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肖玉 《新闻天地》2010,(2):36-37
红红缎睡衣,丝质睡裤,永不疲倦地左拥右抱,他是全世界穿睡衣拍照最多的男人。83岁的休·赫夫纳,用人生中三分之二的时间建立起兼具情爱及温文风格的《花花公子》世界,他挑战了半个世纪以来的美国文化。然而,全球化、互联网,一系列新事物的出现,改变了《花花公子》成人娱乐帝国的莺歌燕舞,竞争和经营压力让《花花公子》的品牌价值岌岌可危。在整个2008财年金融危机的打击下,商誉成了该公司贬值最严重的无形资产:缩水79.2%后。仅剩2776万美元。  相似文献   

休·霍夫纳(Christie Hefner)成为美国《花花公子》杂志新任老板,受命主持这一男性刊物《花花公子》。虽然她一直强调自己对色情内容嗤之以鼻,但为了这盘家族生意,却不得不参与这一成人娱乐事业。  相似文献   

王乾荣 《传媒》2002,(12):13-14
在人们印象中,主要为男性读者阅读的美国《花花公子》杂志,以宣扬色情而著名,比如登个裸体美女照什么的。它因此一度极其火暴,据说还成了20世纪60年代“性  相似文献   

由于美国人对艾滋病的恐惧以及由此产生的对性态度的改变,素以刊登裸女照片著称的美国《花花公子》杂志不得不改变其原有的风格,它关掉了在美国的《花花公子》杂志俱乐部,转而扩大其录像和电影等业务,并对其原有的娱乐性和名人专访栏目进行了扩充,这使得它的魅力依旧,发行量不减当年.如今的《花花公子》已度过了它的不惑之年,它目前有17种版本,海外读者超过160万,发行量高达340万份.  相似文献   

新华社华盛顿1月7日专电据提前出版的最新一期美国《商业周刊》报道,像《时代》和《花花公子》这样的传统杂志为了满足读者对全天候最新消息和在线社区的需求,早在几年前就推出了在线版本。现在,情况发生了逆转。新兴的网络出版商开始纷纷向印刷行业投入资金。  相似文献   

《花花公子》、《男人帮》、《GQ》,这些名男性杂志,不仅体现着时尚,更代表一种男人的品位生活。[第一段]  相似文献   

蒋艳 《出版科学》2010,18(2):89-91
作为世界上第一本男性杂志,《花花公子》曾举世瞩目;而作为它的创始人,休·海夫纳也一直颇受争议。时至今日,海夫纳创造的花花公子帝国和兔头商标仍然享誉全球,这不仅因为他创办杂志的独到眼光和长期积累的读者资源,更本质的原因在于他对特殊时代背景下读者心灵的了解和把握。通过探讨休·海夫纳创办杂志的历程和编辑理念,给处于低迷时期的当今杂志业以借鉴。  相似文献   

现代漫画诞生于17世纪中叶的欧洲,1841年在英国出版了第一本漫画杂志《笨拙》,美国漫画相对出现较晚,但到了19世纪下半叶,无论从出版漫画的数量或在漫画杂志的种类方面,美国都已成为世界的漫画中心。 一、拿“大人物”开玩笑的政治漫画  相似文献   

郭瑞璜 《今传媒》2006,(7):23-25
从封而看,《花花公子周刊》(图前)与《现代周刊》、《邮报周刊》并无多大区别日本期刊业是出版产业的主体,共约3500种杂志的销售额及广告收入构成出版产业的大头。每年都有大量新刊问世,也有许多杂志停刊,表面上热热闹闹,其实不过是在“日本杂志的黑夜(”日本日经BP社董事长  相似文献   

吴丹 《出版参考》2009,(16):42-42
我们面对2008年这场席卷全球的金融风暴,思索并就经济对出版市场的影响作出一个正确的评断时,不妨向历史深处做一次远眺。上个世纪三十年代,美国经历了1929—1933年的经济大萧条。整个美国社会陷入一片荒凉。这一时期,《时代周刊》的亨利·鲁斯创办了大名鼎鼎的《财富》杂志,而也就是在经济刚开始复苏的1933年的秋天,世界上第一本男性杂志《君子》在美国诞生了。  相似文献   

刊社管理的协同理论观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑楼先  库耘 《编辑学报》2005,17(4):237-239
针对目前大多数高校都成立期刊社统一管理校办期刊的情况,引入协同理论的观点.认为刊社管理应遵循序参量协调发展、适度控序、抓主放次、善抓参量等原则,以利刊社顺利步入快速、健康发展的轨道.  相似文献   

