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Even though knowledge assets have been widely recognized as the principal drivers of firm's competitive advantage, few are the frameworks that have explained how these strategic assets are transformed into value and how the value creation process occurs. Also there is a confusing terminology in the literature surrounding many concepts explaining the dynamics of value creation. By conducting a Systematic Review – an evidence-based methodology for theory building – this paper seeks to define a ‘common language’ of the concepts used to explain this phenomenon, and build the assumptions of a theoretical model that explains how knowledge assets, through learning mechanisms, are linked, renewed, and leveraged into socio-technical processes or organizational routines, that in turn form the basis of organizational capabilities. As they are socially constructed, these organizational capabilities, when leveraged into products and services, generate value and provide firms with a sustainable competitive advantage and long-term superior performance. The model should therefore serve as a theoretical contribution to the literature and it has a further potential benefit to begin an inquiry, for both theory building and management, about the nature of firm's knowledge assets and organizational capabilities, and the sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Some of these avenues are outlined in this paper.  相似文献   

   本研究关注从传统农业技术行业到现代农业物联网行业的转型,选择组织学习视角、采用案例研究方法对转型过程中行业主导企业和跟随企业的认知和行动倾向演化进行研究,揭示组织惯例的演化过程机理并构建演化过程模型。研究得出:行业惯例的演化主要经历主导企业组织惯例的演化、行业跟随企业组织惯例的演化以及新行业惯例的形成三个阶段;组织学习是促使行业惯例以及行业中个体企业的组织惯例实现演化的关键,其中主导企业依赖试错学习实现主动式演化,而跟随企业依赖效仿学习实现被动推动式演化;尽管行业惯例演化过程中不同类型的企业依赖于不同的学习模式,但组织惯例演化的根本均在于通过参与者的有效沟通与互动形成新的共同理解和一致性行动。  相似文献   

朱凡  王印琪 《情报科学》2021,39(7):83-90
【目的/意义】基于机器学习算法对信息进行聚类及预测引起了广泛关注,本文将以航空公司客户信息为对 象构建出k-means,BP神经网络模型,对航空用户进行聚类及预测,实现用户的精准营销。【方法/过程】首先,对航 空公司的客户信息进行预处理,并根据信息聚类和信息预测理论,构建出k-means客户聚类模型与BP神经网络的 流失预测模型。【结果/结论】实证结果表明,在聚类模型上,k-means算法将客户聚为五类,实现了不同价值客户的 差异化识别;在客户预测模型上,BP神经网络的准确性更高。【创新/局限】本次研究将LRFMC模型引入到用户聚 类模型的实验中,使得模型泛化能力上存在了一定的局限,但也为该问题的未来研究提供了新的方式。  相似文献   

【目的/意义】通过分析知识、惯例和动态能力之间深层次的关系,探究知识和惯例对动态能力的影响机理, 为组织动态能力的开发和更新提供新视角。【方法/过程】在文献回顾的基础上,按照“知识—惯例—能力”的研究范 式,构建了知识创造和惯例变革双重驱动下动态能力形成模型。通过剖析知识创造和惯例变革的内在过程,进一 步揭示组织动态能力的形成机理。【结果/结论】在动态环境下,知识创造和惯例变革共同驱动动态能力的形成。知 识创造为惯例变革提供关键知识资源;惯例变革是动态能力形成的内在动力。【创新/局限】本文剖析知识和惯例对 动态能力形成的作用机理,构建了基于知识创造和惯例变革对动态能力形成的理论驱动模型,未来仍须对该理论 模型作进一步探讨和检验。  相似文献   

