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本文概述了近年来国外自我系统研究中自我动机,自我表征类型,自我表征源泉,工作自我概念,自我系统形成的最新研究成果。反映了自我系统研究的基本动态。  相似文献   

作为功能系统的自我:理论分析与实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对“自我”的研究,是近年来西方社会心理学的一个热门课题。对自我概念纷纭复杂的理解,原因在于自我概念是一种伸缩自如的概念群。自我研究有两种取向,一是对自我内含的研究取向,另一是对自我功能的研究取向,其中对自我功能的研究更为重要。实验研究表明:自我有区分、校正、整合和监控四种重要功能  相似文献   

对自我知识组织的研究主要沿着五条路线展开:自我复杂度,自我概念分化,分开评价、整合评价与重要性突出,自我概念清晰度,自我不一致。自我知识组织具有动态的特点,多重自我和整体自我与心理适应的关系也并非固定不变。从系统论角度来看,自我知识具有整体性、层次结构性、动态性以及环境适应性特点。此外,目前对自我知识的研究还处于经验描述阶段,需要进一步考察的是自我知识组织的内在心理机制以及生理机制。  相似文献   

随着对自我研究的深入,人们逐渐意识到自我的人际维度不可忽视。但目前国内外对人际自我的研究还显得十分薄弱。为了加强人们对人际自我研究的重视,有必要对人际自我在归属需要、自尊、人格变化、自我欺骗、内疚、自我控制等心理活动中的重要作用进行探讨。  相似文献   

从哲学上进行自我评价研究具有重要意义。个体为主体的自我评价是自我认识的重要途径,自我评价的哲学研究有利于深化个体的自我认识和自我意识的哲学研究;对以群体或社会为主体的自我评价进行哲学研究,有利于理解群体或社会的自我意识机制,由此所获得的方法论原则有利于指导研究社会控制机制;以个体和群体自我评价之间相互作用机制的哲学研究有利于拓宽历史唯物主义关于人的自由和社会从必然到自由发展的研究思路;此外,哲学机制上研究自我评价的科学化,有利于指导教育、医学和管理学等领域中自我评价的应用研究(如量化指标的设计)。 笔者十多年来一直从事认识论和评价论方面的研究,在对自我评价活动机制的研究过程中,常常与对此课题有兴趣的学者进行交流,彼此启发.。正是在这一基础上形成了这一组论文。四篇论文从不同的角度对自我评价活动的机制进行了阐述。通过这组论文,我们期待着学界对自我评价活动的研究产生更大兴趣。[编者按]  相似文献   

自从BetZ和HaCkett将自我效能理论引进职业领域后,有关职业自我效能的研究获得了良好的发展。但是,如何培养较高的职业自我效能,这方面的研究还很少,本文论述了职业自我效能的价值,并提出了培养较高的职业自我效能的方法和途径。  相似文献   

自我设限是指个体针对可能出现的失败威胁而事先设计障碍以自我保护或自我提升的一种策略。在已有研究文献的基础上,论文介绍了自我设限的涵义和测量方法,回顾了自我设限与归因、自我效能感、自尊、成就目标的关系。并提出了自我设限研究存在的不足以及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

元认知质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1976年提出元认知的概念以来,人们对元认知进行了广泛而深入的研究,但通过对元认知的历史渊源、概念、实质、组成因素、研究方法及其实验的分析发现,元认知在根源上与自我心理的研究同源,在含义上与自我心理中的部分概念重叠,其内涵与外延均从属于自我心理的研究范畴,所以将其纳入自我心理的研究更合适。  相似文献   

自我参照效应(SRE)是指与自我相联系的记忆信息的记忆优于其他编码条件下的记忆现象。目前,关于SRE的研究逐渐扩展到两个方面:一是关于自我参照的脑成像研究,旨在运用脑成像技术探讨自我的脑区定位;二是将东西方文化的自我概念差异与自我参照进行结合研究。与文化的记忆效果结合已成为SRE和自我研究领域新出现的研究动向。  相似文献   

该研究采用问卷调查方式,让大学三年级学生 100人对外貌、能力、社交、个性、优良品德和异性交往等方面自我评价,也评价他人,以探讨其自我评价的倾向性。研究表明,大学生自我评价总的来说是积极的、客观的,但在个性品德方面,存在明显的倾向,即自我评价高于他人评价。同时,大学生自我评价表现出明显的性别差异。  相似文献   

Understanding learning disabilities (LDs) as constructed through multiple cultural practices including discourse, this paper focuses on a Latino middle school student with a LD named Elijah. This study documents both the discourses and practices used to position Elijah as a mathematics learner, as well as his use of similar discourses as he constructs a complex set of self-understandings as a mathematics learner. Elijah is positioned by discourses that prioritise speed as an indicator of mathematical ability, as well as discourses that construct students with LD as having both intelligence and differences such as processing speed. An analysis of interview and observational data suggests that Elijah constructed a unique set of self-understandings as a mathematics learner. Like his sixth-grade special education teacher, Elijah seems to differentiate between knowledge and the performance of knowledge in school. He created a unique identity as both ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ in mathematics, rejecting the binary found in many mathematics classrooms. These findings suggest that multiple discourses circulate in schools about ability and disability in mathematics.  相似文献   

