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朱祖希 《北京档案》2008,(12):14-15
今年12月6日是著名的历史地理学家、中国科学院院士、北京大学教授侯仁之先生97周岁华诞之日。 97年的人生道路就侯仁之先生而言,自然是非常丰富而多彩的。既有坦途,也有曲折;既有光彩的岁月,也有坎坷的历程。这些,在侯仁之先生所撰写的诸多著作中多有叙述。但是,据我所知,有关他至今还保留着的两条扁担的故事,却并未述及过。  相似文献   

肖老师走了,因为突然,惊愕不已. 肖东发先生执教北京大学多年,是中国书史、中国藏书史、中国出版史、年鉴学研究方面的专家,其所编教材,一直为大学相关专业使用. 肖老师与《编辑之友》渊源也深,兼为本刊学术顾问,与包括我在内的几任主编,皆有频繁往还.办刊疑惑,凡有请益,先生绝无推辞,不吝赐教.每每提及《编辑之友》,先生总是念念不忘20世纪80年代本刊为他开辟专栏、连载文章之事,感念之情诚心诚意.其实这些文章,均是我国编辑出版史研究分量不轻的代表性成果,《编辑之友》后来被誉为编辑学出版学的奠基之刊,先生的学术贡献不可估量.每逢年末岁首,刊物有对上年度新闻出版产业综合评述的重大选题,关于出版产业的综述,自然非肖老师莫属,其也乐见其成,认真以待,如期交稿.某年,编辑部一行至北大登门造访,临别肖老师执意陪同游览校园,我等直喊“有劳大驾”,他却自视平常.他对燕园旧事了如指掌.后来方知,北大新生入学第一课,便由他讲授,同时开设有“北京风物与传统文化”的全校通选课,被誉为“侯仁之先生之后当之无愧的北大文化专家”,出版有《北大问学记》《北大燕南园的大师们》《北大人文与风物丛书》等相关著作,此为专业之外的学问延伸.  相似文献   

由尹钧科选编的《侯仁之讲北京》一书,近日已由北京出版社出版。  相似文献   

侯仁之大学进的是燕京,研究生读的是燕京,留学回来当教授也是在燕京,1952年高校院系调整转入北大,然后就一直未动。也就在1937年,侯仁之由顾颉刚教授的研究生,转至洪业教授名下。1940年,侯仁之研究生毕业,留校任助教,为校长司徒雷登看中,任命他为“学生生活辅导委员会”副主席。  相似文献   

档案是沧海桑田的记忆——访我国著名历史地理学家侯仁之本刊记者戴晓明每一处被风沙侵蚀的古城,每一个被杂丛遮没的古道,每一座已风化坍落的古桥,都在向今人诉说着它们昨天的故事……三张珍贵的照片侯仁之先生住在幽深美丽的燕南园。在繁华喧嚣的都市中,这燕南园是“...  相似文献   

本刊讯俄罗斯科学院科学出版集团的成员企业--圣彼得堡科学出版公司的社长谢·瓦·瓦尔丘克先生在今年8月28日到9月3日北京国际书展期间来京访问.首次北京之行,让他感慨万千.  相似文献   

侯仁之、张开济、罗哲文、吴良镛、毛昭晰……25个重量级的专家,不久前上书高层,强烈呼吁保护北京这座历史文化名城,要求停止正在进行的对部分老街区的拆除。 与此同时,酝酿多时的《北京历史文化名城保护规划》终于经过建设部批准,这个城市的媒体发动了宣传高潮。“坚决落实北京历史文化名城保护规划”,《北京青年报》把它作为最新的“时代口号”刊登。  相似文献   