魏龙  党兴华 《科研管理》2020,41(10):30-39
为了破解技术创新网络的越轨创新机制,基于悖论整合的权变视角分析了常规惯例复制、柔性惯例复制对越轨创新的影响,探究网络闭合、知识基础的单独与协同调节作用。结合研发密集型行业的合作网络数据,运用多元回归分析进行实证检验。研究结果表明:惯例复制、网络闭合与知识基础的多维匹配是实现越轨创新的最小功能集;常规惯例复制、柔性惯例复制的解构维度对越轨创新存在正向影响;高网络闭合的封闭式网络强化了常规惯例复制对越轨创新的促进作用,未能弱化柔性惯例复制的作用效能;高知识基础的多样化知识抑制了常规惯例复制对越轨创新的促进作用,无法提升柔性惯例复制的促进作用;网络闭合与知识基础的协同组合存在差异化的调节作用,削弱了柔性惯例复制对越轨创新的影响,而在常规惯例复制与越轨创新间不存在显著调节。研究结论对厘清越轨创新的形成边界、构建适度宽松的创新生态系统具有重要意义。  相似文献   

动态能力的理论分歧在于其对竞争优势产生直接影响还是间接影响。组织惯例是动态能力的核心,揭示其在不同环境不确定水平下与竞争优势的关系,对解决动态能力理论分歧非常重要。鉴于惯例本身的复杂性和抽象性,以惯例视角探究企业竞争优势的衍生路径研究并不多见。本文在揭示惯例本质及其衍生机理的基础上,以分组方式分别探究了不同环境不确定水平下,组织惯例更新与竞争优势之间的关系。实证结果表明:组织惯例更新是组织学习的结果。在适度的外部环境下,惯例更新对竞争优势产生积极影响。但在高度变化的外部环境下,惯例修正行为对竞争优势没有显著影响,惯例创造行为却会对竞争优势产生负面影响,此时的动态能力并不是竞争优势的直接来源。  相似文献   

王永伟  韩亚峰 《科研管理》2019,40(10):268-277
本文主要探讨环境不确定情境下组织惯例更新的前因与后果。基于对上海、新疆、河南232家企业中高层管理人员的数据分析,研究结果表明:CEO变革型领导行为能够显著影响组织惯例更新的进程;组织惯例更新在CEO变革型领导行为与组织绩效之间起着中介效应;环境不确定性在CEO变革型领导行为与组织惯例更新之间起着调节效应。这些研究结果在厘清组织惯例更新的影响因素及效能,丰富组织惯例研究成果方面具有一定的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

The ability to change organizational routines according to the need of organizational transformation is difficult to achieve, but increasingly vital for an organization to survive in a highly turbulent business environment. However, despite fruitful research on organizational routines, how routines evolve through feedback remains unclear. This study aims to investigate the role of feedback in routine changes by examining a case study of Haier, the largest home appliance manufacturer in the world. The findings of this case show that feedback of a routine plays a critical role in routine changes. It highlights that feedback helps an organization to make sense of its behavior patterns and evaluate these patterns properly, which enable the organizations to better initiate and advocate routine changes that are necessary for a successful organizational transformation. Further, this case shows the importance of leveraging IT in managing routine changes.  相似文献   

转型升级背景下,停留在仿造战略的企业,如何实现战略转型,实现能力重构成为学界和业界关注的焦点问题。针对此问题,本文以我国软件企业信雅达作为观测样本,进行了探索性纵向案例研究,揭示了战略转型背景下企业创新能力重构过程中的"破坏-增强"二元平衡机理。一方面,创新能力重构过程中自上而下的能力破坏机理:有着复杂战略构想的企业,更易通过战略性学习全面感知到环境中的新机会,进而自上而下地引发创新能力进行主动有意识的变异,促进创新能力的创造性破坏。另一方面,创新能力重构过程中自下而上的能力增强机理:通过惯例化学习从工作实践中抽象出惯例,再通过能力学习从惯例中抽象出能力,使其从个人层面向企业层面扩散,实现自下而上的能力变异和积累。这一发现将能力破坏型的战略性学习和能力增强型的能力学习、惯例化学习结合起来,发现了其匹配均衡的二元机理,对动态能力观、能力重构和组织学习等研究领域具有理论意义;对处于战略转型的企业的创新活动具有实际意义。  相似文献   

