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现代图书馆正在经历着从资源为中心向用户驱动型的转变,要赢得读者的青睐就必须提升自身的服务质量。文章结合图书馆实际把SERVQUAL引入图书馆服务质量测评中,力求构建适合高校图书馆服务质量的评价模型。并以广州铁路职业技术学院图书馆的实际调查为例,对模型进行验证。参考文献3。  相似文献   

基于LibQUAL+(R)的图书馆服务质量评价方法作为国外图书馆测评服务质量的重要方法,在国外得到广泛应用,值得学习和借鉴.我国高校图书馆在引进实践的过程中应结合国内高校特点,对其评价方法、指标体系等进行本地化的改造以适应国内现实情况,从而尽可能获得真实、有效的测评结果.  相似文献   

改进高校图书馆评估指标体系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前高校图书馆评估指标体系中存在重数量轻质量、重形式轻内容、重硬件轻软件等不合理的做法.针对这些问题,高校图书馆在硬件方面要全面评价馆藏资源,包括印刷型文献及电子文献;在软件方面也要重视对服务水平、服务质量、办馆效益、学术水平、馆员业务素质、文献分编质量等的测评.  相似文献   

从LibQUAL+的变化看图书馆服务质量测评的发展方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
LibQUAL+是美国研究图书馆协会(ARL)推行的用于图书馆服务质量测评的一种方法,是基于用户感知对图书馆的服务质量进行测评的工具。经过8年持续实践,LibQUAL+测评指标得到不断修改完善,已经形成一个比较成熟的图书馆服务质量测评体系。研究8年来LibQUAL+的变化发展,可以探索图书馆服务评价的特点和规律,寻求图书馆服务质量测评的发展方向。  相似文献   

借鉴当前美国图书馆界最有影响的服务质量评估方法LibQUAL+TM模式,同时借助免费的网络调查平台——知己知彼网,制定了海南省高校图书馆读者满意度测评指标体系,并在省内高校图书馆进行了调查。  相似文献   

通过对高校图书馆系统建设测评机制的建立以及在管理工作、资源建设、服务效果三个方面的测评实践的回顾,探讨了高校图书馆系统测评机制对图书馆系统建设所起的促进作用。  相似文献   

文章运用ICSI-L模型,尝试对24所高校图书馆网站进行大规模等口径的用户满意度实战性调查,并得到了各高校图书馆网站的满意测评数据,希望能够为各图书馆网站满意度改善研究以及模型自身研究提供参考.  相似文献   

正高校图书馆对于教学和科研有着非常重要和特殊的作用,它既是整个学府知识资料的中心,同时也通过各项服务帮助各院系师生明确课题,查找相关资料,提供信息知识服务。一所高校的特点和质量优劣可以透过其图书馆的馆藏和服务来了解,而一个高校图书馆的馆藏和服务质量在很大程度上要取决于图书馆员的学术专业水平。也就是说,图书馆员是高校图书馆的核心,图书馆员的管理理念﹑专业水平和工作态度足以从根本上决定高校图书馆的服务质量,影响高校图书馆  相似文献   

SERVQUAL和LIBQUAL+TM是测量图书馆服务质量的两个有效工具,LIBQUAL+TM是以SERVQUAL为基础发展起来的,两个量表之间存在很多相似或相近的指标。采用这两个服务质量评价模型对长三角地区5所大学图书馆进行服务质量测评,运用权重—得分的象限分析方法分别分析其测评结果,结果表明两个量表中相近指标所处象限不尽一致,在此基础上对差异进行分析发现,只有在这两种方法基础上结合我国实际情况开发我国本土的模型,才能更加客观真实地评价我国图书馆服务质量。  相似文献   

高校图书馆作为大学生服务的一个重要平台,其服务质量和管理水平越趋向理性化,对服务质量的关注使图书馆服务质量评价成为图书馆理论与应用研究的热点话题,作者结合安徽省8所高校图书馆开展的服务进行了调研,构建安徽省高校图书馆服务质量因子评价模型,应用SPSS16.0软件对该模型进行分析,对安徽省高校图书馆服务质量进行了合理的评价,并提出一些改进措施。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(75-76):45-54

Difficult patrons have been considered primarily from the perspective of the problem behaviours they present in libraries. Many have attempted to define the problem patron and to provide advice and develop guidelines for frontline public service staff. To understand the difficult patron in academic libraries we need to answer three questions-How well do we know our patrons? Do we unwittingly create difficult patrons through our failure to appreciate their needs? Do we regard patrons as difficult because the way they use libraries and conduct their information research does not match our idea of how it should be done? The answers to these questions suggest that we need to reconceptualize both our patrons and the services we provide. Library staff need to see difficult patrons not as problems but as challenges to the service ideas and standards we hold. A paradigm shift is necessary if we are to reconstruct our beliefs about our patrons, their information seeking behaviours, and the services we provide to meet their needs. Some strategies for developing the skills of library staff to work effectively with difficult patrons are presented.  相似文献   