传统诗经学经历了先秦、汉唐、宋元、明清等各具特色的不同阶段。这是一个漫长的由文化《诗经》到文学《诗经》的过程,即由经学语境生成文学语境的过程。本文用布迪厄的场域理论,把《诗三百》由“经”而“诗”的现象放到文化生产场即文学场中去作整体考察和审视,以探寻经学和文学生成的过程及合法性。  相似文献   

作为方法的教育学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教育学作为一门学科蕴含三层旨趣,即作为课程的教育学、作为理论的教育学与作为方法的教育学。目前作为课程的教育学已基本成熟,作为理论的教育学也处在发展中,但作为方法的教育学才刚刚萌芽。教育学只有在“课程”与“理论”之外,在学科方法以及方法论的基础上发展出独特的学科视界与理解方式,才能称之为完备的学术性学科。文章认为,成熟的教育学不仅意味着一门课程、一种理论,而且代表着一种方法、一种思维方式。  相似文献   

大众文艺在中国20世纪90年代以来已经成为当代文化的一个鲜明的特征,它比较充分地体现出了后现代主义的某些特征。主要表现在:向现代性的严肃文学艺术和主流叙事挑战;反省/检讨、质疑/追问"现代性";厌倦那种大胆的历险与尝试、创造新潮的姿态,而回归一种对世俗日常生活的兴趣和温馨、柔美的文化絮语情调;坚持直觉原则,对理性进行质疑和挑战,藐视权威和权力角逐,追求个性张扬或物质利益最大化。  相似文献   

Growing and developing as a university researcher   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While there is a substantial body of literature on academics’ development as teachers, investigation of their development as researchers post-PhD is rare. This study undertook an investigation of academics’ ways of understanding their own growth and development as a university researcher. Four qualitatively different ways of understanding research development emerged: (1) Becoming confident as a researcher; (2) Becoming recognised as a researcher; (3) Becoming more productive as a researcher; and (4) Becoming more sophisticated as a researcher. The first category of development was seen as most relevant to the early stages of an academic career, when doing a PhD or during one’s first academic appointment, but may also re-occur at later stages of a career during changes in research direction, etc. The last three categories are seen as relevant to all career stages, including more advanced stages as well as the early stages of a research career. Comparisons between academics’ ways of understanding their growth and development as a university researcher and as a university teacher are also presented.  相似文献   

This study explores the development of professional identity as a teacher of nature of science (NOS). Our research question was ‘How can a teacher develop a professional identity as an elementary teacher of NOS?' Through a researcher log, videotaped lessons, and collection of student work, we were able to track efforts in teaching NOS as part of regular classroom practice. A team of four researchers interpreted the data through the Beijaard et al. professional identity framework and found that it was not as simple and straightforward to teach NOS as we predicted. Development of professional identity as a teacher of NOS was influenced by contextual factors such as students, administration, and time, as well as personal struggles that were fraught with emotion. Development took place through an interpretation and reinterpretation of self through external factors and others' perceptions, as well as the influence of sub-identities.  相似文献   

We explore the possibility of understanding teaching as a discipline in its own right, rather than as a domain that is ancillary to the many academic disciplines. While teaching looks easy and is widely regarded as easy, the image of teaching as transmission and the perspective of technical rationality mask the many ways in which challenging and engaging teaching represents a highly disciplined view. When extended to teacher education, the perspective of teaching as a discipline sheds powerful light on longstanding frustrations reported by those learning to teach. We argue for the conclusion that teaching is a discipline and that teacher education is the home of that discipline, with self-study as one of the central methodologies for making explicit the knowledge inherent in teaching seen as a discipline.  相似文献   

论大学课堂教学中师生交互关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
构建大学课堂师生交互关系要做到:树立正确的观念是前提,相互理解是基础,相互对话是突破口,相互沟通是关键,交互吸引是最终目的。  相似文献   

论数学教师专业化的内涵   总被引:34,自引:8,他引:34  
数学教师专业化是世界数学教师教育的发展趋势,数学教师专业化的内涵包括:数学教师数学专业化、数学教师教育专业化和数学教师专业情意,数学专业化结构由数学学科知识,数学能力和数学素养构建起来,教育专业化结构由教育学科知识,一般文化科学知识、一般教学能力和数学教学能力构建起来,数学教师专业情意在数学教学中对激发学生学习数学的兴趣和动机,营造数学学习环境,提高数学成绩、完善学生个性、塑造学生人格,优化情感品质、提高数学认知加工水平等方面均有重要价值。  相似文献   

孙向军 《教学与研究》2004,12(12):24-30
知识生产力是人类社会生产力演化的新阶段,是一种新形态的生产力。知识生产力的形成经历了一个很长的历史过程,是人类物质生产力充分发展、需要结构变化、环境的约束、知识商品化以及信息技术发展等因素综合作用的结果。知识生产力是以知识为基础的生产力,它意味着知识不仅成为生产力的主导因素、增长的主要源泉,而且成为生产力发展的先导因素。知识生产力是知识的生产、传播和使用的过程,是以信息化的充分发展为基础,具有全球性的、以人为本的、可持续发展特性的生产力。  相似文献   

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