国际新创企业通过将知识进行整合并更新到知识存量中,形成一系列的组织流程和惯例,是企业快速成长和获取竞争优势的重要基础。以国际新创企业的组织能力提升为主线,从知识进化、惯例演化的视角,探讨知识进化、惯例演化下的国际新创企业组织能力提升的过程理论框架。研究发现:第一,国际新创企业的不同国际化发展阶段,个人知识、经营层面惯例和组织能力共同演化,组织能力随着知识的进化和惯例的演化不断的提升。第二,企业内部组织能力提升的路径可以分为3种:组织内部知识上行流动、组织内部惯例逐级演化和组织内部惯例互动演化,组织能力随着国际化阶段的变化也呈现提升的特征。第三,国际新创企业国际化的激进性特征,在其国际化的不同阶段,能力的提升力度是不一样的。  相似文献   

Social media challenge knowledge management because of encouraging conversations, networking and participation in more distributed, diverse and dynamic ways of knowledge development and increasingly important individuals’ interests driving them. Hence, we need to understand the complex relationships between different qualities of knowledge developed in informal and formal processes as well as for overcoming misalignments in routines, tools and infrastructures supporting organizational knowledge creation. This paper contributes a maturation perspective towards explaining organizational knowledge creation and presents a knowledge maturing model, which is grounded in organizational practice and validated with qualitative and quantitative empirical and design studies. The results describe how characteristics of knowledge and support by IT change between phases of knowledge maturing. Our findings confirm theories of organizational knowledge creation with respect to expanding scopes from individuals through communities to organizations moving from interest-driven knowledge exploration in informal contexts to goal-driven knowledge exploitation in formal contexts. The maturation perspective adds to our understanding that organizational knowledge creation is not simply a continuous process. Phases that emphasize changeability alternate with phases concerned with stability. Knowledge develops in contexts that need to switch multiple times between opening up for new knowledge and filtering relevant knowledge and between de- and re-contextualization.  相似文献   

李宇  王竣鹤 《科研管理》2022,43(6):74-83
企业的数字化转型对组织内部能力与外部环境都提出了新的要求,传统企业普遍沉浸在缺乏“数字化能力”的焦虑中。本研究在组织印记理论基础上拓展了印记反弹效应,以数字时代开启的新兴经济体企业的反弹契机为背景,探索了促进企业数字化能力获取的组织特征与过程机制。采用国际竞争中处于相对劣势产业的259家中国企业样本进行实证研究,结果表明组织学习与组织忘与数字化能力之间存在正向关系,组织韧性在其间起到了部分中介的作用,企业网络数字氛围正向调节了组织学习、组织忘却与组织韧性的关系。研究结论表明,中国企业虽然在初创时期没有丰富的外部资源支持,但可以在后续发展中通过组织学习与忘却强化组织韧性等内部组织特征,并在良好的数字氛围等组织外部环境中实现更为迫切的获取数字化能力的反弹效应。  相似文献   

可星  张琳玲  彭靖里 《科研管理》2020,41(8):181-192
组织能力是企业、产业、区域、以及一个国家持续竞争优势的基础,研究组织能力具有重要的现实意义和学术价值。论文研究企业组织能力问题,根据系统涌现原理建构了企业组织能力系统涌现的概念模型,并且基于信息熵理论构建了企业组织能力系统涌现性度量模型和指标体系,用以测度企业组织能力系统的涌现强度。此外,以昆明云内动力股份有限公司为案例,根据云内动力的具体情况确定了22个度量指标,通过访谈法、问卷法、文本分析等方法收集了2008-2012年期间的指标数据以进行实证研究。研究表明:基于信息熵的企业组织能力系统涌现性度量模型可用于测度企业组织能力生成的强弱,尤其适用于动态复杂、超强竞争、充满不确定性的全球竞争环境。  相似文献   

组织惯例及其演进研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高展军  李垣 《科研管理》2007,28(3):142-147
组织理论形成了组织惯例变化的外生观与内生观两种流派,近年来的研究更为强调组织惯例的演化不但是对管理目标或者环境压力的反应,更是组织学习的产物。本文在对组织惯例观点回顾的基础上,基于动态能力理论和组织学习理论建立了组织惯例的一个演进模型。  相似文献   