Academic libraries serve many student constituents, but one often overlooked group is students who are parenting children. Students who, by necessity or volition, bring their children with them to the library have specific needs. Serving these students, who often have difficulty succeeding and graduating at college, should be a priority for academic libraries. Offering assistance can help this group focus on their studies, achieve their academic goals, and thus decrease universities' attrition rates. This article begins by drawing on anecdotal evidence, then reviews existing literature on parenting students. Next, it examines and analyzes policies on children in academic libraries at large American universities. Half of all academic libraries don't have clearly accessible policies, and some have policies that discourage bringing supervised children to libraries, while a few have welcoming policies and facilities. This research shows that academic libraries can still make progress to serve a key constituency. Finally, it offers solutions for how academic libraries can serve parenting students, given varying spatial and financial constraints, as well as diffusing potential concerns that might hold academic libraries back from serving this part of the academic community. This analysis could be supplemented by further inquiry and interviews with libraries on how their policies were developed and are being implemented or with parenting students on what they desire and need from the academic library.  相似文献   

信息共享空间:高校图书馆服务新模式   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
阐述IC的概念、构建条件和特点,提出将先进的IC经验引入我国高校图书馆发展规划当中,构筑有自身特色的IC服务模式,包括4个方面:以用户需求为主导,构筑多元化IC服务模式;运用网格技术实现资源交互与共享;制定适合馆情发展的IC规划;人才培训是IC成功的关键。  相似文献   

现代图书馆特别是高等学校图书馆要与时俱进谋发展,要保持旺盛的上升势头,就要不断对我们的工作做出评价.只有不断地反省自己,明确自己的优缺点,才能保持改革创新的源动力.本文根据北方工业大学图书馆近几年开展服务评价的经验体会,探讨了开展服务评价应注意的几个问题以及如何开展服务评价的新思路.参考文献3.  相似文献   

In recent years, many academic libraries have started adopting social media by, for example, establishing their own Facebook pages. Our research investigates the current Facebook usage among seven university libraries in Hong Kong. Using a mixed-method research approach, we examined the characteristics of academic libraries Facebook usage and its effectiveness to engage with their patrons, based on online observations and Web content analysis from the publicly available data of the Facebook pages.Our results indicated that most libraries in Hong Kong adopted Facebook as a marketing tool, yet the user engagement level in these pages is low. In addition, we also discovered that communication-related posts and video-type posts can attract the most attention of patrons. Based on these outcomes, we provided some recommendations on the application of Facebook for academic libraries.  相似文献   

Academic libraries have long been seen as trustworthy stewards of user information, but in an increasingly dispersed digital environment, it has become challenging for libraries to provide completely safe online experiences. This essay, written from the perspective of a systems librarian at Boston College, suggests that academic libraries need to re-invent their privacy practices to better align with today's online reality. A collaborative, holistic approach is proposed: embedding privacy into how libraries collect, how they implement online access, how they teach, and how they advocate for privacy on their campuses. By taking a comprehensive look at privacy concerns across the library and the campus, and by developing practices grounded in the ethical underpinning of our profession, academic librarians can begin to earn back the trust of our users.  相似文献   

The mission of libraries and librarians is to serve the information needs of our patrons. Thus we continually adapt to their changing requirements and interests. However, when we are presented with our future diminished role or total technological answers with which we disagree, we seldom speak out publicly. ITHAKA, a digitizing organization, sees libraries as a budget line and predicts a background role maintaining digital archives for academic librarians based on answers to their recent faculty survey. Interlibrary loan is often placed in this background role even as use of our services grows, defying predictions. We benefit from digitization and electronic communication, but we need to build upon the initial patron point of contact we enjoy to expand into a larger resource sharing role.  相似文献   

随着数字资源建设投入的持续增长,高校图书馆需要明确、客观有力的事实和数据证明其数字资源建设对学校长期战略目标的支持。文章通过文献调研梳理图书馆数字资源使用成效评估的相关问题,从学业成就、学术成就、信息素养能力与职业能力等4个方面构建研究生视角下的高校图书馆数字资源使用成效评估维度,探究研究生图书馆数字资源使用频率与其使用成效之间的关联。来自中山大学研究生样本的观察表明:研究生的数字资源使用频率与其使用成效各维度间均存在显著的正相关关系;硕士研究生、博士研究生在图书馆数字资源使用成效上存在显著性差异;图书馆数字资源的使用成效受到学科影响。面向不同类型用户,高校图书馆数字资源使用成效具有多种表现形式,需要从定性与定量角度,综合采用多种方法加以描述和测评。高校图书馆还应关注影响研究生对图书馆数字资源使用成效的感知与体验的因素,并围绕这些因素改进数字资源的建设与服务质量,进一步促进数字资源价值的实现。  相似文献   


As libraries continue to grow and change in the 21st century, we are seeing an increased emphasis on outreach, engagement, creativity, and innovation for academic libraries. These ideas are crucial to the future of academic libraries and makerspaces are one way for academic libraries to realize these ideas. Makerspaces can be affordable, don't need to take up a lot of space, and have potential to be catalysts for creating partnerships within one's community. Engaging making events can stimulate broader conversations among library patrons and library employees as well as a way for library liaisons to connect with their faculty, students, and staff.  相似文献   

Interest in subject specialists in academic libraries has recently been increasing. After being a trend in the West in the 1960s, interest declined in this method of service provision in academic libraries until its recent return to prominence in the last decade. The purpose of this article is to introduce the current movement of Korean librarianship toward subject specialization in academic libraries, and the efforts that are being undertaken to support that movement. The findings are taken from a large project report funded by The National Library of Korea during 2008. When the project was underway it was very difficult to find articles about trends in non-English speaking countries. With this in mind, we authors decided to publish and share our experiences. This article is expected to be a helpful source for similar research or projects in other countries, and to provide an opportunity to share experiences and communicate.  相似文献   

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