由当代学界泰斗季羡林、启功、侯仁之、张岱年、金开诚任顾问,任继愈先生题写书名,近百位知名学者经数年筹划,煌煌巨著《四库全书精编》,近日即将由中国文史出版社隆重推出。在为该书召开的座谈会上,著名学者文怀沙、张岱年、金开诚等先生先后发言,认为这套《四库全书精编》,堪称历史文献巨著,集中体现了中国古代藏书的较高水平,具有历史价值、收藏价值、欣赏价值和阅读价值。  相似文献   

在我认识的忘年交中,极少有显赫大官的,多为布衣一族.而年逾96岁的王殊先生却是一个例外.他属部级京官,官至中国外交部副部长.我与他见面聊天,感觉他就是一个平易亲和的文化老人.2020年9月25日,闻悉他在北京不幸病逝,悲从中来,不禁忆起与他的交往及他不平凡的一生.  相似文献   

张荣起先生是北京大学信息管理系教授,是研究中国古代通俗小说的专家,也是北京民俗研究方面的专家。他将考据、校勘等文献研究方法较早引入到通俗文化研究领域,促进了后世中国通俗文化的新发展。  相似文献   

基于在线服务视角的中美英澳国家档案馆网站比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴丹 《档案管理》2012,(1):75-77
介绍了档案在线服务涵义及其分类和中美英澳四国的国家级档案馆网站,通过对四个国家档案馆网站在线服务比较,给出了我国档案网站提高在线服务的发展建议.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of the context of creation on the current and potential future uses of the records produced by the Comissao de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliacao de Timor-Leste (Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation, or CAVR). Given that the CAVR relied heavily on the testimony of the East Timorese people in its investigations that addressed a 25-year period, this paper considers the nature of memory and the role it played in creating and shaping the CAVR records. It also addresses the potential influences of the CAVR records, particularly the final report, Chega!, in shaping what will be known about this period by the Timorese people. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential role of the CAVR records in contributing to the history of Timor-Leste. Although truth commissions are a problematic form of truth telling, with significant implications for the writing of history, the records of the CAVR are an invaluable source of information for Timorese history. If future users can recognize the CAVR records as the products of the context of their creation, these records will have a critical role to play in the development of history within Timor-Leste.  相似文献   

These reflections on critical communication and cultural studies of race draw on Bruno Latour's idea of ‘matters of concern’ to propose that scholars expand the focus of inquiry from empirical questions of veracity and accuracy in representations of race to concerns with how (and where) media gather and mobilize sentiments and affective investments that increasingly underwrite quotidian practices of racial inequality and racism in the post racial period.  相似文献   

Although neuroscientifically informed mothering advice manuals published in the past 15 years speak in the languages of liberation, empowerment, and self-realization, I argue that they ultimately imbricate women in ever-more-dense networks of authority, expertise, and government, and contribute to the proliferation of entrepreneurial models of self-conduct that comprises the defining feature of American neoliberalism. This rhetoric situates motherhood as a practice of freedom, both drawing from and contributing to affective forces that suture freedom to economic models of conduct. Through these discourses, emotion-centric, self-interested mothering practices become a key site for the production and reproduction of entrepreneurial selves.  相似文献   

This essay deals with the problematics that globalization poses for critical communication scholarship. Globalization challenges our understanding of culture and identity in ways that both open up new directions for communication scholarship and invite a rethinking of current ones. First, we discuss how difference is unsettled and re/staged in the context of globalization. Second, we address how uneven patterns of global processes are enacted through cultural practices produced by the transnational flows of images and capital. This essay explores several areas of contemporary global growth with the overall objective of demonstrating the urgency of rethinking the study of culture in critical communication studies.

One of the most important implications of globalism is simply that there is no longer a space elsewhere. This means that instead of thinking in terms of displacements, a movement elsewhere, it is important for cultural studies to think in terms of dis-location, which is the transformation of place. –Ackbar Abbas (1997, p. 312), “Cultural Studies in Postculture.”

To think globality is to think of the politics of thinking globality. –Gayatri Chakravorti Spivak (1999, p. 364), A critique of postcolonial reason.  相似文献   

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