在对既有组织免疫研究梳理、归纳的基础上,基于复杂自适应系统理论与生物医学免疫理论中的免疫应答研究,构建一个综合宏观能力与微观惯例演化视角的多层次分布式组织免疫应答模型,将组织应对内、外环境变化的过程重新描述成一个同时具有惯例人工制品、组织运营惯例以及组织战略动态能力3个层面的复杂自适应系统,自动根据内外异己强度,在相应层面上实施非特异性应答、广泛特异性应答以及独特特异性应答的过程,并借鉴临床医学中上述3类免疫应答特征,对组织免疫能力与组织一般能力以及动态能力间的概念差异进行区分,最后通过组织外部环境、员工个人能力、社会行为模式以及员工工作特征4个控制变量的设置,阐释具体组织内外环境差异对个别企业免疫效能的影响。  相似文献   

The topic of effective crisis prevention and response is attracting significant interests from corporations and governments. It is evident that the nature within any crisis is unpredictable, erratic and difficult to prevent. Organizations are therefore preparing for unexpected events by outlining their crisis response strategies. The fact that crises may not repeat themselves and a given crisis solution might not be directly applicable to another crisis represents radical shifts in routines. As such, an organization may have to improvise when putting together a set of resources and capabilities for a response. This case study complements existing crisis management research that emphasizes both prevention and response by focusing on how an organization may adapt and deploy resources and capabilities accordingly. To meet the objective, the research draws upon an in-depth case study of Singapore's response tothe Asian Tsunami disaster in 2004. Our findings offer a useful contribution to organizations’ knowledge of mobilizing resources and capabilities during dynamic crisis situations. The case concludes with several research and practical implications.  相似文献   

创业孵化平台形成了以平台企业主导的创业生态优势,现有文献对其生态优势形成过程尚无有力解释。本文通过小米“投资+孵化”事件的探索性案例分析,以动态能力视角探究创业孵化平台价值共创对生态优势的影响机理。研究发现:创业孵化平台生态优势的影响机理遵循“价值共创-动态能力-生态优势”解释逻辑;它经历了三个阶段:(1)需求共同识别阶段,创业孵化平台与创业企业通过“交流”与“资源识别”促进“机会感知”并实现“生态共生”;(2)产品共同开发阶段,创业孵化平台与创业企业通过“交心”与“资源优化”促进“模式学习”并实现“生态互生”;(3)市场共同推广阶段,创业孵化平台与创业企业通过“交易”与“资源优化”促进“市场重构”并实现“生态再生”。研究结论对我国孵化器转型升级与“双创”高质量发展有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Researchers have emphasized on the need for advances in knowledge management (KM) research to better understand how organizations accrue benefits from their knowledge resources. Thus, an integrated approach, rooted in the theoretical streams of knowledge-based view, KM and institutional theory, is proposed to explain how a successful KM program creates value. The approach discusses four organizational capabilities that firms need to develop simultaneously to create KM-enabled value, and identifies possible organizational actions to develop these capabilities. Various feedback and feed-forward processes, originating inside as well as outside the firm, integrate these capabilities into a KM-enabled value creation cycle (VCC). Key propositions were developed, and were examined with the help of three case studies.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical insight into the social complexities of practically supporting the knowledge creation processes within a project setting. It helps address a gap in knowledge in the project management, organizational learning and knowledge management literatures, concerning the dynamics of situated learning. Drawing on the findings of a participative action research case study investigation of project-based learning, this paper argues that predominantly adopting a ‘personalization approach’ to manage knowledge flows within a project setting most significantly stimulates situated learning activity. This approach also underpins project participants’ communal and critical reflection on their knowledge management practices and on other sociological elements within their environments that affect their situated learning activities. Undertaking those learning actions only further energizes project participants’ learning activity and progressively helps develop their skills in ‘learning how to learn’.  相似文献   

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