ,它们都指向一定的人、事、物。指示代词“之”、“其”的主要功能是作定语 ,“之”偶尔可作宾语。用泛指、特指来区分“之”、“其”的观点很难成立 ,传统用近指、远指区分“之”、“其”的说法更切合语言实际。指示代词“之”、“其”可以兼表第三人称。作为第三人称代词 ,“之”经常作宾语 ,“其”经常作定语。“其”字还可以作主谓词组 (或称“小句”)的主语 ,“其”不能作主语的说法应该否定。另外 ,“其”在秦汉之际也偶有作间接宾语的用例 ;“其”在《诗经》中用作词头的说法也值得商榷。  相似文献   
郑伟 《预测》2001,20(6):27-32
基于理性预期等假设的有效市场假说和现代投资组合理论是主流的金融市场理论。然而,近20年来发展起来的行为金融及非线性经济学的研究,对主流金融市场理论发起了有力的挑战。在本文中,作者放松理性预期的假设,重新定义了准理性预期的表达式,并用它来解释金融资产,主要是股票价格的混沌特征的产生机制,阐述了预期的准理性性质对我国股市发展的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
古汉语中的重要虚词"之",在上古汉语中常用作近指代词,表示"此、这"意义,这一用法在贵州方言中仍在使用;综合前人的研究成果,通过分析比较"之""这(這)"的字源及近指意义词源,认为"之"并非普通话"这"的方音读法,贵州方言中"之"作近指词语是古汉语词义的遗留;而本方言中将普通话中的"这些、这个、这时、这里、这样"等"这"类语词读作"之些、之个、之个时候、之点、之个样子"等"之"类词,是一种同义换读现象。  相似文献   
以专利分析为视角、谷歌公司为案例,从专利申请趋势、专利技术主题、专利布局国家等维度对谷歌高空气球项目专利数据进行分析,通过研究谷歌公司高空气球的发展路线,专利布局策略及目标市场,结合我国临近空间飞行器发展现状,得出谷歌公司的专利发展战略对我国临近空间飞行器领域知识产权管理的启示,并提出对策建议。  相似文献   
NFC(近场通信)技术在日本、韩国等多国已广泛应用,国内外图书馆界也已逐渐展开相关研究和小规模应用。NFC技术在国内面临着诸如终端设备普及率低、安全存在隐患及用户习惯培养的问题,但随着技术的发展和推进,NFC将广泛应用于图书馆的手机读者证、信息推送、数据传输和移动支付等方面,实现图书馆的服务创新。  相似文献   
王勃的“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”这句诗广为流传,其中的“存”一直都理解为“存在”,即“有”的意思。可是,杜沛鹤却在《“思念”方觉“比邻”》一文中指出“存”字应该理解为“存想”“想念”。本文主要对此观点进行反驳,认为“海内存知己”的“存”依然是“存在”,即“有”的意思。  相似文献   
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