日本由出版社出版的周刊杂志是在电视出现后才出现的一种新的大众媒介,也是日本出版业界在力图把出版作为大众媒介来运营方面所做出的努力。周刊杂志在内容和编排手法上都不同于报纸和图书,易读、注重娱乐性和提供信息是周刊杂志的一大特征。  相似文献   

In recent years, many general-interest magazine publishers have had problems maintaining stability. What can these publications learn from smaller, niche titles that have  remained successful through the same industry changes? This paper will examine three major strengths for niche magazines that general-interest magazine publishers lack: their reader devotion, their careful approaches to digitalization, and their use of paid digital content. These strengths are analyzed in three case studies from different sub-genres of niche publishing: a city magazine, a luxury product magazine, and a hobby magazine. This paper offers practical suggestions general-interest magazines can implement. Looking at the successful practices suggests the potential to address industry-wide problems and to potentially yield more stable magazine publishing environments.  相似文献   

This paper examines the state of the magazine industry in the US and offers research to show why publishers should shift their thinking from a print- or digital-first publishing strategy to a mobile-first publishing strategy. The publishing industry faces increasing challenges to generate a profit and grow their audience. These challenges are compounded by a difficult economy, the proliferation of new technological devices, and consumers’ changing reading habits. Mobile publishing offers new and expanding ways for the magazine industry to diversity income, expand readership, and position their titles for future growth.  相似文献   

创立并利用杂志品牌开展多种经营   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:9  
马劲 《编辑学报》2004,16(1):69-71
<中国药房>杂志白手起家,历经13年,已发展成为具有一定规模的杂志社,并有3家控股公司和1家参股公司.这靠的是"办出刊物特色,创立并利用杂志品牌,开展多种经营"的发展思路和实际运作,为探索科技期刊的办刊模式积累了一定经验.  相似文献   

Describes recent happenings in magazine publishing, indicating why some magazines have failed, others have prospered and still others have remain unchanged. Points out the need for an understanding of magazine history and economics as a prerequisite in the setting of periodicals budgets. Discusses such matters as article refereeing, audience predilections and abstracting and indexing. Lists characteristics that have emcrged in magazines over the past decade.  相似文献   

The publishers and editors of the early Finnish women's magazines were familiar with Central European, English and Swedish women's magazines. A women's magazine started the history of Finnish magazine publishing in 1782. However, it survived less than 6 months and the next 2 women's magazines appeared only 70 years later. The article asks how the publishers of the first four magazines chose, adopted and localized this particular international magazine genre. Successful localization needs the approval of the content by the readers. Only the fourth women's magazine Koti ja Yhteiskunta (Home and Society) published in 1889–1911 managed to create a permanent readership. The central theoretical concept used to analyze the localization is the gender contract, which defines the rights and duties of women in society and is renegotiated as women's situation is changing.  相似文献   

<中国学校卫生>杂志创刊以来,经历了艰苦的创业、发展之路,如今中国学校卫生杂志社已是一个拥有1个营养研究中心、1家独资公司、1家股份公司和2个国家级学会挂靠单位的刊社.这靠的是始终坚持紧紧围绕儿少卫生专业这条主线,牢牢抓住2大主业--事业与产业,以事业发展产业,以产业促进事业的发展思路和实际运作,为探索科技期刊的办刊模式积累了一定的经验.  相似文献   

In this article, Andrew Wilkins, the former publisher of bookseller+publisher magazine, provides an annual overview of the Australian book marketplace, offering statistics on the market and analysis of the key publishers, retailers and consumer habits. The second half of the article concentrates on international rights sales, an important aspect of the Australian publishing industry. This article was originally published in 2007 as part of the annual Think Australian magazine, which aims to support Australian publishers and literary agents at the Frankfurt Book Fair (see ).  相似文献   

In this article, the author discusses opportunities and challenges facing the magazine industry as it migrates from print to digital distribution models. While the industry can achieve outsized returns in the digital realm based on the unique content and brand equity developed in its traditional business, multiple hurdles confront publishing industry executives in the process. The changing landscape of data access, consumer engagement, production workflows and magazine industry business models are all discussed. An analogy to the television industry’s efforts to address new technology is used. The author argues that long-term industry value is dependent on making the right decisions in the early stages of market development today.  相似文献   

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